Inaba Rinne – Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter – Megahouse

posted in: Figure Reviews | 14


Hi today we’ll take a look at little miss sunshine, Inaba Rinne manufactured by MegaHouse.

Inaba Rinne was released in the middle of November 2013, she was sculpted by Kibayashi Norio, who already worked on many, many, many Queen’s Blade figures for MegaHouse.

Her origin is Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter an 51 episode long anime aimed at the  younger audience. Wow it nearly aired around a year. Actually I didn’t watch a single episode of it.

inaba rinne


MegaHouse picked two of the shows heroines, Inaba Rinne and the slightly hotter Rui Akana,
I don’t know how popular Gyrozetter really is, but I like that MegaHouse didn’t just throw out soulless merchandise figures of another “random” anime. Rinne comes with an unexpected amount of parts, like a second head, an alternative left arm, a right hand and alternative boots.





Hair & Face

Rinne is a teenager, her age must be between 10 or 12, I guess. As such she has a lot of cuteness. I really like the atmosphere this energetic little lady radiates, she has a round head with cute ears. The facial details, like the sparkling eyes, the little blush, the nose or the open mouth with the upper front line give Rinne something truly adorable and enchanting. Her second face is also pretty, yet with the closed mouth it shows a more determined expression.

She has brown hair with some shading here and there, her hairstyle is a voluminous side ponytail, decorated with a butterfly hairband. She is wearing her bangs in an divided fashion with stronger deep hanging strands on the right and a full forehead on the left, the curl at the tip of the ponytail is cute. Overall her hair seems to be a bit too close to the simple anime design, a few more strands in her hair would have been nicer for this figure.











Outfit & Body

What I liked about Inaba Rinne at first were her clothes, she’s a fashionable girl, her salmon red shirt has an interesting design with the wide collar and how the sleeves are attached to it.

The garters of her underwear top are wrapped around her neck, which creates a nice look. The white frill on and under her top is really cute, the yellow shorts are also really nice, it is something different once in a while next to all these figures with skirts, I guess this is my first figure with trousers. At her legs she has only one white – blue striped stocking.




Girls need their handbags to carry all their necessities and un – necessities along, also Rinne has a detailed one swung around her neck.

I think the pose of this figure is very well done, it captures her during skating/running on one leg, it’s cute how she balances with her arms and upper body with the other arm attached it looks more as if she is accelerating passionately.


She has special boots  that can be transformed into three wheel roller skates, you have the option to display the figure with the boots that show the wheels out or the retracted version.

You can notice that the sculptor has done a number of Queen’s Blade figures before, when you see that he even implemented a well thought cast off option for Rinne, you can take off the yellow trousers and the frilly part of her top, of course Rinne isn’t nude underneath and wears pink panties. One blogger also ripped off her top, which shouldn’t be done after all, but there is a fully sculpted pink tank top underneath, nevertheless.

It’s always a little weird to talk about physical aspects when the figure is based on a young character, but anyway Rinne has a nicely shaped butt and also her waist is nicely sculpted.
She will become a beautiful lady in the near future







Final Words

I love my cheerful and super cute Inaba Rinne a lot, she is a little sunshine on my messy desk.

MegaHouse put quite some effort in making a lovely figure of Inaba Rinne, she has a very good quality and the different parts and display options make her a good deal. I ordered a number of figures in this year I didn’t really need and didn’t felt happy with after all, KOBATO!!! for example, but with Rinne, I made the right choice. I got her for 5918 Yen at AmiAmi, she’s still available.

Afaik only 6 people on MFC ordered her which I find a bit strange since this one a is a great example of a figure that captures the charm of a cheerful and innocent young girl.








In case I won’t post anything befor christmas, Im wishing you happy holidays.

14 Responses

  1. Aeduque

    Totally love how shiny the hair ornament is XD. I love the smiling faceplate over the closed mouth one :3 and yeah that butt, she will make a lot of head turn towards her hahaha

    • wieselhead

      Haha, it’s a nice little detail.
      I also prefer her open mouth, it makes her so adorable, but more are always nice to have ^^
      Yeah it’s a great butt. thx for the comment =)

  2. Zai

    What a cutie! I love the little butterfly in her hair, it’s a lovely touch. She definitely looks like the kind of figure that would make me smile every time I looked at her – my favourite kind of figure. I think the lack of detail in her hair would annoy me a little bit even if it’s accurate to the source. The bright smiling face almost makes up for that though. 🙂

    • wieselhead

      hey thx for your comment, Rinne is a lovely cheerful figure, I guess her youthfull appearance
      makes her even cuter ^^ I also love the cute figures well and the sexy ones :p
      the hair appears a little lazy like this, the shape is good, but the ponytail lacks detail.
      It is not that bad actually, when you see the whole figure.

  3. Bakayaro

    Aaaah~ zuviel Moe. Sie ist wirklich super niedlich, bin ganz hin und weg von ihr. Irgendwie habe ich sie zuvor noch nie realisiert und nun muss sie auf meine Wunschliste! Werde mal zuschlagen wenn sie mir günstig in die Hände fällt. Deine Fotos stellen sie aber sehr schön zur Schau. Als ich das erste Foto von ihr gerade auf MFC gesehen habe, wusste ich schon beim Thumbnail, dass es von dir ist. =D

    • wieselhead

      Ah, das freut mich zu hören, ich finde sie auch richtig bezaubernd.
      Ich kenne ihren Anime nicht, aber das ist ja auch kein “muss” die Figur ist so oder so schön.
      Das sie jetzt nicht so begehrt war, denke ich so wird sie gegen Ende des Jahres bestimmt nochmal günstiger bekommen zu sein.

      Danke (^v^)haha

  4. kixkillradio

    Great review. I love her cheerful innocent face! I agree with the hair part, it would be more beautiful if it has a little more detail. Oh I love the shot with Christmas ornaments!
    Have a happy holidays!

    • wieselhead

      Thank you (^▽^)
      Yeah, she is really cute and enchanting, the hair is simpler than you would expect from Mehahouse, but the rest is very nice, nevertheless.
      merry christmas and nice holidays for you.

  5. Tier

    She is really cute, I’m also a bit surprised that she hasn’t gotten more love, but then again, I’ve kinda noticed that even some high-profile figures don’t get a lot of love. Like, that one Black Rock Shooter figure that came out recently. Insane, I think it was called. I haven’t heard or seen a thing about it; in fact, I didn’t even know it had been released until I randomly checked its Tsuki-board page and saw that a bunch of people listed it in their collections. Does anybody remember when Black Rock Shooter was a big huge thing? Anyway, I really like how Rinne looks, especially the ponytail and the single sock. I also like that her shorts are removable; that’s a really important feature that I kinda wouldn’t have expected for a figure like this, especially considering how young she looks. Though she cannot be 10-12 years old if she is a teenager. I think I like her best with her arms out, running (or rolling) around like an airplane; it looks like she’s having a lot of fun like that.

    • wieselhead

      I actually was surprised that Rinne got such a well executed figure, back then there was just tasteless “fan”art of her,
      which seems to have changed a bit now. The figure turned out especially nice, her pose and the atmosphere she creates are convincing.
      She wasn’t really popular, not even ten people on tsuki board ordered her. which is quite a shame, she looks good.
      The castoff isn’t really necessary, on the other hand it appears more like showing “look, all our figures have cool castoff options”
      Ok she’s not what you’d call a teenager, calling her kid would be more accurate ^^

  6. feal87

    This could definitely stand proud in my display! I’m all for more cute figures and I really like this despite knowing nothing about the series from which it is adapted (50+ episodes is really scary for my poor backlog). 😀