Hi Mina san, today I will write about the cute Takamachi Nanoha – everyday wear version which arrived last week. As this figure was announced my reaction was quite intense I was like “AHH, HOW CUTE!” “KAWAII!” “DO WANT!” in summary I totally freaked out in this moment XD
Lately cute figures really became my weakness, you could say that they are my kryptonite.
After I regained my consciousness I waited well-behaved for the opening of the preorders.
Without giving it a second thought I just ordered my Nanoha figure. I haven’t bought any figures of Nanoha so far, but I found this casual cloth version of her pretty appealing.
Her Origin is Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st the latest project of the
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha franchise. The movie is an adaption of the first season
from the popular anime show called Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha which was produced
by Seven Arcs it was aired from October to December 2004.
So far there weren’t many movie adaptions of animes that I liked a lot, I always felt that something important was missing, often the plot was too rushed or the movies can’t really cope with the atmosphere and flair of the anime in the end. In the Nanoha movie the plot centers on the really important parts and captured the atmosphere of the anime very good.
Also the pacing of this Nanoha movie was very well done in my opinion that was a really good movie. I hope that a subbed DVD of this movie will come out soon I would definetely buy it.
First impressions
Nonoha is a 1/8 scaled figure and her height is around 165 mm, she was manufactured by Kotobukiya and her release date was in January 2011. Nanoha is a normal 9 year old girl,
she became a Magical Girl by chance as she wanted to save the young mage named Yūno from an evil monster, I won’t spoil any farther infos about th story just watch it, it’s good.
her size fits very well to my other 1/8 scaled figures, it looks like they are her Onee-chans . In general younger characters like Hachikuji Mayoi from Kotobukiya or Sanade Yukimura from ALTER look a bit big for their age and in comparison with other characters from their origin.
Nanoha comes in a quite small box, included are two changeable twintails, a left spare hand,
a Raging Heart amulett, the Raging Heart device and a nice base. On MFC the version is called “casual clothes version“. but in the end Kotobukiya named it “everyday wear“, to me that sounds not as cool as casual clothes version. In the anime show her casual clothes weren’t that flashy like in the movie I guess kids these days dress themselves in a more stylish way.
Hair & Face
Nanoha has a foxred haircolor with dark shading effects at the places where it is necessary, the hair has detailed strands and ribbon parts, everything looks nice and cleanly sculpted.
The interchangeable twintails are a nice feature, you can choose between the big red ribbons and the finer black ones, which Fate gave her in the movie. The shape of hear head matches with her origin the same goes for the detailed painted eyes, together with her open mouth the face shows a very happy expression, I would say Kotobukiya did a good job with her face.
As mentioned earlier I really like Nanohas stylish dressup the white T-shirt with these purple elements and the red long sleeved shirt underneath are a very nice combination. The short purple skirt buckles and has a nicely sculpted flow, the dark shading let it appear somewhat lively and realistic. Well, the skirt is castoffable, but come on she’s just 9 years old, I like Nanoha, but not in that way XD. Anyway back to the clothes, at her legs she wears white stockings with crumpled light pink colored socks at the bottom, as footwear she wears shiny brown shoes, it is the model you see a lot in school animes. It is really nice how Kotobukiya sculpted her clothes, everything especially the realistic looking wrinkles at her shirt, the skirt and the loose socks are very pretty. The Raging Heart amulett around her neck is a nice accessory, the gold with the clear red pearl looks pretty, it is attached to a real cord and so it can be moved freely.
Pose & Base
To me the pose catches how Nanoha happily runs along a street, like in the scene 00:32 of the trailer I attached to the post above. Maybe I should provide some background information at this point, normally it isn’t possible that Nanoha can wield the raging heart device in wand form when she is in her normal appearance, because Nanoha and Raging heart always transform at the same time. I don’t want to sound like a picky high class Nanoha freak it is just a thing I noticed ;D
The figures from Kotobukiya that I own have no very nice looking bases, but the base of this Nanoha figure looks very good. The outer golden ring with the shiny metal finish and the transparent red circle in the middle are a good combination.
Final Words
Nanoha is a very cute figure, in her casual clothes she looks very good and after all the figures of her where she is always in her barrier jacket, this normal clothes are a nice change.
Her eyes have pretty highlights and appear very lively, regarding her small size the paintjob and the shading effects are really well done.
Her clothes are also very pretty and very well sculpted, on a very close look I could find one small bump mark at the side of her left stocking, overall the quality of this figure is very good.
What do you think should I order the Fate – casual clothes version from Kotobukiya as well?
I guess Nanoha shouldn’t be lonely =D
She is really cute indeed. I was kinda surprised that Kotobukiya did this figure since I don’t think they’d ever done any Nanoha figures before but it looks like they did a great job. I like your pictures too, she looks so bright and happy and the background complements her look really well.
I like how she’s wearing a t-shirt over a long-sleeved shirt; girls used to do that back when I was in elementary and middle school. Though I have to admit, I don’t remember any girls at my elementary school who wore skirts this short.
You should totally get Fate to match. I wonder what color her panties are going to be?
Hi Tier thx for stopping by again
Im glad that you like the pictures
really? as far as I remember in my elementary days the girls never dressed like this, maybe because it was a rural area ;D
Ah ok Fate is as good as ordered then, that would be my first figure couple
I think her panties will be black Nanohas are white btw :p
This figure looks great love the props in the backgrounds. This release totally slipped under my radar though.
I should consider getting one like this though, all of the Nanoha figures I own except one are in her barrier jacket and the other is in her instructor uniform. So a Nanoha with casual clothes would be a good addition.
thx Miette
Oh you haven’t noticed her so far
The instructor version is awesome I’ve seen her some weeks ago
I think this casual Nanoha would be a good choice, she’s nice and cute or are you more on the Fate side? Kotobukiya made a casual clothes figure of her as well.
She still looks Cute even in this clothes
as for “everyday wear” don’t tell me she always wear this clothes everyday ?
Hi Aya
I like her clothes a lot
haha good one ;D
the title is a bit silly I agree with you
lovely photos~
wow! she really is so cute><!
once again, a nice review~
thank you very much tabetaiii
Yeah Nanoha is really CUTE!
Wow! Really pretty, colourful photos!
I really like how Koto used real cord for the amulet, it looks lovely.
I’m not a Nanoha fan but I think she looks really sweet here.. I would have been kicked out of school for wearing a skirt that short at that age though. ^^;
I like the little socks she’s wearing over her thigh high stockings too, they’re all kinds of cute!
Hi thx for your comment and thx for your compliments =)
haha I see, maybe it’s a bit short =p
yeah the socks are very cute
nice review
I like your sakura background, it boosts the appeal of Nanoha ^o^
I find it odd, Nanoha’s eyes seems a bit larger than the Anime
Hello thx for your visit, you avatar is cute and funny
thank you for your praise, Im glad you like the background.
Mhh Im not sure about that in the movie her eyes were really big, maybe the height is a bit different
Nanoha looks really cute in her casual wear ^^ I really love the backdrops you made. She’s a good choice for your first Nanoha figure
Hi Persocom thx for stopping by again
It’s a very nice outfit I think..
Im glad that you like the backgrounds this time Im very satisfied with the dof I achieved in the pictures.
She’s cuuuuuuto! =)
Im impressed with kotobukiya, at first sight i thought it was from alter ^^”
anyway the pose is alright = cute again haha,
the only problem is the base… dont know…i always have a problem with base..
cant they keep trannsparent lol
but like you said it suits well.
Hello Fabrice

Yes, isn’t she ?
Kotobukiya isn’t bad, they made some pretty figures, only sometimes they mess up a bit
haha well its my favorite base from all of my Kotobukiya figures this base suits her well but it isn’t distracting, neverthelessI understand your point of view
She looks really nice, especially the waviness of her skirt. It is a bit unsettling that you can cast-off the skirt, I guess some people are into that.
If it weren’t for the fact that I’ve already spent over $500 on Nanoha figures, I probably would’ve ordered the Nanoha and Fate casual clothes versions too.
hi Nopy thx for commenting
the feature really felt a bit wrong at such a character.
Oh I didn’t know you had that many Nanoha’s
I’ll probably buy the casual dressed Fate as well
I’m not really a fan of the Nanoha series, but this figure looks very innocent and cute. Her purple outfit is nice and colourful, and purple isn’t too common a colour for figures either. I like her black hair ribbons the best between the 2 choices.
I think skirt cast-off is an industry standard that all manufacturers must adhere to in order to sell their products :lol:. I sometimes wonder why they include skirt cast-off, especially on figures like this Nanoha or Petite Nendoroids.
thx for visting again =)

I also like her outfit a lot, otherwhise Im not sure If she would have catched my interest in another outfit
ah I see you prefer the black ones