Al Azif – swimsuit version – ALTER

This time I will show you my impressions about Alters Al Azif – swimsuit version which I bought a short while ago. It was again a rare figure which caught my interest, because of her age she was already sold out everywhere, but in the end I luckily got her for 9 € +22 € shipping @ ebay. This figure is scaled 1/8 and was manufactured by Alter her release date was in July 2007.


Her sculptor was Numakura Toshiaki also was in charge of other great and appealing figures like Aozaki Touko, Ritsu with the drums and the Akiyama Mio School Festival version.

This cute loli is named Al Azif, she is one of the main characters of the anime and H-game Demonbane.The anime was loosely based on the Chtulu legend from author H.P. Lovecraft.  Aside from some interesting parts the show had some flaws here and there, but the romantic relationship between Al Azif and Kurou, the two main characters saved it for me.


AL Azif is the original copy of the Necronomicon, normally she’s has a direct, bold and upbeat personality, but also shows hints of surliness from time to time. She teams up with Kurou, a private detective from London. Al Azif sometimes refers to herself as Kurou’s “property” to tease him in front of others. Although her true age is of over a millennium, she usually takes the form of a 10 year old girl with lavender hair and a Gothic Lolita dress or like here in a stylish bikini. Alter’s Al Azif is sculpted after her interesting swimsuit from the Demonbane anime episode 05.


In two aspects the figure distinguishes from the anime character, the sculptor gave Al a really happy smile unlike in the show, where she rarely smiled like that and in the show her sandales were red. Aside from that the figure resembles Al Azif very well and has a very good quality.



As well as the nicely sculpted hairstyle Al Azif’s face is also very well done. The turquoise – green colored eyes look very pretty and give her a very lively expression. The wide open mouth shows Al Azifs in an almost too happy mood. From the side her face looks especially cute I think 🙂


Body & Pose

Overall her body is sculpted very nicely and resembles Al Azif’s character from the anime very well. Her arms and legs are very well shaped in a nearly anatomical correct way, the limbs have an realistic looking pose,too. The sculptor put a lot of effort in giving Al Azif a dinamic non static pose. In combination with her face Al Azif  looks nice and cheerful, it really emits a happy beach atmosphere of a warm summer day at the ocean. Al Azif also has a cast-off option for her black skirt, she can be seperated at her waist area over her pantys. Oh I shouldn’t forget to mention that the figure also has detailed sculpted fingernails and footnails.



The paintjob is also done very well, it shows nice shading effects on her skin, also the darker purple hair shows nice shading effects. The swimsuit itself has a simple dark grey and white colormix, the fine imprints and lines on it are some nice details. I couldn’t discover any flaws on her paintjob as already said its very well done.



Her accessoires are one removable shoe and the removeable black skirt and a yellow semi transparent rubber swim ring, which looks very cool, so far I haven’t tested if it is able to float (edit: unfortunately it can’t float). She also comes with a very nice base (Oh I took no picture of it, sorry X( ) Well it is a round base and has a realistic sand on a beach texture on it

Her some additional shots which I took last summer 2010, it was nice that the sun came out at the day of the shooting.


Final words

Im really happy that I was able to get this small yet well detailed figure of Al Azif. Considering that she was made in 2007, she looks very well done, her dynamic pose is nice, her face is nice  and in my opinion she is one of the better swimsuit figures ever made. The accessories included, like the rubber swim ring and the base are also very nice. Im really satisfied with this figure and I’m glad that I was able to get her, even though it was from second hand without her box.

10 Responses

  1. GREW

    Nice pictures ^^

    I like those Nitro+ designs. But did hear that the Anime itself were not so good. Let’s hope that Samurai Girls will be good as the figures xD

  2. wieselhead

    thank you =)
    Yeah the show is some kind of bad,lame fights and the animation quality is also not the best part of the show.
    The story is ok when you have some knowledge about the chtulu legend but like I said before the two main characters made it watchable ;D

  3. softz

    Lovely photos! I’ve never seen this before (speaking from a collector started not long ago). But, as you mentioned that she is from Alter, I can understand why she looks so nice and cute. Thanks for sharing.

  4. wieselhead

    thx for commenting and the compliment ;D
    the figure didn’t catch my interest before,only after I watched the show XD
    usually I’m really picky with figures from anime shows I’ve watched but Al resembles her origin very good.

  5. Leonia

    Really nice pictures ^^ Al Azif is so cute in this version, even if I prefer Max Factory normal adpatation ^^

  6. Ashlotte

    Noooo wheres the sand?!? Haha sorry I just love it when you do the little sandbox thing with swimsuit figures. Still the little accessories and the pool at the end was quite nice! :p

    Still I can’t believe you got her that cheap! Thats…crazy!

    Really looking forward to the English release of the game!

    • wieselhead

      Haha yeah sand is great. I wasn’t in the mood for sand at that time, if I remember right I was also out of sand at time, this summer I could put her in the sand… 🙂

      Yeah that was a lucky hit, got her from a guy from france. I wondered why doesn’t the figure have more bidders XD

  7. Duqs

    And i just finished playing Demonbane last sunday. ARGH MUST GET TOO! XD.

    Try playing the game, as it has more Al goodness and in my opinion Al really shines best in the game 10 times more than in the anime (and she smiles more often too)

    • wieselhead

      Oh really how nice, yes you have to get her now ^^ gl with finding her =)

      Im quite interested to tr it. Does she have the same voice like in the anime? thx for your comment and the reminder about the game.