Sansei Muramasa – Max Factory

posted in: Figure Reviews, Figurine Photography | 35

Hi today I will review Sandaime Muramasa, the lovely Elf maid with brown skin from Max Factory

Sandaime is scaled 1/7 and has a height of 250mm, her release date was on 26th of March 2012.
I nearly passed on her, but Nightmare and Exilehero wrote convincing reviews of this figure.
The origin of the figure is the dark themed visual novel from Nitro+ Soukou Akki Muramasa

Shinobu – Bakemonogatari – GSC

Today I will talk about Shinobu from Good Smile Company, as you might know she is a loli vampire based on the Bakemonogatari anime/light novel.
Bakemonogatari was well received by the audience and manufacturer Good Smile Company,
up till now they turned all of the 6 heroines of the show into 1/8 scaled figures, they were all based on the Blu Ray/DVD front cover illustrations.