Suzu – Nagasarete Airantou – Kotobukiya


When already running out of space you shouldn’t order old figures I would say XD

While I was searching for a cover illustration of the Nagasarete Airentou anime, a picture of a cute figure appeared and I was enchanted by her charming appearance and I wanted to see more of her. In the end I bought her on ebay, after I’ve asked the seller to make her cheaper, my price was quite bold, but luckily he accepted it, I wonder if he would have sold her for even less.


This cute girl is named Suzu, she is the main heroine of Nagasarete Airentou, a great comedy anime I just finished a few days ago. I guess I will write a review about it next month, it was very enjoyable. The figure was made by Kotobukiya in the year 2008 with a scale of 1/7 (225 mm). Her sculpt was realized by Takaku & Takeshi who also made my Noemi Itou figure and is working on the big figure Eustia Astraea, unfortunately she’s exclusive and will need space.

Info about Suzu’s origin

Suzu lives on an unexplored mysterious Island together with other females, in the past a thunderstorm occured as all the males were fishing and they never came back. Poor Suzu also lost her mother in that tragic event, since then Suzu lived alone, with the pig Tonkatsu who is the only remaining family member. Nevertheless, most of the time Suzu is a kind, happy and dilligent girl. She helps with harvesting the food in the island community. She likes household chores and would certainly be a good wife, in case there will be a male again on this lost island.

review part

Suzu arrived in her box, the seller told me that he never opened it before. Lets just believe it from the look of it that might be true, after nearly 3 years in her box I liberated her from her prison. Her foot was already connected with her sand textured base and her small friend Tonkatsu was included as well, he isn’t fixed so that you can place him wherever you want. Unfortunately the massive Ponytail lost contact with the head at it’s predetermined breaking point, but glueing it back in place was a piece of cake since the peg was still intact enough.





Nagasarete Airentou features a very cute cartoon look and Suzu was turned into a figure
which resembles her character very well in nearly every aspect. She has one closed and an open
eye, together with the nicely engraved open mouth she looks really adorable and gives the whole figure a very lively appearance. Suzu really radiates a nice “running to the beach” feeling.

Her massive long ponytail hairstyle is nicely sculpted with an active flow and single detailed strands, the brown hair also shows some dark shading. The big ribbon let it appear like Suzu would have cat ears in the anime the ribbon was dark blue, but it looks good in purple as well.



Suzu wears a cute, light pink and small bikini which tight fit compliments her soft, ample boobs and her nice butt.There is a small ribbon at the front of her top and at the sides of her bikini slip.
In the anime Suzu only had a traditionlal japanese outfit with white stockings, but maybe the sculptor was a little bit inspired by the bikini outfit from the illustration above.

The pose is a very dynamic one, Suzu is set in pose with an arched back and slightly twisted upper body, her right arm is happily stretched into the air and her hair flies through the air.




It is nice that Suzu has a 1/7 scale, the always not that exciting bikini outfit is equated by the level of detail on this figure. She has a very detailed back, these scapulas are damn sexy for example, from the front her soft and ample boobs are also nice to look at. As you see Suzu has even quite pretty long legs. Hehe, ok also the less sexy parts of her body are detailed, her fists show detailed fingers and the strands of her hair were made with the same attention to detail.



Final words

Suzu is a really pretty and cute figure and I’m glad that I was able to track her down for an reasonable price. Her quality in terms of sculpting and a clean paintjob is very good, Suzu is probably one of Kotobukiya’s better works. She has nearly the same look as in her origin Nagasarete Airantou, the transiston from cartoon 2d to a 3d figure was done very well.
The cute an happy atmosphere of this figure is catching Im really satisfied with this purchase.

On a personal note: Omg that felt so good to come up with a figure review again!
To me it felt like ages since the last one, fortunately the lean time should be over now and I should receive figures more regular in the next 4 months, thx for your patience ^^.


31 Responses

  1. exilehero

    I’ve never heard of this series before but the pig looks kind of familiar. Maybe all anime pigs look similar haha.

    Nice pictures, you can really get the splashing in the water feeling. I really like the last one with the pig for some reason.

    She’s cute. I really like how they did her back, really detailed!

    • wieselhead

      I found it some month ago and put it on my Plan to Watch list, some people on the MAL forum said it was great.
      Great is a bit exaggerated, but it was quite good, the style and comedy is a bit like seto no hanayome.

      Oh thanks a lot, I put some more effects in it than usual. yeah the pig is also photogenic ^^
      Suzu is happy to hear that

  2. Dinara

    She is so adorable! How could you possible pass her up? Even if you are running out of room you still have to get those long sought after figures.

    I love her cute expression, it really looks like she is having a good time at the beach. And you did such a great job with your photos. I really do like them all especially the spashing water ones.

    • wieselhead

      Hi Dinara thx for stopping by

      Yeah she’s too nice to pass and Im glad that I bought her.
      I love cute figures like her, the pose is so lively
      thx for the praise, I really apreciate that ^-^

  3. Aya

    ah so charming, very cheerfuller expression 😀

    seems we are the opposite I more interested in old figures ^^ since I didn’t have chance to have them in the past so I concentrate on older one especially if they already steal my attention since long tome ago and mainly because
    I am not huge fan of today’s anime and visual novel

    • wieselhead

      Yay just lovely ^-^
      It’s not lie I dislike old figures, there are many gems from 2006 to 2008 and I own quite a number of them.
      they were released before I started collecting figures, but now I have most of the ones I wanted,
      maybe there are still a few nice ones I never heard about, like Suzu here.
      Ah I see

  4. Nopy

    Man, you always review such beautiful figures. I haven’t heard of Suzu or Nagasarete Airantou before, but she looks cute. The Tonkatsu figure is a nice little extra too.

    • wieselhead

      Thank you very much for your compliment
      It’s not a well known show even though I would say it was a very good comedy show with an interesting setting.
      Yup, oink oink ^^

  5. Duqs

    She reminds me of houki from infinite stratos, just moe-fied XD

    Totally love the folds and creases found on her bikini and the bokeh effect you have there too =D The big is a nice addition as well, but i wouldn’t know the impact of the big there to viewers of this series (is it like having a kyubey in every madoka figure? XD)

    • wieselhead

      Haha well I don’t know Houki ^^
      Thats some nice detail as well, it looks quite good, thx this brush tool is very neat.
      Tonkatsu is just an innocent pig that helps Suzu in her adventures on the island, he can only say *pupu* XD

  6. James

    Oh you bought her

    One of my fav figures and the best Koto figure for me. If only she was 1/4, then she would be perfect :p

    I love her pose a lot, it’s a nice change from the usually quite boring poses of swimsuit figures …

    Suzu is love <3 <3 <3.

    Great pics as always, very sunny ^^

    (delete the other comment, i failed my email :D)

    • wieselhead

      Yep, saw her by chance and wanted to get her instantly 😀
      1/4 that would be so big on my desk haha.
      Suzu looks really lively in comparison with other swimsuit figures.
      thx a lot James

      ok, done

  7. Meji

    Oh, Nagasarete! Been forever since I saw that anime.
    Suzu is so cute! I’d love to have her in my Beach Queen collection! And TONKATSU, OMG! <3 So much want!

  8. Bloodfrost

    Haha, its a good thing you saw this one ebay before i did because i would of had the exact same reaction as you, that figurine is freaking adorable, your photo shoots are freaking epic, i just dont think i will ever be able to put my figurines in situations like that O_O;;

    Never say never i guess tho, i’d love to start making shots like that.

    • wieselhead

      I couldn’t resist to get her, but at least I asked the seller to cut the price, otherwise I would have overstressed my budget for November even more.
      She was worth it nevertheless ^^ Oh thx a lot. I think you could achieve something like that as well, It’s not like I’ve used much stuff for this shooting.

  9. Miette-chan

    Aha! It’s been ages since I seen a figure review, really everyone just stopped for various reasons more or less. Oddly enough everyone recently started back up.

    I think I might have watched an episode of show one time. The characters and description sound really familiar.

    Oldie figures are nice, I’m surprised at the level of detail Koto included for a swimsuit figure which tend to get the low end of the stick in that regard. Nice energetic figure to warm you up on the winter months.

    • wieselhead

      The japanese figure blogs were more active lately. I had no new stuff a month ago and couldn’t make any figure review.

      They did a really good job with Suzu, better than their average figures and in 1/7 she has a strong appearance.
      Hehe I fight the winter with summer breeze figures ^^

  10. BioToxic

    Suzu certainly looks like an old school figure. She’s got that classic big eyed anime girl look you find in many older series. The translation from 2D to 3D has been done well – she really does look like her anime counterpart. Her hair also looks quite nice for an older figure.

    I must say though I still prefer the more modern anime styles and figures. I’d only consider picking up an older figure now if I either liked the character enough or they simply look stunning. For now I’ve picked up all the older figures I’m interested in.

    Also it’s just as well you were able to fix her broken ponytail. That would have sucked if she was severely damaged. It looks like a lot of weight on such a small join.

    The little pig dude – Tonkatsu – is awesome. His name is a bit ominous – it’s like calling a pet pig Bacon. I’d want a bigger figure just of him – he could be Domos chum. 😛

    • wieselhead

      This cartoon look of her is unique in my collection,
      I don’t have another figure with such a look.
      Suzu was just too cute to pass ^^

      I also have all the old figures I’ve wanted.
      Well, I didn’t know this Suzu figure existed before,
      so there might be some other gems I haven’t seen so far.
      The peg was a bigger square one, but you guessed right the hairpart was very heavy in comparison with the figure.

  11. Persocom

    Beautiful shots! I just got my first “swimsuit figure” and I haven’t gotten shots of her yet, and this already puts my thoughts of shooting to shame due to lack of props or a real beach xD Never seen this anime but it sounds worth a watch. Lovely figure though, puhi~

    • wieselhead

      thank you very much 😉
      If you have a well lit room, a big plant and a bit of sand it should work very well.
      it’s a nice comedy show with lovely Suzu.

  12. Tier

    Sometimes swimsuit figures are kinda boring or uninteresting, but Suzu is really cute. It’s also kinda neat how she’s winking. You don’t see too many figures giving a wink; in fact, I don’t think I have any figures that are doing that. And sometimes those old figures are pretty cool. Maybe their paint isn’t always quite as clean and neat as a brand-new, modern figure, but a lot of them are still very attractive, and they also have the big plus that they’re often of characters from less well-known games or anime, as opposed to the hundred million Vocaloid and Nanoha figures that keep coming out.

    The backdrop you used really does look like a mysterious island. Though, uhh, it’s sort of interesting to see her looking so happy, living in such unusual circumstances.

    • wieselhead

      She has a lively and dynamic appearance, most swimsuit figures don’t have and she’s indeed very cute.
      Some of the older ones are quite pretty and shouldn’t be ignored just because they are old.
      I’d rather would see more figures of less popular animes or games, don’t like the mainstream trend that much.

      thx, I just used a few big plants and a big reflector. The Island she lives on isn’t that bad actually, she has many human and animal friends.
      And they have enough food which they can cultivate and harvest. In the story a male character soon appears on the island and starts living with her,
      so don’t worry she will be fine 🙂

  13. Kai

    Very nice figure^^ The body and the legs are sculptured quite beautifully, and the face and hair is in great detail, one of the best by Kotobukiya indeed. Love the piggie too ;D

  14. tanohsimini

    Lovely photos as usual. I love the backgrounds you use for these figures, it compliments their characters

    For a 2008 figure, she’s really amazing. I remember watching this series many years back^^” oh the memories! This figure is quite an accurate adaptation of suzu.

    I normally tend to find swimsuit figures boring but this one felt different than the usual ones. I guess it’s the pose and her facial expression and the detail

    Kinda sad that the figure was damaged^^” I bet the guy opened the figure! lol

    Thanks once again for another lovely review!

    • wieselhead

      thx I always try my best to let them look good ^^
      White backgrounds aren’t my style I guess. She’s quite a gem from that time I would say, Oh you knew it, haha thats cool
      I planned not to buy a swimsuit figure again, because of the reason you’ve mentioned, but as I saw this Suzu, I did it again.
      Haha you think he lied to me, omg XD

      thx a lot

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