Hi everyone, are you ready for 2016? As nearly every year recently, I will show you my devastating figure hobby purchases and other interesting data. The plan for this year was to cut back on figure expenses, while in 2014 I received 25 figures, in 2015 it were 18.
Looking back I passed on a number of lovely figures in 2015. When I look at my reviewed figures of the year, I nevertheless feel something like “Collectors Pride” about most of them. They were carefully considered purchases and things I really wanted to have. I developed the idea that figure collecting in moderation is more satisfying in the end.
It’s no secret that I developed a stronger interest in the fashion doll, Dollfie and SmartDoll whatever hobbysphere. The reduced figure expenses made me go wild with buying clothes and other stuff for my Ladies. With Riō my doll family grow a little in late August this year.
Here you see what happened and where most of my budget went to (shipping not included).
As little comparison I put the complete figure expenses (New, Old, Exclusive) and doll stuff expenses against eachother, also 2014 vs 2015. Ahhh, what have I done ヾ(=゚・゚=)ノ.
I could create a few more doll dedicated charts, but I decided that we won’t look more into the fashion doll expenses this year, it just consists of many clothes and a few bodyparts ^^.
I ordered 2-3 figures on average every month, you see the increased prices for normal run figures make the hobby quite expensive and create heavy sums every month.
I managed to have 4 months without figure orders and 2 months with only one figure to pay.
Max Factory apparently was my favorite manufacturer of 2015, with I-168, Sairenji Haruna and Yui Yuigahama they released marvelously pretty figures, I’m delighted to have.
I was more interested in the “bigger” girls, the 1/6 scale is very appealing for me, it combines a nice level of detailism and a reasonable size and it is a perfect scale for sexy figures ♡^▽^♡. After some years I also bought a Nendoroid again, the Minami Kotori one. There is something special about Kotori I never noticed while watching Love Live.
Oh yes, the figure prices, 44% of my purchases were figures priced above 10.000 yen.
Compared to the raw figure costs 16% appear surprisingly low. Unfortunately as European citizen, I have to pay a customs fee for nearly every item from overseas, which always increases the complete costs for one delivery.
I definetely should try to reduce the doll clothes expenses next year, more focusing on necessary clothes, since no Doll #4 is planned it should be possible to spend less money.
For 2016 I want to continue with collecting figures, still in moderate numbers.
Less figure purchases = more enjoyment for every single figure
So how were your hobby expenses?
Happy New Year XD
Honestly your doll spending not surprise me, but I was expect the figures spending will be much less which isn’t true after all XD
Oh a little early, but thank you Aya ヾ(^∇^)
Ahaha how mean ┐(´-`)┌, I guess I could have passed on 4 more figures, but not more.
Do you think your expenses in the fashion doll category will increase in the coming year? And do you pat yourself on the shoulder if you spent nothing a particular month?
As for me, I spent nothing once again this year on figures because my money goes to expenses to Tokyo and also fixing my beat up car. I wanted to buy the Stormtrooper nendoroid though lol.
No, no. this was crazy this year, I got carried away (⁄ ⁄^⁄ᗨ⁄^⁄ ⁄)
I practically bought 2 Dollffie bodies, this won’t happen in 2016.
Yes, it’s exactly how you imagine, I could easily decide to buy 2 figures every months,
but keeping it moderate is better for me, by all means ^^
Oh, I see. even though they produce so many male figures these days
Ah, thats too bad, such a mean car ( ;´Д`)
Hahaha… as started reading I just kept thinking, it’s cool and all that figure expenses were down but didn’t doll expenses make up for it?
I think a nice controlled plan is the best, 2-3 figures a month seems like the ideal given the increasing prices. This year delays sure made a mess of things for me and figmas coming increasingly close to scaled figure prices sure have put a damper on things.
But hey, next year is looking good for you. I see doll #4 in the new year, trust me. ;P
Haha, well nobody is perfect ;D With buying less figures, I got careless about doll clothes, until it was “too late” ahhhh!
Yeah, follow my example, but rather with figures, yet you could also invest in more doll clothes lol.
The delays also messed up my plans a little, I used combined shipping more often this year.
Ahaha, no please no doll #4, I would have no idea for another custom doll anyway ^^
I too have found that the fewer figures I purchase, the more I enjoy them. When I limit myself, I only order what I REALLY want, and that usually means I am more careful and thoughtful about the figures I order. I’m always really nervous at the end of the year because I don’t want to see how much I spent on figures. XD But I suppose it’s better to know your expenses in the end.
Yes, it’s probably a good way to prevent yourself from having too many figures after a year.
still when I order less figures and a few delays happen it can become problematic.
Without any incoming figures for more than two months, I develop a pent up desire for new figures material ;D
I always keep an close eye on my figure expenses list, to prevent any shocking surprises later ^^
“Less figure purchases = more enjoyment for every single figure” This is actually kinda true xD I found I actually enjoy this hobby a bit more once I slowed down, more time to invest in a single one of them and stuffs.
It’s a lesson you unfortunately won’t learn at first XD
But I think collecting is far better the way I do now.
You don’t have to divide your attention on multiple figures and so you have more fun with every single one and time to appreciate your stuff more