The figure year 2014 in numbers
The end of the year 2014 comes close, well actually it’s a little early for that and I still have 3 possible incoming figures this year, but I want to finish this post to have time for other things. So … Continued
The end of the year 2014 comes close, well actually it’s a little early for that and I still have 3 possible incoming figures this year, but I want to finish this post to have time for other things. So … Continued
Are you up for some more Wonder Festival 2014 material, in this second part we will take a look at the coverage from some more figure manufacturers which took part in the event. It’s always a strange phenomenon at Wonder Festival, … Continued
On the 27th of July 2014, the summer event of the Wonder Festival 2014 opened it’s doors. It’s the most popular figure fair were the big and small figure manufacturers and also Garage Kit makers assemble to present their latest … Continued
The new summer Wonder Festival figure & GK fair is close, before a new figure avalanche begins, I want to take a look at the figures that caught my interest in the last few months. I didn’t place any figure … Continued
Today I will complete my personal coverage of the winter Wonder Festival 2014, I already showed most of the interesting figures in part #1 , enough was left to cover another post. This post will contain a few more ecchi figures, … Continued
2012 we already took a look at the shocking truth of the figure collecting hobby costs that accumulate in one year, please join me again and face the ugly truth of 2013 in this post. The exchange rate was very nice … Continued
Welcome to Wieselhead‘s personal coverage from the Wonder Festival 2013 summer version, which was held on July 28th. It’s the biggest, most popular event for figure collectors around the world. There are two Wonder Festival each year, once in winter and once in … Continued
Today I’ll show you my latest bishoujo figure preorders from MegaHouse, Ami Ami ZERO and Phat Company
As announced in the previous Wonfes 2013 winter post, here is part 2 with a few leftover figures from other manufacturers like; AmiAmizero, Arcadia, CM’s Corporation, Gift, MegaHouse, PLUM and Ques q that also caught my interest with a few figures. … Continued
Welcome to my impressions from the Wonderfestival of winter 2013 which took place on the 10th Feburary 213, I’ll will make this a two part post, because I liked way too many figures this time. In this part 1 I will … Continued