Hi everyone, welcome to a new post on my bikini figure blog.
I’m often drawn to figures in this category, they are pretty, attractive and distribute a summerly atmosphere.

My latest one is the Magic Bullets – Pin Up Girl from Kalmia Project, a figure based on the art of Sasaoka Gungu, before she was announced I already liked this sweet and especially nicely drawn illustration of her.
Her release date was in mid November 2016, my convenient excuse for reviewing her somehow late, was the slow Sal shipping, that took like 6 weeks. I liked Pin Up Girl because of her more creative, casual beach pose and tanlines, the figure is scaled 1/6, in her compact pose she measures 17 cm. She turned out nice and obviously elaborately sculpted.

She is a curvy girl with a more sturdier frame, as the tan lines indicates she might be an active swimmer. The figure has voluptuous thighs and strong looking arms. She has ample breasts as well. Overall she is very attractive and good looking. The figures hands and feet are extremely detailed, every single joint is clearly noticeable as well as the nails.
The skimpy bikini is probably not working for many sporty beach activities, but all right for relaxing at the beach.
The bikini accentuates the soft skin nicely, the triangle top covers the crucial areas and is slightly transparent without revealing too much. Nevertheless it’s a daring bikini, that tightly hugs her impressive boobs, the springy effect of her skin looks sexy. I also like the separate bikini holder straps, the distance from the body creates a nice and realistic look.

Unfortunately the ribbons at the front weren’t sculpted separately, they are part of the bikini and painted inside, on close inspection it’s slightly sloppy, although it’s just a minor thing, separate ribbons would’ve looked more airy.
The figure has beautiful dark purple hair. it is nicely sculpted with nicely separated strands and has a clean appearance, her extremely nice looking fringe shows a nicely applied reflection line that enhances the great look a bit more.

The face is compared to the illustration appears wider and the eyes slightly smaller. she also has a slightly more predator – ish gaze. Unfortunately, I’m a bit torn about the sculpting of her head, it feels like it’s limited to be pretty just from a few limited angles. Nevertheless from the right angles she looks sweet and unfolds her seductive charm.

In general bikini figures are made with an arched back, this figure though does the opposite, it does both, creating a more casual appearance and shows a belly fold, that again highlights the softly sculpted curves of her attractive body.The pose also accentuates her spine in an appealing way. The figures base is also nicely made and detailed, it’s resembling a real beach, there is a starfish and some blueish surge effect painted on it, the base looks really nice.
I also decided to get this figure because of her interesting tan lined skin. The skin color is nicely chosen, it gives the figure and exotic atmosphere, also the transition from tan to pale skin wasn’t done too sharp, it’s pleasing for the eye.

Final Words
Overall the Pin Up Girl from Kalmia Project turned out very good, she is a big figure with and interesting pose with nicely articulated limbs and joints. The figure also has a great looking curvy body, the sculptor did a great job with every area of her buxom body. Her skimpy skin revealing bikini also accentuates everything in a flattering way.

The Pin Up Girl also has very nice colors, next to her purple hair and general shading, her attractive tan lined skin is most obvious. Tan is a nice and barely used feature on a figure and a nice color palette for her was chosen.

She also comes with a very appealing base, I must have buried it under all this sand, but it’s a nice base, believe me.

One minor, although completely unimportant flaw are the front ribbons at her bikini. I’m only more upset that the face doesn’t convince me from every angle, although everything else is really nice, this bothers me.

The Tanline is perfect
They did well with the skin tone
Her face looks less shy than the original art thought XD
Yeah, I think it looks great(⌒▽⌒). I also noticed that, she turned out more flirty and seductive xxx.
I still like this figure’s tan lines, I feel it makes it go from yet another forgettable bikini figure to something more unique. I hope more figures in the future play with the idea of showing off tan lines, I think it’s a nice idea that more swimsuit figures should use.
I mentioned it before but I really like the way your beach setup looks, I really wanna borrow from it whenever I take photos of a swimsuit figure. I haven’t bought many lately but do I have a few Beach Queens and that lovely Nanoha that would be perfect. Keep up the nice work.
The figure is quite nice, not 100% what I’ve expected, but good enough.
I liked that bikini figures became more appealing over the years, they are no lame excuse for saving production money, when they nearly no clothes must sculpted. Nowadays the manufacturers put much effort in the additional fanservice meat and detailed sculpting make enjoyable figure material out of them.
I really have lots of fun with recreating a lovely beach set, although I guess it’s time for a new background poster soon ^^.
Soon I will show the basic structure of my setups.
Yeah, really nice figure. The tan lines is interesting, don’t think I have ever seen a figure doing that before.
She is ~ヾ(^∇^). I liked this unique idea, it’s interesting and looks cute.