It took longer than expected, but in the end I managed to finish this post, somehow.
It is not one bit NSFW
Welcome! I’m Yuki and starting from today I’m the author of this blog. Now we will discuss the pro’s and con’s of masturbation. How often do you do it with yourself actually?
Woah! Woah” what do you think you are doing here, get away from the keyboard that is supposed to be a figure review and not about your personal hobby.
*Tss* figure review, no one gonna read your too long 1000 word reviews anyway.
HaH!? Now Im hurt. Get back on your base and behave little plastic girl and stop acting out of character.
( ̄へ ̄)not fair.
Huh! So today is the last ero figure review for 2013, ok, I will get the Sonico Package version this month, but she’s more godlike than ero.
Yuki is a character based on Maid Yome, an ero manga of some sort, I didn’t research on it cause Yuki told me not to look. Anyway the character got a figure adaption from Orchid Seed, which was released in the end of October 2013. Yuki is scaled 1/7 and has a nice size, she goes well with other of Orchid Seeds 1/7 scaled figures, like the Bondage version of Super Sonico.
On first look you can already tell that Yuki is a damn pretty figure, she has vanilla colored hair, a smooth texture and a nice skintone. Her face is also quite pretty.
The problem I had at first, before I ordered Yuki was, that the figure was posed in a way where one of her hands is placed next to her crotch. You know, I really like sexy figures, but I’m not 100% comfortable with figures that are sculpted in an active sexual situation. Well, to make short story short, after I’ve seen first review pictures on Reflective Boundary, I instantly throw my doubts over board and snatched one last copy of this figur at Hobby Link Japan.
From the little info I gathered without research I’ve learned that Yuki seems to be a shut in who likes playing games on pc. It also seems like she doesn’t pay much attention to her outer appearance, not that this is necessary when you have a body like that. She is wearing her hair in simple long hair fashion with bushy bangs that start to cover her eyes she might be kind of clumsy, the cute ahoge on top gives her the appearance of a little airheaded person.
The vanilla colored hair give her a kind of innocent atmosphere, as innocent as a girl touching herself can be. On top she is wearing detailed, but non detachable full size headphones. I like her sweet face a lot with very pretty eyes, the cheeks that are flushed in excitement and the open mouth that expresses moaning or heavy breathing make her face detailed and attractive.
When I look at Yuki, I imagine her with the voice of Noto, Mamiko in a cute calm tone.
You said I’m cute (´ε` )♡
Ah acting all sweet and friendly again, you won’t fool me this time.
The pose presents Yuki sitting on the floor, in all her aroused glory with her legs tucked up, lost in her private activity. In stage one she has a wet shirt on with a cool shine trough effect, I have no idea how this works, but the transparency looks convincing. The arms are close to the body, with one arm she is reaching to her private parts, while the other arm is pulling at her shirt.
Yuki comes with a few optional parts to match the illustration, the figure is based on, there is a skirt which can be wrapped around one of her thighs and a crumbled thing that is ought to be her pantsu wrapped around her ankle. You can combine this parts to your liking. I’ve heard of stories about possible paint transfer from her skirt, but I don’t have to worry about it for now.
If you want to display her with bare boobs that’s also possible, it’s a complex but working cast off option, only Orchid Seed could pull off. You have to pay attention to close all gaps properly, I did not put attention at first and ruined my first batch of pictures with this.
The figure can’t be displayed completely nude, but in second stage her shirt is wrapped up and exposes Yuki’s body to a satisfying degree. Her boobs have a nice full volume and very pointy pink nipples. This girl is not chubby, but her butt, thighs and boobs have some more welcome fat, together with the smooth sculpting Yuki appears really soft.
Yuki has a very pretty belly and also the mons pubis looks super nice, the pose puts actually no focus on her genital underneath, but it is there and sculpted in a detailed yet subtle manner.
Kyahh! don’t look!! *SLAP*
OUCH, ok ok I won’t, calm down please, ehh where did I stop?
You shouldn’t forget the Final Words block about me? Are you satisfied with me you little pervert づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Yeah, yeah Yuki has a nice pair of boobs, buy one please.
Ehhhhhh!? Thats all you are going to say, how cruel *sob*
Wiesel you baka, baka BakA !!! ╭(๑¯д¯๑)╮
Ok, I probably can come up with a better conclusion, Yuki is one really nice ero figure, she isn’t presented in a bold manner, like other figures of this kind, but you can see what she’s up to.
The face with flushed cheeks is beautiful as well as the vanilla colored hair with the single strands, the bushy bangs give her a cute touch. Yuki also has an really hot and attractive body with nice big boobs and excellent body sculpting overall. She is an expressive and stylish figure with a great quality, in fact she is one of the best figures Orchid Seed released in this year.
Other reviews of her can be found Tentacle Armada, How a Girl Figures and A Figure’s Story
Bye *blowkiss*
She looks absolutely familiar, I believe a character from a H-doujinshi I read couple years ago I am sure a eroge loving shut-in girl. She looks very pretty I start to took an interest but kinda worried to display a girl that obviously seems to be masturbate @_@ I think more blush will looks great for her
I see , actually never took the effort to search for it, but now Im a bit curious of Yuki’s adventures.
She’s a beauty, but I understand your concerns, you can’t deny what she is doing, but you won’t see her genitals.
I’ve put her in the glass window of my highboard with bare boobs, because she looks great this way
From what I remember, you’re not all that far off from her personality (one other interesting tidbit about her: she owns a life-sized sex doll that she likes to dress up). She is quite a nice figure; I think my opinion of her has improved as of late; I mean, it’s kinda hard to say anything bad about a girl who obviously knows how to have a good time. I kinda have to laugh, though; I remember about six years ago, I got all excited by this one MegaHouse figure because you could remove her top and expose her nipples, which was almost unheard of. And now look at the stuff that you can get! I mean, I would have never imagined back then that you’d be able to buy a figure of a girl wanking herself. Or a figure of a girl with “meat toilet” written on her thigh. What a wonderful and bizarre hobby this is.
It’s kind of interesting to feel a characters personality just from a 3D figure that shows her doing private things.
So many random info about Yuki, I wonder how long is her story ^o^. Haha Im getting curious about it.
She’s really pretty I think, her outfit is a little plain with just a white shirt and black socks.
With a body like this, the clothes can be really unimportant. I also love Yuki’s cute face a lot.
Luckily these unsightly or tasteless porn figures seem to be something from the past, since Native started to get more popular there were more and more quality ero figures from more manufacturers.
Haha sometimes there are some pretty figures that are too explicit for me, but the increased quality helps to make them more appealing nevertheless. This kind of variety makes this hobby interesting.
*lol* someone writing meat toilet on a girls leg must be a bit bizarre I guess, this one is a real hardcore figure
Ah sie ist so hübsch. Ich hab auch sehr viel Spaß daran sie zu fotografieren. Mein Review ist in Arbeit… denke aber, dass Nyaruko und Sena noch vorher dran kommen werden. Die seitlichen Fotos wo man noch ihre schöne Rundung ihres Po’s betrachten kann, finde ich am besten. Sie sieht einfach so yummy aus. =D
Ja das ist sie, Orchid Seed macht ja sowieso fast immer schöne Figuren, aber Yuki ist besonders hübsch.
Ah sehr gut, du bist immer fleißig dabei, ich sollte auch mal weniger zocken mehr posten ^^.
Danke, ich weiß was du meinst, ihre Kurven sind zu gut ( ̄▽+ ̄*)
…but…but…I can’t imagine Mamiko Noto in a role portraying a girl with that bust. I mean, in my mind Mamiko Noto is stuck with Jigoku Shoujo…
Nice figure anyway…:D
Da Hell a tiny loli ;D but Mamiko – chan also voices real women like Scar, Fujino Asagami(that was a scary role) and Tifania Westwood (Oh yeah ( ̄▽+ ̄*)