Hi everyone
Today I have the Super Soniko Bondage version from Orchid Seed on review, this figure was released on May 15th 2011. She is a 1/7 scaled figure with a height of 160 mm,sculpted by Tanaka Masanori. This figure was popular enough for having all pre-orders sold out before the release, sometimes it’s good to place preorders soon enough ^o^ I preordered her early at AmiAmi and paid around 9790 yen, EMS shipping rate of 3160 yen included, haha a total price crazy as batshit, but I wanted her as soon as possible, so I didn’t give it a second thought.
Attention this post contains nudity this post is not safe for work!
Super Soniko was created by the Nitroplus Company in 2007, to be the mascot for their yearly Nitro Super Sonico Music Festival held in Japan. Since her creation, she has become quite popular, she gained a lot of popularity over the last few years, I would say the peak of her popularity happened in this year. There were made several figures, mousepads, hug pillow cover, cushion covers, t-shirts, a vmf50 doll and other merchandising products of her.
Also a Game with Sonico is in production, called Communication With Sonico.
I also found a supercute advertisement with Soniko in that outfit, well I don’t understand much but the way she’s acting is really cute and funny, this voice, the body language, just *hnnng*
Her headphones are her personal trademark, the charm points of Soniko are her cute face, the overall cute and natural appearance (not just her big boobs, baka!) and girls who can play the E-guitar are always cool and interesting in my opinion. She has no model sizes and appears slightly chubby, in an attractive way, Soniko has a likeable and nice girl next door look.
As an experienced figurine collector there are still things that are new experiences for me, when looking in my collection there are many figures with small bust sizes and overall they are mainly on the cute or pretty side, so this Soniko was the first figure I own that has quite big boobs and a very sexy aura. Obviously this is a figure for adult and maybe a little bit brave collectors, I guess some of your parents or better said mums (in case you still live at home) would be shocked to see such a hottie, even fully dressed in your room XD my mum just said:
“Oh, she has quite big tits”
yes she said tits XD. On the other hand my male friends like Soniko a lot ^o^
Soniko is a figure which looks more offensive than other sexy figures, even when not casted off. Aside from the cool little jacket her outfit with the tight breast corsage, the opened hotpants and the garterbelt with fishnet stockings can be considered as quite bold. Anyway I would lie when I say that I don’t like it, I think its alluring, otherwise I hadn’t ordered her ;p. I never had such a sexy figure in my collection before, ok my two Endoh Ifrina figures for example are also quite bold and I wasn’t even brave enough to make a review of the Vol.1 A Type Version Ifrina figure, but they are very small and don’t draw the same attention like a well endowed and sexy 1/7 scaled figure like Orchid Seeds Super Soniko Bondage version.
Hair & Face
The hairstyle reminds me of the Tako monster from the Vocaloid Luka, the strands and the light haircolor fit very well to her face. A little part that bothers me are the headphones, the modeling of them is quite good, but they are left as just a grey piece of plastic, it would look a lot better with silver color on it. The face is sculpted in a soft way. Her beautiful and detailed pink eyes are big and are pointing to the left. The head of Soniko is slightly tilted to the right which fits very well to her shy and uneasy face expression, its like she would ask “should I also take that thing off?” I would answer “you don’t have to force yourself I also like you when you are dressed.” *cough* Ok, back to topic *cough* What I somehow miss are the blush marks on her cheeks, like they were shown on the illustration. They would add more cuteness to her face.
Body & Outfit
As said before Soniko’s proportions are more on the chubby side, well she isn’t fat at all, its just that her curves are well rounded and have a soft appearance, especially her belly looks very soft and pretty. The Boobs of this figure are quie huge, but not in an ridiculously unrealistic way and don’t completely defy gravity. Her boobs are sculpted nicely, they are so nice and round and have slightly pointy nipples ^^ Her legs appear a bit short in her pose, but to me it looks still realistic, to give you a better imagination of her proportions, I’ve measured the body and her body measures around 80 mm without head and her legs measure around 130 mm in total.
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I think I should also mention her cute and nicely sculpted fingers, you can place the strings of her corsage between them, without the corsage some people said it looks like she wants to pinch her nipples, but you could also say that she just points at her boobs.
The outfit is influenced by rock star, strip club and biker chick fashion elements, you are able to combine the pieces of her outfit in different ways, jacket with chest corsage, without corsage, bare boobed and with hotpants or without hotpants and so on. The two colored jacket with the Soniko Icon is very cool and detailed I also like the hotpants with the “flying” white belt, under the hotpants she wears a black g-string with a cute pink ribbon at the front. The fishnet stockings aren’t painted on her legs, they are wrapped around them, at the backside they are connected with a rather thick seamline, well at least they aren’t very noticeable because of their location.
All the small silver colored eyelets and buckles not to forget the nice wrinkles at her clothes,
which are very pretty details of this interesting and sexy outfit of Soniko.
Soniko’s skincolor is pale and has a tad pinky colortone. The paintjob isn’t 100% clean, for example the paintjob on her garterbelt and the panty lines could a little bit better, therefore the shading effects on her skin look quite nice and accentuate her curves.
Castoff & Accessoires
Soniko is castoffable and the sculptor put a lot of effort to make it as easy and clean as possible. The parts do fit together very well without being loose and can be seperated with just a little amount of force. The gaps which are necessary for the castoff option are very well hidden, you can take off her head, her arms, her jacket, her bust corset and the black hotpants leg pair. To display her without the hotpants, a second pair of legs is hidden inside the very nice looking box.
As accessoires Orchid Seed included a transparent round disk with a frosted texture and a very, very detailed guitar, it’s so cool that at the pins of the guitar are at different positions, the guitar also comes with a own base, you could also place it between Soniko’s arms if you want to.
Final Words
In short this figure is AWESOME I never thought that you could put that much sex appeal into a piece of plastic before seeing it with my own eyes, Orchid Seeds Soniko is a high quality figure and was totally worth the money. The sculpting is very well done, I saw no ugly seamlines on her or rough areas, her body looks just too good and is great eyecandy, also the castoff option is integrated very well, in the figure “thumbs up”. Soniko was my second figure from Orchid Seed and like Dwarf she also became an all time favorite figure for me, congrats to the people who also ordered this Soniko bondage version, I hope you are or will be as happy with her as me.
The 5 things I like the most about Soniko:
Her scale of 1/7 fits her very perfectly
Her beautiful body proportions
She’s sexy as hell without looking cheap.
The different dress up options for her outfit.
Soniko’s very well executed castoff option.
Im curious how Yamato’s Soniko figure which has a bit different aura, will turn out and If she can make the overall positive impression, that I’ve already received with the Soniko from Orchid Seed.
Side Notes
For the first time I used a led bulb (300 lumen 6000 Kelvin)as second lightsource next to my softbox I was very impressed by the light output of it. The usage of the red and white strings attached to the fan was a lot oft fun with the longer exposure time (1/25,1/30) unfortunately the small fan was a bit weak for the weight of the strings, they couldn’t lift up completely I will try this fan/string combination again with lighter strings. No figures where harmed or molested during the shooting or afterwards. In case you haven’t noticed it I ♥♥♥♥ this Sonico figure a lot.
In case you want to see more pictues of this Soniko figure please visit
Orange Empire
You sure take such lovely photos to express the sexyness of this figure XD My favourite pic is no 4
I prefer her in her non cast off, as I find that she looks better.
You seem like a big sonico fan now! I’ve always liked the Sonico figures which come out but I’ve never bought them (not as brave as you + I didn’t know her char well and I’m the type to buy characters that I only know, unless they are extremely beautiful!)
A very detailed and nice review. How long has it been since, seeing a figure without a seam line! Most seem to have it on the hair. The headphones seemed to cover Sonico’s hair seam lines XD
haha she does look like she’s pinching her b**bs* I also think it would of been nice if they actually had her blush, as that would make it feel more Sonico^^’ and more true to the illustration. But man, the quality of this figure is amazing
The last pic of her fanning herself to the fan made me laugh XD
Lighting seems great, maybe I should invest in a pair of lights
Anyways, a great review as always!
Thank you I was surprised how good they looked after the shooting
Yeah I like her look a lot, aside from that I don’t know not much about her, either.
Haha yeah same here, I can’t display her topless atm, don’t want to look like a perv when my female friend comes around, she would tease me all the time and call Soniko a boob monster XD
maybe Im blind torwards seamlines, but her sculpt looks really clean and well handled.
Yes I want my blush marks! could use moms make up to create them haha.
Oh I haven’t noticed that in the picture, I actually just wanted to take a pic of her backside XD thx for pointing that out.
Yes you should, light is important.
Great shots as always Fab! Her body looks quite yummy~~~
The only thing that bothers me about her is her head…She has all these large soft curves, but her head seems so narrow like it got squished…
Think she would have looked 100x better if it had a more rounded shape to it. T_T
Thx a lot Ash , I tried my best for Sonico, she’s so nice
From some angles the head really seems a bit narrow but when having her on my desk it looks ok to me, as I saw the official shots of Sonico I also had the same impression about her head like you now, in reality it doesn’t look that strange.
My favorite pic is the one with the feathers i think, looks lovely ! (and of course, the ones on MFC :)).
There is some little things not perfect on this Sonico, but i agree that she’s very well made and sexy without being vulgar. Good job from Orchid Seed.
Anyway, great review with lovely pics, i don’t think i ever commented here, but i always loved your work
See ya <3
Hi James thx for stopping by and for your praise
Yeah not a 100% figure , but no figure is 100%,
what I really miss the most are blush marks in her face. thank you very much, oh don’t worry ^_^
Woah, Sonico looks fab. You’re right about how she instantly draws your attention even with all her clothes on. Being able to then cast-off just increases her sex appeal. I think having her just wearing the jacket would look hot.
Since her arms can be removed you’d perhaps have thought they’d include another set of arms. Maybe something a little more natural looking instead of the pinching pose. It’s not that distracting though really.
Haha, I love your mums reaction.
I wonder how the Yamato Sonico you ordered will compare with this one.
Im glad you like her, Soniko is happy as well ;D
Oh I’ve totally missed this combination *orz*
Would have been a nice extra to have spare arms, yoou can’t have everything.
Im curious about their figure, I hope she’ll be good
Nice review! Can definitely tell that you really really love this figure. Love the pictures, I was telling Zai as I was reading this review that if you posted any of these pics on MFC, she would lose PotD. And it happened! But very well deserved and you happened to post my fav pic with the blurry strings across her (24) xD. I also like the ones of her in the furry stuff, somehow it adds to the sex appeal.
As for the figure itself, it was a toss-up for us between this one and the Yamato one. Even though I really liked the outfit and guitar on this one, the face and slightly stumpy legs put me off and we ended up getting the Yamato one instead. That one better be good because looking at all the yummy details on this one like the sculpt, stockings, boots, etc sets the bar quite high. Looking forward to your review of her!
Thank you Luth ^_^
It was a fair “fight” hehe, I really thought your Sakura pic would win, cause my confidence in being able to win the potd dropped to zero in the last few months.
I can’t remeber the reason anymore why I’ve ordered both Soniko figures in the end.
I geuss she will turn out nearly as good. I have trust in Yamato, don’t dissapoint me guys
the props for her shoot are prepared.
I can’t believe your mom said that, she must be pretty laid back.
It’s great that you can change the clothing that she wears, I find that’s much better than figures with static poses because then you can change them once you get tired of the previous look. I’m also impressed with the body sculpt and the details on the guitar, they look amazing.
Yep she’s the best =)
I actually like that feature of her a lot.
Her body looks unbelievable nice to me ;D
The guitar looks also really awesome its such a cool extra.
I have a friend who was thinking about cancelling his Sonico preorder. I linked this review to him, and now I doubt he’s going to hit that cancel button anytime soon. =)
I like Sonico in a dark outfit. The black leather compliments her fair skin perfectly. I am also a HUGE sucker for the collar choker. I hope I’ll get to photograph and review my friend’s Sonico, because my mouth is watering when I look at yours.
Haha you really did that?, thats cool, glad I could be of help in this case ^^
There also was a red version of her, but black suits her much better I think, Oh thank you very much, I gave my best to make her appear pretty =)
Ah, I’m late!
Great, great review and photos! I think this one might be my favourite from you so far! I really love how your enjoyment of the figure comes across in the review.
I don’t know why but I’ve always found Soniko cute, no matter what pose she’s in or what she’s wearing (or not wearing). This is such a gorgeous figure and I wish I could see her with my own eyes.. especially her boots. I really love those boots, haha.
If I still lived at home, I’m pretty sure my Mum might say the same thing about this figure. xD
No,no not really
Oh makes me happy to hear that, in terms of the pics it felt like a dramatic improvement with the light setting. haha oh I can’t hide my enjoyment with her ;D
I also like the characterdesign of her a lot ^^
Yeah the outfit has a very good design and a high quality feel to it.
It looks like Orchid Seed did a great job with Sonico; I was a bit concerned as to how she’d turn out since they don’t have the most consistent track record but I’m glad to see my fears were unfounded. They did an especially marvelous job with her chest. I was also a bit worried that her legs looked too short in the promo photos, but in picture 22 they seem to be fine. I’m looking forward to finally getting her, since she’s shipping with a bunch of other figures that got released at the end of this month.
Good that I just entered the Orchid Seed wagon after they seemed to improve their quality
From my point of view she looks really great, there are only a few small things which could have been better.
Yes the boobs are really pretty, a bit too nice for me *nosebleed* XD
I think the legs are ok, regarding her plump thighs, I love her a little bit chubby proportions.
looking forward to your review.
its like she would ask “should I also take that thing off?” I would answer “you don’t have to force yourself I also like you when you are dressed.”
Role playing with our figures now are we? :p Too bad you can’t become 1/7 haha
I wonder how Sonico would turn out if she had more fan made stuff like Miku. The fanbase of Miku seems to be self sustaining while Sonico relies on official illustrations and figures.
Like Ashlotte, I’m a little put off my how her face looks. I can;t quite put my finger on it but I think it’s to do with how her nose and mouth is in relation to her face…
I also agree that they should have at least tried to make her heaphones look realistic. It looks like it was made of clay. You’d think it would be very easy to make her headphones look like plastic.
That said, this is a fine figure. If this was the only figure by Orchid Seed, I’d put them right next to Alter/GSC/Megahouse/Maxfactory etc.
I love how everything of hers oozes sex appeal. But I think she the slightly less embarrassed look here is not as good as the one in the original illustration.
hi thx for stopping by Well I like my figures, but this dialog was merely a joke XD Soniko should rather grow 1/1 lol
There are a few fanworks of her, but unfortunately that’s mainly H related stuff.:(
Oh another on who think her face is strange somehow, after some days on my desk I can’t really say that it looks strange. Only the very faint blush marks and the headphones could have been better made.
With more visible blush marks like in the illustration she would leave an even better impression I think.
Oh, so she’s a mascot. I’ve seen her around but didn’t really know her origins. Thanks for the background info ^^.
The figure itself is really quite nice. I’m generally not a fan of oversized boobs but she doesn’t look ridiculous with her set. Quite nice, in fact
Orchid Seed seems to have done a good job with the cast-off feature. Although I don’t have any figures with nudity like this, I do have figures that have removable jackets or skirts or what have you and they can be tricky. Sometimes the cast-off feature causes the pieces to run together and damage the paint-job but it seems to be well done here. Overall she seems to be a great figure. Good thing you pre-ordered early! xD
Yep she is a cute mascot, no problem it was good filler conten in the review ^^
Im also not too fond of really big boobs, but I like Soniko’s size and proportions quite a lot.
Yep an excellent executed cast off feature, I will try to give her clothes from Azone’s 23cm line, putting them on should be really with this figure.
Yep indeed Im very happy with her =)
There, I finally get to read this review, stupid long work hours.
I think I pretty much like this figure because of all the points you listed. I really like Sonico’s design except for one thing, the clothes that Nitro+ keeps putting one her. I don’t mind the suggestive ecchi outfits only the lack of everything else.
Now I wonder though, why is Nitro+ making such a big push for Sonico this year.
Hi no problem I thought it was the reason that Soniko appeared too slutty to you XD
Yeah I understand your point Soniko is more the innocent character but there are only sexy figures and stuff of her on the market. Well I don’t complain in the case of this figure, it is from Orchid Seed and they mainly produce sexy figures ^^
I guess they want to advertise their upcoming game and make the Soniko mascot more popular.
““Oh, she has quite big tits””
Loll, your mom is awesome!
Anyway, love the voluptuous feel of this figure. Very rounded and soft looking. And agreed about the sex appeal! She’s oozing with it.
Also, I really like bondage fashion, so I really like the outfits as well. Fishnet stockings. ♥
haha yes *lol*
I also love that, still have her on my desk cause she’s so nice and sexy ^^
Ah I see yeah fishnet stockings are cool,