Hi everyone, I wrote a new post, it’s about Kikyou from Death Ball. Death Ball is a manga written by Mizuta Kenji, appearing in Comic Fire. It is not translated as far as I know.

Kiyou was released in December 2020 and is scaled 1/6 and with 260 mm and the extra volume of the character she has a quite impressive appearance. The sculptor in charge was Tsutakaze Toshi.
The figure was manufactured by Daiki Kougyou.

I’ve always been a fan, their choice of characters to be turned into figures is often really good, it are mainly curvy ero manga characters, that range from demon girls, sexy housewife, girlfriend or Walkure Romanze characters.

The character has been illustrated by Akasa Ai. The figure has the following parts included in the box, a green grass base, a staff as weapon (the tiny circles at the top can be rotated), There are two hair pieces; one with visor and one without, exchangeable arms and a torso without clothes are also included.

Obviously Kikyou is a pointy eared Elf, I mainly ordered her because of that, which might be a bad impulse to spend 20.000 Yen.

Kikyou is a pretty Elf, the cute head is great. The face is nice, on one side it has a mature motherly warmth, but it also looks youthful and bubbly. The eye decals are very well made. The nose is nicely sculpted, but her open mouth is really outstanding with its level of detail and the addition of a tongue. What I also really like about her is the beautiful hair, sculpting and coloring are great.

I think the figure is not bad at all, but I will go into detail about her few shortcomings and the good sides in the following text.

Kikyou is a very nice big figure, she has a great looking outfit. Cape and dress create a good combination. You can display her with cape or without, I like her with just the cocktail dress and choker.

Everything looks pleasant when she is fully or partially dressed, she holds the magical staff tightly under her breast which looks amusing. The cape covers over her shoulders has a nice pattern.

Daiki Kougyou figures nearly always provide a cast off feature. It offers different display options, when swapping parts color transfer can happen, those paint transfers are often easy to remove, but it’s still annoying.
In the nude display option her boobs and wide hips are exposed. In any case I prefer the dressed display option, the nude display option doesn’t look as good as on other Daiki Kougyou figures.

The cocktail dress has a tight fit and accentuates the figures beautiful body, the belly is partially exposed. The blue color looks really great and bold and the white parts increase the contrast. The area of bare legs between boots and dress is very attractive.

Overall, the figures is pretty and the face is simply gorgeous with the detailed sculpt and adorable happy expression. The overall quality is good, the paint is cleanly applied and there are no rough areas or ugly seamlines on the sculpt at all. The only bigger flaw is that the back of the exchangeable torso doesn’t align properly.
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