Today I will show you the figure of Nanami Aoi from Rocket Boy.

Nanami Aoi has been released in June 2019, she is scaled 1/6 and measures 290mm. She has been adapted from an artwork of illustrator momi and sculpted by Hocke. She was manufactured by Rocket Boy and distributed by Native.

I’m a fan of Rocket Boy since their first figure, Chitose in 2016. The illustrated characters they chose for figure adaptations are often very cute and aren’t presented in a too lewd context.
The body sculpting is simply perfect in every regard, the skin a light glossy finish, it’s really not too glossy it tries recreating the look of sunscreen, sweat and water.

It’s been a while that I received an ero figure and to be honest I missed to take pictures of pretty and nude figures.

I like this figure a lot, the idea with her climbing up the pool ladder as base is great. In her standing pose she has an impressive size. The figure is so beautiful the body is quite stunning and the articulation of her pose is quite nice.

She has long dark blue hair, there is a detailed front hair with very fine strands, the longer hairat the back is separated into several strands of varying thickness, the longer strands tips are touching her butt. As hair decoration there is a check patterned yellow ribbon and a silver clip.

The figures face, boobs and butt can all be viewed at the same time, the figures gaze is directed behind her with her expressive amber colored eyes, she creates a feeling of shyness and seduction while still being somehow mysterious.

The face has been sculpted and painted with attention to detail, the eyes are very pretty and there is some blush applied on her cheeks and also a bright reflection point. From a few angles her rather nervous looking mouth turns into a friendly smile which is quite interesting.
Optionally she can either be displayed with half downed swimsuit or nude with high heels. I my opinion it would be a crime to cover such a nicely shaped butt, so I didn’t bother to take pictures of her half dressed alternative body.

Her boobs have an above average size, but not on the too big side, it’s a completely different story with her backside, the figure has really wide hips and a really big butt and I really, really like that asspect of Nanami Aoi.
There are those metallic colored rings at the arms and legs that cover the separation gaps that are necessary for the body swapping process. I really like the naturally nude appearance of the figure. It is only a little unfortunate about those few parts that are distracting the clean look of the figure.
The Nanami Aoi figure has a beautiful female body, everything looks nice and smooth, the gentitals are visible but not in a lewd way, it’s simply there and that is good
I also don’t know why the girl is wearing high heels at the pool.

Final Words
Nanami Aoi has the best butt ever seen on a figure, the sculptor did a really great job with this and also everything else about this figure. Her face is lovely, she also has a creative base, a really nice pose and just looks fantastic overall.
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