Yukio Okumura – Ao no Exorcist – MegaHouse

Today I will review a MegaHouse G.E.M. figure, it’s the name of their male figure line up. Recently more male figures appear in the figure market, which was always dominated by boobs and moe, named female figure. Well, I prefer female figures, … Continued

Yoshii Hotori – Native

Hi eveybody, ready for a new figure review? Today I will have a quite ecchi, but at the same time an also really cute figure on review, her name is Yoshii Hotori. Hotori was manufactured by Native and sculpted by Kawanishi Ken who … Continued

Nagisa – Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity – Volks

posted in: Figure Reviews, Figurine Photography | 27

Today I will review a recently released figure. On January 15th 2012 I ordered this exclusive Nagisa from the Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity Game for 9800 Yen, it took nearly a year until Volks announced a fixed release date … Continued

Echidna -Queen’s Blade – MegaHouse

  Another old figure review for today, Echidna caught my interrest as I started my daily Flickr check I stumbled over a few pics from Toy_Photographer. He made this old figure shine very well and I thought that I had … Continued

Honma Meiko “Menma” – ALTER

    Like I mentioned in my last Preorder Post, receiving this figure was a rather unforeseen purchase. But Im actually about receiving my copy of ALTER’s Menma figure, destiny seemed to treat me good since the package arrived earlier … Continued

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia – Saber Maid version – ALTER

This review will be about my first Saber scale figure, funny enough that I didn’t start with Saber figure that showed her in her battle dress, could it be that I don’t really care about her character. I found this … Continued

Yagyu Jubei – swimsuit ver. – AmiAmi zero

Time for a new review and today we take a look at the Yagyu Jubei – swimsuit version figure.

The figure was recently released by AmiAmi zero, a company known for pretty and sexy figures like Menace from Queens Blade or Hinako from the silly but cute Issho ni Training Ofuro OVA.

Jubei the sexy godess of the beach which I review here is scaled 1/8 and has a height of 15 cm. The release occured in early October this year. Yagyu Jubei arrived after 3 1/2 weeks with SAL shipment, if I had known about the many delays of my other figure orders I had chosen a faster shipping method. Anyway I’m very happy to be able to write a new figure review again.

Sonico – Gravure Swimsuit – alphamax

Since the summer in Germany finally started to get sunny and hot for a few days, I got pretty lazy and didn’t feel like publishing new posts at all, be it anime or figure related. Well, I already took some pictures of my Sonico – Gravure Swimsuit