Back to my female figures and today I will present you a review of my all time favourite Mahou Shoujo, Takamachi Nanoha. I would like to see a new anime of her and her wife Fate. They should adapt Vivid or Force, the latest manga, todays reviewed figure is based on. Most fans already found their ideal Nanoha among the many figures that were made so far, but not me.
I actually received the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 2nd A’s Nanoha Nendoroid a little earlier but today I’ll review the latest swimsuit figure from Alphamax.
The figure is scaled 1/6 and has a height of 260 mm, Alpha Max released her in mid February.
Even though Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS is my least favorite season, I always liked the subtle portrayed lesbian relationship between Nanoha and Fate without making a fuss about it, it is really cute to seeFate as wife part while Nanoha is the more bold and stricter one.
Hair & Face
This figure has a cute hairstyle in a fox brown color, the front hair surrounds the face nicely.
The deep hanging fringe which consist of several different strands is a sweet detail. On the right Nanoha has a massive side ponytail hold by a red hairband. The ponytail looks amazingly good and is a real eyecatcher, it has a nice amount of details and even some seperated strands, the opposite side feautures a bush of strands. Overall the hair is very well done and shows good shading. Also Nanoha’s face is beautiful from frontal view it’s looks best. Her eyes radiates the friendly kindness of her anime character, underneath her eyes subtle blushmarks are applied.
To round up the sweet appearance of the figures face, her mouth was engraved nicely, it lets the figure appear even livelier and adds a certain warmth.
Body & Outfit
I love loli Nanoha as character and terms of appearance the most, but looking at her grown up,
I must admit that she looks quite georgeous, her tall, slender body in combination with her comparatively big boobs is really sexy. On a side note in the Force story Nanoha is 25 years old.
The bikini seems to be an own idea from the sculptor, I couldn’t find it in any Nanoha swimsuit illustration at hand. Nevertheless it’s a pretty pastel pink thing with a strong feminine touch, the color goes very well with Nanoha’s skin color. Her bikini model varies from the often used, underboob provoking designs. I like the more innocent and casual design with the ribbons.
Under her cups is a band, which seems to give more support to her boobs and pushes them a bit up. One of the things I really like on this figure is that the straps have distance to her body, instead of just being scratched on the figure, the “stretchiness” gives a nice realistic touch, as if the bikini top would really carry something. In her reliable bikini Nanoha has a nice cleavage, her boobs appear bouncy and squishy like that. But Nanoha isn’t only about breasts, her whole body is well defined and sexy, Alpha Max is really good at body sculpting. The figure has pretty collarbones, shoulders, arms and a lovely backside, too bad that she only has eyes for Fate
Final Words.
This figure of a grown up Takamachi Nanoha is quite charming, she has a very cute, gentle face and the huge screwed side ponytail that gives her an interesting design. Swimsut figures are often seen as something rather plain compared to figures in more complex outfits in action poses, but I think that this swimsuit Nanoha makes up for it with her big 1/6 scale size and the appealing lively posing. I admit that I thought about canceling this order close before releaase, but now Im really glad that I didn’t, she is a super sweet figure and it’s good to see that Alpha Max didn’t dissapoint, they are at a good quality level. Nanoha has a attractive sculpted body with nice body proportions. From the two Alpha Max figures I’ve bought this is my favorite one.
Irgendwie bin ich bisher nie dazu gekommen einen Blick in die Serie zu werfen. Das Design gefällt mir eigentlich, vielleicht nehm ich mir mal die Zeit.^^
Von der Seite sieht dieses Nanoha fast aus wie Kasumi aus DOA. Von den Kurven und auch Haaren her fast zum Verwechseln ähnlich. Auf deinen Fotos wirken die Brüste irgendwie sogar größer als auf den offiziellen Produktabbildungen. Bin überrascht, sieht aber gut aus ;D Das einzige was mich persönlich stört sind ihre Augen, welche mir ein wenig zu leblos aussehen.
Ich finde diesen teilweise weichen Effekt in den Fotos besonders schön. Am besten gefällt mir das letzte weil man ihre Proportionen perfekt im Blick hat. Heiß ist sie auf jeden Fall.
Staffel 1 ist leicht angestaubt, Staffel 2 ist eigentlich das beste, ansonsten guck dir einfach die Filme an ^^
Hehe, ja ein bisschen schauts so aus. Ja das liegt vielleicht an dem Weitwinkel Objektiv XD
Ihre Brüste sind aber wirklich schön anzusehen. Oh echt, eigentlich haben sie die Details der Vorlage gut nachempfunden,
eventuell liegt es am tief hängenden Pony oder dem geringen Weißbereich der Augen.
Ja ein wenig diffuses Licht mag ich auch immer.
I never quite get the hang of the Nanoha series. I saw the first season and didn’t really like it. Maybe it’s because I’m never a fan of magical girls to begin with. This figure, however, is such a cutie. I thought she looked different, I guess that’s because she’s the grown up version.
Oh how cruel, but I understand that as shounen fan maybe it was too cute and cheesy for you.
Still Nanoha is a less cheesy magical girl anime than Sailor Moon or Pre Cure.
I also think that she turned out very cute, even though I prefer her younger self.
Yeah thats her grown up appearance.
Her face is lovely. What a sweet expression! Adult Nanoha has some really LONG legs too. I passed on this figure because I was more interested in Alter’s Summer Holiday version (that, plus HobbySearch released some incredibly dull promotion pics of this one), but I’m glad to see AlphaMax did a good job on this one. They really stepped up their game in the past year.
Yeah thats definetely great, the deep hanging fringe together with her gentle expression on her face is just adorable.
Her legs are incredibly long, I mean O also like women with shorter legs, but damn she looks like a model with them.
The summer holiday version also was quite appealing, but Alpha Max made the better face in my opinion.
promotion pictures never can be trusted, most manufacturers aside from GSC and often also Alter never get the look of the figure at home.
It’s good to see a company still improving over the time, maybe they will soon make non swimuit figures as well.
…but…but…Nanoha is a loli! I don’t remember any grown up Nanoha in my memories…*tries to negate reality*
Jokes aside, a great figure. She really looks gorgeous…:D
I know man, I know but nobody made a convincing figure of her loli time so far, maybe Ques q
Yeah she does
She’s gorgeous, and ranks high on my wishlist. She looks decidedly grown up, which is great and unfortunately kind of rare in female figures. I agree with you on two features of her breasts: 1) her bikini straps are pulled taught. This seems SUPER rare, and it always annoys me. I also like the underwire. So many figures have gratuitous underboob and it usually comes off as tacky, so it’s good to see an appreciatable conservatism in this figure.
Great photos, too. They really convinced me to keep an eye out.
Ah that’s good to hear, she’s worth a purchase from my point of view.
The bikini sculpting lokks great, it’s a more demure and practical design,
She looks great with 25
still there is a lot of sex appeal on her, no wonder with a body like that ;D
Alpha Max pays attention to the single sculpted straps on bikini tops.
Thank you ^^ She’s worth it.
She looks pretty gorgeous in that pink bikini, for fate I think I prefer the loli one but nanoha I like the grown up more ^^
She has a great appearance.
Ah ok in my case it’s actually the opposite, I like adult Fate more.
The oppai are very prominent ^^
my fav character and she looks nice and elegant. love the pink pinker which gives her that cute side.
Yeah, thats for sure
This Nanoha looks very good and appealing.
Is this the figure where you ended up cancelling the loli Nanoha in exchange for her?
She looks gorgeous for sure. Yea, the choice of the type and color of bikini suits her ;D I’m sure Fate’s would be in black, if you would ever get hers, lol.
Yeah, but not really on time, but I canceled loli Nanoha at first and ordered this figure shortly afterwards
I like this more pure and cute attempt on her outfit even though her body looks superhot
Aha Im not sure about getting Fate as well, she looks pretty as well, though.
There certainly are a lot of Nanoha figures to choose from. I ended up getting the StrikerS version of her by Alter. Alpha Max does seem to have done an excellent job sculpting Nanoha’s body for this figure, she looks very sexy in her pink bikini. The one thing I thought looked a little off was her mouth, it seems like a forced smile from the way it’s sculpted. I think it’s because the sides of her mouth go in too deep.
This figure features the more action oriented aspect of the figure, but I always wanted a cute figure of her.
A figure like that in her loli age is something I would have preferred, but I ended up with the some years older Nanoha.
I think she turned out very nice like that. Yeah she’s sexy but in a modest way.
Now that you say it, it really seems that she doesn’t really smile, mhh ok I never noticed it until now.
She looks really cute here, though I’m not sure that she’s quite that racked. I definitely have no problem with that, though; Nanoha’s sex appeal gets sort of minimized by her big white dress so it’s nice to see her looking really sexy.
Nanoha usually strikes me as a very happy character who is constantly on the hunt for new friends, so the half-sad smile looks a little unusual on her. This figure actually reminds me a bit of Kasumi from the Dead or Alive series; specifically from the beach volleyball games, which has a lot of scenes of her walking alone on a beach while staring off at the horizon. (How good would a Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Xtreme Beach Volleyball game be? I’d preorder it right away if they made such a thing.)
Hehe yes, totally sweet is this Nanoha, even though I prefer the personality of her younger self.
I like that she has such boobs, since it increases the appeal of this figure a lot.
Nopy also said that her smile is not happy, it seems that I totally misinterpreted her face for gentle smile.
I think I like such half sad expression on girls in general, its nice how Nanoha manages to look friendly while being delved in her own thoughts.
Hehe I remember DOA Volleyball, it seemed like a great fanservice game for boys, unfortunately I never played uit, Im pretty sure I wpuldhave loved it
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Xtreme Beach Volleyball ,that sounds nice, with ute girl of different age.
Nanoha <3 <3 <3
Sigh.. I want this Nanoha so badly right now. I need to cut back on figure spending I said, I already have Alter's Summer Holiday ver. I said, I don't need another figure of adult Nanoha in her swimsuit I said.
Now I feel that was a bad call, things ended working with my current financial situation so I suppose it's fine in the end.
Even so, I think I will track down this Nanoha, I like how sexy and demure she looks at the same time. I think the pink is a nice choice for her nice sexy swimsuit. Now to wait for the day I have moneys again!
Nanoha is the best female anime loli! But well as grown up, attractive figure she is very nice as well.
Seems like I have another Nanoha addiction boost recently I received her and the Nendoroid around the same time.
I also like that they put her curves in an cute and modest bikin, it looks great.
Hehe I think she’s a little more appealing than Summer Holiday Nanoha :p
Heer face just has a more emotional expression. Obeying rules in figure collecting means nothng when facing an very appealing figure
There are a number of that Nanoha figure on Mandarake, maybe you can find one, for cheap.
Good day! This is a nice sensual figure. She is slender with the right curves at the right places. I like the way she arches her back, pushing her assets out further. Great photos Fabienne
G.K. Sil Kamina
Ugh, I’m so jealous. This is such a sweet looking Nanoha. I’d like to get her someday…
Hehe Im see, she’s very nice for sure, but no need to be jelly.