Time for a new figure review, since I paid around 4000 Yen I already received the cute demon girl figure called Leviathan. She was an Hobby Japan exclusive which I ordered some months ago.
The figure was produced by Amakuni on behalf of Hobby Japan. As Hobby Japan exclusive she could be ordered between August and October 2012, the release date was on the 23th of March 2013. Leviathan is scaled 1/8 and has a height of 22 cm (30,5 cm with pedestal)
The origin of Leviathan is upcoming anime The 7 Deadly Sins “Nanatsu no Taizai”
Leviathan is the first finished figure of this line up, the figures are actually shared between two manufacturers; Amakuni and Orchid Seed, four figiures will be made by Orchid Seed and 3 by Amakuni. The figures were announced earlier than the anime was aired. The seven characters have unique designs by Nitro+ with the background of the seven dead sins from the bible.
Hobby Japan hit one of my sweet spots with this stuff, these lovely figures have certain features that I actually like a lot, I totally love cute demons girls, especially Leviathan with her punk rock appearance triggered my interest. Leviathan’s name stems from the ancient creature, a serpent like sea monster which in general is referred to as the demon of envy.
Leviathan is the sin of Envy, this theme was adapted in shape of a teenager in his abdolesence age where insecurities about oneself leads to inapropiate and rebelish behavior. The figure of Leviathan adapts this theme very well, she slightly reminds me of the Suicidegirls models which features the fashion style of emo and punk rock culture. Im curious about her role in the anime.
Hair & Face
The hair is painted in light purple tone, she has long hair which seperates into many single strands at her backside, at the front the strands get finer which creates a nice look. On the left she has a side ponytail with a demonic black hairband in axe design. Unlike other characters of the seven sins, Leviathan only has small horns on her head, they have a nice shape and are an interesting part of the figures design. The figure has pointy ears, even though Leviathan is no elf.
A very good part of Levi chan is her face with the expressive lined red eyes and eyelashes, these eyes really have a lot of details to savour and are still noticeable from a fair distance.
Next to all the happy face expressions of anime figures, Leviathan is wearing an exceptional expression, her raised eyebrow has a nice sense of disagreement with a little, cute tsundere charme. The cheeks have a touch of rosyness and with her pouting expression and the fang hanging out, a very convincing and great looking face was created.
Outfit & Body
The outfit of this figure is full of punk rock elements, she is wearing a grey, grunge look t-shirt with the left side burled up. In the middle there is a Envy logo with a fish head, it’s hard to close the shirt, but more about that in the next block. Under her shirt Leviathan has blue – purple striped sleeves and wears fingerless gloves. The familiar of her is called Behemoth and can be placed under her arm, it is adorable how she’s carrying a stuffed animal like a child would do.
Stockings are also part of Levi chans outfit, I love the striped pattern and how it lightly digs into the flesh of her thighs. As footwear the figure has heavy buckle boots with a great sense of detail at the buckles, the jaws at the front with the zippers at each side, are a really cool design idea.
Leviathan is no shy demon girl like you can see on her fashion for the lower parts of her body, the part that looks like a combination of belt and skirt barely covers her buttocks. Instead of wearing underwear she has a band aid which is removeable, there is a spare band aid included.
With 22 cm Leviathan is one of the bigger 1/8 scale figures, which gives her very good and noticeable presence, the bendover pose is dynamic and confident sexy, her little familiar can added when using the sleeve arms, you only have to push it between the left hand and the hips.
Fully dressed the figure looks already very appealing and the few skin revealing areas are a nice tease. Without clothes you can fully admire her nicely sculpted body, Amakuni and sculptor Hiroshi did a great job. The youthful body of Leviathan has really nice proportioned curves and details at the front and the back as well. Levi chan has a very meaty, round butt . You rarely see a booty that big and pretty on a 1/8 scaled figure. The figure also has very nice and perky boobs, the size seems ideal for her proportions.
Cast off & Base
The figure has a worthwhile cast off feature, Leviathan looks really fantastic without clothes. Removing the clothes is a pretty much straightword process, after seperating head and arms from her torso, the shirt can be taken off. You can either display her with the sleeve arms, but there are extra parts with more skin revealing arms. It’s great that the figure offers some more variations in terms display options, dressed, nude or partially nude it’s up to one’s own taste.
This a very cool and well made figure, but there is on thing that doesn’t really convince, it’s the shirt. It is nearly impossible to close it properly and once you managed to close it, it will open up just a few moments later. It seems like the used material turned out too inflexible and stiff. It’s not the convenient quality cast off, from Orchid Seed. Fortunately the skirt is easier to handle.
As base the figure has an interesting designed pedestral in a marmorated blue color, three pegs slide in the feet of the figure. in case you don’t want to use it you are free to seperate the disk from the pedestral, to have a lower base. The texture of it is completely flat and very shiny.
Final Words
To sum it up the figure is drop dead gorgeous, I already was head over heels on the day I saw her illustration, but the figure convinced even more after I unpacked her. She has a beautiful face with an not everyday expression, I love the little fierce look in her eyes and her mouth.
The figure has a very appealing character design, with an attractive body and curves. I also love her unusual and nice punk rock related outfit. Leviathan has a number of opportunities to be displayed even under her clothes there is a very good sculpting and also the paintjob doesn’t leave much to be desired, the figure is nearly flawless, only the fact that her shirt is hard to close without further ado, is something that dissapoints with Leviathan from Amakuni.
Another review can be found at Figyura, who was a bit faster than me *damn*
Overall she was relly worth the waiting time and also the higher price, it’s my best exclusive figure, that I’ve received so far. Im looking forward to see more figures from this lineup.
Belphegor(left) Mammon(center), Belzebub(right) and are the figures I would also like to have from this lineup, especially, Belphegor convinced me with the latest illustration, which willbe used for the figure.
I can manage to decipher it ^^
Do you actually know a little english?
Yes, cast off figures have many friends among collectors.
It is nice to have such an option for the figures, I think.
With the current exchange, it is cheap to buy figures from Japan, at places like AmiAmi.
The shipping is only a little high and in some countries you have to pay additional taxes.
I think that it exceeds 100 yen of 1 dollar immediately.Figure it will be cheaper in Japan economic revival!
I try the poor English translation.
At the moment it’s very fortunate for the western customers.
Hehe we have a small language barrier, but thank you for your comments.
Sorry for beating you to the punch.
I really like what you did with the background in these shots. Did you construct that yourself? The sinister tone really suits a demon girl like Leviathan.
I’m very pleased with how Levi turned out. I was afraid that Amakuni might disappoint with their craftsmanship, but they really did a pretty nice job except for the shirt cast-off, which is more of a design than quality issue, really.
Strangely, I wasn’t all that keen on her character when Hobby Japan first unveiled the character designs, but seeing the painted prototype really changed my opinion. Her fusion of punk fashion and tsundere attitude is really charming, both of which are rarely this well depicted in figures.
The three other 7-Sins girls you pointed out are probably the ones I’m least interested in, but maybe seeing the completed prototypes will change my mind. I know that did it with Levi.
apology accepted :p I could have made it, if it weren’t for these disturbances before the weekend.
Thx, yes it is selfmade, I used a wooden board, cardboard, paper towel and slimy algae.
Amakuni already convinced me with their Noel Vermillion figure, so I trusted them a bit,
nevertheless I was still surprised how pretty Leviathan turned out.
Only the cast off ability is something they should improve a bit, Orchid Seed can do it far better.
I was a first second fanboy, it was such a nice design for me <3
Ahaha and Im not that interested in the others, maybe Satan is also something for me.
Well there are 7 to choose from, it's good that all of them aim at different tastes.
Leviathan <3 Ich muss noch einige Wochen vergehen lassen bis ich meine in den Händen halten darf. Sie sieht wirklich super aus und deine Fotos lassen sie sogar noch besser aussehen. Mir gefallen bsesonders der Hintergrund den du unter anderem im ersten Bild verwendet hast und die farbliche Beleuchtung auf dem Foto "Leviathan-The-7-Deadly-Sins-Amakuni-016.jpg". Ich glaub ich hab mich in sie verliebt bevor ich sie selber habe. =D Aber ich freue mich wirklich sehr darauf und werde definitiv einige Stunden mit ihr und meiner Kamera vergehen lassen. :3
Ne, eigentlich ist sie in Wirklichkeit auch genauso hübsch, ich hab mich verliebt.
Der angenervte Gesichtsausdruck von ihr ist supersüß und die Kleidung ist genau was ich mag ^^
Dankeschön, hab ich selbst gebastelt =)
Die Vorfreude ist definitiv angebracht, Levi ist grandios.
I’m not all that excited about this latest franchise Hobby Japan are hoping to kick off. I feel as though I should, I mean I like most of what Hobby Japan does, but this one just doesn’t want to gel with me.
But saying that I’m looking forward to seeing what others think of the various characters and figures they’re planning to produce. Levi is quite interesting to look at. She’s got many different styles all merged into one figure. Plus there’s so many little details to take in – similar to the Samurai Girls figures.
The striped stockings are really nice because of the unusual colouring. Light purple and blue isn’t something you see often. Her shirt is also nicely sculpted. It genuinely looks as though it’s being stretched across her chest due to the knot tied at the back.
Her familiar, Behemoth, is neat. Little gas mask bat dude. The base is also quite interesting. Sculpted bases always look better than just a plain circle. Those shoes, oh man, they are totally badass. Her facial expression and sculpt is also really cute. Loving the gloomy pouting look she’s sporting.
And then you get a cast-off option with different arms to use. She definitely seems like a figure I could enjoy. It’s a shame her cast-off is a little awkward, she must really want to keep her shirt off :P.
I’m looking forward to seeing more of the other 7 Deadly Sins figures.
Well, since the anime hasn’t aired yet it’s a bit difficult to get a feeling for the characters.
In general I think pretty demon girls are a nice thing, at least it’s one thing I like in anime.
What I like about the 7 sins are the different designs and shapes, from full women to loli they appeal to different tastes.
Like with Hyakka Ryouran they created something different from the mainstream anime figure market
and with the Sins they managed to create something new and interesting again.
btw, Im delighted to see my beloved old cast in the second season of Hyakka Ryouran.
I love everything about Leviathan, the outfit, the adorable pouting face expression and the cast off options.
I was surprised that her body looked that good without clothes.
Me, too ^-^
I stumbled upon your review after reading Figyura, I would really love to have this awesome figure! Everything about her is perfect in my tastes! Though it can really hurt one’s wallet.. XD
I love your photos! Especially the ones where you put some pink stuff on her. Real nice!
Seeing both Figyura and your photos makes me “ENVIOUS”. I could feel the envious feeling and aura seeing her photos. Maybe if a girl were to see this amazing girl’s body, they too would feel envious LoL! Her breasts are perfect for my standards, hate the overly large and exaggerated ones.
It’s a pretty neat concept producing figures of the seven sins Japanese style, I would have settled for Anime style Japanese version than if a Western one would produce such a franchise. Great review! Great photos! More power to you!
Hi and thx for your comment =)
I agree with you she’s exactly what I wanted, a cute, pouting demon girl in punk fashion.
For me she was worth every cent, haha only the shipping was unnecessary long,
If I were no reviewer I had chosen a cheaper shipping method for her ^^
Oh thank you very much. Hehe some funny plasticine is fun to play with, it works well will demon related figures.
Hehe yes, they should be envious of Leviathan. Yes her breasts are nice, I also like bigger sizes, but it’s perfect for the figure.
I like that the figures have cute anime style faces instead of looking scary, on the other hand I like the different look.
thank you very much
Now that the change is favorable to us (around 129 yen per euro) is the time to BUY THEM ALL! Open the floods of our wallets!
Haha I don’t want all 7, not the fat one please X< The ones I want cannozt be preordered at the moment *cries*
G.K. Sil Kamina
Leviathan came out good. Never heard of Amakuni before but it looks like they know what they’re doing. I can’t wait to see how the other girls turn out!
Yes , I love her with this style and pretty face. Atfirst their name was never revealed, they seem to be related with Megahouse, but thats only speculation.
Im looking forward to these figures.
You know…when I saw the second picture I was like whoa….I’m impressed. I like the photography direction you had for Levi-chan. The backdrop’s really cool and fits the grunge look of this figure. She might be sulking but she’s oozing tons of cuteness!!
Ah tx for the praise hoshiko, I thought the trash/hell setup would fit her and Im glad that it worked.
Yeah her expression is still supercute ^_^
My Leviathan just came in last week! I agree with you about her outfit. I love the punk-rock feel (I want to give her a guitar). Amakuni did a great job on her face too. Even though we know nothing about her character, her expression makes me believe she’s tsundere. It’s too bad her cast-off is clumsy. I can’t get her shirt to close at all (the pegs and the holes don’t match…) I love her outfit enough to keep her dressed, so that was a bit of a disappointment, but otherwise she’s a wonderful figure. As usual, you have excellent pictures. The dark, grungy background matches her character well. It actually reminds me a bit of her box. What is that pink goop you have on her? Surely not gum! =P
Ah nice to hear, I was totally excited about her, since I like pretty punk rock girls.
She already has some personality through her detailed expression and pose.
The “cast-on” is really difficult, after a little careful bending, to shirt will be better to handle, don’t give up ^^
Thank you very much, oh it’s a kind of plasticiline, it’s cool stuff to use.
So this finally came out.
At my previous job one of my co-worker was a big fan of this line of figures ordering a few of them. He was getting quite impatient at the lack of a timely release.
I like this particular figure, nice plump bodies are always a plus with me! Her breasts and lovely behind sure point that out. I like her pouting envious expression, “her sin” was captured pretty nicely!
Hehe yeah waiting time is over even I think it went smooth with no delay in the production.
Oh there are more figure friends than I expected ^^
For once I only ordered this one, I already listed the three Im interested in, hopefully they’ll turn out as good as Leviathan.
On the first illustration she looked a bit chubbier than the figure, but she still has nices curves with the right portion of meat.
Leviathan turned out very attractive. I agree,that herface turned out nicely, I remember that some people said that they didn’t see the sin in her.
Yet another figure review, btw how many do you have in total?
She’s nice, I love her eyes, so hypnotic! plus is very much suits the hair and the stockings she is wearing.
Do you display her nude? common tell the truth XD
I guess it are 80 by now ^o^
Yeah her eyes are really strong and add a lot of personality to her facial expression.
No, Leviathan is fully dressed at the moment, even though she looks great without clothes.
It looks like she came out very well, and it’s nice to see how popular she is – I’ve noticed that fanservice-y figures like this one aren’t always all that popular. Like everyone, I really like her outfit, and I think it’s sort of sad that there are so few figures out there with interesting casual outfits (versus swimsuits and school uniforms). Though personally, I would have been just as happy – and maybe moreso – if she were wearing the outfit depicted on her, uhh, bonus cloth thingy.
My figure just got here today but I have no idea how I want to photograph her, so she’ll be staying in her box until I come up with something.
Yeah, aside from her stupid shirt, the figure is fantastic, just look at her face.
Surprisingly, fanservice figures doesn’t appeal to everyone, especially younger ones, are “scared” of reactions.
I love such outfits, it’s pretty in the first place, and something more unique for figure designs.
Leviathan would look good in many outfits I imagine ^^
Good luck in being creative, you should be able to come up with a hellish idea.