Hi fans of bishoujo figures, an awesome event, that every passionate figure collector was looking forward to happened on July 29th, this summer, it was the Wonderfestival Summer 2012.
There all of the Japanese figure manufactures presented their upcoming figures and revealed their plans for future products. I was very excited about it and after I’ve seen all this super nice figures I’m quite happy, it was one of the reasons that this post is a rather long one.
Is it just me or had we a lot of better figures than on the Winter Wonderfestival, anyway here are the figures that triggered my interest divided by manufacturers in non alphabetical order.
From the Altair line up there surprisingly was a figure of Waver Velvet, the master of Rider in the Fate/Zero story. I don’t have male figures at all in my collection, but I admit that Waver was kinda cute and likeable. The figure of Waver Velvet is scaled 1/8 and is scheduled for 2013.
The unpainted figure of Mirakurun already caught my interest. She is apparently not based on the cosplaying Chinatsu, but she’s the real deal from the tv show the girls of Yuru Yuri watch. It’s a cute magical girl figure and I like the design. Mirakurun is scaled 1/7 and will be released this year. Alter will also make a figure of Akaza Akari my favorite Yuru Yuri character, her personality and mine are quite similar, only partially of course. The figure has a rather plain school uniform, but face and pose are enchanting. She is scaled 1/8 unlike Mirakurun and is scheduled for 2013.
From Shining Blade we get this awesome Mistral Nereis, the Wonfes before she was presented with a closed mouth which I liked a bit more. Well, judging from the features of their recent figures, a second head option might be possible. Aside from that it is a great, dynamic figure. She’s also quite busty if you haven’t noticed. The figure is scaled 1/8 and scheduled for 2013
GSC has an epic motorbike, but ALTER has the more athletic bike and the hotter girl on it. Amane Suzuha from Steins:Gate was a surprise for me. With the close resemblance of the Huke artstyle she looks kinda scary unlike her sweet anime version, but take a look at this level of detail. The figure is scaled 1/8, the prototype is painted but no release date has been announced.
Alter is slow with the Bakemonogatari figures, but isn’t this Sengoku Nadeko figure not worth the wait? A very playful pose with a twinkling face, she comes fully dressed with trousers and a cool hat. Sengoku is scaled 1/8 and is scheduled for a release in 2013. A nice GSC vs ALTER
From the unknow, at least to me light novel Mahou Tsukai no Yoru, we see the magician Aozaki Touko again. You also might know her from Tsukihime and Garden of Sinners. A very attractive and proud pose befitting her character, the dress willl be dark green in the final product. This Aozaki Touko is scaled 1/7 and the release is scheduled to happen in 2013 as well.
Orchid Seed
Orchid Seed surprised with a whole lot of grey prototypes, they’ve put a number of their only illustration status figures on display there. Well they were reserved in announcing release dates.
The Queens Blade drill instructor Alleyne was also a surprise for me and OS decided to make her in an impressive 1/6 scale, an 1/6 elf girl (❁´◡`❁) what could be better. Alleyne is wearing her leaf swimsuit and has a slightly wet look from bathing in a lake. The figure will have a height of 270mm and the release date is sheduled to happen in 2013.
An ecchi girl like Panty Anarchy should be made by a company with the same tag. The bold Panty is presented in a naughty and quite teasing way, captured while pulling down her underwear as fast as she can. I really like necktie and the flow of her hair in combination with her nice smile.
The Panty Anarchy figure is scaled 1/8 a release date wasn’t announced so far.
Twintails, glasses and busty, there are several reasons for liking this Cover Girl from Comic Megastore magazine, Luth rubbed this nice one under my nose. She looks good and has an unexpected elaborate base in form of a bookshelf, a drawer and pillars of books. Cover girl will be scaled 1/7 a release date wasn’t announced so far.
Another figure which is also based on a cover of a magazine is the summer holiday themed Push!! Cover Girl I already loved the illustration, but the prototype turned out really cute and pretty, I love her hat, the hair, the face, as well as the sculpting of the body and the clothes.
I like this one a lot. Push!! Cover Girl is scaled 1/7 as to be expected no release date was issued.
Chouhi Ekitoku, a character from Ikki Tousen was a figure I was waiting for 2 or 3 years since illustration only state, I was quite happy as I learned that her colored prototype was going to be presented on this Summer Wonfes. Well she didn’t really turn out like I imagined or maybe the few pictures which were taken weren’t good enough. The skirt is too long and overall Chouhi looks rather chunky in this dress. Well, I still like her, but Im not as enchanted as expected.
Three words for the Super Soniko – Sonicomi PKG version YES! YES!! YES!!! Bikini, star patterned pink stockings and heavy boots, thats already ordered hell yeah! She has a rather calm but still sexy face expression. I also like the standing pose of her a lot, I don’t always need something complex space consuming. Sonico is scaled 1/5 and will hopefully be released in 2013.
Orchid Seed is not all about T&A and here we have the GK adaption of Flandre Scarlet from Touhou. Im curious to see how this will turn out in the future. There also was another GK adaption of a Touhou character named Hijiri Byakuren. It’s nice to see that more companies adapt such lovely GK and turn them into affordable and complete and painted PVC figures.
Max Factory
Max Factory also makes Lineage II figures now. I already have the cute Dwarf class figure from Orchid Seed, but a beautiful Elf would also be nice ^^ Max Factory also made a Dark Elf, but I really like the design of this pretty Elf. She is scaled 1/7 and will be released somewhere in 2013
A character unknown to me was also presented, she is called Inaba Himeko and is from the newly started anime Kokoro Connect. She looks so cute and enchanting with her face and the ribbon at her shirt. Himeko will be scaled 1/8 and probably released next year.
There was also this figure of the kind and weird Kurokami Medaka from the anime/manga Medaka Box, she resembles the artstyle of the anime very well. The eyes and the mouth are really nice and give the figure a cool striking look. The uniform looks good as well and I like the way her cleavage is sticking out. This figure is scaled 1/8 and has a height of 205 mm.
Oh look another standing Kurokami Medaka in her extravagant school uniform, ok they are a little different. I like the face of this one a bit more, it has a more of a bishoujo feel to it than the one from Max Factory. Well on a certain magazine scan it looked really, really bad, but the figure they’ve presented at their booth looked 100% better and I like it quite a lot. Medaka is scaled 1/8 and has a height of 200 mm. It’s difficult to say which one is better, which one do you prefer?
Sonico still expands her popularity, I secretly decided not to buy every figure of her, but I really want want to have all the nice ones ^o^ Here we have this good looking Sonico – rabbit ear version and you know what, she is scaled 1/4!! This figure portrays a happy Sonico in a frilly and attractive maid outfit, she is so cute I can just love her. But where too display this darling?
Freeing had a grey prototype of her last Wonfes, but now Takamachi Nanoha from Mahou Senki Lyrical Nanoha Force is here painted and proud. Even though I know that Freeing figures doesn’t always have the cleanest sculpting and paintjob on their smaller scale figures, but this cool 1/8 scaled Nanoha looks very good and surprisingly the release is still planned for this year.
Gift presented a Fate Testarossa as match for the Nanoha which will be released this month. Both are from the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st where they are still very young. Fate looks like a seductive loli, long hair big eyes undeveloped curves put in a skimpy bikini and with Bardiche in her mouth. She looks even more borderline than the innocent Nanoha.
You can also look at her with a neutral mindest, she is a nice figure of a cute young girl in a nice pose, I like how she is holding her towel. Fate is scaled 1/4 and is scheduled for a 2013 release.
I don’t want to hurt the feelings of the people who own the first version of Tenshi from Angel Beats! , but this new one is just stunning and looks so elaborate in comparison. Tenshi with her wings looks innocent and simply beautiful with her bare feet and the flow of her summer dress and the pose just look nice. Angel Beats! is a tad older, but nevertheless it’s a very promising figure. Apparently she is scaled 1/8 and will already be ready for a release in January 2013.
Insane Black ★ Rock Shooter looks awesome in various ways it’s an really impressive looking sculpt with a dynamic pose and a lot of details. It is just an 1/8 scaled figure, but it seems like it will need a lot of shelf space, maybe too much. This figure is scheduled for a 2013 release.
There also was a figure from Nisemonogatari one of Koyomi’s sisters Araragi Karen, I really started to like her during the anime. The figure looks quite nice in regards of a cute and energetic face expression, pose and overall sculpting the yellow outfit might look great in the final product. The figure will probably be scaled 1/8 and you can expect her to be released somewhere in 2013.
Kyahh! A loli elf. no, a cute loi elf , she is called Lysette Kalar and her origin is Rance Quest.
I really think that she is super adorable and Im really curious about how she will look as painted prototype as it will decide about my purchase. The release date of Lysette Kalar in January 2013.
Oh no! there was no hint of a scaled Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse figure in the super cool combat suits at all, maybe this is one of my disapointments on this Wonderfestival, there is only a Nendoroid of Takamura Yui in her suit. The release can be expected in 2013.
I paid more attention towards figures of Native recently, in most cases a purchase would be out of question for me since they are too ecchi. From their booth I liked the figure based on a original created character named Cat Girl. The waitress outfit and the bendove pose close to the floor with stretched out tongue pose is super alluring and the sculpting looks excellent. The illustration with the milk on the floor is very suggestive and a bit dirty, but I like this sexy figure overall. Surprisingly for a figure of Native she is wearing panties, so Cat Girl is my must have.
Female figures in fancy dresses wielding big weapons are cool. Kotobukiya also agrees about that and presented a standing Sakyua from Shining Blade. With her dress she is goes under the name “Fire version” I think sh will look great in her red dress with the nice cleavage. Im also a fan of her sadistic smile. Sakuya sama is an impressive 1/6 scale, the release is sheduled in 2013.
It seems like Kotobukiya is the only well known figure manufacturer that produces scale figure of Sora no Otoshimo. This is actually their second Nymph. In this standing pose which pulls more attention to her dress Nymph looks very cute with her flowing twitails and the transparent wings. To me she appears like a 1/8 scale figure. The release should occur somewhere next year.
I like Fate Testarossa, but Im actually not a fan of her. Nevertheless this might the first figure of her that is very appealing to me. She is posed in a dynamic flying battle pose with a shouting mouth from the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st. This Fate looks cute and badass at the same time I also like the details of her outfit quite a lot. Release is in 2013.
Look another Sonico from the Creators’ Labo line up. Here she is playing with a cat and is teased by perverted cat as well, she is sculpted in a lying pose, her style looks similar to the first one presenting her in a more model like than slightly chubby way. I planned not to buy more figures of her in an unhappy or teased looking state, but maybe this one will be funny and cute enough to make an exception, the accessories also look cute. further details haven’t been issued.
vector image by ManaAlchemist
The pose was nice, but unfortunately the face of Sena’s GSC couldn’t convince me, the same goes for the one from Megahouse. Surprisingly there was also a figure of Kashiwazaki Sena announced showing her in the Monster Hunter version from a certain episode of the Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai anime. So far it’s just illustration status. Im a bit sad that it will be made by this company, but before I judge this figure lets wait for the painted result maybe in 2013.
This should conclude my “little” post about the nice figures of Wonfes Summer 2012, of course I won’t buy everything I’ve listed here, but a few figures will definitely find a place in my collection.
From my point of view it was a great event, I had high expectations and they were mainly fullfilled, on the downside there was not a single scale figure from Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? nothing from Muv Luv characters in combat suits and nothing from Cheerleader Sonico either.
The pictures are partly from Cutanews, Moeyo, White Garage, 0taku.livedoor.biz and MFC thx ^^
Araragi Karen is the only one i can afford tbh but there are quite a few ill keep tab on. GSC Amane Suzuha looks interesting and unique given she has a bike with her. also i love Mistral Nereis she seems like the typical ALter goodness with the diorama base, once shes painted ill decide but like i need my spending power is so limited now *sigh* ill probably sell myself lol
btw im not suprised to see a soniko in the list haha
She seems to be a promising figure, well it will take a month before preorders will be taken.
Well figures are a expensive thing, so you have to resist in some or some more cases.
The bike looks pretty cool and sporty, but the eyes are a little scary ^^
This Nereis might be a direct hit in my wallet, as you’ve already sayd it depends on the paintjob.
The Fate Zero Box was a bit too expensive, huh
*lol* don’t sell yourself, please.
You can never go wrong with cute Sonico ^^
First of all, happy belated birthday! Next: http://myfigurecollection.net/item/117547
And maybe: http://myfigurecollection.net/item/117939
Anyways, good to see others super excited about Wonfes as well! I was really impressed by Orchid Seed. And Native as well! The catgirl looked like it was missing something at first, then I noticed that they hadn’t included the dress yet, hopefully they add it later! And so many good Sonicos, we’re looking at the 1/4 Bunny Girl and Yamato ones as well!
thx a lot Luth, I wanted to throw out the guests and surf the Wonfes stuff XD
Ehhh! the figure came out of nowhere wtf? But it’s good to see that ^_^ haha the figma doesn’t count.
Yup you can count on me when it comes to Wonfes
Orchid Seed delivered a few nice things.
The catgirl looks ultra hot, oh yes it was missing, but I would also display her like that.
I also liked the Sonico PKG quite a lot, bunny Sonico was really pretty I can’t wait to see her painted.
Same goes for the Yamato Sonico figure
Ok I was not expecting Waver to be first in the post haha…
Hate the show but I do like the chara designs in Yuri so I can see the appeal. :p
It seems like the Shining stuff is the one series of figures Alter is putting the most effort into anymore.
I really love the bike and pose of this figure, but her body REALLY turns me off. Especially her legs just look so damn skinny meh…
Nadeko is kinda cute but honestly to me this seems so much less ambitious then GSCs one. I feel like they should of gone down Koto’s route and done a different outfit. If they had given her the Nise outfit or the Nighty she had in Bake this would have been tempting.
Mahou is a Visual Novel not a LN. ^_^ But yea honestly I was hoping for the sexy sitting down pose she has in one of the CGs from the game…shame that.
This actually was a really pleasant surprise! I remember how great this illustration was and they did a solid job of bringing that to life.
Can’t argue with that logic lol. Panty really should be done in a perverted style.
I LOVE the original illustration but I’m not so keen on this figure…The waist looks quite a bit thiner…Her breasts don’t have that weight to them looking way too spherical…And she lacks glasses!
I like the summer feeling of her but the body isn’t really my type haha.
I’m amazed they still make Ikki figures! Still it is a nice pose to show off her bum!
Not my favorite Sonico illustration, but I do like that she still looks nice and meaty~
Yea I was really surprised too to see Orchid taking on the franchise, but from what they showed they look to be very unique and cute takes on the characters.
Frankly amazed companies are still making L2 figures considering how damn old the game is lol…
I LOVE this show but I goddamn hate this figure…Basically smiling happy is the absolute complete opposite of Inaba’s actual personality and I have no idea why they would make this figure like this…so stupid.
Hmmm like the pose but the face comes off as kind of blah to me especially compared with the Megahouse one which has a nice sharp look to her.
For some reason she doesn’t look that much like Sonico to me for some reason. That said though she looks EXTREMELY cute and if it was made by someone other then FREEing I’d be excited for her. :p
I like how they painted Nano but I’m worried that the only way to display her extra bits is having them sit around like how she was displayed at wonfes.
Fate looks much much more appealing then Nano and I’m not even a Fate fan lol…Still hoping someone makes a figure of Loli nano sitting on the bench eating the ice cream~
Yea the first one was rather terrible. I’d say out of everything shown at wonfes this one is the most tempting for me to actually order!
While I dig her overall look I absolutely hate her expression…Its so boring and placid looking for a character that’s INSANE. T_T
Yea this figure like the rest of GSC’s stuff from the series looks great! Now to wait for Shinobu…
Haha this was an unexpectedly adorable suprise for me as well.
Actually Koto showed off a scaled figure of Yui in her suit. :p http://myfigurecollection.net/item/117547
Yea this one is fairly suggestive but not over the top just don’t display her in a case with a glass bottom I guess haha.
So many shining figures I can barely keep up with them anymore… >_<
Mmm she's kinda cute but feels kinda boring especially compared to the first one?
It's certainly an explosive pose!
Really really like the pose and presentation of this one quite interested to see how she turns out when she's finished!
Mah still waiting for a Sena that actually appeals to me…Same with the rest of the cast. Casual clothes would be a nice start….
haha, well Waver is cute, I feel no shame at all about that.
I can understand that someone hates the YuruYuri anime, but Akari is really cute ^^
The Suzuha looks kinda unusual nearly alien like, but still interesting.
Ok, the figure feels boring but still kinda cute. The sexy Nisemonogarari dress would be great.
Ah I see, but at least I was right about it being a novel, have you played it?
I like this bikini elf hopefully the paintjob won’t dissapoint in that regard.
They should work a bit on the halfnude bookworm to match the illustration a bit more, yeah glasses are important =)
Oh, really well, Im already in love with the prototype of the push!! cover girl.
Megahouse has the better face expression, maybe I feel more attracted towards their Medaka.
As the Sonico expert I am XD I would say that she’s close enough, ok she doesn’t look flustered as usual.
FREEing seems to have a better credibility with big scale figures, but I guess we can’t expect more than that from FREEing and their 1/8 Nanoha.
Fate is the hotter loli while nahoha always looks innocent and cute ^o^
BRS should look more sinister, I agree. Yes summer dress Shinobu please!
It’s been some time since I saw a loli figure I’d like to have, the fact that she’s a pointy eared elf makes it even better.
Yes, that could help, well without the milk drops at least it could be milk ;p it looks displayable, I like it a lot
Oh I haven’t seen this Yui even though I looked through a number of websites, seemed very well hidden.
Yes it are a lot, but I don’t really like most of them, maybe 1/6 Sakuya will be quite nice.
Maybe the paint will make her more appealing I already have the first one but Im still interested.
This could be a Fate for me.
It might be another very nice Sonico if they paint her like the previous one.
I know it’s hard to get no satisfying Sena figure, too bad Max Factory stopped after Maria and Kobato.
thx for your long comment =)
I’m very much looking forward to seeing Alter’s Shining girls all painted up although I’m with you on preferring Mistral’s closed mouth. Suzuha’s pose looks a bit uncomfortable and her eyes creep me out but I have to give them credit for doing something interesting.
Was really impressed by what Orchid Seed showed off.. I have a feeling we’ll be adding quite a few of their figures to our collection in the future. My favourite from them was the Cover Girl.. really happy to see her there! Her waist looks a bit odd but I’m hoping it’s just some weird shadows in the photo or something. Sorry you’re a bit disappointed about the Chouhi, I remember you mentioning her a few times in the past.
FREEing Sonico looks even better than I was hoping for! Will hopefully be ordering her if she looks nice with a coat of paint. She’s so cute~
Wow, Gift’s Fate looks reeeeally young compared to that illustration. Still a nice figure though.
GSC’s Tenshi is stunning and was exactly what I was hoping for! I think I have to talk Luth into her a little more though, hehe.
IBRS looks good apart from her face, I hope she will look a lot more insane when she’s coloured.
Lysette is so damn adorable! I hope someone will buy her and take beautiful photos.
Was very happy to see Cat Girl show up too! I got a lot of wishes granted this Wonfes.
Really liking that Yamato Sonico, I think she’d look really nice with the Baby Doll one. I like Yamato’s take on Sonico with those long loooong legs even though she’s usually a lot more curvier.
Wasn’t at all happy with GSC’s Sena and I’m sad Griffon is doing that one. Can’t win them all, I guess!
All in all a very dangerous Wonfes for me! It will be hard deciding what I want and what I’ll have to miss out on!
I still hope we will get a spare head for the Mistral figure.
The eyes of Suzuha look really evil, like a demon, I’d rather like the anime face, still very interesting.
Ah I see, good to know ^^ I guess they will modify her a bit until the final figure state.
thx for your commiseration, I waited so long and then it turned out different as imagined.
Ok she still looks appealing to me, but not as much as expected at first.
Yeah it looks quite elaborate so far. I really want this big Sonico now.
hopefully the paintjob won’t dissapoint as well. FREEings bigger scale figures have a good quality.
She looks so young that I would feel bad about displaying her XD
The Tenshi figure came out of GSC secret labaratory it seems, she has a great aura, really angelic and cute, good that there already is release date.
Ok IBRS should look more evil. Ahaha thats a nice way to save money, Im not that sure about a purchase, but it’s possible.
Cat Girl looks rather ecchi in that pose, but she seems to be really pretty and nicely sculpted that I will throw my doubts overboard
Hopefully it will turn out as nice as the standing one, maybe they will increase her scale, 1/6 would be nice, yes!
Same here, with her face this Sena looks like nature calls and the toilet is 200 yards away X( Griffon has no good backlog unfortunately.
Haha yes it will be hard to decide that. thx for your comment.
This Wonfes was disappointing for me on the scaled front, many many figures of characters or properties I don’t care about. Although there were a handful that caught my eye.
First is seeing the colored version of FREEing’s Nanoha, I hope it turns out well enough. My only experience is with them is that they make ok figures. I really want this Nanoha to be more than just ok, I want it to be amazing.
Seeing a Kokoro Connect figure was surprising, no one ever does stuff as the shows are airing. Although I have to say Max Factory totally dropped the ball with Inaba. That expression, that pose, it’s all so OOC, nothing like the actual character is portrayed in the show. A real shame since she is my favorite girl so far.
You! How dare you hurt my feelings! GSC’s original Tenshi is just fine! That said, this is probably the figure that got me most excited, it’s just so nice. I mean seriously, I don’t know what it is but it is just so good. I do hope the wings are not as flimsy as with the original though.
I’m no fan of BRS, thought it was alright with some interesting designs. With IBRS I really liked how the texture of her armor, the tear and wear is really cool. That effect came out really nicely on the figma so I’m hoping it will be even better for the scaled version.
However, where this wonfes really shined for me was the figma side of things. A ridiculous amount of figmas that I want to buy that where shown. My only peeve is that there hasn’t been any more Touhou figmas, sigh… is Max Factory done with them? Heck, Reimu and Marisa were pretty high up on that survey GSC did a while back. That’s that I suppose.
Too bad.It was a different impression depending on the person I would say ^^
Yes they have nothing better than ok in their 1/8 figure backlog, maybe they will take better care of Nanoha.
Oh really? I don’t know her at all to be honest. I just saw the cute figure with the lovely face. Sometimes it good to be completely clueless about a figures background.
hehe, well she was so plain, the new Tenshi completely outclasses her
I started to dislike the franchise, but a cool figure is a cool figure. The dry brush effect might look great on the final figure.
Oh ok sorry that I did not included anything like that in this post
Lots of good stuff here, but the bikini Sonico is what really impressed me. I suppose the big question is how long she’ll take to arrive.
Yes, I also liked this one a lot, she will look great in that outfit, hopefully not too long.
Honestly, I was kind of disappointed by this WonFes. There were some choice unveils to be sure, but I didn’t spot nearly as many must-haves as I had anticipated or hoped for.
GSC’s Insane Black Rock Shooter and Alter’s Suzuha would probably be my best of show picks. I had hoped to see a scale White Rock Shooter before Insane BRS, but I can’t really complain about another cool looking, dynamic BRS figure.
Suzuha is pretty interesting for me because mountain biking is one of my other hobbies and artwork of anime girls with bikes, though relatively rare, is much appreciated. I might have hoped Alter would size up to something beyond 1/8 scale, but I’m still pretty impressed with the amount of detail they’ve got on that bike, even down to the brake and derailleur cable runs.
Still liking Mistral, but her status hasn’t changed much since the winter WonFes. I hadn’t noticed new expression until you mentioned it, but now I’m thinking the new look actually gives the sculpt a little bit more energy.
Alleyne has potential, but I’m not sure I like the look of that hair sculpt. The part where some of her hair sort of drapes in strands over her hand and arm looks a bit off to me. Maybe they’ll clean it up or it will look better when colored or at other angles.
I’m very wary of Kotobukiya because they’ve disappointed me so often, but seeing that Sakuya is 1/6 scale instead of 1/8 gives me some small hope that she won’t be disappointing. It seems like good craftsmanship is easier to achieve at larger sizes and some of the most well-received Koto figures seem to be their larger scales.
All in all, plenty of maybes, but only a few obvious must-haves for me.
Ahh thats too bad, well the impression varies with every person. Its not that bad to have a few must haves only.
Im that much into this artififial extended product line, like WRS ;D Well, ISBRS had a very cool pose and look and I liked her quite bit.
I see I see, yeah I also was impressed by the level of detail on that bike.
At least Mistral looks more cheerful and energetic that way, a second face option would be a nice gimmick though.
I will wait for Alleynes paintjob I like what I saw from the sculpting, the figure should look in the end and it will be an impressive 1/6 scale.
It’s been some time since I bought something from Kotobukiya, but this Sakuya might be a promising figure, yes Koto is better at bigger scales.
Karen, Tenshi and Mistral Nereis will be MINE! MINE I SAY!
Really there are a lot of promising figures this time around. My wallet is already crying…:(
Good Choice, sir ^^
I also take them and the rest additional to them.
My wallet won’t cry in advance *lol*
I didn’t find anything that I really wanted in this wonfes although Alter’s Amane Suzuha’s caught my attention. I believe she’s going to be a pricey figure T.T. There’s another one I find attractive but no idea who’s she. Here’s the link.
Totally didn’t expect you to take a liking to Waver’s figure! So that’s a pleasant surprise. One thing about Waver’s figure is that it’s very simple yet surprisingly nice. It goes to show that sometimes we don’t need fancy poses and outfits to make figures look attractive.
In regards to your question, I like Megahouse’s Medaka better. More movement.
This can be either bad or good ^^ Sorry I don’t know … Ok update I know who she is, – Hacker from 7th Dragon 2020
Either I don’t know the origin or I don’t like the look of most male figures. I have to say that Waver is quite handsome and his vulnerable pose is really nice.
Simple or calm poses can be nice as well, it depends on the figure and the skills of the sculptor to make a simple pose interesting.
I think this Medaka will be more popular, I don’t know why they used no different poses, now it depends only on the face.
I kinda liked the unpainted Mirakurun prototype better than the painted one. I liked her better when the ponytails were one solid piece rather than separate strands.
Somehow I can see you having a similar peronality to Akarin haha. Ah I didn’t notice that Akarin was 1/8th. Guess it makes sense if they’re gonna make more of the girls.
And OS Alleyne is 1/6th?! Ahh I want her, she’s so deliciously sculpted :D.
Sonicomi PKG Sonico is based on my favorite Sonico illustration so far. She looks really nice, can’t wait to see the painter version :p.
Ah, I’ve never seen Orchid Seed not focus on the jiggly parts haha. Touhou figures look really nice. They remind me more of a porcelain sculpture than your regular figures.
I also lost a few % of interest in Mirakurun as she was painted. I prefer Akari over her now I would say, I really like that cute and cheerful girl.
Haha I hope it’s nothing bad you think of me.
Yes, a big scale elf girl in a leaf bikini how much better could it be XD I also want this Sonico, I really like the standing pose and the dress.
It was surprising to see these GK adaptions from them, maybe to reach a wider audience, not only fans of ecchiness :=p
I’ve been keeping my head down for a while now, so WonFes kind of crept up on me. Looking through the initial photos coming out I was rather disappointed. Nothing from GSC, Alter or the other big names interested me.
That was until the ecchi figures popped up. Orchid Seed displayed quite a few I’d be interested in picking up. Alleyne in particular looks promising. The PUSH illustration cover girl would also be nice to get hold of. The Maid Yomi character is another I’ll be keeping an eye on. I also like the fact they’ve added more nice illustrations to their wall of “figures to do” so there’s plenty to look forward to in the future.
Native also put on a good show with their prototypes from the illustrations they showed at Winter WonFes. Both the cat girl and headphones? girl look really nice. I just hope they’re easy enough to get hold of.
I’m rather disappointed the only Muv-Luv figures on show were Nendos. Maybe we’ll see something a little more interesting in the future, although I’m quite happy with the Santa bikini Cryska I recently received ^^. Also lots of cool Sonico figures to choose from now. I liked the Sonico Babydoll Yamato were showing with the solid colour outfit. Too bad I already have the clear one.
The ecchi stuff is more exciting as a matter of fact ^^ I also feel more attracted by sexy curvy girls in general, but still have an eye for the tamer figures.
Orchid Seed showed a number of new prototypes next to the ones they already had. I already fell in love the push cover girl, such a summer breeze.
The long product developments is quite noticeable, but Im ok with that, at least they do nice and appealing figures.
The Cat girls really hot, I shouldn’t pass on her even though she will be exclusive. The headphone girl is a original character so she has no name.
Oh Kotobukiya had a hidden Yui Takamura figure, I couldn’t find her on any sites I looked through.
i hope we can expect the Cryska review soon ^^
I liked most of the Sonico figures, the new one from Yamato might turn out quite nice.
Wonder Festival was nice, but there wasn’t much that really got me super excited. I liked a lot of the scale-size stuff that Max Factory showed off, particularly the two Lineage II elves, and I liked Orchid Seed’s stuff as well, although it feels like we’ve been seeing them show this stuff off for years now. I wasn’t very excited by much that Alter showed off, which is disappointing. I liked the Nanoha bunnygirl figures by FREEing, although they are going to be expensive enough that I’ll have to think twice about buying them. I liked the Inori Yuzuriha doll that Azone showed off, and I might even get it despite despising the show she comes from (and not caring for her character much, either); I figure at the least, she’ll fit in thematically with most of my doll collection. Insane Black Rock Shooter looks pretty nice but ehh …. I’m pretty tired of the BRS stuff already.
I guess I was way too excited about this Wonfes, but even after a few days later I still like most of the stuff I’ve listed here.
The elves were quite pretty and appealing. On the one hand it’s a bit disappointing that OS seems to have not enough capacities to make for finished products each year, but on the other I would get poor with more Orchid Seed figures were finished each year XD
I’d rather want the Sonico bunnygirl, the price will be a shock for me I guess.
A doll is very befitting for a character like Yuzuriha, at least she looks nice.
Yeah you’re right about BRS Im pretty much fed up with it, nevertheless I can’t deny that she looks very good ^^.
The Summer version of the festival was far more enjoyable for me than its Winter one earlier this year. Instead of teasing us with endless illustrations we actually got to see quite a decent amount of prototypes this time.
Alter excel at creating great figures that I have no interest in grabbing. Having butchered Senjougahara and shined with Hanekawa it’s not too surprising that they’re giving it a go with another Bakemonogatari character. What is surprising is the sculpt they’re going with, which is basically identical to Good Smile’s except you also get a wink and a pair of pants minus a great looking base; an inferior choice in my eyes. Amane Suzuha on the other hand looks great with a well executed pose and facial expression most befitting the character.
Both cover girls from Orchid Seed are both visually appealing and well-crafted. The base for the Comic Megastore one may cause the price to skyrocket but it does look excellent complementing the figure. As for the Push!! Cover Girl, she must have one hell of a left trigger leg in order to escape the skirt that fast.
Good Smile were being Good Smile by showing off more stuff from Black Rock Shooter and the *monogatari series. I think they pulled off Karen rather well and it’ll be interesting to see what base they’ll go with for her unless they just chop off the big vehicle behind her. What got me most excited was Araragi Tsukihi, or well, her cover art. If they can pull it off, especially with all the little details surrounding the character I’ll be most pleased.
Native went from underwhelming on WF Winter to overwhelming during this event, in a good sense. Headphones girl being the highlight for me, though the rest look very promising as well. It’s too early to tell with the one in the police uniform but it could be another interesting figure once painted.
Sena. I think it’s fair to say that no manufacturer to date have done a stellar job recreating the blonde bombshell in Sena Kashiwazaki. Good Smile’s version is the superior one for me, though far from outstanding. I still think they managed to capture her state when she’s escaping her troubles or rejected confessions that tend to occur on a regular basis in the manga/anime.
So yeah, pretty stoked about next year as far as figures go.
I also felt that way and I added a lot more figures to my “would like to get” list.
haha I know that feeling, but most of the time another company manages to ignore my taste ^^
It’s not much different, but fully dressed and cute at least, I wouldn’t have mind an adaption of Nisemonogari’s Nadeko in her appealing outfit
Well the skirt looks kinda tight around one single leg on Push!! Cover Girl, but I don’t really mind since Im already head over heels.
Karen is nice, hopefully it won’t turn out as something too space demanding,
The GSC one captures the uniform and pose very well, but I don’t like these angry face expressions in general.
It’s just not very appealing to me to have a pissed looking girl on my shelf. Too bad Max Factory stopped making figures of that anime after Kobato and Maria .
Might be very interesting next year, Im looking forward to it.
super rats
GSC Insane BRS, Alter Mirakurun and Nadeko, plus Native Catgirl are my faves of the ones you posted. I would be more interesting in the OS Panty figure, but that excitement gets tempered by the fact its an Orchid Seed figure.
Kotobukiya tends to show some nice stuff lately, but I still wait to see them in person and pick them up at conventions, rather than pre-ordering.
Ah cool, if nothing bad happens I will definitely order the sexy Cat Girl
Saying this in an Orchid Seed friendly environment is quite bold :p
joking aside, I don’t see a problem with their quality, the only problem about them is that they are relatively slow with finishing their products.
Thats a good idea since the quality of their figures varies quite often ^^
The problem with ALter is that they come out with figures too slow. For figure collectors like me that don’t like to have more than one character, it means I usually end up getting a GSC figure. For example, I kinda want Alter’s Nadeko, but I already have GSC’s Nadeko and they both look good. At least they’re the first to come out with Mistral, she looks very detailed.
I did not see Orchid Seed’s Flandre until now. That is definitely going on my wishlist, she looks amazing. That fire version of Sakuya also caught my eye.
It can be a bit unfair if one company is slower with similar product, but there’s nothing with just picking the first best figure of a character or franchise.
You could also wait till another figure adaption appears which might come closer towards your taste.
Well you can keep old Nadeko if you are satisfied with her, but you don’t have to keep the older one, actually ^^
Alter mainly does figures, GSC doesn’t only sometimes they overlap.
Its good that OS also makes non ecchi figures from time to time. Flandre looks promising.
I had been wanting an Angel Beats figure for a while now, and dat GSC Kanade figure is instant buy! Insane BRS looks like a very good and flashy figure and is definitely on my wishlist as well.
Yeah this tenshi is so pretty. I don’t have the urge to buy a figure from the Angel Beats anime, but the figure alone looks so nice, that I don’t care about I liked her origin or not.
Not a lot caught my eye at this WonderFes. Being a big fan of YuruYuri, I am interested in the Mirakurun figure a bit though. The Orchid Seed Alleyne figure is also downright sexy though I can’t say I’m a huge Queen’s Blade follower. Might be tempted to get just for the sexy leaf swimsuit :3
There was also a absolutely gorgeous Kantoku neko girl figure but she’s a garage kit and I haven’t the skills to build her
But if she ever came out in PVC, I’d be all over it!
YuruYuri is cool isn’t it ;D I prefer the cute Akari though. Alleyne might be a nice big figure Im curious to see her painted.
Thats always the bad things about these lovely GK’s, building them on your own is more than difficult and if you give the work to someone skilled it costs a fortune and you don’t even know if you will be satisfied in the end.
Visual Fanfare
I hate WonFes for the reason that it makes your wallet hurt. There are some cool figures at this WonFes, but I can’t say there are that many that catches my attention. I’m gonna try to cut back next year on the collecting and only getting those that I feel are outstanding.
That said, I’ll probably fail at it since this was what I said this year as well. I think I spent more this year than last year. =(
I am interested in that Lineage II Elf figure though, she looks really nice and would be a great companion figure to my Orchid Seed Lineage II Elf. For some odd reason, my Elf’s review remains the top hit at my site. It consistantly gets more unique visits than other reviews – I’m not sure if it’s bots or if someone has my review linked somewhere. I tried to track down where all the traffic are coming from, but couldn’t find anything out (yet). LOL
On every Wonfes I feel like a kid in the candy store, so at first I don’t think about consequences for my wallet.
Last year I’ve bought 28 figures, so far 2012 appears a little less extreme XD
Im looking forward to the Elf and how she will look painted.
Ah I see sometimes you are wondering about where the hits are coming from, Menace and Sonico Bondage version are reviews that receive regular hits here.
Those Touhou figs look great. The frills on the skirts look lovely as well as the pose. Kotobukiya’s Sakuya looks great as well. That Lineage fig from Max factory looks really pretty but she’s really human-like and I’m not sure if I’d have a figure with features like that in my collection.
It was quite a surprise to see the Touhou figures there.
A big scale figure like this will be nice, probably.
But aren’t Elves more human like except for the pointy ears?
Yes elves are human like but what I’m referring to is for some reason, I’m not sure if I’d like to collect figs which look like humans. I’m more into characters based on manga or anime I guess.
Ah sorry now I get it. I thought meant human from an anime point of view
Yeah she has a more realistic human look, I will wait for the paint job until I decide to purchase this one or noz.
This WonFes didn’t really appeal to me a lot. Yes there are multitudes of lovely looking figures but not many of them call out to me right now. I’m probably the most curious about that Flandre Scarlet but doubt I’ll get her. I do like Mirakurun but I haven’t watched Yuru Yuri yet so not sure what that’s about.
Ah ok, were you looking for something certain? I liked quite a lot of figures more than compared to the previous one ^^
But Flandre looks great, even more in new pictures. Maybe you like it, I shunned it at first, buts it’s really funny and cute.
For me it’s the better Lucky Star ^^ You should give it a try.