Today I’ll present you a review of one of my most awaited figures in this year, this Kan’u Unchou.
It’s actually my first figure from this manufacturer and also my very first Ikki Tousen figure.
The Ikki Tousen Xtreme Xecutor version of Kan’u Unchou was manufactured by Daiki Kougyou, the figure was announced nine months ago and the release occured on November 16th 2012.
The figure of Kan’u is scaled 1/6 and has a good height of 28 cm (32 cm with her spear weapon).
I ordered her for 11920 Yen at Ami Ami, SAL shipping turned out cheaper than expected.
Her origin is the anime adaption of Ikki Tousen, the show is loosely based on the events and characters from the “Romance of the three kingdoms”, where modern Japan sees a similar struggle for power between different rival schools with the three strongest leaders. There are many healthy female Warriors who are involved into a lot of fights and battle damaged clothes.
I started to like the anime, after I’ve watched all three seasons that were available at that time at once. After the terrible first season from J.C. Staff, Arms continued the franchise in a better way, Dragon Destiny was a lot better and Great Guardians would be my favorite of these three.
Compared to the manga the anime is a bit different and it’s a pity that each season so far was only 12-13 episodes long, but overall it is a very entertaining show for me with appealing character designs. I especially like the characters from Seito and Nanyu and their interactions.
Kan’u is from Seito Academy, together with Chouhi, Koumei and Chou’un she is protecting her leader Ryuubi Gentoku, who is actually more into reading books than fighting and the school.
Kan’u is actually no lesbian, but she has strong romantic feelings torwards her leader Ryuubi.
With Special A Toushi Rank, Kan’u is one of the strongest and skilled fighters in Ikki Tousen.
Hair & Face
Kanu’u is a pretty girl with very long dark aubergine-colored hair with some lighter shading, the sculpting of it was done in a rather dynamic way even at the back it looks very nice. Her hair is showing many single strands all around, one of her eyes is hidden by a bang. At the back of her hair there is a metallic colored pipe like hairclip that holds everything together at the end.
A part I really like about the figure is the pretty face which shows an convincing expression, that is full angry determination and pride. In general I stay away from figures with in my eyes, too serious facial expression, but I like how Kan’u looks in this figure adaption. The slanted eye(s) captures the attractive style from the anime very well and lets the figure appear very lively.
Her mouth also looks very good, both lips are nicely sculpted and add a lot facial detail to the figure, the slightly rosy cheeks are another little but nice detail of her face.
Body & Outfit
Kan’u Unchou is a 19 year old girl, with the three sizes 96 – 60 – 91. Her height of 1,72 m makes her taller than your average Japanese women. I really like how sexy this figure is, the subtle muscular limbs show her well toned body, yet Kan’u looks still very feminine and curvy.
Her big round boobs are really nice in my opinion, they have an appealing shape and some underboob appeal is implemented, it might appear a bit odd that her boobs point upwards, but it can be justified with her dynamic fighting pose and some overflowing Chi, I don’t really mind.
Aside from that the body of Kan’u offers a nice belly as well as nice hips and meaty thighs.
The schools in Ikki Tousen were always lawless areas, I actually never saw a teacher or student council there and therefore nobody cares about the modified length of her shirt. Aside from this little modification Kan’u wears the Seito typical sailor uniform, a white short sleeved shirt with blue stripes, a blue skirt, loose socks and school model shoes. The sculpting of both, shirt and skirt looks very elaborate, detailed wrinkles and shading give her dress a nearly lifelike appearance.
The skirt comes off at the side and high cut panties are revealed. With her boobs so nice, round, ripe and bouncy it’s quite a shame that the shirt won’t come of on Moeyo it was shown that the figure can be forcefully castoff, but I think she was actually too expensive to make such a stunt.
As weapon Kan’u is wielding her “Blue Dragon Crescent Blade” Spear, it has a nice metallic like color with some shading. The spears has to be pushed (not pressed) it into her left hand, with the right technique it is a do-able task and once in place it’s stays firm and looks cool.
A more major letdown is actually the base, I already expected that I wouldn’t get the wooden disk from the promo shots, but a plain black disk with a cheap plastic shine is underwhelming for such a high quality figure. The figure is supported via two pegs, unfortunately the small peg broke during the shooting, from two other owners of her I heard of the same problem, maybe Daiki should have used sturdier material. Anyway the bigger peg is enough to keep the figure in place.
Final Words
Im very satisfied with this figure of Kan’u Unchou, she turned out like the promo shots implied (except the base). My image of Kan’u was recreated very well and even though she isn’t my favorite Ikki Tousen character, I’m totally happy about my decision of ordering this figure.
She has a very powerful, sexy and proud appearance and the quality is also very good, painting and sculpting are well executed, Daiki Kougyou left a very convincing impression with their
Kan’u Unchou – Xtreme Xecutor figure. It’s a nice feeling when a figure turned out as expected.
Another review can be found at Tentacle Armada
This version and an alternative Pink version are still available at Ami Ami
For these review pictures I used two new items, the Sigma 28 mm F1,8 EX DG Macro, which works very well with bigger figures like Kan’u and a LQ-103 LumiQuest Ultrasoft bouncer.
I really like this figure as well, not just because it looks good, but also because Kanu was one of the characters that really got me into collecting anime figures. A number of my earliest figures were of Ikkitousen characters … though thinking back on it, many of those were Griffon figures, and in retrospect, it’s a wonder that that didn’t make me quit collecting figures.
As much as I like Kanu, I still would like some of the lesser-known characters to get some more figures. I really like Kakouen Myousai, and she’s gotten a very nice figure from Alter, but she could always use more. I think it’d also be cool if Roshuku would get a figure; she’s an admittedly minor character in the manga, but she’s very distinctive visually (being half-mummified) and she’s also said to be a capable drinker, which is pretty cool.
I ordered this version, but if the pink version had gone up for order earlier, I might’ve gone for that one instead, just because I have a bunch of other schoolgirl Kanu figures but none of them are wearing pink. Pink looks all wrong for Kanu, but there’s something very appealing about the feminine color with her decidedly un-feminine battle stance.
Ah I see, so you have some attachment to her.
I started collecting figures before really getting into anime, one of the reason that I don’t give much thought if I know the character a figure is based on or not
There were a lot of Ikki Tousen figures from all kind of companies even some that aren’t present anymore. Oh are they that bad? some of their Ikki Tousen figures looked kinda interesting.
I haven’t followed that manga, but maybe I’ll do it soon. Myousai has a nice design but she’s evil ^^
Oh a half mummy *lol* that reminds me of Medaka Box Abnormal, a quite interesting show.
Most figures seem to made of Hakufu, Ryomu and Kanu, I wouldn’t mind a figure of Ryuubi.
I recently ordered Orchid Seeds Chouhi Ekitoku, at first I didn’t like how the paintjob turned out, but nowI thing she’s quite cute.
Kanu was my frst Ikki Tousen figure, but some days ago Sonsaku Hakufu – Changing Clothes figure from New Line also caught my interest, hopefully I can get her for cheap soon.
The pink version looks interesting, but impersonally it’s too bright for my taste XD
The Griffon figures are really not that good. Ryofu was really disappointing since she was advertised as 1/6 scale but turned out to be about 1/8. They did the same thing with their Blue Dragon version of Kanu Unchou, and she also looks pretty terrible, and the tip of her hair also snapped off and I’ve never been able to re-attach it. Granted, these figures are around four or five years old and maybe they have improved since then, but I hesitate to buy Griffon figures solely because of their Ikki Tousen stuff.
Ah, sounds pretty bad : /.
From my impression with one of their figure from last year, I would say they haven’t improved much.
A wobbly base, a wobbly ponytail and I always hated the look of the material they’ve used for the skin parts (-`ω´-)
I gotta say, she looks different from other figures you own. At least the ones I remember. She gives off a different vibe, like she’s a tough girl kind of vibe. But she’s still sexy.
I’m gonna tease you a little…did you display her with or without her skirt on? >.< By the way, I'm surprised while you can take her skirt off, it seems like you can't take her top off?
Ah you noticed it directly
Yeah that’s true most of PVC Lady’s are cute, but Kan’u is a tough girl with a little angry look.
Haha well, Im actually a good guy who keeps his figures on display as modest as possible, I only cast the clothes off for shootings, so Kan’u is wearing her skirt at the moment.
It’s a strange thing that this isn’t possible, maybe they had no idea how to implement this feature in a satisfying way.
I’m rather embarrassed to admit that I’ve only watched a couple episodes of the first season of Ikki Tousen and nothing from the other two, despite owning seven figures of the various girls from the show. I tried watching the first season years ago and found the fan service elements overmuch to the point that it was just distracting, so I put the series down with the intent to try watching it again later. It’s encouraging to hear that the later seasons are significantly better than the first.
This newer Daiki Kanu caught my eye when it went up for preorder. I have the Daiki miko Kanu and she’s top-notch, so I know they can put together a good figure, plus this one features a really nice action-oriented pose that I find disappointingly rare among Ikki Tousen figures. I didn’t order Kanu and I regret it a little seeing her again now.
Regarding the cast-off implementation, I don’t find it too surprising that only the skirt comes off. I’ve got a number of other figures that are like that, including a couple of my Ikki Tousen figures (one from Griffon and one from UART).
I can’t blame you for giving up halfway, the first season was so bad, that I nearly stopped my Ikki Tousen marathon project.
You shouldn’t expect too much from it, but the other seasons are definetely better ^_^
I didn’t know you had this other figure of Kan’u, quite pretty.
Yeah many Ikki Tousen figures don’t represent the female warrior image, they rather are more cute or oversexed.
The pose of this Kan’u figure looks awesome a standing pose can’t be much more dynamic like that, additional to that the figure on her own looks beautifully sculpted. That’s too bad, but isn’t too late, you can still get her ^^
But still I would have liked to see her boobies XD
Visual Fanfare
This is a nice Kan’u, but for some reason it just didn’t appeal to me. Her face looks a little weird, a bit too wide I think, compared to the usual Kan’u figures.
I’m also surprised this figure from Daiko Kougyou isn’t more ecchi, like most of their other figures. It is a nice contrast to the other Kan’u figures though, she’s not all beaten down, stripped or cute. This one actually look battle ready and a fighter.
Still, I wonder what Guan Yu would say if he was alive to see himself depicted as such a sex symbol. LOL
Oh it does not? In the promo shots I also noticed that her face looked kinda round, but in the final product it actually looked normal to me.
Yeah indeed I expected to be able to see the boobs of this figure, since it wasn’t the main reason I got her, it’s ok for me.
I like her because of this strong female warrior look, she’s my Kan’u like I imagine her ^^
*lol* Im glad Kanu’u is no bearded Chinese XD
Awww, I remember the good days of Ikkitousen many years ago. She wasn’t my favourite character of the story, but still quite a funny character with the combination of seriousness and cuteness…*_*
Great figure and photos as usual…:)
It’s kinda old hehe. I had quite some fun with this aside from season one XD
It was always funny to see Kan’u getting *dere* *dere* next to her beloved Ryuubi.
Thank you very much =)
Figure manufacturers sure love their Kanu, she just keeps getting figures non stop. I like this figure, I like the she has a nice adult body.I like her body and demeanor show great confidence.
The one thing I don’t like that her skin tone is so white. Once of the things I liked about Kanu was her skin color, not necessarily white or heavily darkeor tanned.
Yeah that’s true, but Yet it was the first figure I’ve ever bought, because it convinced me like no other.
Kan’u is a pretty strong looking figure, I like that she looks a little sturdier, but also not too full of muscles.
In the anime she really looks more tanned than in this figure adaption, it is only a little faintly darker.