Welcome to the first review of 2016, I can’t think of a better way to start than with demon girl.
It’s actually my second figure of the Leviathan character, I received the first one in 2013.
Leviathan is a character from the The 7 Deadly Sins, a line of figures representing to the 7 sins of ancient mythology ( pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth) Leviathan represents envy and is a well endowed teenage demon. This Leviathan is called Hanketsu Hot Pants no Setsu version, she was released in November 2015 and manufactured by Orchid Seed.
The figure is scaled scaled 1/7 and was sculpted by Tanaka Masanori, in this pose she only measures 22cm, but has a nice size and volume overall.
I call the 1/7 scaled The 7 Deadly Sins figures, the second lineup. The origin is named
The 7 Deadly Sins – Maou Mokushiroku. While the first lineup only introduced the characters basic design, the now bigger figures are portrayed in a more creative and lively fashion.
I like the Maou Mokushiroku line quite a bit and will receive Mammon and Asmodeus later this year. These figures in particular are of rather ecchi nature in terms of design and outfit.
On first impression the young demon girl is surprisingly buxom with her fairly sized busom.
Her her annoyed expression is so cute, also with this skimpy outfit, she’s still a cute girl.
“Only once …?” I don’t feel like I can fully comprehend Leviathan’s expression here, it creates strong tsundere vibes, together with the lifted index finger it creates a cute and memorable strong expression. She has these annoyed looking eyebrows and very detailed eye make up anyway. Her nagging mouth gives her face something irresistable cute.
Aside from the pretty shade of purple the figure has elaborately sculpted hair with a lively ponytail. Also from the backside the different strands of hair have a remarkable good articulation and smooth texture. There are also these cute horns of a growing up demon girl.
The figure shows a lot of skin (again). She has big boobs and attractive hips. The bikini top and string tanga hugs her buxom body tightly. I guess dressing yourself in “slutty” fashion is normal in the demon realm, so please don’t think bad about Leviathan.
As cast off parts you have these super skimpy hotpants, it doesn’t make much of difference, but counts in a sense of being dressed. As further option her chest piece can be swapped with the bare boobs part. She has nicely shaped breasts that take her slightly bendover pose into acount, her nipples are pointing outward. Without the squeezing bikini they at least appear somewhat smaller.
Exchangeable Parts:
In the package there is a second not fully complete body, which allows you to have Leviathan in a different pose. The smart swapping parts process is a interesting part about this figure. We have two necks, two pairs of boobs, two shoulders with arms parts and to completely create a convincing look, additional shoe soles without holes are included.
The pose looks nevertheless slightly silly. It appears like a clumsy fitness or striptease exercise. Aside from that, the figures butt looks great on the second body.
Final Words
Leviathan – Hanketsu Hot Pants no Setsu turned out especially petty and attractive. She has a beautiful and cute head with great looking hair. The details and make up there are very sharp and precisely applied. Without a doubt she is a sexy young demon girl with a hot body.
The cute appearance and facial expression succesfully balances the fully loaded ecchi outfit.
In my opinion Leviathan is mainly a cute figure, one with boobs and fetish clothes, though. The alternative pose is actually more hilariously comical instead of erotic or lewd. The parts swapping idea deserves some praise, it works very well and offers different posing options.
compared to the Amakuni figure, even though it’s no comparison on the same ground, Orchid Seeds 1/7 scaled Leviathan outclasses it in nearly every area, except sense of fashion XD
Orchid Seed made an another very nice figure of “The 7 Deadly Sins”. The only regret I have about the purchase is, that I couldn’t get the special edition, which came with a lovely blanket
Anime Shutterbug
Great review! This figure is really on the top of my list to buy next but I have been going nuts with doll clothes myself lol. What kind of lighting setup do you use in your photos they look awesome
Hi, oh thank you very much ^^ It’s a especially nice figure (*´▽`*)
Ah I see, so you also like to spoil your doll(s) with lots of new clothes ;D
Their friendly faces are just too enchanting ahahaha.
my main lightsource is a 40 x 60cm softtbox, sometimes on the right sometimes on the left, it depends on the figure.
On the opposite side a simple foamboard reflector will help to light up the figures other side, it’s better to have one ^^. For some more impact a rim light is a good tool, it can be a lamp or flash unit. You have to limit the rim lights direction and spread with any helpful objects at hand. a little drawing
Hahaha, you really think starting off the year with the embodiment of humanity sins is a good way to start the year?
I’m actually quite surprised that the deadly sins girls are getting a second wave of figures. I didn’t think expensive, exclusive figures with lots of dealys would be popular enough to get more figures.
At least for me, the girls’… interesting choice of clothing hasn’t ceased to amuse me. Leviathan continues that trend for me and her raising her shirt just adds to it… but hey as long as it makes for an attractive figure who cares.
I can’t say the same about the alternate pose, when I first saw it I just laughed. I couldn’t believe Orchid Seed actually went with that. XD
I had nothing other to review anyway lol.
Don’t ask me, skin revealing demon girls with pointy ears are probably very welcome among collectors.
The second wave became very ecchi more creative and bigger in scale, I like that.
Oh, you should appreciate slightly lewd figures a little more, “the 7 sins” are especially sinful.
The creators tried their best with choosing the sluttiest outfit for every character XD
I’ve ordered two more for this year, actually Leviathan was the more casually dressed exception.
I know XD It’s a really unsightly but hilariously silly pose ;D
I guess it is supposed to make people laugh…
The alternate legs looks so dam perverted XP
Yes !(//∇//)! She totally spreads her legs… for what reasons ever ahahaha
The “upside down” pose looks kinda silly, lol.
I know, I know ;D You could only get it as figure with both posing options ^^
I never knew that Orchid Seed has swappable body parts! I always thought the clothes are literally taken off, not swapped out though. And I always thought that’s the case for years!
When I first saw her index finger and her face I thought she’s saying “No!” but that doesn’t quite fit with the rest of her. Your “Only once” sounds more accurate, lol!
Oh don’t worry, actually you are right ;), most figures made by them get “undressed” the way you thought.
This Leviathan here is an exception, other manufacturers created similar ways of giving a figure more than one display option, though.
Haha as tsundere type, I at least imagine her to be one, she probably said “no” first ;D
Oh! Haha, thanks for letting me know. Still, it’s interesting that they’re doing additional body parts these days for variety
haha ^o^.
Yeah, sometimes you see some very clever ideas to make it possible.
Sometimes just to let a figure show more skin or exchanging facial expressions.
I’m really glad this figure was available through the regular stores, since it saved me some money compared to most other Hobby Japan figures. Leviathan is really cute, maybe the cutest of all the 7 Deadly Sins figures yet. Your review reminds me that I have never, ever reviewed any of the 7 Deadly Sins figures yet, though, hmm …
I was glad too ;D considering the second posing option parts it might have been exclusive.
Hobby Japan is really weird there, preventing the shops from selling overseas, so unfortunately I had to order the new Mammon via proxy again. This figure adaption really accentuates her cuteness and her big boobs of course XD. Oh, thats really a bit strange, all of them are very photogenic and sexy.