Sonico – Collection x Mota – Orchid Seed

Today I will show you the three small Soniko’s from Orchid Seed, Choco*Ochi is the name of these small size figure line. This set was released on the end of March 2012 and they are based on the chibi illustrations from Mota, it includes three chibi version of the always popular Sonico character. There is the Guitar version, the Demonbane version and the Valentine version.

They have a height of 80 mm which makes them bigger as petite Nendoroids, but smaller than real Nendoroids. Their sculpting and painting quality can be considered as very good, the parts are painted very well and the faces also have lovely rosy cheeks *blush*. There are some minor flaws I will mention later in this review. Everyone of these small piglets have a few little features.




The Guitar version comes in a casual dress with a mini skirt, brown boots and a t-shirt, extra parts are a guitar and a towel. She seems a bit exhausted from her concert but she’s still happy. In direct comparison with the other two versions, she appears a little boring in that outfit.





The Demonbane version is one of my favorites, Sonico cosplays as Al Azif from Demonbane.
This Sonico looks very cute in her frilly white outfit with the red ribbons. Her happy face has a nice upper front teeth line, its also nice how her belly is exposed. Her feature are the rotateable arms.








The Valentine version is my second favorite Sonico from this set, she is inspired by this 1/7 scaled Soniko figure that Orchid Seed produced in 2009 showing the naked apron outfit in a sexy way. Im no big fan of the naked apron attire, but a sexualised chibi Soniko is quite amusing.





You can see some sideboobs and the white thong between her buttocks. This small darling is very photogenic I have to say. Her pose and the shy face expression are a very good combination. As feature she has a cute cake and is showing some curves, one cute detail are her house slippers.





With my copy of the set I had not much luck, as I was unpacking them I already snapped the neck of the Guitar version *damn* I actually wanted to swap the heads of the figures, but after the bad experience I planned not to do more damage to these figures. Another flaw is that the Demonbane version doesn’t stand straight on her base unfortunately she is leaned slightly backwards. In terms of durability the Apron version is the most steady one.

My fellow blogger Sevie apparently received a better copy and had more trust into durability of these 3 figures, in her review she swapped heads and tried more interesting things than I did.

Overall these three figures of Sonico have a nice quality in terms of sculpting and painting, far better than the petite Nendoroids. From my biased impressions they are no figures for heavy duty, not something for playing around, just place them on a good spot and let them be would my advise. Nevertheless the quality is good, but for future figures of the Choco*Ochi line Orchid Seed should improve the connection between figure and base, I don’t trust these flimsy pegs.

My next Sonico related post should be a review about the Bath Time version figure from Native.
Im totally looking forward to this one ♡´◡`♡  Thx for reading, see you next time!

18 Responses

  1. Aya

    I like the Al Azif version 😀 somehow the naked apron looks silly for chibi version

  2. Nopy

    I’ve never heard of Choco Ochi before, but if these figures are any indication, they seem to be a pretty good line. My favourite out of the three is the guitar version, followed by the Al Azif cosplay and then the Valentine version.

    • wieselhead

      It’s the first product of that line up so that shouldn’t be surprising. Some more chibi figures from Lineage(mmoprg) and To heart will me made soon.

  3. hoshiko

    These are so cute! I’m not a fan of the apron-naked thing either, but I have to say Sonico looks adorable. Her pose, her attire, her face made that version stood out above the rest. That’s my favorite, surprisingly.

    • wieselhead

      Quite adorable, aren’t they. The outfit aside her pose and expression create a fitting atmosphere I would say.
      Ah I see, I like Al Azif just a little more. thx for your comment ^-^

  4. feal87

    Super Ero Sonico! She’s so hot even in chibi form…:D

    Anyway, never heard of this line of figures before…:O

    • wieselhead

      Ahaha yeah thats true ^^
      Thats because it’s the first set, there will be some Lineage and To heart chibis soon.

  5. exilehero

    Wow they’re really cute, I think I prefer the full size Sonico though :P. I can’t help but notice that that guitar is bigger than she is! There’s no way she can play it like that!

    • wieselhead

      Yeah I also prefer scale figures, cause they are nice and less easy to break XD Well I couldn’t resist these three little cuties ^ _ ^

  6. softz

    I find the Valentine version is uber funny! She gave me a good laugh. I like that pose and look. The guitar version is cute too. But nothing beats the valentine version 😀

  7. Miette-chan

    I like these, a different style from nendos. I love the expression on the one with the apron. I like the scaled version of that one for that matter.

    People sure make Sonico go cosplay lots of flat chested characters which I find rather amusing given her voluptuous body.

    • wieselhead

      Its a nice set of chibi Soniko’s
      Unfortunately I haven’t ordered the naked apron Sonico, the face is great.

      Hehe yeah quite funny, but she looks good in everything.

  8. Sevie

    Wirklich sehr schade, dass du so viel pech mit deinen drei kleinen Sonicos hast :´( Du hast mein Mitgefühl!
    Dennoch ist es dir super gelungen, die in Szene zu setzen! Sehr schön, die Guitar Sonico mit der CD im Hintergrund zu sehen, das ergänzt sich farblich einfach prima.
    Das Bild mit der Kommode ist auch süß, als wolle sie die Katze gleich streicheln :3
    Die Bilder mit den silbernen Pailletten gefallen mir auch sehr. Hätte ja nicht gedacht, dass die kleinen bei einem so dunklen HG so schön zur Geltung kommen. Sehr schön und vor allem kontrastreich! Ich freu mich schon auf deinen Post zur Bathtime Sonico! ;3

    • wieselhead

      Danke, ja da war ich doch etwas traurig als ich das wechseln der Köpfe abhaken konnte.
      Die Valentine Version hätte ich gerne mit lachendem Gesicht geknippst.

      Die CD ist übrigens sehr gut, hör ich seit Wochen rauf und runter ^^
      Schön das es dir gefällt. Die 3 sehen fast überall gut aus, alles an denen ist sehr schön gemacht, bis auf ein paar Kleinigkeiten.
      Ich mich erst *Nosebleed* Die ist so scharf da sprengts die Linse XD Wenn das Paket da ist lauf ich einmal kreischend ums Haus *lol*

  9. G.K. Sil Kamina

    Pretty cute set. I’m not too big into chibified figures. I’ve only got a few Nendoroids and chibi trading figures. This Sonico set’s super adorable but probably isn’t something I’d put money down for.

    It’s a shame about the quality issues. The Super Al Azifico’s my favorite of the bunch. Why does she have to be the leaner?! D:

    • wieselhead

      Yes they are cute, I like chibi character a lot, but I just have three Nendoroids and a few petite ones.
      These issues were a little annoying, but overall the set is cute and funny. Al Azif Sonico is also my favorite, pose and smile are adorable.

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