Hi eveybody, ready for a new figure review?
Today I will have a quite ecchi, but at the same time an also really cute figure on review, her name is Yoshii Hotori. Hotori was manufactured by Native and sculpted by Kawanishi Ken who worked on a number of nice figures and GK’s. She was actually sold as exclusive figure, normally you need a proxy service to get something like that, but here in germany I could order her like any other figure with just a little markup in the end. Thanks again at Yorokonde.
Yoshii Hotori’s release happened in june 25th of last year, she is scaled 1/7 and has a height of 23 cm. She was released about the same time as the Sonico – Bath version from Native, which was one of the reason why I haven’t ordered Hotori at that time, next to her uncovered nudity.
The sporty girl is an original character, which means that the figure has no real origin and is simply based on a illustration. This certain one was drawn by abec, a card with the illustration came along with the figure. In Yoshii Hotori’s case there are a few more sketches around.
I really like her unique design, she definetely would deserve an own manga or even anime ^^.
The windowless box design resebmbles a gymnastics box, unlinke the bold details of the figure inside, the box has a kind of classy design. Inside we have a round base with a concreate like texture, the figure itself, a two piece gymnastics box, a notepad and a connector for the figure.
Hair & Face
The figure has a relatively big head. As hairstyle she has very long twintails, which actually remind me a bit of Kana from Minami ke. With the detailed strands her hair looks elaborately sculpted, even the backside of her heard is very detailed. The silver hairclips are a very small but lovely detail as well. I have a liking to natural haircolors on anime girls in general. Next to black I really like a dark brown, Hotori’s hair is a mix of brown and grey and shows very dark shading.
Yoshii Hotori has a cute round face which is slightly altered compared to the face expression on the illustration. On her illustration Hotori actually looked more raunchy and alluring. As figure she has a anxious look on her face, like if she is concerned about getting her biker shorts up before someone notices her in the storage room. With a more dirty mind you could think that someone forces her to get undress, it’s up to the interpretation of the viewer. Overall I think that the figure looks very cute with the anxious and emberrassed expression on her face.
I like her detailed face a lot, the eyebrow lines are nice and big round eyes are just beautiful. Native recreated these blush marks from the illustration very well, it’s an important detail which is forgotten too often by a variety of manufacturers. The deep mouth of Hotori turned out very nice, I really like that upper front teeth line, the mouth convey’s the anxious emotion very good.
Body & Outfit
Hotori is a skinny and petite person with a youthful appearance, but since her red armbadge means something like teacher, she can’t be that young actually.
Figures in gymnastic outfits are a quiete rare sight, even though it looks very cool, like Hotori shows here. I really like her blue jersey jacket, it is so nicely detailed and has a striking color. Under the jacket wears a white pulled up t-shirt, which shows nice wrinkles. At her lower part she has tight, black biker shorts with a rubber like shine on them, with no underwear beneath.
I don’t know if this is common sense in Japan from my experience with Japanese media it is (Kanbaru from Bakemonogatari or Koharu, the little, not blood related sister in Hinatabokko).
Do you wear underwear when wearing biker shorts?
I think her shoes are also very cool, she is wearing ankle high sportsneakers in a sporty color design. As little detail there is a whistle around her neck, I haven’t tried if it fit’s into her mouth.
The pose of Hotori is pretty nice I like how they turned it from the illustration into this 3 dimensional figure. It feels very convincing and natural how she rests with one knee on the gymnastics box and puuls up her shorts with both hands. The figure is a bit bold because the crucial parts are revealed, Hotori has small perky breasts and a well defined trained belly. Also her back is quie exposed, she has a small and well rounded butt, further below Hotori proves that she’s an anatomically correct figure. It’s more a little play with nudity than portraying a lewd situation, like it is done with other Native figures. I was quite concerned about her level of nudity at first, which was one of the reasons why I purchased her that late after release.
I broke my “no pantsu, no purchase” rule which didn’t made me very happy, I find it a bit unfortunate that that no optional parts for covering this figure, like panties or a sport bra.
Well, I think such a cast off option would have been too complex overall. It is not like Native would care about that anyway, since these things are not even parts of the adapted illustration.
When displayed the figure actually looks more modest than it seems since the shadows cover her vagina area under normal light.
Final Words
After a lot of struggling with the purchase of this figure, Im really glad that I didn’t passed on buying this excellent figure. Yoshii Hotori has a very appealing design, she is a cute and petite character and is dressed in very cool sport attire. Her gymnastics box base and the notepad are a funny idea and make this figure very lively in pose and overall appearance.
This is my second Native figure and again it turned out to be nearly flawless, be it the sculpting or the paintjob. They either must be procucing with a lot of care or a strict quality control.
more reviews of Yoshii Hotori can be found at
She doesnt seem particularly happy for what she is doing…
or maybe its that face where she says the typical be gentle..
Suprised how this figure quality wise turned out to be, the colors are nicely done along with the whole package if you know what i mean haha
Well, there are many ways to see this situation, to me she’s anxious trying to put on her shorts before the sports education is starting ^o^
Yes she looks very nice in terms of painting and craftsmanship.
There are actually some different original artworks from this figure. She is a teamleader or sportsteacher who just got disturbed by some school girls: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1399840
Nette Fotos übrigens. Es sieht irgendwie aus als wenn du Anfangs versucht hättest sie so zu fotografieren, dass man die umstrittene Stelle nicht sehen kann. ^^
Aber ihr Blick ist wirklich immer wieder schön anzusehen. Der Hintergrund den du unter anderem beim Bild “Yoshii_Hotori-Native-006.jpg” verwendet hast, gefällt mir gut. =)
You can easily see her in a non sexual content, what I like a lot about this figure.
Danke, ja echt? naja vielleicht unterbewusst. Aber eigentlich fang ich nie mit nackten Tatsachen an ;D
Ich finde ihr Gesicht super niedlich und ausdrucksstark, auch wenn sie leicht angespannt wirkt.
Ja, das ist mein Sporthallenbrett, muss ich bald mal etwas modifizier, demnächst kommen keine Sportlerinnen an.
Nur Magical girls, Dämonenmädchen und scharfe Maids XD
I’ve always really liked this figure, I find her face and expression quite nice. Her character design is really cute too.
I’ve always loved how classy Native’s boxes are despite their contents, I think they’re the only manufacturer from who I actually get excited to see what the box is like, lol.
I would like to have her in my collection if her bits weren’t displayed out in the open like that or she looked a bit older although I wouldn’t mind if no one ever came into my room, haha.
Gorgeous figure and a great review.
Yeah, I also think she’s kind of adorable like this. Hotori could look happier, but her anxious face expression is also cute.
Windowless boss are more classy in general, but Native also has pretty designs for their boxes. Haha I see ^^
Yeas that gave me some reious struggle, why couldn’t they dress her a bit, well it’s Native.
Im glad that Car Lap Milk comes with panties, I saw some of these new promo pictures recently and I would never display her without the striped panties ;D
I thought about that, Hotori would also look great older with more curves and bigger boobs (๑¯ᴗ¯๑)
The figure looks great and I quite like the design of the character, but…I would not have the courage to have one of these standing around in my house when people come over (even if covered with a very thick protection)…:D
I love her looks, but er nudity is undeniable.
Ah yeah thats completely understandable, I actually had prefered this character in a less risky context.
This Hotori still is more toned down in terms of explicit ecchiness than the other figures from Native have produced.
she is so cute,I didn’t realized she is a PE teacher before people start reviewing her, and I still think those white part molded with the shorts is her underwear ^^
She is a very cute girl, indeed ^_^
I hope the red badge doesn’t mean something else, though. But maybe she is a small PE teacher.
Ah I haven’t considere that, to me it appeared like the inlay of her shorts, but who knows.
I’d rather seen her covered with a bit of underwear, to be honest.
Better to get her late than never! I remember the artwork made her look so embarrassed and shy; if I remember right, this is supposed to depict a relatively innocent moment. Then I look at your third picture, where she looks absolutely terrified. God, I love it. It really does spark the imagination.
I used to have rules about collecting figures as well; my main one was that I did not want to buy more than one figure of a character, so if I were going to get a figure, I had to make sure it was one that I really liked. That rule went out the window pretty quickly, and it’s a good thing that it did, since then the only Saber figure I could have ever owned was Alter’s old figure of her in a white bikini, and that one has since snapped off of its base, so the only way I could display Saber is her face-down on my shelf.
I think this is one of the nicest figures Native has done, though it’s a tough thing to decide, since pretty much all their stuff is very nice. Would that Alter would go ahead and launch their own ero figure label to provide some competition with Max Factory for the title of king of ero figures.
Indeed, well you can’t say that it wasn’t a well thought purchase *lol*
In fact I would have missed her badly in my collection.
I can’t really imagine her being molestered by dressing up in the storage room, she’s just in a hurry since gym class already started.
Even though theses storage rooms are often indicated as it was the perfect place for having sex on the schoolground I can’t make the connection.
Hotori is neraly nude, but to me she is one of the less lewd figures from Native, I really like that this scene can be seen quite natural as only dressing up.
Other Native figures touch themself or spread their legs,but Hotori is just nude and cute for me, her face is so lovely.
Ah yes the classic one, 1 figure per character rule, with more popular characters this actually is impossible, you can’t clearlysay thats the best Tamaki or Saber figure.
Well, in some cases you can be happy to get one decent figure of a character you liked.
Ahaha I guess ALTER would never do that, their figures are so tame, they can be busty, but still tame.
Despite knowing how well Native can make figures, it always surprises me when I see a review of one because I don’t normally associate ecchi with quality. Yoshii Hotori does look amazing though, I love her pose and her facial expression.
Well, there h
This is second favorite figure from Native, my first would be Shoujo S. Every time I look at this figure I can’t get enough of that expression! Hotori’s embarrassed expression, the blush, she just looks so vulnerable.
I like her petite body, that’s right up my alley, the small modest breasts are nice too. I find the pose to be pretty neat, caught right in the act so to speak. With pervy figures I always find the poses to be somewhat more contrived that usual.
I do find it hard to believe she is supposed to be a teacher though.
Shoujo S *cough* Miette no ecchi! Well, she looks interesting, it feels so wrong if such young characters have a horny look on their face.
For me the little school girl should rather have a cute expression and less lewd pose, it’s a figure I wouldn’t buy.
Hotori just looks slightly older, but she doesn’t have this “seducing sex atmosphere” around her even though she is very revealing
But yes her face looks great, I love the shape, the big eyes and her blush a lot
Yes, girls like that are quite enchanting, but I also like the buxom ones
The pose has a natural flow to it. I think it is more difficult and challenging to make ecchi and attractive girls in believeable poses.
Ahaha yeah, she doesn’t look like it. Maybe you can see her student teacher.
I would have loved to have such a cute teacher ^-^
One of the best creations of the company. Especially in this figure are very pleased with the beautiful breasts. Спасибо тебе за красивые фотографии столь прекрасной фигурки.
At least she’s one of their most charming figures for me ^^
Yeah nice little breasts.