Misaka Mikoto – Beach Queen – Wave

Hello boys and girls today I will show you another figure in a outfit fitted for the beach.
This Misaka Mikoto figure is from the well known Beach Queens line from manufacurer Wave,her release date was in march 2011. Misaka is a 1/10 scaled figure with a height of
160 mm, surprisingly her sculptor is Hiroshi (Sakurazensen) who also made the Saber
~Iron Hammer of the Terrible King Vortigern~
figure, quite the difference XD

On first impression Misaka is a tomboyish looking character with a short temper.
She always tries to hide the fact that she likes cute things and that she is more girlish inside than most people assume, especially from other people she doesn’t know very well.
I would say she’s quite the violent tsundere character sometimes.

Misaka Mikoto made her first appearance in the animeย Toaru Majutsu no Index, but the origin ofย  Misaka in this outfit is the spin-off anime To Aru Kagaku no Railgun episode 13. Where the cast of Railgun went to a photostudio to take part in a shooting for a swim suit catalog. The photostudio is very advanced and can create locations in a very realistic way, like the holodeck from the spaceship Enterprise. Later that afternoon Misaka sneaked into the photostudio, took the cute bikini she initially wanted to wear, created a exotic beach location in the studio and let her true self run free, but she didn’t notice a small detail.



A few month ago it would have been unthinkable that I would have bought a figure of Misaka Mikoto in fact I disliked her in Toaru Majutsu no Index, mainly for her Touma hating personality and her furious rage attacks out of nowhere. In To Aru Kagaku no Railgun I disliked her less and just in Toaru Majutsu no Index II I began to really like her, there she appeared a lot more likeable.



As this Misaka figure was announced I wasn’t that impressed by the official pictures of her, “unfortunately” haha ok not really unfortunately ;p MastraCustom from mfc posted a really nice picture of her so I became head over heels about Misaka and wanted to get her badly, on the big figure selling sites she was already sold out, so I’ve bought my Misaka copy on ebay.





The pose of Misaka shows her happy girl side very well, I really like how she lifts her slender arms in such a playful way, together with the lovely face expression this Misaka figure creates a very joyful atmosphere no matter where she is placed, thanks to the comic look of her origin this figure has rather big eyes and a big mouth despite her being only an 1/10 scaled figure, these characteristics are noticeable even from a distance, which leaves a good impression.



Her short hair shows a gradient effect from light too dark brown, the strands are sculpted in a very clean way. Also the flower clip on her head is a nice and cute detail. At 2 small areas is a slight scratch on the hair it is only noticeable from very close view, but they are there.
The hairstyle is limiting the moveability of her head quite a bit, because her shoulders are in the way, but the moveability is sufficent enough for playing around, this H-neck is a nice feature of these 1/10 scales figures from Wave.




Her face looks just too cute ^-^, either figures with wide open mouth look good or some kind of retarded, in case of Misaka it’s the definetely on the good side, the upper fron teeth line is a nice detail at her mouth. Eyes and mouth together create an enchanting and happy face expression. There was also was a limited Misaka with three different faces, but this standard version I’ve bought comes with two faces, the second face, shows Misaka with a “ewwwww” expression, it is really funny, but the happy face is the best for her. To change the faces you just have to take off the bangs part and pull the face out and exchange it with the other face.



Body & Paint

This figure also has a well sculpted body, Misaka is rather tall and not what you would call well endowed, but nevertheless I think she’s a quite a pretty girl or as Kuroko might say…


Especially her waisteline and the level of detail at her belly are really nice eyecandy. I also like her tiny hands with the thin wrists she puts into the air. Since she is a small figures, only when looking really, really close you can see seams lines at her handsย and feet. On my copy there is only one more noticeable flaw, it is a small area on the left side of her waiste which looks quite bumpy. The paintjob of this figure is clean and I like her slightly tanned skincolor a lot. Even the details at her face like the eyes, the blushmarks and the mouth. Her tiny, hardly one millimeter
big finger and footnails are also painted on super close view it appears not that cleanly done.





This bikini has a very cute design, which resembles the bikini from her origin very well, as you might see it’s a light pink colored two piece bikini with frilly layers and dots on it. The production quality of it looks very good, and on top of that Misaka looks just extremely cute in it.





Final Words

This Misaka is incredible cute, her big eyes together with her playful pose just melt my manly heart. Misaka is definitely one of the nicer figures from Waves Beach Queens Line, if not one of the best ones. The sculpting of her body and the bikini looks very good from nearly every angle. On the downside my Misaka figure has a small bumby looking area which I guess comes from the molding process and another things is that the pegs of her base fit a bit loose into the two holes under her feet. Without these two flaws I would have been more satisfied, but the positive sides of this figure are on the majority and so Im really happy that I’ve bought her.


Misaka can swap heads and body with other 1/10 scaled figures from Wave, here I’ve used the body of Asuka apron version. BTW my Asuka apron version is for sale, she’s in top condition, comes with all accessoires and box, just ask me if youre interested, I’ll give you a good price ^^



wet Misaka is wet ;p
So here a few additional outdoor pictures with some water. At first Misaka enjoys the warm rainshower, but as the rain turned into a rainstorm her mood suddenly changes. The camera became a bit wet here, but even after some waterdrops my camera still works it’s a Sony ;p


Thx for reading ^^

another review can be found here at shadonia.comย and more pictures of her can be found at studiorzhobby.sakura.ne.jp

Next time I will have Orchid Seeds super sexy Super Sonico on review, see you.

45 Responses

  1. tabetaiii

    Another great review! you really love wetting your figures don’t you LOL! I’m surprised you didn’t like Misaki and that it took a while for you to like her. I’ve liked her from the start and always wanted more screen time of her with Touma>< Which was answered in season 2 I guess

    I loved all your photos XD can't decide on a favourite one

    Wow, didn't know the sculptor made that Saber, a really big difference!

    Her other face , the blushing one looks kind of strange XD

    Surprised you're selling your Asuka apron one^^" but she looks lovely in it

    Anyways, another great review as I have mentioned before!

    • wieselhead

      Oh your too kind, thank you
      Only when it could be fitting for the figure ^^

      Haha I hated her quite a bit, but I always liked her friend Kuroko ;p Ahh thx for your praise taking pictures was fun. Yeah it turned out that she doesn’t really fitted in my collection. domo domo *blush* XD

      • tabetaiii

        hahaha no no, you are!

        LOL! you like the annoying one but not the tsundere oneXD? ahahahah, I can tell you had fun! haha is this your first “swimsuit”figure?

        I found the episode where she dances around in the artificial place and it projects on the screen, was so cute XD

        • wieselhead

          annoying!? she’s such a cute twntail lesbian.
          Yeah it was fun watching this scene when Touma saw her on the screen XD

  2. Ashlotte

    That alternate face is so very much win haha.

    But god is her stomach well sculpted! Such a nice balance between muscular and smooth~~~

    Looks like one of the nicer Wave figures.

    • wieselhead

      Ah yeah her stomach is so nice *drool* ^^
      She definetely is

  3. lovelyduckie

    I’m surprised you stuck with watching this series so long if you found it a bit annoying. I lasted 4 episodes myself, I lasted just long enough to see Kaori for a couple episodes and decided I really wasn’t enjoying myself enough to continue.

    • wieselhead

      Hi thx for stopping by ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Ah ok , well putting my little problem with Misaka aside I enyoyed the Index and Railgun animes a lot, the setting and the character are so cool ^^

  4. Chag

    LOL, the last couple of shots are priceless. I can just picture Misaka taking a couple hours’ worth of transit to the beach, yet RIGHT after she changes, she gets owned by the ring. I do love that alternate face.

    • wieselhead

      thank you, I always like when such things happen in anime XD

  5. CMSkyes

    Great review, and great shots!

    Love the colors of her swimsuit. Gotta love those pastel colors!

    • wieselhead

      Thx for visiting again CMSkyes
      Oh thank you very much, shes a very pretty figure and so the pictures turned out that way ^^

  6. Aka

    My biggest regret selling this figure is her midriff. As Ashlotte says, it’s well sculpted and I think very cute.

    Great pics at the end btw, I love how she’s getting splashed a little bit and happy, then gets drenched and becomes irritated/angry. Well done.

    The alternate face isn’t my favourite, I doubt I’d have displayed her with it, but I do like how you used it.

    • wieselhead

      Oh thank you for your visit and commenting Aka, honestly Im a bit surprised now ;D

      Oh no you’ve sold her?, too bad
      Anyway thx for your compliment, Im glad that the idea worked well in the end ^-^
      To display her with it, the spare face looks just too strange, but it’s good for funny pictures.

  7. Nopy

    It is surprising that the same sculptor made both that Saber and this Mikoto, they’re completely different. I’m still not a big fan of Misaka even after Index I and II and Railgun. I like Kuroko much more than Misaka. I do love the beach background you made for her in this figure shoot though. I also didn’t know that you could change the face for this figure, that certainly gives you more scenarios to work with.

    • wieselhead

      haha yeah indeed :p

      Kuroko is a great character I agree.
      Oh thx a lot it was the same setup as for my Kagami figure ^-^.

      its a nice ceature

  8. Zai

    Wowww, she looks really really good and now I’m starting thinking about getting a Beach Queens figure sometime in the future..

    I’m amused that you didn’t like her at first in Index.. she’s always been one of the few characters I really like in it! xD

    The set you made is really cool, did you use real sand for it?

    Ahhh.. she’s so adorable.. great review and great photos! ^^
    Nice picture of Kuroko you found too, haha.

    • wieselhead

      Yes she does, but don’t buy a random one, they are not always that good like Misaka ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Oh really haha ok quite the opposite from my impression ^^

      Yes, it’s sand for rodents
      thank you Zai Im glad to hear that

  9. Aya

    ah Another wet review, Nice ๐Ÿ˜€ awesome as usual her alternate face is great ^^
    and by the way nice new theme ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • wieselhead

      ewally wet XD Thank you
      oh really? hehe Im still working on the design, within my possibilitys

  10. luth

    Nice photos and detailed review! Wow, that is a really nice stomach sculpt, surprised me a lot that this is a Beach Queen. Will have to keep an eye out for more Hiroshi Beach Queens if he makes any characters I like.

    I’ve seen only a few eps of Index and Railgun so I don’t know Misaka very well but its a cute pose and expression. However, she looks extra nice in Asuka’s apron.

    Like the new blog look btw!

    • wieselhead

      thx a lot luth ๐Ÿ˜‰

      These Beach Queen figures differ a bit with the quality so be a bit careful with your choice.

      Ah ok Railgun is a bit… mhh well I often called it “a show for girls” XD Yea I agree she’s super nice in this dressup.

      Oh a second one who likes it I can’t believe it, it’s still not done but thanks for giving me motivation to finish it as fast as possible ^^

  11. Sloth

    She is lovely. I think I’m going to go on ebay and see if I can get her too…

    Great shots as always, but you need bigger trees!!! :p

    I’m interested in Asuka. Why are you selling her though?

    • wieselhead

      Yep definetely, good that I convinced you, I think you won’t regret it ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Thank you
      Oh *damn* someone noticed it. Haha the tree worked worked well with the Kagami Beach Queen figure but for Misaka it was a bit small ^_^

      Oh good.
      Well, theres nothing wrong with the figure, it’s just that I have no good place for Asuka to display, she looks so lost between my 1/8 scaled figures.
      Are you from the US?

      • Sloth

        Well I’d imagine that would be the same case for Misaka here too right? She’s the same scale afterall. So sell me both! ๐Ÿ™‚

        No, I live in Australia. Shipping will probably be a killer.

        • wieselhead

          I found a good place for displaying Misaka ^^
          No, no only Asuka I’ll check the shipping

        • wieselhead

          Hi sorry for the wait shipping with tracking number would be around 15โ‚ฌ I would sell her to you for 30โ‚ฌ including shipping, how does that sound?

    • wieselhead

      Ah good I could convince you ๐Ÿ™‚
      Good luck with that she’s really nice.
      Yep imo one of the best Beach Queens with Kagami and Konata

  12. Tier

    This is a really cute figure, I like the WTF face a lot, too. I don’t own any Wave figures but the swappable heads are pretty cool. I just wish they were bigger than 1/10 scale.

    For some reason I never got into Railgun. I watched the first episode and I liked it but I didn’t keep up with it. I did watch one of the later fanservice episodes (which I think was episode 13); I kinda liked Mii Konori. And Aiho and Tsuzuri too, they were pretty funny. I fully admit I have a thing for cute girls in riot gear.

    • wieselhead

      Hi, jup the size is really small but because Misaka’s head is big it is good to see even from a distance. In general I prefer bigger figures lately I ordered a lot of 1/7 scaled ones.
      Ah ok it was it wasn’t that oustanding I think, but entertaining ^^

  13. BioToxic

    Wow, I’m kind of surprised how beautifully sculpted Misakas’ stomach is. From the Wave promo shots she just looks uninterestingly flat and pastel coloured. I might actually start paying attention to these Wave Beach Queen figures after seeing this Misaka.

    Being able to swap her head is neat, but then also being able to use it with other Wave figures has loads of potential. I think she suit Asukas’ outfit quite well.

    Her eww face is so strange. I went ahead to look for her 3rd face and it’s a combo of both – eww and wide open mouth, which just looks really goofy.

    • wieselhead

      hi there ^^
      Yeah great stuff isn’t it
      Well, not all of them are that nice, only a few ones ^_^
      The head swapping is very cool, haha it wasn’t a really good face I guess

    • wieselhead

      Hi van025 thx for your visit and Im glad that you liked my review. Hehe sheโ€™s very nice, indeed.

  14. anonymous_object

    Ahhhh, Mikoto. Love her and love her in that swimsuit even more ^^.

    Although I really like her sculpt and pose her eyes seem a bit off to me. I see that she’s looking to the side and the sculptor wanted us to know this but the positioning of her eyes is just a bit odd. At least on her smiling face. Shame, because I really like everything else about this figure >_<

    Still, I would have gotten her. I hadn't yet watched Index when this figure was announced so I didn't order her but now that I know Mikoto I really wouldn't mind having this figure ๐Ÿ˜‰ Maybe if some one decides to sell her, I will buy her ^^.

    • wieselhead

      haha glad you like she’s really lovely =)
      Ok, maybe she doesn’t look exactly like Misaka, the very cute look of this figure makes up for it.

      Ah I see good luck then ^^

  15. softz

    Visited this page previously, but didn’t manage to leave any comment. Just wanted to do it today. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mikoto looks pretty. The first thing I noticed from the photos is the belly ๐Ÿ™‚ I like her happy expression which makes her look very cute. Her frilly bikinis complemented her happy look very well. I gotta agree with you it’s a good buy. I’ve never gotten anything from Wave. Their production kinda surprise me.

    It seems to me that you like to get your figures wet these days huh. Great stuff, Fabienne.

    • wieselhead

      Oh thanks for that ^_^
      sometimes I can’t find the words for commenting either.

      Oh yes she looks so damn cute and her belly looks so nice and detailed.The production quality of Wave is a bit inconsistent, there are very good figures and also not so good ones, I was lucky with half of my figures from them. ^^

      Well the weather is great, the figures are related to summer somehow and its real fun.

  16. Alyssa

    Beautiful pictures. c: I’m debating on getting her. I have a nice Beach Queen section on my shelf. ๐Ÿ˜€ Oh and I was wondering if your Asuka is still for sell. o ,o

    • wieselhead

      thank you, You should get her, this Misaka is lovely ^^
      No I sold her to someone a month before, sorry