On May 13th 2010 this humble blog went on air, so yeah it’s already have been two years since I started writing figure reviews. In this 2nd year I’ve written 56 post, 23 were figure reviews, the rest were about anime, preorder posts about my figure purchases and there was quite a number of Super Sonico related posts, like the Sonicomi Game, music and artbook.
Sorry that I haven’t planned anything fancy for this anniversary post, no new theme, no changes in design, I just hadn’t the time, not the mood and no good idea. Or was I just lazy?
In comparison with one year earlier the stats made an remarkable jump I can’t really say why, maybe the increased number of sexy figure reviews was one of the reasons. I found quite a liking to these kind of figures, but I still like the innocent ones that are showing less skin as well.
Additional to the very good blogs and interesting bloggers I already found in the first year, I could find a few more interesting and blogs and bloggers like Seviesphere, Figyura, World of Yamaguchi Hoshiko and Emptyblue. Don’t be aggrieved in case I missed somebody I might have mixed the first and the second year. To everyone thank you for your interesting, inspiring, and funny posts, you make the figure collecting hobby and anime culture a lot more interesting.
little Crisis
A few months ago my 500mb webspace was full with pictures, so I was forced to upgrade my rate at speicheranbieter.de since the price was fair. They caused no downtimes in these two years.
The only downtimes occured when I tried to upgrade to a higher Wordpess version, it happened around three times this year, if I remember right it happened everytime I wanted to update.
I wasn’t sure if I should include some whining in this post, but I decided to do it. Aside from the many nice experiences in this year I’ve also experienced a few not so nice things; like loosing regular readers, friends who stopped blogging and link exchanges that missed their purpose.
I might be little too sensitive about some disillusion, I should try to accept these downsides.
In the second year I got many nice “models” to shoot as well, it was a lot of of fun to come up with different ideas for the setups of these photogenic figures, even though the outcome sometimes differed from the actual idea. Aside from just combining the props I already had in my possession I also used some self made things I just built for a certain figure shooting.
My plans for the second year worked halfways, there were some improvements in certain aspects, like photography and at my writing style, but I still haven’t found a better theme for this blog.
I also wasn’t able to improve my html or css skills, I think its even worse than before XD
[ ] finding a better looking wordpress theme[ ] Improving my html and css skills
[x] improving the writing style
[x] improving the popularity
[x] improving my photography skills
You see, there is still much to improve, lets see what I can do until the next anniversary.
Before I’ll end this post, I want to thank all of my blogging comrades, readers, also the less regular and silent ones. Thx for all your support, I really appreciate your comments and clicks.
And I thank you for sharing with us your beautiful photos of figures, art books & other goodies as well as your anime reviews. It’s a pleasure reading them all.
Being around for two years and at the same time growing stronger as time goes by is an achievement. Do stay for many years to come!
No I thank you
That’s nice to hear.
I’ll try it, thx for your encouragement ^ – ^
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 2-jährigen Blogdasein : D
Bei mir ist es ja noch ein ganzes Weilchen hin, habe ja gerade erst das erste Jahr hinter mir ^.^
Einen sehr interessanten Einblick in deine Statistik gewährst du da. Einen ordentlichen Anstieg kann man da sehen :O
Vielen Dank für die Erwähnung, ich fühle mich geehrt (_ _) *verbeug*
Ich kann dir nur Komplimente entgegnen! Du bist sehr rasant in meine kleine beschiedene Liste an Lieblingsbloggern und vor allem Figuren-Fotografen gestiegen! Ich mag deine Bilder immer so gerne und ich hab alleine durchs anschauen schon sooo viel gelernt! Nun hab ich selbst viel mehr Lust, etwas zu experimentieren und mich möglichst auch zu verbessern :3
Vielen Dank!
Toll, nochmal einen Überblick über einige deiner Fotos zu bekommen. Da sind auch ein paar dabei, die ich nur zu gerne hätte *_* Vor allem Menace!
Benutzt du übrigens kein eigenes WP-Theme? ich dachte irgendwie immer, es sei ein selbst gebasteltes ^^
Bzw. wieso machst du nicht einfach eins nach deinen Vorstellungen? Selbst wenn man keine html oder css-skills hat, gibt es da Möglichkeiten ; p
Ich freue mich schon auf die kommenden Jahre mit deinem Blog und hoffe, du bleibst und Figuren-Fans noch lange erhalten : D
Danke, man tut was man kann ^^
Ja das ist ziehmlich gestiegen in dem Jahr, freut mich irgendwie das ich damit doch mehere Leute erreiche als gedacht.
Kein Thema ich mag deinen Blog und die Art wie du schreibst. Ach, das freut mich aber sehr das zu hören.
Ja, ich nimm das Ganze doch recht ernst, auch wenn es nur ein Hobby ist. Ich möchte halt das die Figuren in den Bildern schön aussehen.
Deine Bilder mag ich aber erhlichgesagt auch immer sehr gern, freut mich wenn ich etwas inspirierend sein kann.
Ja, Menace ist super, die würdest du bestimmt mögen, AmiAmizero hat sich da selbst übertroffen, wenn Hinako halb so gut wird, können wir uns noch mehr drauf freuen.
Falls Hinako nicht wieder verschoben wird. Du wirst lachen aber es ist ein premium theme, hab da sogar was für bezahlt
Bin aber garnicht mehr glücklich damit, muss bald was neues her. Danke, das dritte Jahr schaffe ich auch noch ^^
I still can’t believe it has only been a couple of years.
My second year was pretty eventful, glad to see yours be the same with achieving your goals in photography, writing and readership.
I remember your storage problems, 500MBs would probably fill up quite fast. This is why I just dump everything on flickr and let them deal with that. Although I suppose it is somewhat dangerous relaying on a third party service.
Wait hold on, weren’t you studying web design or something along those lines? Shouldn’t be like awesome with HTML and CSS?
Such a shame to lose readers and fellow bloggers. Sometimes it feels like this is all slowing down with people leaving and very few joining in. Before for any major release I remember several people would do a review. Nowadays, I’m surprised to when there is no onslaught of pictures for some figures.
Well regardless, I will at the very least be still around for your third year, I look forward to reading your posts and comments.
But it’s true
Yeah some things happened, but I would liked a new theme, for the blog.
I guess Im too picky. Flickr is quite expensive the new rate of my hoster is still cheaper for now.
Ahaha, I know. Well, I learned certain things, put putting them into my blog is another story plus Im lazy in my freetime TT
There were more active figure reviewers in the past, I guess most are running out of space after some years :p
I hope you will there in my fourth year as well, thank you Miette.
Gerade erst gesehen! Aber von mir nun auch noch Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich! ^^
Bei dir habe ich wohl vor einem Jahr zum ersten mal vorbei geschaut, auch wenn ich nicht viel schreibe. Aber ich hoffe du machst noch lange weiter. Bin schließlich großer Fan deiner Figurenreviews. =D
Hallo und vielen Danke
Solange gibts mich ja nun noch nicht. Ich bemühe mich jedenfalls noch etwas dabei zu bleiben schließlich macht es mir sehr viel Spaß.
Danke fürs lesen ^^
Congrats on blogging for 2 years!
I always enjoy looking at your photos, seems like you’re always trying something new.
Keep up with the sexy figures ;). Maybe I should get some myself to get more viewers haha.
thank you very much.
Always the same setup would be boring for me, so I try to find something new for each figure.
Yes I will haha. I love my sexy girls and in the next few months the amount will increase, Im looking forward to it.
Hehe, well It might work, but you should only buy the figures you really want.
Happy anniversary ^__^v
Keep up the good work. Love your reviews, and photography.
Your review made me buy Aizawa Nao <3
Oh a new face, hi and thank you very much (≖ ‿ ≖)
Yes I will, oh that is good to hear that I was able to convince you.
She is a pretty one ^^
Happy Anniversary
for me your photography is the best attraction, something that I don’t have ^^ can’t wait to see more.
I feel the same thing about readers and friends stop blogging some even last for couple months only …..
thx Aya. Ah thank you, the more you practise the better are the results, I always was interested in photography and Im very passionate about it ;D
A few times I thought about letting the pictures speak for themselves, but I love to write as well. Sometimes it’s sad when comrades around you vanish from the net.
Happy Anniversary and Congrats! 10K visitors in a month. That’s a big WoW
Keep up the good work, Fabienne.
Thank you softz
thx a lot, I hope you’ll keep it up as well ^^
Congrats on completing your second year and moving into your third. The jump in traffic is amazing, I think it’s because you’ve built up a reputation as a good figure reviewer
If you’re interested, HostGator has unlimited storage for $10/month, it’s what I’m using now.
thank you Nopy. Oh thats a nice way to put it like that, thx *blush*
Mhh thats nearly more than I pay each year, but thx for the hint.
Two years! You’re such a wise man Senpai! I hope to continue learning from you in the future as well.
Now MORE figure reviews! We want the goods!
Haha oh how nice, but actually its the other way around, I really like your posts about anime.
What!? No way figure reviews are very important to me, like the air that Im breathing *lol*
super rats
Happy blogversary. Feels like you’ve been around a lot longer. So which of your shoots is your favorite from this year?
Thanks a lot senpai
Haha times flies by fast.
Oh thats a difficult question, I had a lot of fun with the shooting of Menace, Super Soniko Bondage – Candy Pink version, Shinobu and Nao Aizwawa.
super rats
@wieselhead, Those were good shoots. I also liked the Tamaki shot you did.
thx a lot, the Tamaki review will be published next week
Congratulations on two years running. May prosperity and skinship be with you till the end of days.
thank you very much Nightmare keep it up as well ^^
Congrats! Two years is a lot of time. I’ve only started reading your blog half a year ago but you’re doing a great job and I look forward to seeing more figure reviews. It’s funny that you want to change your theme because I think it suits your blog perfectly. I understand that you might want to try new things (I should know, I change my blog CSS every week) but I just wanted to let you know that your current theme is pleassnt and fits your blog very well
Thank you very much ^^ I really like this stuff here. Oh really, well Im just a little dissapointed with it, since I would have prefer a more fancy look, thx for letting me know that its not that bad
Congrats on two years! It takes a great deal of dedication to keep a photography-themed website running for two years. Curiously, a lot of figure review websites that I used to follow died off right after they hit the two year mark (for some reason, I still have Wawawa Wasuremono and Ota desho bookmarked, and I even look through them from time to time). Here’s to hoping that your next two years are even more fun.
thx a lot Tier, haha yes Im taking this part of the collecting hobby quite serious and I love photography ^ – ^ .
There were more active figure blogs in the past, but nowadays it’s quite hard to find good new blogs about figures these days.
I guess the people stop when they have no space for new figures left or cause they’ve lost interest in the figure hobby.
Thx a lot I hope you won’t stop in the next few years as well.
Congratulations buddy! U agree with Tier’s post. Maintaining a site like this requires a lot of DEDICATION and it’s not a simple task. Keep the figure reviews coming!!!
As for “DESIGN”, you can contact me and I’m willing to assist you if ever you want a unique site design for your blog
Congrats again! more power!
thx a lot ^^ sorry for the late reply, I had the flu or something like that.
Yeah I’ll try my best to keep it like that.
Oh thank you very much, that would be nice if you could help me a bit with this humble design.
I’m a little late to the party but congrats on your second anniversary! It’s great to see you still going strong and still pumping out fantastic photos and reviews and I’m glad to see that your site stats are reflecting how much people are starting to appreciate the quality work you do. Looking forward to seeing how you go in your next year as well!
No problem, your second blog year also started recently if I’m not mistaken?
Thank you I still have a lot of fun with these things, there is always something new to learn.
see you =)
Heh i was so determined i posted a comment here. Mhmm must be in my dreams i guess anyway happy belated anniversary!
I still cant believe how much this blog has grown since I first came here actually i forget when was the first time i think back in 2010? proof to that with those amazing stats, 3 times to amount i get! credits to you this is a great blog especially your figure reviews and its originality behind it. keep it up! Im glad i stumbled here ^^
As for finding a new theme, and changing heck thats going to be annoying haha
Maybe you just forget it or placing the comment failed, but I don’t mind it being related, thx a lot Fabrice ^^.
Yeah I guess somewhere in 2010 we started to exchange comments more regulary.
I was quite surprised about the boost, thx for the praise *blush*
After my vacation I will definetely change it, hopefully.
Happy 2nd anniversary! I think you’re doing a wonderful job with this blog, keep it up! Cheers!
thx a lot Xine, I appreciate your kind words =)