Welcome everyone, this week I have a new figure review, it’s Kasugano Sora – bunny style version made by Alter.
It’s everyone’s favorite melancholic imouto with an interest in forbidden love and a few minor mental abnormalities.
A whole lot of figure adaptions have been made of Sora, she is surprisingly popular, given her unsocial personality,
that she showed in her VN and anime adaption Yosuga no Sora, but she is a caring little sister. The illustration that this figure is based on was created by Hashimoto Takashi who was in charge of the character designs in the VN.
The bunny style version of Sora was sculpted by one of my favorite figure artists, Hashimoto Ryou. She was released in late April 2017. I received her before I started my 3 week long vacation this year, so I publish this review a bit late.
The figure is scaled 1/7, comes with a stool that has a magnetic sitting surface to hold Sora in place, the trademark black plush bunny is also part of the set. Alltogether while sitting on the stool, the figure has a size of 27 cm.
Sora has her hair tied into two twintails of impressive length, the deep hanging fringe made photography a bit difficult, but the hidden areas give the pictures an artistic touch. The figure has shiny, yelllow gray ish eyes and the face is quite pretty and has a somehow erotic expression, the slightly open mouth with the sculpted lips is really nice on her. Sora’s gaze over her shoulder is an halfway interested, also halfway desinterested one. while nibbling on a single cherry.
She is a very interesting figure that conveys a strong atmosphere, it’s not what you would describe as cute, although by default Sora is someone I would consider as cute. In this figure adadaption though, Sora appears quite mature with a mysterious aura, the whole figure radiates a sense of elegance, a bunny dress in general is not something I would consider as elegant at all, but Sora with her un-boxum body manages to give the outfit a refined, mature appearance.
I really like Sora in a bunny suit, the slender body and less endowed curves make it look nice and not sexually overloaded as other bunny girl figures that have big boobs and butts. Of course I like those as well, but there is a reason why I have chosen this figure of Sora over the dozen amazing bunny girls from FREEing, like Himejima Akeno.
The sculpting of her body is really detailed, be it the arms, the lovely thighs or the modest chest, it all looks beautiful. My personal favorite aspect is the detailed sculpting of the backside with her shoulders and upper back.
Sora is quite petite and thin, but she is also a beautiful young girl. Compared to the slim upper body Sora proudly presents her hips in this nicely articulated arched back pose. The pose also lets her butt look firm and attractive,
I also should mention her very pretty legs, the on the stool position lets them appear longer than they actually are.
In her league Sora is a beautiful and cool bunny girl in a nicely designed bunnysuit with puffy bunny ears, collar and the obligatory cuffs around the wrists. The top part of the bunny suit is painted in pearl white, it’s shiny texture makes it quite appealing to the eye. Obviously also the sculpting with the seams and creases is perfectly done. Her hips and legs are clad in a dark brown pantyhose with good shading effects that accentuate the nicely shaped legs and bottom.
Final Words
Kasugano Sora – bunny style version is a marvelous, attractive, slender bunny girl figure, her articulation and overall presentation are perfect and create a certain atmosphere. Sora looks just cool, she doesn’t feel cheerful, but she is also not especially fanservice heavy, she is a surprisingly classy looking character for someone in such clothes. This Sora is another awesome and elaborately manufacturered figure made by Alter, but also something special in my eyes.
Hey, I think bunny suits can be elegant, just gotta wear them right! I was really interested in this figure but alas unfortunate release timing for me. I just love how Sora’s legs seem to go on forever, the nice curved back putting emphasis on her tushie, the slim petite profile, really good stuff! Although I still can’t decide if I like this or Alphamax’s version from last year the best. Looking at the nice photos though I don’t think I would regret picking Alter’s bunny version at all.
Haha, I think busty girls always look a bit raunchy in those suits, that can either be good or less good ^^
But I guess the other one is also good and a bit cuter.
I really prefer my DFC Sora with tasteful sex appeal. I remember that I feared the first release date would stay unfortunate,
but the delay made it possible for me to order her. Yeah, well said, she has such a nice body and pose ♥.
I just say that ALTER made the better Sora
Do you know this one? https://myfigurecollection.net/picture/1802218&ref=item%3A595220
Alter has made a lot of great Sora figures actually. Saw a lot of nice ones from them frequently though never really ended up buying any of them :p This one is pretty nice too, love the pose and presentation.
Haha yeah indeed they did, someone of the higher ups must be a big fan ;p
I liked 1-2 more, but only as bunny girl she convinced me to order her in the end.
This Sora is so great (*^▽^*). thx for your comment.
Some of FREEing’s bunnygirls are pretty raunchy but the way Sora is pushing her bottom out is really lewd XD Not to mention the way she’s playing with that cherry. Alter did a great job with her, as they should have, since this is the third figure they’ve made of her by my count. Seeing how popular she has always been, I would love to see what sort of figure SkyTube would make of her. There are so many possibilities.
Ahahaha for some reason I can’t see anything lewd in Sora, she is attractive and also partially erotic though

I guess that was the last Sora I’ve purchased, what could be better than this one