Sonicomi – trial version impressions

posted in: Featured, Other Reviews, Super Sonico | 28

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As some of you might have noticed Im a little bit obsessed with Soniko, well I like her so much ^^

I’ve ordered the limited edition of the Super Sonico Game “Sonicomi” which is produced by Nitro+, the player takes the role of a professional photographer who supports Soniko with her starting gravure idol career and getting closer to her, the game will be out on September 30th.

A few days ago a free trial version of the game was released and I didn’t hesitate to download it.

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On the start screen the animated Soniko is humming the official title song “Superorbital” of her game and gives us a warm welcome afterwards. In this trial version you have the choice between taking a peek in the story mode or just play the photoshoot mission. Aside from the normal visual novel options, like screen size or voice volume, there are also a few options for the 3D, like auto setup, frame rate, anti aliasing, soft focus, effect quality, HDR and Depth of field.

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Story Mode

In the story our alter ego is a professional photograph. We have a job today and are taking pictures at a concert of a certain band, in the audience we see Soniko for the first time, later that night we get closer to her as she bumped into us after a failed stagedive and falls unconscious.
Of course we help her and start a conversation with Soniko who became a bit flustered after waking up. After thanking us for the help she leaves to enjoy the rest of the concert.

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Soniko left quite an impressions on our alter ego, she even appeared in his dream, but then the alarm clock disturbs his sweet dream. And so we head off to work, outside of the office we notice Soniko. No time for a chat, we’re already late at work. It turns out that the model for today is Soniko, who is going to start her gravure idol career. Soniko tries to act cheerful and energetic, but she seems to be very nervous about her first real photoshoot, so we have to motivate her.

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Now Soniko is emotionally ready and the first photoshoot mission starts, but at first you have to prepare her outfit, the location and the topic of the shooting are predetermined by the customer.

After the shooting there is a final conversation with Soniko and the boss and here the trial ends.

Photoshoot mission

As mentioned before there is a single photoshoot mission next to the story mode.
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This part is really fun you have a few clothes to make an outfit for Soniko, in the final version there will be a wider range of clothes, but the selection in the trial shows the possibilities in the game very well. You can choose between a shirt, t shirts, short trousers, skirt, stockings, socks, bare legs with shoes or without shoes and so on. Theres also an option for accessoires like a hat, glasses and a bag. You can combine the clothes the way you want and see how Soniko looks in them, she strikes different poses on the right side of the screen.
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Afterwards you can check if your chosen outfit matches with the wishes of the customer.
When you are ready hit the button at the bottom and the photoshooting starts.

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The mouse movement gets more limited during the photoshoot, to change your position you have to use the WASD buttons of your keyboard. There is a time limit and the angles you have to hit are shown via blue circles, for this you’ll get ratings from bad to perfect. After the shooting Soniko is exhausted from all her posing hahaha,via right mouse button you can access a few motivational options like talking to her or giving her some water to expand your time limit.

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This trial version of Sonicomi was very entertaining and Im somehow happy that I’ve ordered the limited edition of the full Game, I hope there will be a few nice goodies included in this edition.
The 3D Soniko is very cute with her voice and the body language, nice motion capturing here.
During the photoshoot missions the game makes good use of the advanced 3D effects like HDR and Depth of field, the Soniko model looks really pretty that way, no she isn’t fat *punch* XD

Even though most of the text is written in japanese and I can’t read a single letter, I could understand a few words Soniko were saying, I hope AGTH will work with the final game 😀

From my impression I think that the photoshootings will be more or less tame, maybe if you come closer to Soniko you can expect some more explicit scenes when you meet her privately.

If you would like to try the Sonicomi trial version, just follow this link, click on the “ダウンロード” behind one of the links and it should start downloading the 495mb. Make sure that you have installed the latest grapic driver for your video card and have the latest version Direct X installed.

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28 Responses

  1. Miette-chan

    I was wondering how the game was gonna turn out, looks like it will be an enjoyable game. Man Sonico is quite curvy, I like it.

    • wieselhead

      Yeah, it isn’t deep but the fun factor is great ^-^

      Its nice that they didn’t set her on diet for the game, I like her curves like that. I doubt that a chubby idol would be that popular in real life.3

    • wieselhead

      Haha I haven’t seen any H scenes, but maybe in the full game. In case there will be some I’ll probably fall of my chair *drool*

      Yes you’re right, I hope she can take them off in the final game , at least a few times 🙂

  2. tanoshimini

    Haha seems like you really did enjoy the game.

    It looks really great, although I probably won’t check it out^^” I love how sonico looks but not really a fan of the story^^”

    • wieselhead

      Hehe yes it was entertaining for me ^^
      Ah I see, well not everybody is that crazy about her like Iam, I will blog a few times about the final game haha

  3. Fabrice

    Man how short does the skirt have to be lol
    I didnt know the trial was already out, i was compemplating on getting the game but i guess i have to pass on it.

    Haha i see what your doing there fabienne.
    Practising your photo skills with Soniko then implement it with your figures huh… ^^ lol jokes.

    • wieselhead

      I hope there will be more short clothes in the final game :p The first trial cost money the second one here is free. Ah I see, as Soniko freak I had to get this game ^^

      The photoshoot missions are a bit limited with options for adjusting the camera, but maybe I can get some ideas for backgrounds and lighting ;D

    • wieselhead

      Haha yeah thats a lot of fun, I can’t wait to see more interesting outfits from the final game and put them onto Soniko 🙂

  4. exilehero

    You know, I downloaded the trial to give it a whirl. But in the end Sonico’s curves proved too much for my laptop to handle.

    Though I was able to play it a little. I like the skirt + tight high thighs combo the best.

    • wieselhead

      Oh really?, too bad, I didn’t thought the game needed so many ressources for the 3d graphic.
      My Pc needs 2 minutes for the boot up, but it seems my hardware can handle the game ^^

      Yeah tight high thighs are great 😀

  5. Aya

    the play feature a bit looks Like Idolm@ster ? ^^ except maybe there will be H scene in full version, ah Sonico looks plump but that’s why She looks so sexy ^^

    • wieselhead

      yeah a bit but you are only the cameraman ^^
      Hehe she’s a bit chubby around her hips, but I like this, Soniko is still cute and attractive with more kilos than the average anime girl..

  6. Nopy

    Considering Nitro+ is a game maker, I was wondering when they were going to make a game for their mascot. It looks like something along the lines of their visual novels, but much less violent and a lot cuter. I don’t think I can get around all the Japanese text though, I’ll have to wait for an English version.

    • wieselhead

      Yeah I would prefer it in english as well. But Im such a Soniko fan that I want to have the game, no matter what ^.^

  7. Visual Fanfare

    This is a neat looking game, concept is pretty interesting, especially from a photography stand point. But I wonder how they judge if a picture is good or not? Photography, like art, is subjective and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    That said, downloading the trial and gonna give it a whirl. I don’t read Japanese either, so that’s a turn off whenever I look at Japanese games – can’t understand a word of the text. LOL

    Where did you pre-order the full game from?

    • wieselhead

      It has a nice conept and dressing up Soniko is a lot of fun. The photoshoot mode is more like an arcade game, you just have to hit predefined points and get a score for your accuracy. Im curious about how the videoclip mode will work.

      The really a turn off for us western people, I only bought it cause I love the Soniko character 🙂

      I preordered it at AmiAmi

      normal version

      limited version

  8. Sevie

    Ohhh *_* Danach muss ich mich auch mal umsehen! Das sieht ja klasse aus!
    Und ich bin ja auch ganz verrückt nach Sonico :3

    • wieselhead

      Das ist wirklich lustig Soniko einzukleiden und auch im Spiel selbst ist sie auch supersüß.

      Probier die demo mal aus wenn du magst,
      Ich kann zwar kein japanisch, aber Ich weiss zumindest was die Knöpfe bedeuten, falls du da hilfe brauchst ^^

  9. tsurugiarashix

    Lol. I almost forgot about the trail version, but doubt I would I had time to look into it. Looks fun though ^^ so, guess my pre-order haste was not in vain.

    • wieselhead

      It is a rather short demo, can you read kanji?
      Oh you’ve also preordered it, thats nice.
      Im looking forward to see whats inside the limited edition.

      • tsurugiarashix

        Ah, I see. And, I can read just enough to understand simple sentences, but I have no idea for advance options, which is why I am carefully about what I buy. After I ask my girlfriend for more of her help (since she actually knows the language) and start my official class next year, I will be able to or should be able to have a moderate understanding of kanji.

        • wieselhead

          Ah thats quite good unfortunately I can’t read it all XD.
          It’s very kind of your girlfriend, to help you with such things. then good luck with your official class