Hey Yo! Whazzup people MC Irma in da house. It felt like forever but in 2013 Irma arrived with her dagger. Ah, well Irma is no hip hop idol, her occupation is Assassin, but she hides her identity with working as a cleaning lady, in fact she is known as Strongest cleaning lady on the Continent.
Queen’s Blade always has been a favorite franchise of mine, even though it has an louch unsteadiness between being borderline hentai and telling an interesting, epic story within a rather grim environment. The first two seasons + OVA’s were quite entertaining for me.
Queen’s Blade Rebellion also had a promising setting and wasn’t bad either but had a strange open end, god knows why it wasn’t already continued, I wanna see more.
Overall I really like when they focus on one of the many interesting characters within the cast.
Unfortunately, I don’t know much about Irma’s personality and don’t remember much about her role in the Queen’s Blade anime, it is told that she is a kind of coldhearted person, she doesn’t like to be around noisy humans, but cats are something she likes and cares for a lot.
Irma was created as part of MegaHouse’s Queen’s Blade Excellent Model line and released in the end of July 2013. The figure is the debut works of Roin, keep it up Roin youre awesome ^^. Irma is scaled 1/8 and has an overall height of 21 cm, she comes with a number of parts like two scabbards, a sword, a dagger, sword and dagger hilts to be placed in the scabbards and a torso.
Hair & Face
Irma has light blue hair with dark shading at the tips, the hairstyle is short and appears rather wild with many single strands from the back it also looks great. The head of the figure is slightly tilted downwards which makes her face a bit hidden from the left. In other cases that might be a bothering thing, but in this case it gives this figure the right appearance. Under her bangs she “hides” very expressive and detailedy eyes in a vivid pinkish tone. The cheeks underneath are slightly flushed, the mouth is desinged in a fierce way with clenched teeth and light pink lips.
The face is very detailed and not flat a all, the eyes look beautiful also the sulpted lower lip and the nose give her head a good 3 dimensional shape and a very attractive appearance.
Outfit & Body
Irma’s pose seems to capture her shortly before striking down on her opponent with her stretched leg and sword and dagger in her hands, it’s a very action orientated pose that is befitting her feline like body. In case you are curious, yes Irma stands firmly on her solid metal peg. The base isn’t the most creative one, but it’s ok not every manufacturer pays much attention to this aspect of figure manufacturing.
She is wearing a modified, skimpier version of the death squad armor, which is a lot more skin revealing. On the other hand it looks really cool and badass. The outfit consists of many layers and fine details that makes it interesting to inspect the figure more thoroughly. The wrinkles or the red and golden lines, it’s a quite spectacular design. Irma must be an eccentric assassin.
The black vest with the high collar has a nice leather texture, there a golden rims and a little fur above the shoulders. The top is short and stretchy, it barely covers Irma’s boobs halfway. MegaHouse isn’t shy about accentuating pointy nipples under the top. Around her hips she has a broad belt like piece of cloth which doesn’t cover her light grey, high cut thong very much.
Mainly used colors of her outfit are anthracite, black, red and gold, but there is even more interesting things about her, like the half sleeves and gloves, the tough combat stockings or also these bossy black high heel boots. Optionally she can be equipped with a dagger and/or the slightly larger sword. The scabbards can be placed in smalls holes at her belt and thighs.
The chocolate brown skin color has an exotic flair, since such figures are more than rare and of course this tan suits Irma perfectly, the shading here and there increases her attractivity points.
While the majority of Queen’s Blade characters is buxom, Irma is the most slender, mature character among them. She is rather petite in an athletic way, but she also has a decent bust.
I would say she is a great example for being slim and sexy. Nevertheless Irma is carrying a rather meaty butt around when you compare it with the rest of her body, it’s really nice actually.
Cast off
Like most Queen’s Blade figures, Irma is castoff able and it works in the same way as the previously reviewed Chouhi, she has a semi nude torso than can easily be exchanged with the other one. It’s a seamless procedure without paint transfer or other dangers as abrasion marks.
So when her clothes are gone, the remarkable body sculpting of Irma comes to light, there are so many nice aspects of her body that itfeels to stupid to mention everything; there are these nicely rounded shoulders, collarbones, firm breast with cute pointy nipples and also well defined abs. The figure also shows a beautiful backside with lovely shoulderblades and firm round butt.
Final Words
Irma didn’t receive much love or attention from figure manufacturers before, it seemed rather unrealistic to believe a figure of her would ever be made, but MegaHouse created one and let me say it is a really great figure of her. I also think that she is one of the best Queen’s Blade figures that were created by MegaHouse so far. She has the face, the body, the outfit, the pose and the quality for deserving to be considered a really great figure. Again I took too many pictures ;D
Back when I first got into Queen’s Blade and figure collecting Irma was the one character I wanted to see in figure form the most. I was really excited to see her announcement in Hobby Japan magazine and immediately pre-ordered her when I could. Now that I’ve finally got her I’m really pleased with how she turned out.
Irma is probably my favourite character from the original Queen’s Blade, it’s a shame she’s not a favourite of the story writers. No OVAs or presence in Queen’s Blade Rebellion is a real shame. Ah well, at least Alleyne still gets some attention.
Her pose and sculpt look amazing – both cast on and off. Definitely one of the better Queen’s Blade figures – especially compared to recent MegaHouse releases. Alicia was a little disappointing from recent memory. I love her short blue her, it’s short but with just as much detail as a figure with longer hair. I noticed as well in order to see her gaze face to face you place yourself in perfect stabbing position :P.
The only disappointing thing about her for me is the cast-off. I like being able to choose various states of undress. Although I’m certain her tight fitting outfit would have been really difficult to get looking good if she was classic cast-off so it’s not that big a loss. I mean she’s hardly wearing anything cast-on anyway.
Loving the little scene you made for her. The final picture of her lying down is also really nice – gives you a good view of her.
I always had the feeling that Irma was overshadowed by the flashier chaaracters like Menace or Nanael, I don’t recall much of her to be honest.
Nevertheless I also ordered Irma very quickly, she turned out great.
Ah that’s interesting, she’s not treated with love by the authors. Ah you remind me of the upcoming Alleyne figure ^^
Of coursse I orddered her already, yeah!
A lot of effort was put in this figure, very clean and high quality sculpting, I was worried about her eyes at first, but they also look beautiful now.
The last Megahouse figure I bought before Irma was a guy ^^
I get your point, more options are better, but rubbing between body and plastic always makes some downsides, like scratches or paint transfer.
Thank you, also for your comment =)
Nice review! Irma’s chocolate skin really accentuates the fantastic body sculpt Megahouse did, especially those abs and hips look awesome. I like the sets you used and the pics of her swinging naked on the ribbon were quite clever
Thank you! Yes the dark skin is quite attractive, hehe yes lovely details overall.
I forgotten to hang her on the rope as she was dressed, though XD
Nice one, her dark skin make her looks sweet too but I like her pose the most
all I remember about her in the first series when she being teased by Echidna and she seems to be her former student.
She has really nice skin, that’s true. The pose delivers a lot of action, Im liking thhis very much.
Yeah something like this, Irma as chaaracter had a little lack of presence, but as figure she is top.
Wow, the figure is awesome and the character is really hot! I mean, this is one figure I may have to make an exception and take regardless of her cast-off functionality.
Nice photos as always…*_*
Irma is so sexy, you can’t deny the appeal of a skimpy dressed figure can you.
thx a lot ^^
Schon wieder so hübsche Fotos. =D Versuche gerade all deine Posts aufzuholen und mindestens anzuschauen. Die Figur ist bei mir auch vor kurzem eingetroffen. Freue mich schon ein Review von ihr zu machen da sie meine erste Megahouse Figur ist. ^^
Super danke, mir ist mal wiedder aufgefallen, das es besser iust sich frühzeitig Gedanken über das Setup zu machen, gut im Nachinein hätte ich noch Echidna ddazustellen können.
Ah sehr cool, Irma ist echt sehr gut geworden. Dann bin ich mal gespannt, oh echt die erste.
I remember someone crying out due to the lack of Irma figures, I can’t remember who it was though.
It’s a cool thing that Irma uses the same cast off method, if figure prices are to keep going out I wanna get more out of it. This type of cast off method is a perfect example with an alternate torso.
Although I can’t say she is my cup of tea, her elongated torso and limbs really bother me.
*lol* it was Tier from Tentaclearmada, I guess.
This way of castoff is a bit better than the classical way, I also imagine it easier to create figures like this, without bulkyness and gaps.
Ah ok you can’t really appreciate Irma’s appeal ^^ Well, her body isn’t really bishoujo like.
THE BEST FIGURE OF ALL TIME. For real. Let us ignore the fact that I haven’t even taken her out of the box yet. I am very satisfied, though I guess I would have preferred if she weren’t quite so skinny in castoff mode, especially since they provided the extra torso. I guess it would’ve raised prices if they used a different sculpt for each body part, but personally, I would have been quite happy to pay. It’s kind of weird seeing her here, though. It’s like, what am I going to whine about now? I guess I can whine about the lack of Itsuki Kannagi figures (aside from the ones Wave made, but Beach Queens don’t count), but nobody knows who Itsuki is.
sry for replying late, blogging and gaming are quite competing activities FFXIV is at fault.
*lol* Well she’s one beautiful QB figure for sure, haha unboxing instantly is my first rule.
Irma is really skinny, well slender sounds actually nicer, I would have preferred her like in the illustration that I used in the review, but it’s good.
Nevertheless I like your different body idea, I think this is feature that might become reality in the near future.
The show with Itsuki was funny, I also liked her, but unlike your wish of an Irma figure, this seems to never happen.
Oh wow she’s hot! Having a pixie haircut myself has made me drawn to this figure coz it’s cute and pretty. Her pose somewhat reminds me of Alter’s Gwendolyn
Yeah indeed she is, the skintone alone is already quite nice and it also accentuates her detailed body.
This kind of short hair is nice, but the color is also very fitting for the figure ^^
Ah really, I will have to look that up.
My goodness, isn’t she stunning? Of all the dark-skinned, well-toned assassins out there, Irma takes the cake. Megahouse didn’t pull any punches with her sculpt. What gorgeous contours! I agree that her colour scheme is lovely (and unique!). Magenta, gold and blue go well together. I don’t follow Queen’s Blade, and know nothing about Irma as a character, but her wonderful sculpt and dynamic pose have her on my wishlist.
I love your last photo. Someone’s angry you barged in during nappy time. ;D
Oh you really like her, well she turned out very good.
lol I assume she’s the only black assasin in anime
Yeah her body is stunning, as well as the detailed outfit.
I see, good to hear, she’s worth her money.
Thank you, she’s glaring at me ;D