Momohime – Oboro Muramasa – ALTER

posted in: Figure Reviews, Figurine Photography | 21

Momohime or in other words – A figure which marched out to outclass most of the figures in your collection. Momohime was manufactured by ALTER, and is scaled 1/8 with a height of 210 mm. I firstly saw her at Wonfes and I know that I had to order her as soon as preorders were taken. I actually had to wait for Momohime’s release until late July of 2010.

Momohime’s origin is the popular Wii Game Muramasa, the story centers around the princess Momohime, who was accidently posessed by a warrior spirit, whose target was another person. But the possession can’t be undone until the warrior spirit fullfilled it’s mission. A pretty sad destiny for the cute princess Momohime, but at least you can give her figure a good home.

I haven’t played the game, so for getting more infos you can visit the Muramasa webpage.

ALTER did a great job with turning this character from an 2D Game into a 3D figure, what I really like about her, is that she looks a lot different than figures which are based on anime or visual novels. Thanks to her detailed and vivid characterdesign ALTER could go all out on Momohime.

Hair & Face

She has a detailed mouth and the oval shape gives her face a nice look. Her ears are also very well sculpted, lately I paid more attention to the ears of figures. What I also like about her is the fancy twintail like hairstyle, with these very detailed strands, furthermore she has blossoms at the left and right side of her head and a red comb with nice ornaments on top.

Outfit & Body

Another great element of her is the outfit, I like the contrast with the colorful Yukata and armor plates, her clothes look nice and have nicely sculpted wrinkles. The waving sleeve-extensions have some nice flower ornaments and a gradient effect. The armor plates have a metallic looking texture and overall an realistic feel to them. The figure also has very nice stockings with awesome shading effects, I really like the purple color with the black on top. Her footwear looks also quite good the shoe sole is pretty interesting. At first it looked like if she would wear no panties, but  in the end she has underwear. Her white slip is skimpy and reveals her sweet buttocks a bit when looking from a lower angle.  Aside from that she’s a real classy figure.

Even though she wields a comparatively huge katana and has armor plates, her appearance is that of a pure bishoujo girl. She has a beautiful face, great clothes and a petite body. Momohime has really nice and detailed sculpted hands, every single finger has three sculpted phalanges and the fingernails are painted.

Momohime - ALTER - 003

Display Options

The figure  is designed for having several options for being displayed, she comes with a additional right hand and a second left sleeve. You can decide between; drawn sword with scabbard in the hand, drawn sword without scabbard in the hand and unsheathed sword. The interchangeable parts are fitting firmly in their place, and there are no loose parts which tend to fall off every second. At the part where you can change the sleeve is a small gap, which got some critique. For me its just a minor flaw which didn’t influence my positive impressions of her at all.

You can see that the pose is very dynamic and Momohime looks good from almost every angle. ALTER put a lot of effort into the base, which resembles a riverbed with green stones and risen water, the base is small, but heavey enought to support the one legged pose very well.

Final words

Even though my expectations of ALTER’s Momohime were high, I was very impressed that this figure and the level of detail paireswith such a perfect sculpting quality. Sheis a beautiful figure, her outfit combines warrior elements and traditonal japanese female fashion very well.
Im very happy about Momohime’s purchase, she is among the close favorites in my collection.

More reviews can be found at

Tentacle Armada

21 Responses

  1. Leonia

    Thanks a lot for the linke !

    I really like this figure and the background used for this review. Momohime is probably one of the best 2010 figure. Alter made an impressive work with sculpture et painting.
    .-= Leonia´s last blog ..Août 2010 =-.

  2. wieselhead

    Thank you for the compliment 😉
    you should buy her when you can

    thx yeah she’s really popular
    Im looking forward to see your pictures

    thank you for the compliment ;D
    yes It was hard to decide which I should take into the review.

    no problem.
    thank you =)
    I agree with you momohime is probably the best one of this year so far .

    mhh my options for replying are a bit strange
    stupid photocrati theme XD

  3. Zai

    These photos are breathtaking! I can’t decide on my favourites so I’ll just say that I love them all!

    Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person in the world who doesn’t have Momohime though. xD
    .-= Zai´s last blog ..Loot- August 2010 =-.

  4. wieselhead

    @Zai: haha thank you very much I also couldn’t decide about the pictures
    I should include in my review.

    yeah she’s damn popular, but I think you had your reason for not buying her 😉

  5. wieselhead

    hi and thx for your visit .

    Yeah I know what you mean, momohime is very photogenic therefore i’d put pictures of three sessions into my review
    and I still have ideas for other setups =D
    also thank you for your compliment about the pictures