Hi and welcome to my review of Kurono Kurumu, after Max Factory’s Muramasa she is my second maid related figure. The figure came in a slim space saving box, the figure has a standing pose, comes with two additional straps for her castoffable outfit and a small instruction manual.
Kurono Kurumu was manufactured by Orchid Seed and released at the end of June 2012. The figure is scaled 1/7 and has a height of 245 mm. Her grey prototype was announced a few years ago, I had already given up hope like on this figur. I thought that Kurumu would never be finished or canceled in worst case, but surprise surprise they finished Kurono Kurumu this summer and Orchid Seed also started to work on an colored prototype of Chouhi Ekitoku.
The origin of Kurono Kurumu is the manga Rosario + Vampire which also received two anime season, It differed a lot from the manga, but it was still a very popular show back in 2008.
The story centered about Tsukune, because of his miserable grades he had to enroll in a youkai academy, a school for monsters and demons. There he meets the vampire girl Moka and the chaos begins. As usual in a harem genre anime, Tsukune meets other pretty girls that will fall for him, he also meets Yukari, the Mizore and Kurumu. Who of the girls was your favorite?
Kurumu is a 16 year old teenage Succubus, she has a serious crush on Tsukune, but decided not to use any of her abilities to win his heart. She is very kind person with a big heart, Kurumu shows no real hostilities towards her three love rivals, she actually considers them as friends.
The outfit is actually based on episode 11 of the first season of Rosario + Vampire, where Kurumu advertised the newspaper she made with her friends at the newspaper club.
Kurumu is my first blue haired figure and I like this ocean blue color a lot. The strands are very well recreated, the most interesting detail on her hair is the elaborately sculpted headband. The quillings and the purple ribbon with the golden star do look very pretty and detailed.
Her face comes quite close to illustration the figure is based on, there are the purple eyes with the voluminous eyelashes. With the nicely sculpted mouth this figure of Kurumu has a slighty more alluring expression. Personally I would have added a faint blush and some gloss on her lips.
The head of Kurumu is slightly tilted down, she is ought to be placed a little higher on a shelf or where you place your figures, haha it gave me a hard time to find the right angle for the pictures.
Kurumu is wearing a halfway modest maid outfit in matte black color, the choker, her top and the apron have beautiful and elaborate looking quillings like the hairband. Her skirt has some lace at the outside, other nice details are the black long gloves, the white stockings and the dark blue glossy shoes. The dress is more focused on looking alluring than being an outfit for work, without the apron it could easily be used as a dress for an festive occasion or an romantic date.
The top of her dress presents Kurumu’s captivating cleavage very well. There also is a castoff option, the parts that come off are her skirt and the breast part of her top, the black part around her upper body remains. I somehow had the impression that this part could be taken off as well, but it is quite sexy like that as well. Under her skirt Kurumu is wearing some light green panties.
The castoffability is a nice extra, that most figures of Orchid Seed offer, even though I just use this feature for the photoshootings, they always do a very good job in making the figure fetching, fully as well as partially dressed. Personally I prefer Kurumu with the lovely garnished top.
The body of the figure has a nice sculpting and has a cute pink skintone. Kurumu is not what I would call chubby, but she is sculpted with a little more meat overall. The thighs, the butt (which is especially well done) or the fairly sized boobs for example. Well, Succubi always have nice boobs and Kurumu is no exception. Her boobs are nice, she has light brown pointy nipples.
The shape of her boobs is more on the realistic side and are showing some gravitational influence.
With one leg lifted and a slightly tilted stance, the pose of Kurumu captures a scene where she seductively pulls the straps down her shoulders very well. The hanging straps are a good idea, but the problem is that you have to apply these them on your own. They seem to be flimsy and it is a real pain to put them inside the tiny holes, one the one hand you don’t want to break them, but you also want to display her with the straps. For most of my pictures they weren’t used.
Final Words
Orchid Seed made a very nice figure with their Kurono Kurumu, it was worth the long waiting time from the early prototype to the final figure. The simple, but nicely sculpted and sexy maid attire works very well with the standing pose and the attractive body proportions of Kurumu.
The quality doesn’t disappointing either, paintjob and shading is applied in a clean way. Also the sculpting of this figure leaves a very good impression. Overall the figure offers a lot of eyecandy. The only not so good thing is the way you have to place the straps into her top, I’ll try it again.
Another review can be found at Neathgrim
At last some more from my pics below
she looks so great
she is really a gorgeous Succubus, unfortunately the castoff feature still leaving some of her clothes, but I love her face sculpt 
Yeah she does, I can’t take her from my desk at the moment cause she looks so lovely ^^
Ahaha no full castoff unfortunately, I wonder why they did it like that, maybe to create a fetish look.
They did a very nice job with her face.
A lovely figure, and she’s high on my “to buy” list. The only thing that’s been throwing me is her unusually long torso, which isn’t apparent with her outfit on. I tried watching the anime on Netflix but had to give it up pretty quickly, as it descended into a level of camp I’m unaccustomed to. But Kurumu is gorgeous and I’ll pick her up one of these days. Thanks for the very informative review!
Ah Im happy to hear that, she’s a really nice figure. I haven’t noticed that but now I also see that it’s a bit long, but it actually doesn’t bother me.
I guess you have to like such kind of anime, I liked the comedy, but harem is always doomed to have no clear couple in the end.
It would be a good decision to get her. Im glad that I could be of help. thx
Ooo, I like her her with her boobs out. Most figures prioritize the clothes-on appearance, but I think Kurumu looks perfect without the cover, even though the costume no longer makes sense.
LOVE that black & white photo, by the way — it not only bright out her curves, but it almost seems like she’s assuming a different pose (with her arms underneath her breasts. Great job!
hi Chag. Ah I see well she has a nice pair of boobies, it certainly looks good in that stage, at the moment I display her in full attire, though.
Im not sure if they wanted to create a look as if her boobs jumped over her top or something like that, or if they were too lazy to make it fully castoffable.
thx a lot for the positive feedback I aimed for some low key effect there and my flash seems a little broken, but it worked in the end. ^^
But…but…but…I want a “hot” Mizore figure! Kurumu was my least liked character in Rosario+Vampire. >_<
Still a greatly sculpted figure and nice photos just as always.
I remember that I also liked Mizore a lot in this anime. Well there is a Mizore figure, but she isn’t hot
thank you very much.
Kurono Kurumu figure is so sexy. Sexy Succubus seducing even in still statue form.
Yup she is ^^
dat boobs
She certainly looks better without the clothes on, which is certainly rare.
Oh you think so. Well Im a fan of maid outfits and maybe therefore my view is different ;D
Yeaps, I thought so too. Her face looks a little pale without much color. However, I like her eyes. There’s an instant draw to it when I look at the close-up photos.
And yes, I remember Kurumu being a little slimmer than this figure. But still, she looks gorgeous. That black and white photo accentuates her sexiness. >.<
Oh, one more thing – my personal favorite girl is inner Moka. She's so cool! I guess your favorite is Kurumu?
Ah I see so Im not the only person who thought so. It’s not like she looks bad but this minor details could have made her even better. Her eyes look great on their own.
She was more slender indeed, but I like her this way as well, she’s a beautiful figure in a maid costume.
Silver hair Moka was pretty cool when she owned the evil demons. I actually liked the whole group, but when I watched the show I liked Ruby and Mizore the most,
Mizore had a nice personality and I was a big fan of her punkrock look. I actually like such outfits, therefore Im also very interested in this upcoming figure ^^
@wieselhead, Lol, I can’t tell if she’s wearing pants or not. She’s looks cool.
believe it or not, I haven’t noticed that, it looks like she’s just wearing a belt *lol*
WEEE! congratulations on your new figure! I’m still waiting for mine and this review makes me even more excited! I ordered the figure and I also ordered her booby mouse pad
My Fiance’ really loves Kurumu and I’m sure she’ll love it once it arrives.
Very nice photography and review as always!
Thx she’s a great one, for me she’s under my top 5 figures of 2012 so far.
Hopefully you don’t have to wait much longer ^^ Ah the oppai mousepad, I never bought one :p
Ah good so two people are looking forward to her ^^
Thank you, Im actually not 100% satisfied with my pictures, but it’s good that you liked them.
Maybe I am too picky, but I wanted to make her shine, but I couldn’t really capture how pretty she is in person.
I will make another shooting for sure.
I used to have a problem with figures with heads that were tilted down too because I could never see their face clearly. I solved that problem by putting a shelf above my desk
I always want to bend the necks of such figures
Yeah a higher shelf helps a lot, I have two levels for displaying my figures.
Visual Fanfare
Figure came out pretty good, she does look well made. I’m not that into maid figures or figures with large breasts, but I do like succubi figures. Ironically, most succubi figures have huuuuuuuge boobs. =( LOL I’m just more of an ass person I guess.
Your photos look better and better every time, keep up the good work!
Yeah Im quite satisfied with her, it’s a good package of things I like ^^
All the succubi I know have big boobs, in general several sizes bigger than teenage Kurumu.
The cleavage let them appear bigger than they are, well she also has a nice ass, but her boobs are more prominent in this figure adaption, apparently ^o^
Oh master praised me, I really appreciate that, thank you.
Yes I will try to improve
Visual Fanfare
@wieselhead, LOL what master? I’m just a pedawan!!
Forgot to mention that the green underwear is a little odd, though it does stand out, but doesn’t match the rest of her outfit. i think a black lacey underwear or thong would’ve been sexier on her. =P
Yes you are master XD
Well, its the color of her underwear in the anime it can’t be helped.
Nevertheless I understand your point, sexy black underwear would suit her very well.
I skipped her but she does look great; I might’ve not passed over her if I’d noticed that her clothes were removable, which I somehow missed when I saw her listings at Amiami and Hobby Search. Actually, looking at her now, I think my favorite aspect of her design is, strangely, the downward tilt of her head; it gives her a really seductive look and, combined with her hands, makes for a triangular frame that directs the viewer’s attention right to her boobs.
I haven’t gotten an Orchid Seed figure in over a year; that’s a little weird since they usually make the sort of stuff I like to buy. I’m really looking forward to their figures of Yui and Ignis, though.
Oh too bad, but since her origin is an ecchi anime and Orchid Seed rarely makes figures without castoff option, it could have been expected. Well, Im one to talk since I expected her top to be fully castoff able, my mind played a trick on me ;D
Kurumu is a really nice figure the cleavage doesn’t leave much to be desired, I would say she has one of the best cleavages in the figure world, but it’s not just that, Kurumu is very well made overall and her face turned out great.
Thats really strange
I started my Orchid Seed collecting with the innocent Dwarf and than I liked and ordered more ecchi ones. I bought quite some figures of them this year.
I had no idea other characters had gotten figures, I only remember that awesome GSC Moka.
This one is quite nice too, nice alluring pose, skimpy and teasing maid outfit, zettai ryouki to accentuate the legs and thighs, nice buxom body as always.
I can see why you were gushing over it for a while.
My only complaint would be her cast off options. With her breasts exposed it looks like she pull down her dress bellow her breasts. When you take off the skirt it looks silly due to her torso being covered.
Hmm… this is putting me in a maid mood. Makes me wanna do a shoot for my one maid figure.
There are few more or less underwhelming Rosario to Vampire figures, only Kurumu and Moka where picked by better companies. I really would like to have a nice Ruby ^^
She’s pretty and buxom, I really like this body of her, haha I see
Her curves are great, but I think she looks best completely dressed.
Oh you also have a maid figure? have fun then.
Excellent review!
So many great pictures of this wonderful figure and also nice comments ^^ …I also like this character but I only watched the first season of the anime cause I’m gonna try the manga instead.
About the figure itself, a very nice job from OrchidSeed, the painting and the colors combination are superb, all the curves and the look of her eyes are also great.
Impressive, congratulations for this wonderful figure and thanks for this quality review. Bye~
Oh thank you very much, Im glad when you liked it.
She’s a lovely figure and I think I should try to make some more and better pictures of her ^^
I would read the manga of the second season, but there are already so many chapters of it, I don’t know if I will ever reach the end.
haha don’t flatter me
Thanks for the review.
But she had a very controversial figure.
Too much meat
Beautiful ass.
Ugly chest.
On some photo looks gorgeous in real life is often not very much.
I love this character, but this figure did not touch the heart.
In any case, thanks for the wonderful pictures. Hopefully, next week, too, buy a normal camera and improve the quality of pictures in my reviews.
youre welcome
I can see that too much meat isn’t something for everyone, but I like her like that.
Ahaha ugly chest, you say Now I have to comfort Kurumu XD
Well it’s somewhat on the bigger size, but the boobs aren’t what I would call ugly maybe just too big for people who prefer smaller sizes.
Thank you very much, even if you don’t really like the buxom figure. I hope you will find the right cam, you might enjoy it ^^
Do not be so sad. Everyone has their own tastes on his chest). In Twitter you not read my answer, so here I am writing)
Oh now I feel a little stalked :O
Yeah in the end everyone’s tastes are different.
I also like figures of petite girls, nevertheless.
Even though I couldn’t find many that triggered my order interest this year.
She was my favorite character in the series before the ice girl came about.
her bust is well quite the eye catcher lol sigh if she existed in the real world I would make her be my maid after seeing your review, >.<
but also I think i want to rewatch the anime, it was pretty entertaining.
Yes Mizore was the best girl of the show, next to Ruby ^^
I remember that Mizore was my favorite back then, I liked her personality and punk rock outfit.
Ahaha I would hire her directly, she doesn’t have to do the housework, looking beautiful would be enough XD
Yeah I also thought about rewatching it.
Kurumu was my favourite from Rosario + Vampire, although I didn’t really like the anime all that much.
I like how her face looks a little more mature than the artwork she’s based on. I didn’t realise the same pose was also featured in the anime.
I really love those black long sleeve gloves, more figures need sexy gloves if you ask me. The cast-off is also nice, but I think she looks best fully clothed. It’s a shame the straps are a pain to put in place since I think they add a little more ‘sexy’ to her overall presentation. I can almost forget she’s wearing a maid outfit :D.
Her pants look a little too tight, the red shading makes them look painful to wear :lol:.
It was by far no masterpiece, but at least the interaction between the group was funny and nice.
The slightly altered face adds a lot more sexiness to Kurumu, I wouldn’t have mind the look of the illustration as well.
These gloves are very elegant and sexy. Well not everybody likes maid outfits. The top actually appears a lot more attractive than the general maid attire with the straps and the legendary cleavage ^^
Only the apron and the balloon skirt give her the maid look. I also prefer her fully clothed, it looks more complete that way. Haha that might be true, a little too dramatic shading there. She should better take them off