Yukio Okumura – Ao no Exorcist – MegaHouse


Today I will review a MegaHouse G.E.M. figure, it’s the name of their male figure line up.

Recently more male figures appear in the figure market, which was always dominated by boobs and moe, named female figure. Well, I prefer female figures, but one male figure won’t hurt in my collection nor my sexual orientation. I actually wanted to buy the G.E.M. figure of Rin Okumura, because I like him a lot as a character in the anime, but I unfortunately didn’t like how he turned out in the end, I kind of disliked his faces, that was really not my Rin. After I had some interest in ALTER’s upcoming Waver Velvet, I ended with the purchase of Yukio Okumura.

Yukio illu

Yukio Okumura is from the anime/manga Ao no Exorcist, it was a really cool anime that Im actually rewatching. Yukio is the younger brother of Rin, even though Yukio seems to be more grown up in every regard. Yukio is already working as an  Exorcist and is also a teacher at the cram school in True Cross Academy, it’s kind of funny how he lectures his older in the anime.

The figure of Yukio Okumura was manufactured by MegaHouse and released on the end of  January 2013. The figure is scaled 1/8 and has an overall height of 23 cm.  Yukio Okumura was sculpted by Iwamoto Kunihito who also made this interesting figure of Sakura Matou.

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 028


Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 025

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 014

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 005

The figure comes with several parts, there are two arms, two heads with different expressions, plastic glasses and two wire glasses. You can also seperate the hands and the guns of him.

Hair & Face

The figure resembles the anime counterpart to a big extent. Yukio has short black hair with spiky strands all around. A wide mouth is part of the characterdesign of Ao no Exorcist. The skintone has a natural pale color and Yukio has two moles on his face which suit him good.

Yukio is obviously a pretty boy with a few feminine characteristics in his face, it has well defined  proportions. He has strong and straightened eyebrows and his blue eyes also look great and very detailed. His  mouth also shows slightly accentuated lips with dark shading in between. A stronger jaw and an expressive chin are also something that sets him aside from female figures.

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 002

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 003

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 008

As a friend of glasses, the Yukio figure is even more fun for me, he comes with three glasses, a thick frame model. The other model is made of wire and comes in two different colors. With the rectangular cutout in the frame It is closer to the glasses which where used by Yukio in the anime, In my pictures I only used the plastic frame, sorry I actually forgot to change them ^^.

The glasses can be taken off, but thats not the only possibilityto change the way to display this figure, Yukio has a second head with a different faceplate. So the kind Yukio from before has turns into a serious, angry excorcist, he has different eyebrows, more closed eyes and a not amused mouth. Aside from the lack of sunglasses, you ou could also think he is a character from The Matrix. This is not my favorite, but it looks also very good and matches Yukio’s angry side.

It’s cool that MegaHouse included the two face feature, since it gives you the freedom to display Yukio figure with the expression you prefer, with glasses or without. Aside from the seam on the hair it’s a seamleass solution to swap the heads. Im slightly prefer friendly Yukio.

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 021

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 013

Body & Outfit

With a height 23cm Yukio is a little taller than most female 1/8 scaled figures on my shelf, but he is still in the zone to be displayed next to them without looking awkward. Yukio stance is a little leaned backwards with the head turned to the left, I have no idea why he doesn’t stand straight, maybe it should look like the bullet tim in the Max Payne video game. Yukio is wearing a long black leather trench coat which is also the unform for male teachers at True Cross Academy.

The folds and wrinkles give this piece of waredrobe it a really realistic touch, I really like the look of it. Underneath there can be seen the collar of his shirt and the striped necktie. Other parts of his outfit are normal black business man trousers and shoes. Around his waiste Yukio is wearing a brown belt where he is stioring a lot of ammunition, at the backside holsters for his two guns.

Even though it might look like the guns can be put in the holsters and the straps could be placed in the small holes, don’t try it, it’s not possible, just a nice illusion of this figure.

While mainly kept in a black colorsheme, there are a lot of small details on Yukio’s outfi, like the buttons, realistic seams and so on, the shading and incooperated details really let the outfit appear close to a lifelike appearance, overall It is very cool and are one of the reasons why the Yukio Okumura figure is so appealing.

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Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 007

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 024

Since Yukio’s Exorcist class is Dragoon, he uses guns. In fact he id wielding two Springfield M1911A1, they can also be take out of his hands, but there is nothing elso for Yukio to hold.

The fgure has a second option to change it’s look, there is another right arm, so you can display Yukio in a more relaxed action posed with both arms down, but there is also an outstretched arm that gives the whole figure are tougher appearance. He is standing on a small, dark-blue, octagon shaped base with a symbol and the name Yukio Okumura written on it.

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Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 011

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 029

Final Words

So this ends the review of Yukio Okumura from MegaHouse, they created a really good figure of this character, I have to say. Well, it is my first male anime figure and while he has not the charm points of female figures like bright cuteness or sexy curves, Yukio is a good looking bishounen figure in a very cool outfit. The alternative parts and different display options are also a big plus.

It also has really been some time since I got myself a new MegaHouse figure, I guess I only have ever bought Nanael and Echidna if Im not mistaken. A reason for that few figures might be that they rarely made figures that interested me much, they should make a Lyla from Queen’s Blade Rebellion someday. Anyway, Im glad that the figure turned out like that, he is a great figure of Yukio Okumura and has a very good quality, I haven’t found a real flaw so far.

I won’t buy another male figure in the near future, but if there would be a second time, I would definetely want to have a figure of Koyomi Araragi. He is probably my favorite male character.

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 001

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 006

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 015

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 019

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 026

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 010

Yukio_Okumura - Ao no Exorcist MegaHouse - 023

17 Responses

  1. Bakayaro

    Besitze außer Game-Figuren aus Collector Editions keine einzige männliche Figur. Obwohl besonders Megahouse anscheinend ein Händchen dafür hat. Und deine Fotos lassen Yukio Okumura echt cool aussehen. Der blaue Hintergrund und die Steine gefallen mir ziemlich gut. Sie stachen bereits auf mfc und figure.fm heraus als ich sie vorhin gesehen habe. Licht, Pose und Umgebung gefallen mir bei “Yukio_Okumura-Ao-no-Exorcist-MegaHouse-014.jpg” am besten.

    • wieselhead

      Haha, ja wir Männer kaufen naturgemäß lieber weibliche Figuren ^^
      Naja auch wenn ich mehr mit kurvigen Schönheiten anfangen kann fand ich Yukio jetzt recht ansprechend, auch wegen der Brille.
      Danke, das hört man gern

  2. Nopy

    You got a male figure!? The world must be ending.

    There do seem to be a lot more male figures on the market now than there used to be, and some of them are rather impressive. I like how Megahouse included two different faces, it allows you to choose which expression you like. It’s a shame that you can’t put the guns in their holsters though, that would be cool.

    • wieselhead

      Ahaha, Im a straight male, who loves his bishoujo figures,
      but yeah Yukio is also quite nice and I thought it was worth to get him.
      It seems like a growing market, I don’t know if their are mainly bought by girls.

      Thats definetly a good feature to be able to give the figure a different look.
      Yeah, that would have been great, but then another pair of hand would have been needed.

  3. hoshiko

    Woohoo! Your first male figure! He actually looks really cool! I’m loving that coat. Also, he look surprisingly different without his glasses on. I mean, he’s only a figure and yet has such effect. Haha.

    Awww…it would be super cool if the gun can be kept in the holsters.

  4. G.K. Sil Kamina

    Nice review! I was really interested in this one. I’ve been wanting to increase the number of males in my collection. I don’t know anything about Yukio, but this figure looked really cool when he’s got the serious face. I also do like the gentler, smiling face.

    I might pick him up if I can find him for a decent price.

    • wieselhead

      Thx 🙂 Ah I see, you like them quite a bit, are there more you are interested in?
      Oh, you don’t know Ao no Exorcist? It’s such a nice anime.

      Well,it’s good to have both options ^^

  5. Fabrice

    Yukio must be in heaven being surrounded by all your more/ecchi girls ^^
    Im pretty surpised you actually got a male but hey its if your parents say “grow up son be a man” you just say hey i have a badass guy with a done that looks like matrix!

    what am i saying ^^

    • wieselhead

      *lol* like we know from different harem animes, it can be heaven or hell.
      Most of my 1/8 scaled figure are not ecchi :p

      I thought that the time for that has come, Yukio’s kind face did it for me
      Well, it wasn’t exactly like you imagined XD

  6. Kai

    I actually have two male figures pre-ordered myself, lol. You are right, they tend to be more of them available in the market now, and some of them are actually pretty good.

    For Yukio, I already have problems with his initial character designs, I’m not a fan of moles in anime, and the illustrators of Ao no Exorcist decided to give him THREE moles altogether. The figure however is good though, aside from the moles, I love how the details the costume is, with the wrinkles on the coat and various misc parts like the belt and holsters.

    • wieselhead

      Ah yeah I remember at least Accelerator, who is the other one?

      That’s the first time I heard that someone dislike moles, I think they bring more detail to his face.
      His costume is pretty cool.

  7. Miette-chan

    GASP!!! What blasphemy is this?! A guy?!

    … Actually I find this figure pretty cool, I like the serious expression, the cool glasses and the nice coat. I like this figure, most male figures don’t tickle my fancy because they are either One Piece characters which are nice and all or the bishounen kind of deal. Of course as a male bishounen figures don’t really interest me. More neutral figures like this would be perfect in my opinion as there are some guys I would actually buy figures of.

    So far the one figure of a male character that has really gotten my interest is Yuri from Tales of Vesperia by Alter. I really enjoyed his character in the game, one of the most reasonable JRPG protagonists I ever played. Too bad both the original release and the re-release came at uncovinient times for me. Wonder how much the figure is on the second hand market.

    Anyways, I never watched or read Ao no Exorcist but I have heard positive things about it. One time I saw a nice overview of the anime in a local TV show of all places.

    • wieselhead

      You miss some boobs? XD

      I know what you mean, the bishoujo guys with longer hair are really not my thing, especially not as figure in my collection.
      Yukio looks really cool I think, ok he is also handsome, but not in a creepy way. He looks more like an action hero 🙂

      Yuri is a funny name for a guy, I don’t really know the game to be honest. But there are many interesting male figures.
      One is enough for me for the time being. I would have liked to buy Rin, but the final figure irritates me with it’s silly badass grin

      I love such settings with demons and Satan and these good vs evil stories, Ao no Exorcist was great in that regard it also had a nice bunch of characters.