New Preorders New Preorders Part 9

Hi and welcome to another new preorder post, enough figure orders piled up and so I already can present you part 9 ^_^. Running out of space or not, I like collecting figures and without this hobby I would probably be a less happy person than I am now. Nevertheless I will sell a few of my older figures and other related stuff like figmas and Nendoroids over the next few month to prevent the box storage from bursting and to clear a little bit more shelf space XD.

Hello Kitty to Issho – Vocaloid – Nekomura Iroha


This is not the little sister of Megaman, Nekomura Iroha is an advanced Vocaloid synthesizer, but I never heard of her before, even though there are a few song of her on youtube. She is made by Griffon Enterprise and will have a height of 17,5 cm. The release is in November of this year.

What first met my eye were the creative design and the very cute appearance of this figure. I really like the tight, red shinobi styled dress, the speaker gloves and the shiny helmet. Nekomura has a nice petite body and her cute face with the friendly big mouth are also quite enchanting.

Aizawa Nao – Comic Aun 2008 Cover Illustration


Here we have Aizawa Nao from Orchid Seed, she is scaled 1/7 and her release date is this November as well. This figure was announced earlier this year, but I admit that she didn’t convince me with the early promo pictures of her, the lighting is pretty bad, but some days ago I saw a picture of this figure as a final sample on Orchid Seeds blog. From what I’ve seen there, I decided to place my order for her. I love her pretty face with the bright and piercing eyes and the red brownish hair. Her pose is quite interesting and I like the fancy Halloween style outfit a lot. She will great next to my other 1/7 scaled figures Sonikoand Menace. As to be expected from an Orchid Seed figure there are 2 castoff options, I prefer the one without cape, but with bra.

Soniko Bondage version “Candy Pink”


This figure is also from Orchid Seed and scaled 1/7, her release date is in January 2012.
I already have the black color version of this figure and I’m not the person who buys the “same” figure twice, but of course for my beloved Soniko I make an exception :D. This new color version features a nice combination of baby blue, white and pink. In private I also hope the new version will have more prominent blush marks than my other one with the black outfit. Maybe I’ll sell the version I like less later, but for once I’m planning to display both of them together.

Choco*Ochi, Super Sonico Collection x Mota


Concealed behind this strange title is a set of three different chibi figures of Soniko, they are produced by Orchid Seed and will have a size of 8 cm. This set will be released in February 2012 and contains a casual dressed Soniko with guitar, a naked apron Soniko and a Soniko cosplaying as Al Azif. You can exchange some parts of them like the face for example.

Oshino Shinobu


So far Good Smile Company made  nice figures from the popular Bakemonogatari franchise.
Aside from their Hachikuji Mayoi, I was partially interested in all of them, but there always was a small part inside of me who made me pass in the end, sorry Kanbaru and Hanekawa. But I instantly fell for their Oshino Shinobu, she is scaled 1/8 and will be release in March 2012.

This Shinobu figure is sculpted after the illustration of the BluRay cover. The base looks very creative with the donuts and the parts that belong to the other characters from this anime.
Shinobu herself looks very cute, with the beautiful red eyes and the soggy donut in her mouth, she also has this lovely light dress and the helmet is also a very cool item, it can be taken off btw.

I will probably order the Black Hanekawa figure from ALTER, but so far I couldn’t bring myself to place another order. I also would like to order Naoe Kanetsugu, Ichijou Ayane and Astraea.
I don’t trust Kaitendo enough to pay so much for Ayane and Astraea will probably go on sale.

And like always my updated Preorder Roadmap from November till March.

Im really looking forward to receive the lovely 1/6 scaled Asuka from Max Factory next month!

related post
New Preorders part 8
New Preorders part 7
New Preorders part 6
New Preorders part 5

New Preorders part 4
New Preorders part 3
New Preorders part 2
New Preorders part 1

29 Responses

  1. Fabrice

    Wow quite a big loot coming along.
    Looking forward to your soniko review as i know the other figure review of her was lovely.

    The only potential figure id get is oshino, just to finish of my bakemonogatari collection as well as well being from bakemonogatari.
    lets just see if ill be able to buy her next year.

    • wieselhead

      Haha yeah it can’t be helped, I even restricted myself a bit XD

      thx a lot, Im curious how I will shoot her, would like to use some fog.
      Then you would have all of them, would be a nice set I guess 🙂

  2. Sevie

    Schöne Vorbestellungen : )
    Aber irgendwie hatte ich doch mehr erwartet xD
    Und irgendwie hatte ich erwartet, dass unsere Liste mehr übereinstimmt ; )
    Bei der Candy Pink Sonico bin ich noch hin und her gerissen. Ich mag es eigentlich nicht, die selbe Figur in verschiedenen Versionen zu haben, aber die Figur sieht in den weißen Strapsen und dem rosa einfach süüüß aus x3
    Aber Hinako und das Sonico-Trio hab ich auch in meiner Liste!
    Freue mich schon auf deine kommenden Reviews! : D

    • wieselhead

      Wie mehr? hab nicht mehr soviel Platz zur Verfügung, muss Ich leider kleinere Brötchen backen ^^
      Ja den selben Gedanken hatte ich auch, aber irgendwie sieht sie in den neuen Farben einfach
      zu hübsch aus um sie zu ignorieren.

      Naja wenigsten 2 bzw 5 Figuren haben wir gemeinsam =)
      Danke, freue mich auch auf deine

  3. BioToxic

    I hope Griffon don’t mess up MegaMans sister. They can be woefully inconsistent at times with figures. She looks cute though ^^.

    I thought about picking up Aizawa Nao myself but decided against it in the end. I’m interested to see how she turns out if you choose to review her ^^. It’s a shame she’s coming out after Halloween, but oh well.

    More Sonico eh :P. This time in pink and mini flavours.

  4. exilehero

    Ever the Sonico fan haha. Getting a different color of a figure you already have? You sure are devoted hahaha.

    I love that Shinobu figure. Not only is there a lot of nice details on her, but the “base” has a lot of nice touches. Is that a fried egg? For that one I have no explanation haha.

  5. Adam

    I’ve been meaning to preorder Nao for months, but I still haven’t pulled the trigger. She’s cute, features a nice set of colors, and the holiday theme is pleasantly unusual. Her cast-off seems kind of superfluous, but it’s Orchid Seed, so I’m not really surprised to see it there.

    I’m still on the fence as far as Soniko figures go. Orchid Seed’s shimapan version looked pretty good until they screwed up her panties. The bondage versions look interesting, but not enough so that I’m seriously tempted to order. I guess I’ll have to wait a little longer.

    PS: I like the roadmap graphic. Neat idea!

    • wieselhead

      I agree there’s no need to have bare boobs, but well it doesn’t bother me. ^^

      There will probably be more nice Soniko’s in the future, Im curious about Native’s Soniko and maybe there will also be more modest dressed figures.
      Thx I also have an excel sheet for my orders, but this graphic is visually more appealing and has the easier overview.

  6. Sotaku

    I’ve been thinking about pre-ordering Shinobu (like the people above), the only thing that is kind of bugging me is the stand/base. Do you know if one can detach Shinobu from the base? D:

    Anyways, awesome that you’re pre-ordering Soniko (huehue) c:

  7. Miette-chan

    More Sonico, you are willing to buy a color variation but the doll huh?

    I feel tempted to get Shinobu even though I never seen Bakemonogatari. I felt mildly interested on some of the other ones but this is the first that I have seriously considered.

    Cool list, I look forward to the accompanying pictures.

    • wieselhead

      Well, thats not what I would normally do, but I liked this figure so much, that I wanted to take a look at the different color version.
      You haven’t watched Bakemonogatari?? Im sure you would like it ^^.
      Shinobu is also the first one of them where I didn’t hesitate and placed my order.

      thx I’ll do my best then =)

  8. Persocom

    Definitely looking forward to a Nekomura Iroha review. I would be buying her right now if I wasn’t broke enough as it is. Shinobi also is looking awesome but I just can’t bring myself to buy her even though that base is epic.

    • wieselhead

      Im curious about how she will look in the end, since its the first work of the sculptor =)
      Ah too bad, maybe you can afford her in march.

  9. Tier

    I’m thinking I’ll order Shinobu, despite not knowing anything about Bakemonogatari. I probably ought to watch it one of these days; everyone says good things about it. I probably should watch Madoka one of these days too, since everyone says good things about that, too. It’s funny how I make the time to watch a crap series like Freezing but I still haven’t seen those two shows (and I probably won’t be watching them any time soon, since I just started watching Infinite Stratos, which I’ve heard is also a crappy show but I’m actually enjoying it).

    Really like the pink Sonico and Orchid Seed’s Nao, too. The pink color works great on Sonico, I think I might actually like that version a bit better than the original black leather one. Iroha is really cute, too – I hadn’t actually seen that figure before. The tight suit looks fantastic. It’s kinda funny how Griffon keeps reusing that huge oval base for just about every figure they make, though.

    • wieselhead

      Funny that I ordered a figure of my less favorite characters, I mainly bought her because of her look.
      I won’t blame you for not watching it so far, but both were shows which didn’t dissapoint. Madoka was well made, but quite dark and sad, not everybodies cup of tea.
      Bakemonogatari is more likeable and has better comedy and good fanserviice moments.
      So Infinite Stratos is better than Freezing, might watch it then, I actually planned to watch Freezing or IS someday.

      The brighter, cuter colors seems to be more fitting to Soniko’s personality.
      As I’ve seen Iroha, I was head over heals, her fancy outfit and the cuteness of her is quite enchanting.
      The base actually has the shape of a Hello Kitty head 😉

  10. Nopy

    This is my first time hearing of Nekomura Iroha, she looks pretty cute in that outfit. I’m running out of space too so the only preorder I’ve made recently is for the Shinobu figure. She is just too cute to pass up.

    • wieselhead

      I found her appearance so enchanting that I had to order her ^^
      Hello Kitty is not really my thing, but cute figures are.
      running out of space is a really bad feeling, but I order anyway XD

  11. Duqs

    You should take a picture of your room. I keep wondering how you keep all these figures in your room hahaha XD

  12. tanohsimini

    A lot of pre orders for this month! I sadly have no pre orders atm^^”

    Idk why but Oshino doesn’t bring me in, even though it’s a really lovely figure. Maybe I prefer her more vampuric and not so much cute^^”

    Aizawa nao is lovely and I approve!!! I’d get her but something is telling me everyone will think I’m an ecchi^^”!

    You are in love with sonico=p

    • wieselhead

      Haha yeah it wasn’t planned to expand my preorder list like that.

      She looks nice with the creative base and the helmet ^^
      Some years ago I also couldn’t bring myself to like loli characters, back them I found them to be rather annoying.
      Well nowadays I like these characters, they are so cute, I have no dirty things in mind when saying that, its just this “kawaii!” feeling :D.

      Ah I see, I nearly passed on her, but thx to Orchid Seed blog I was convinced to order her.
      Lol don’t worry about it, when people already say that your fully dressed figures are naked.
      A more sexy figure doesn’t matter :p

      Yeah Soniko 4 ever ^^
      Maybe I’ll order GSC’s Soniko as well, the latest pictures are more convincing than the first ones.
      Im looking forward to place my preorder for Natives Soniko in the bath