This is already the third Native figure in my collection, after the Sonico – Bath Time and
Yoshii Hotori, Cat Lap Milk, the latest figure from Native wants to please the buyer.
Often their figures are a little to bold for my comfort zone, but sometimes I found their figures so beautiful that I throw my doubts out of the window to get my excellent quality, ecchi girl.
How do you think about it, do you feel comfortable with Figures with some lewdness?
Cat Lap Milk is scaled with a solid 1/7, she comes in a pretty, classy box, a base, two milk boxes, two puddles of milk, spare panties and yummi spare boobs (more about that later).
The figure was sculpted by Katsuaki Nemoto and released in the end of September 2013.
The figure has many things that I also like in anime pop culture, she’s is wearing maid clothes, has cat ears, has nice boobs and a striped panties.
Hair & Face
The figure has an appealing yet wild hairstyle, it is elaborately sculpted hair, as you can see there are a number of strands and curls.The haircolor is a mix of black with a small percentage of grey and blue. This maid is a fake cat, she has real ears and is just wearing a pair of nekomimi.
I leave the interpretation of her facial expression to you, I guess she’s having fun in her little fetish play. I like this created look, together with the maid cap, she is a lovely cat eared maid.
She has a closed eye with huge eyelashes on the left and one nicely detailed, open eye on the right. There are blush marks on her cheeks and a pretty nose is also part of her face. The mouth is open, with the cute, small tongue out, the detail there is quite nice, also a little bit of her upper front teeth is visible, a thing I totally like to have on open mouth figures. Aside from 3 – 4 tiny blobs at her front hair, the quality can be considered very good, these minor things, can actually be neglect. She’s so beautiful, I think it turned out better than in the illustration (‐^▽^‐).
Outfit & Body
Cat Lap Milk is dressed as classical maid with skirt , maid cap and other related things, a decent blouse is the only thing missing, instead the naughty maid features squeezed boobs.
I love her outfit with all the details, starting from the shiny shoes to her lovely white stockings with a black line at the upper rim, the striped panties, thanks to Native for making this figure with panties option, otherwise it would be complicated to display her with pride. The shirt cuffs at her wrists are one of my favorite little details of her outfit, as well as the frilly maid cap.
the panties are made of ABS, hard, sharp and breakable as it is, it still fits accurately and doesn’t look cheap, Sure the open sides are a compromise to the cast off option, but it is nothing really bothering. Since I’ve heard that pulling the panties off causes scratches at her thighs and I actually hadn’t the guts to take a look her vagina the first time I unpacked her, would have been kinda rude don’t you think? So I left them on, but I guarantee that she’s anatomically correct.
Her presentation shows her in some kind of playful fetish play involving a cat like maid licking off spilled milk, it could be a metaphor for a different liquid, but lets follow the idea of illustrator Misaki Kurehito, who also illustrated the CG’s for Deep Blue Sky & Pure White Wings and see it as milk. This fetish play is not something I’ve ever experienced, but this figures pose is a turn on.
Cat Lap Milk is a sexy girl, with a narrow waist and an attractive pelvis. Her legs are of average length, a length I find very appealing. To me her arms and hands with the single fingers are especially lovely, I like the way they are posed and sculpted.
The figure imitates the movement of a cat,licking milk of the even floor as far as her human anatomy allows at least, her fairly sized boobs obviously getting in the way and are tightly pressed against the floor *squeeze* ( ̄▽+ ̄*) maybe it’s a nice feeling I can’t tell. In this display option the boobs as only part of her body, are flattened, but her nipples weren’t ignored in terms of detail, I checked comparative images of real persons, and can say that the sculpting of nipples when being pressed against glass is done rather realistic considering the situation.
Cast off & Variety
Te figures body separates in three pieces; head, torso, hips with legs. So its possible to get rid of the skirt within seconds. Without skirt, but with panties is my favorite choice for her. The panties should be handled with care for previously mentioned reasons, also the collar can be taken off, the cat tail connects via magnet force. Well, the little vest can’t be pulled off, but I think this little thing around her waist is really sexy, also the cat ears stay in place.
You can freely place milk boxes and puddles as you desire, the boxes have tiny print on it with a cute cow and text, the puddles are flat with rounded edges and semi opaque, white color.
Her boobs look great, they are beautifully sculpted, I like the shape and the light color of her areola and nipples, the shiny effect there is really sexy.
To change squeezed boobs with normal gravity influenced boobs, you have to change the torso piece and equip it with the arms which you’ve separated from the other torso before.
Cat Lap Milk figure’s base is a clear, square plastic base on four 4 cm high metal bolts, these are not necessary for the standard display option, only if you are going to use the other upper body (a nice way to use another words for boobs) No, again!
Lying on round boobs would be a bit odd, so Native has a trick, you can take out a square from the base and let the boobies hang around. It’s nice that alternative boobs are included, but honestly sticking your boobs through the floor is too hilarious, the mere thought is so strange. Well the better idea when you want to admire her pretty boobs another way, is to stick one of her knees through the opening, so that her upper body has a little distance to the floor. Without base you can simply put something under both of her hands and have a similar effect.
Final Words
Lol I don’t know what to write anymore, well Native did it again, they delivered a first class ero figure. They mixed a dark haired, attractive character with maid attire and cat cosplay and the outcome is purrfect. As someone who has a preference for girls in maid outfits, this figure makes my heart jump, even more since the figure is beautiful, her face has a lovely level of detail.
Her body looks great and comes very close to my personal preferences in terms of proportions. The different display options look nice, still I can’t comprehend the hole in the base to let the boobs hang, huh? The base and all the included items are an additional bonus to this gorgeous figure of an cat eared maid. This purchase was worth the 10110 Yen and Im overly satisfied with Cat Lap Milk.
Seitdem meine Mom mal ein genauen Auge auf meine Hotori genommen hat, hab ich kein Problem mehr damit, dass jemand bei mir Figuren entdeckt die ein wenig anstößig sind. ^^
Bei mir dauert es noch ein paar Wochen bis ich meine Neko-Maid bekomme aber ich freue mich nach deinen Fotos umso mehr auf sie. Hier werden ja wirklich alle möglichen Fetiche abgedeckt die man haben kann. Nekomimi-Maid mit Shimapan und zweideutigen Spielerreien mit dem auflecken von Milch… mich spricht es irgendwie an. Die auswechselbaren Brüste find ich übrigens toll… hatte schon die befürchtung, dass man nur ihre plattgedrückten Oppais betrachten kann aber dem ist wohl nicht so. :3
Ja irgendwann macht einem das nicht mehr besonders viel aus, ob da jemand guckt oder nicht ^^ Mein Mom fand Hottori jetzt nicht so tragisch, schließlich zieht sie sich ja nur um haha.
Gut aber derbere Figuren würde evtl nicht kaufen, da ich mich dann selbst nicht gut dabei fühle. Ich habe mir kürzlich Yuki von Orchid Seed bestellt, eigentlich wollte ich nie eine Figur,
die sich untenrum selbst befingert, aber der Rest gefällt mir so gut das ich sie nicht verpassen möchte, zum Teufel mit guten Vorsätzen
Ah verstehe, dann kannst du dich schonmal darauf freuen, ich hab immer nicht soviel Geduld ^^ Ja und voralledem, alles was ich mag, meinn Typ wär sie aufjedenfall.
Ja ohne Zweideutigkeit kommt Native nicht aus, gut das es die Milchkartons als Alibi zu den Flecken gibt XD Eine Freundin von mir dachte zuerst die Figur hätte gekotzt lol.
Ne, daran wurde schon gedacht, auch wenn sie “gequetscht” auf dem Schreibtisch stehen habe, die Option ist toll. Das andere paar ist schon beinahe zu heiss.
Ich hoffe dir wird sie auch gefallen
Die Yuki bekomme ich auch noch. :3 …ah ich merk schon wie es hier immer nackter wird. Sexual Police ist auch noch unterwegs…
Warum auch nicht, scheint eine der besten Figuren von Orchid Seed diese Jahr zu sein.
( ̄▽+ ̄*) ich versuch da die Balance zu halten zwischen niedlichen und heissen Figuren.
Die auch XD Die war mir jetzt hintenrum zu sehr “gespreizt”, aber die Uniform ist toll.
Judging from the photos it’s a nice figure in terms of quality, but a bit too hot for me. I mean…*shifts gaze embarrassed*
Well, at least she was wearing her panties all the time XD
Ahaha, thats true, she’s ultra hot, I love her nevertheless.
*putting her on feal*s desk, while he’s asleep*
I am really impressed with the alternate boobs idea one squished and one rounded
She still looks gorgeous with either one, This cat such a beauty <3
Yes, it’s a good bonus, they could have gone with only sqished boobs, but also provided nice fulll breasts.
I totally love this figure, everything about her.
NY Otaku
Nice review! She certainly is a very suggestive figure as far as the pose and everything ^^ A bit too lewd for my tastes but definitely a nicely done figure.
Thank you, writing is easier when Im really convinced by a figure ^^
That’s undeniable a suggestive figure, not something to display on everybodies shelf. Im used to slightly risque figures, so Im ok with that.
She’s really cute, as expected from Native. I think she’s also a better representation of Misaki Kurehito’s art than the other recently-released figure based on his work (that one girl from the new Queen’s Blade series). I did not get her but if I had, I’d probably dispense with the panties, for the obvious reason and also because they look a little bulky, which is a bit surprising since Native is usually really good at hiding that. I haven’t seen any other reviews of this figure but I will not at all be surprised if people pose her licking up other things, though.
She looks more lively than other figures that are based on his/her art.
Woot!? Im shocked that you haven’t purchased this lovely, ecchy figure, so I can ecxpect no fun with Obama and her
There is not much from Natiuve that I find more appealing.
Sure, anime maids are my top weakness, but also aside from this, Im totally convinced by Cat Lap Milk.
Yeah the option is up to the owner, she has a nice butt underneath for sure, Im not used to figures that offer the option for panties cast off , so to me it looks rather thin.
There was another one in english before mine, but I haven’t linked it
Yeah many ideas for raunchy context pictures, but I didn’t feel like it.
I love her. Native always does a great job with ecchi girls, but she’s my favourite so far! And yes, she’s definitely anatomically correct “down there”. She’s not without bits of roughness, and my cat maid had a slightly warped strand of hair (it doesn’t like against the floor like it should), but she’s so gorgeous I can overlook it. I had to laugh the first time I popped out the square tile on her base. I like her with squishy boobs, so I never need to use it, but the idea of hanging her boobs through the floor tickles my funny bone. I’m quite comfortable with my naughty figures on display, as long as they’re not poking out anyone’s eye with their nudity. I sometimes box them up if I have company over though. The girls need their privacy too. =P
Thx for your comments and checking back today ^^
Yeah I would agree so far, I already like Yoshii a lot and Bath Tub Sonico follows closely after both, but the Maid just rocks, all about her is pretty.
Mine is not 100% as well, but the sculpting nearly a 10, the glue of her shoe lace failed anfd opened at one side.
Maybe there is a breast fondle device under the floor, but the whole idea of a hole in the floor is just hilarious (@゜∇゜@)
Ah I see, so you have an emergency plan for certain guests. Yeah of course.
Pervy Fab another Native figure?
I find Native figures the right kind of erotic. Sure you got various girls in suggestive poses in state of undress but it seems more, erotic than lewd. It doesn’t feel like Native if going for cheap fan service.
Anyways, this is an appealing figure indeed. Nekomimi maids are always a popular theme, Native capitalizing on it seems like a nice extension. I do like the alternate breasts, very amusing to me how you can change the way the figure is displayed with them.
Yes, Sir, it’s a little daring, but I won’t buy their ultra pervy stuff for the time being.
Erotic, yeah maybe, bu there’s often some kind of strong sexual atmosphere around them.
Well, I agree so far that their figures are way better than most other fully nude figures
They make no cheap fanservice figures, but still it’s always a bit on the raunchy side.
I like her wild hair and actually everything else about her ^^
like with Yoshi Hotori and also this figure, I would have also liked them posed in a more casual way,
without these sexual influence, cause their designs are pretty nice and stylish overall.