Hi, I recently received the Super Sonico Bondage – Candy Pink version, back in the first half of 2011 I already received the normal Super Soniko Bondage version. I guess my affection and love torwards the Nitro+ mascot Soniko started around the time I wrote her review last year.
Its actually a funny coincidence that this review is the most popular post on my humble blog
Buying a figure twice just because of a different color scheme appeared a bit odd to me in the first place, but I liked the previous black version of this figure to such an extent, that I even ordered the alternative Super Sonico Bondage – candy pink version, which was released around 9 month later on January 17th 2012. She is also sculpted by Tanaka Masanori.
This Soniko is scaled 1/7 and castoffable. Without taking shipping and custom fees into account I paid 6,600 JPY, for the previous one it were 6,630 JPY.
This Sonico comes with a blue colored and textured base with silver font, this time the guitar is pink and looks quite nice like that, the stand of the guitar is painted in a shiny white color.
Another reason for ordering the alternative version of her was, that I had the small hope that Orchid Seed wouldn’t forget to add the blushmarks on her face this time. For me it was the only big letdown of the first Super Sonico Bondage version. In the illustration she was sculpted after, she had clearly visible blushmarks which couldn’t be found on the cheeks of the final figure.
This time Orchid Seed didn’t disappoint and delivered a figure with lovely rosy cheeks, they make the figure a lot more appealing. The look of Soniko being shy and flustered is very well recreated in her face. Another difference to the first figure is the hair which has a lighter pink colortone. The beautiful pink eyes, the headphones and the small opened mouth are the same as before.
Since it’s the same figure with just another color scheme I wanted to do something more different in this shooting. With pole dance getting more popular as a kind of fitness workout and inspired by the great Highschool DxD ending study x study, I decided to go for a strip club like setting. Personally I would never put Sonico into a public strip club, just in my private one ^-^
I wouldn’t like the thought of other people staring with leecherous eyes at my innocent Sonico. To put my idea into reality, I had to obtain 3 wooden sticks, a 25cm wooden disk, mirror tape and some purple effect film that I had already stored at home, the small banknotes are self printed.
In this color version Sonico has a quite different appearance and feel to her. Aside from the bold and quite slutty design of her outfit, the different colored clothes of the Candy Pink version give the figure a more innocent look. The pastel blue jacket is very nice. The pink parts of her outfit like the top and the boots are quite bright and have a metallic shine. The white underwear and real fishnet stockings also seem more fitting for her, it somehow creates a pure and romantic atmosphere, the stockings also seem to make her thighs appear thinner and less short.
As in the previous version the figure has different cast off stages, like on the normal version of the figure the cast-off procedure is well-thought-out. The pants come off with the legs and can be substituted with two additional legs, now you can admire Sonico in her pretty underwear ♥♥♥♥.
Unfortunately on my copy the left extra leg has an ugly seam line around the buttock, both legs were covered with film, but it seems like something happened with the leg in the manufacturing process before. Maybe I will ask Orchid Seed if they could send me a flawless left leg. Don’t get me wrong, the overall quality of the figure is very good aside from that minor issue. The round and soft looking boobs are as lovely as they were on the original figure. Her body is sculpted in a very alluring way, the hips, the waist, the belly and the back, everything looks great and sexy.
Final Words
Since it is my second review of a Super Sonico Bondage figure and overall just another color version, I tried not to repeat myself about the details about the figure in this review, I could have mainly said the same as about the previous one, so I wrote a bit less text this time.
Im really glad that my hopes for some cute blushmarks came true and that Orchid Seed altered this little detail while keeping the good parts of the previous figure, because of the blush I slightly prefer the alternative color scheme over the black version, nevertheless both are very good and sexy Soniko figures. Hehe now I have the opportunity to exchange the heads of both figures.

Unlike the old version, the Super Sonico Bondage – Candy Pink version is still available in shops.
Am I the only one with a big urge to suck a pair of watermelons atm?
Great figure indeed!
Haha I’d rather suck on Soniko’s boobs XD
No, doing lewd things with figures is bad .
Yeah she’s great and sexy
Oh my gosh! (*Q*)
Sie ist so schön! >_>
Ich hab ja schon die schwarze, genauso wie du. Und da wollte ich mir diese Version eigentlich nicht holen. Zwei mal die selbe Figur, nur mit anderen Farben fand ich irgendwie doof… : (
Aber nun wo ich deine fantastischen Bilder sehe, will ich sie doch haben *_*
Sie wirkt in rosa-weiß so anders!
Deine Fotos sind wieder einmal klasse geworden. Diese Review gehört nun definitiv zu meinen Favoriten!
Die Idee mit der Stange ist genial und super umgesetzt. besonder die spiegelnden und funkelnden Bodenplatten sehen klasse aus. Bei den Geldscheinen musste ich schmunzeln, passt aber prima :3
Deine Fotos geben ihre Sexyness perfekt wieder! : D
Siehste? siehste, hab ichs nicht gesagt :D, normalerweise würde es mir im Traum nicht in den Sinn kommen eine Figur zweimal zu kaufen, aber diese Farbvariante ist mehr als gelungen.
Die weiße Unterwäsche sieht einfach toll an ihr aus, genau wie die tolle babyblaue Jacke. Da hast du aber Glück das die noch nicht ausverkauft ist =)
Hehe besten dank, hat auch extrem viel Spass gemacht sie zu fotografieren, wurd mal wieder Zeit was fürs shooting zu basteln.
Ich wusst erst garnicht ob die aktuellen Yen scheine auch so aussehen, oder ob ich die falschen gedruckt habe, die Idee ist dadurch entstanden,
das sie irgendwas in den Händen halten sollte, wenn sie ihr Top gerade nicht anhat, Ich habe mich ein paar mal gefragt was ich eigentlich mit der armen Soniko mache
Kyle M.
I had the black version on preorder when it first came out a while back. I had some financial issues come up though and had to cancel the order. I really wish I had gotten it though! Soniko is so sexy ;D
Ah too bad man
Well, in case your still interested, the pink version is still availabe.
She is sexy, but also quite cute ^^
Very creative way of photographing her! I must say this version is a lot stunning than the original version. And yes, the blush is better!
Thx, maybe I nearly overdid it with the pole, haha a few times I thought ” what are you dooing her, you perv” XD
I agree on that as well, now I want a blushing face for the other figure as well.
Oooo she’s lovely! I didn’t know she had the blush, I thought she just had different clothes. I really enjoy blush on my figures.. it makes them so much more adorable.
I can’t decide which version I like more.. I really like the blue jacket, white underwear and blush of this version but in the other version I prefer the pinker hair and I love the way Soniko looks in black.
You got very creative with your photo shoot, it looks great! My favourite photo is probably the first one because it shows off her cute face. ^^
The blush was supposed to be on the previous figure as well, but somehow they forgot it in the end.
Which made me a bit sad, since it is one of her characteristic traits, but the black version is nice nevertheless.
Yeah blush is great =) It’s something that makes the figures more lovely in my opinion, I rarely buy figures without blush marks.
If both had the same blush marks I would like both in the same way, but so the black version looks cooler, while the pink version looks more innocent and cute.
Ahaha yeah I got very creative here, thanks a lot.
Never underestimate the power of a blushing maiden, they have the power to sway people’s hearts!
I can really dig the fishnet stockings and garter belt, very sexy. In this version they come out a little more playful it seems, I like it better.
And lets not forget about the round and soft looking boobs :D. Very well done, they are one (or two?) of Sonico’s greatest strengths!
Ahaha the tiny money! I love it!
yes, especially my heart ^-^
Its a nice looking underwear and in white it looks a little bit better, it somehow looks more pure and innocent.
They are one of her many appeal points, I don’t like her just for the boobs, I began to like her personality as I started playing the Sonicomi game as well.
I was a bit inspired by your tiny paper sheets from the figma story ^^
Nice strip dancer shots ^^ yes the blush make her looks much better although I still like the black outfit
Ahaha thank you, I thought it should really work with a figure like that =D
I agree with you, about both, now I would like to have a second blush face.
That blush definitely looks better. Somehow the change in colorway makes her look a bit cuter while the black looks more… dangerous and sexy. It’s a shame about the seamline, hopefully Orchid Seed gets that taken care of! Love your stripper pole background, I could not believe that is all tape and wood. Are you thinking of keeping that as her base?
The black looks more bad ass, while the other one is more cute.
This seamline wasn’t neccesary since everything else is more or less flawless.
Thank you very much, it wasn’t that difficult to build it actually, it was only a pain to wrap this static mirror tape around the wooden pole.
Oh, I haven’t thought about that so far, but I guess it would be a good idea ^^
You really went and did it, you bought the same figure twice. XP
I think I prefer this one, the lighter color scheme seems more suited to Sonico. The blush marks are also a nice touch, really Sonico like is you ask me.
Still, you got Sonico in a strip club like setting and you gave her money to strip her clothes? Fab you perv XD!
Yeah I did and don’t regret it at all, maybe I’ll sell the black version for a lot of money $$$ or I keep her
It looks more befittiing for a girl like her and with the blush she looks more complete.
It was an idea I liked to try for some time, considering her clothes, it appeared quite fitting .
Haha Im not the bad guy it was an sophisticated strip club ^^
At least I haven’t tentacled her XD Maybe I’ll take this idea from exilehero sometimes…
After buying two Ruri figures, I can understand your reasons for getting a different colour scheme for Sonico. Personally, I like the black version more.
I’m really impressed with your photos this time, the cash was a nice touch in a provocative kind of way.
I can’t really say that I prefer one of the outfits, both have a different feel to them, even though just the colors are different.
The thing which was more important for me, are the blush marks which were added to the Candy Pink version.
Thank you very much, the money was a little raunchy detail in the shooting, I just wanted to prevent that she was standing there with empty fingers
LOL, A stripper pole! With little yen bills! Man, I’m sure Soniko using all that money to get herself into an Ivy League college, given the humongous “talents” she possess ;D Just think, Soniko is probably going discover the cure to cancer 10 years down the road, and she owes it all to Wieselhead’s fine gentlemen’s establishment!
But yeah, jokes aside, you did a great job with the props. The actual pole may be the focal point, but the reflective base is what brought the scene to life. Well done!
Haha crazy figure photography this time!
It seems to be a well paid job for pretty girls.
Soniko in an elite university ^^ humongous “talents” sounds really mean. Welll, she is also no rocket scientist, but she isn’t dumb. :p
Thx a lot Chag, Im glad that the selfbuild thing worked in such a convincing way, thank you again ^-^
Oopsies, seems like my earlier comment got eaten by bad connection.
Anyway, this figure is so naughty, as expected of Soniko, but I guess I don’t mind. ^///^ Love her black fishnet.
Ah sorry that is always annoying, hopefully the problem wasn’t on my side.
haha she is innocent, I am the naughty one for putting her in such a setting
This is a great looking set, Sonico looks like she’s working hard XD Both versions are wonderful figures, though I guess if I really had to choose only one, I’d go with the older black one since black is more of a bondage color. Then again, there’s not a lot that’s really bondage-esque about this figure, despite the name, and the pink and pastel blue outfit seems to suit Sonico better than the black leather costume. Not that I’d ever complain about Sonico being squeezed into a black leather costume.
Thx haha she’s young and need the money, *lol* I felt quite awkward a few times to shoot her in such an environment XD
The black version has a more wild and darker atmosphere than the candy colored dress, I like both a lot, but the blush face really makes the difference for me.
Too bad they missed it on the black version.
Heh that’s great this re-coloured version has the change you wanted, the blush marks really improve her look I think. I still really like the various states of cast-off she has. The pink hot pants are really nice with this version.
The advantage of having both colour variants of Soniko is you can swap the parts between both of them :D. I prefer her original black outfit, but the pink pastel colours suit Sonikos character better. Being able to swap heads means you can have the black outfit, but with the blushing face. I assume you can swap her clothes as well, black lingerie with the pink outfit for example?
I like the little set you made for her ^^. The mini money is cool and pole/base setup looks wicked.
Yeah it was great as I unpacked her I was so happy about the blush. I really missed them even though I still like the first version, nevertheless it was an improvement.
In regards of castoffability both are exactly the same.
I could do that, but I’m not that interested in swapping the clothes, I’m also scared of breaking something if I touch her too often. So far I only tried swapping heads ^^
Thank you very much, I came up with that idea and pulled it through, despite I didn’t felt entirely comfortable with putting my beloved Soniko in a strip clup XD