Cerberus – Shingeki no Bahamut – Max Factory

posted in: Figure Reviews | 19

Cerberus header

Based on Shingeki no Bahamut, a popular smartphone and tablet Game, Max Factory manufactured Cerberus, the cute dog from hell. I love cute demon girl characters, danger mixed with some cuteness is something I really appreciate in anime media and figures.

I tried to play the Game, but after many crashes I was fed up after a few days of playing, maybe the Game was buggy or my late Xperia U couldn’t met the requirements. Nevertheless the Game has a nice concept, it is one of those card collecting things. A distinctive feature of Shingeki no Bahamut are elaborate character artworks with rich details you would not expect from a simple flash game. Especially the demon class character designs are super appealing.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory - illu

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 001

Do you have a favorite character design in Shingeki no Bahamut?
There are many great designs, but I really like Lilith+, it would be great to see a figure of her.

Figure manufacturers like Kotobukiya and Amakuni already noticed the games potential and made figures of Olivia and Dark General. Olivia is the most popular figure and will be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about figures from this Shingeki no Bahamut.

Olivia and Dark General weren’t really my type, they looked a bit too serious for my taste, so I waited for Max Factories more playful figure of Cerberus.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 032

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 002

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 005

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 003

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 004

Cerberus was sculpted by Katagiri Youhei his first scale figure to date, she is scaled 1/7 and has a height of 23,5 cm. The figure was released in late July, back then I got her for 11,130 Yen.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 006

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 007

She comes as nearly completely assembled figure, just put her on the base and equip the dogs with their halo parts. The halo’s are made out of clear plastic, since I was scared of breaking them, I’ve put them back in the box after I’ve taken a few shots with them.

Cerberus has hand puppet like dogs as hands, she has no optional human hands, well, there is an official artwork where she has hands, but Max Factory decided against such an option.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 009

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 010


After escaping from her box, Cerberus gives her servant owner a warm welcome with her charming looks and a cheerful dance like pose she emits a certain atmosphere. Together with the very smooth skin and the shiny armor the figure has a detailed top quality appearance.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 011

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 012

In ancient Greek mythology Cerberus is supposed to be a big dog like creature with three heads. Fortunately this Cerberus is no ugly dog, she still has the qualities of a woman. With her hand puppets she has three heads and meets the minimal requirements for a dog from hell. Her dogs look like Spitz breed, they are a comical aspect of her, they have different personalities, the left one is a rather wild puppy while the other one looks shy and meek.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 013

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 014

Cerberus has a twintail hairstyle colrored in redish brown and with darker shading. The twintails show a great movement. The detailed and partially singled out strands look really great. At the purple tips there is a nice transparency effect. At the top of her head she has the ears of a fox spirit, the insides have a fur like texture and are painted in a light brown color.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 015

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 016

An unique feature of her face are the triangle shaped eyes, in general  a sign of aggression.
The Iris has a pretty non human design, they give the figure a lively and mesmerizing flair.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 018

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 017

A cool thing is, that Cerberus mood and expression seems to change depending on the viewing angle, from the left she looks charmingly evil with a great smirk, but when turned more to the right her facial expression becomes cuter or shows a nearly kind smile.

The clothes make a real eye catcher out of Cerberus, her bustier corsage combination is really pretty. Colored in metallic purple with elaborate golden ornaments in a surprisingly detailed fashion, also the paint has been applied very clean without sloppy over painting issues.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 020

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 021

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 022

The metallic bikini panties are sweet. Also her outfit which is supposed to be armor is actually more related to fancy lingerie, only the armor at her arms leaves a heavy impression. At her legs she is wearing some interesting stockings over her shiny, purple high heels boots.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 023

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 024

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 030

Cerberus actually has no tail, instead there is a veil surfacing at the back of her corsage, which maybe is something close to a tail, however it has a nice, brown to orange gradient effect and gives her a more dynamic appearance in combination with her hair.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 025

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 026

The figure has an appealing design and very attractive body sculpting, with her proportions Cerberus is really my type of girl, even when actually I’m not so specified about these things, especially not when buying figures, but when looking at her I’m really happy ^^.  She’s petite and very feminine in her appearance. Cerberus has a slim waist and sexy hips. As person she is not too tall, her legs have a very appealing length with lovely meaty thighs and a cute butt.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 027

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 028

Well, her body sculpting is really great, be it the very well defined collarbones or her pushed up boobs. Also the smooth, slightly muscular belly should be taken into account. From the backside you can also admire her lovely shoulder blades and the previously mentioned butt.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 029

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 031

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 033

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 035

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 036

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 037

Final Words

Yeah, time to put together my thoughts abut Max Factory’s Cerberus. I think that I am really satisfied with how the final figure turned out. I was really looking forward to the day of her release, I couldn’t get her fast enough. The figure has a charming face with great eyes and appealing expression. Her outfit is beautiful, really detailed and compliments her attractive body very well. The sculptor did a fantastic job in bringing sex appeal and playfulness together in this figure of Cerberus. The beautiful demon girl theme has been done in a convincing way.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 034

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 019

There are a lot of positive things to say about Cerberus sama, but one thing that bothers me a bit are the Halo connectors. I’d feel more comfortable when they have been made of metal, I really wouldn’t feel confident to put her on the shelf with the halo’s attached, sooner or later these clear plastic connectors are bound to snap, especially with my luck with such things.

Cerberus - Shingeki no BahamutMax Factory  - 039

Max Factory proved again that they are a top tier manufacturer, their figures have an outstanding level of craftsmanship and Cerberus is another great example of this.

I hope you enjoyed her review, maybe you have also ordered her?


19 Responses

  1. Hoshiko

    Hahaha, the dogs have plasters on them. I guess she punched them together a little too often. She looks mischievous, that’s for sure.

    • wieselhead

      Haha, I like the image in my head, about her doing crazy stunts with her “hand puppets” DOGGY PUNCH!!!
      Yup, but I guess she’s a cheerful demon.

  2. Luth

    Wow, she looks like a stunning figure. Love how you showed off her shiny outfit, the golden trim on it looks awesome, especially on her bra armor thing. Max Factory have really outdone themselves. I really do wish they had included the normal hands, the dogs, while cute, look kind of silly on her hands.

    Photos 7, 31, and 32 were my faves, I liked the contrast. Is that sequin cloth you’re using as the backdrop?

    • wieselhead

      Yes, it’s quite impressive what level of detail is possible these days ^^
      MF has always been good at creating stunning figures, but Cerberus is really awesome with her detailed armor and lovely body.

      The dog hands are not everyones taste. In fact I was also slightly disappointed as I noticed that MF added no exchangeable parts to her, I mean there were enough discussions about that, they could have listened to their customers a little. Yes, it is silly, but at least it adds something comical to the figure XD

      Oh I forgot the last paragraph, well thx for some feedback on the pictures.
      It actually was the first time that I found this “hardcore” sequin cloth in a shop, I badly wanted it. The single sequins are really tight together with some micro sequins in between. It sparkles like crazy ;D Really great stuff.

  3. Cerberus

    OK so she does have human hands? I though those dog heads are her real hands and she was just some scary freak and did not order one. Plus her name is the same as my ID but she’s not that kind of Cerberus image I liked, so… anyways, MF has made a great figure again and I hope they can continue on this series.

    • wieselhead

      Well, on a few of her cards she has. Ah yeah that would be creepy as hell “pun intended”
      Haha, but putting two more heads on her shoulders would just not look appealing.
      Max Factory often makes only one figure per origin, but they also made more from Lineage.

  4. Aya

    She looks really cool, I like the concept, make her have 3 heads would make it scary and they put 2 cute dogs as hands instead but those dogs make her looks like a cheerleader LOL or a boxer (seeing the dogs have injuries). she looks like a evil Tamaki for a moment thought

    • wieselhead

      Yeah, she’s lovely. These are exactly my thoughts with 3 real heads it would be a nightmare figure.
      Haha a devilish cheerleader, that actually makes sense when looking at her happy dancing pose.
      Tamaki? maybe with bigger boobs XD

  5. Tier

    More figures (and anime/manga/video game) characters need outfits like this. Certainly it’s one of the best things about her. It’s almost enough to get me to forget about the animal ears. As nice as she looks – and she looks fantastic – I really hope someone adapts some of the character designs from Akai Katana, especially Sumire. With the artist getting some love from Max Factory and Kotobukiya, it’d be nice if someone went back and looked at his older work.

    • wieselhead

      Yeah it’s a nice revealing design with spectacular highlights.
      With the ears she would look even less than a monster dog from hell ^_^
      But I could imagine her with human ears putting the twintails a half cm forward.
      Oh Sumire looks very nice, maybe I should also look at the artists other works.
      The sculpter of Cerberus also seems to have remarkable talent, it was the first scale figure from him,
      I hope he will get more jobs for other figures.

  6. feal87

    That’s a good dog I would like to keep at home! *laughs*

    Joking aside, it’s a great figure indeed. I can see that the quality of details is improving in recent figures…*stares*

    • wieselhead

      Yeah Cerberus is a good dog, she brings the newspaper and hunts away the postman XD
      She’s so pretty I’ll keep her on my desk forever, at least until the next great figure arrives ^o^

  7. Adam

    I ordered Cerberus from Crunchyroll, so it will be a while yet before I see her in person, but she’s looking great in your shots. This is the first time I’ve noticed how unusual the shape of her eyes is on this figure. I don’t think that’s either a good or bad thing, but I never noticed it in the prototype shots. Shingeki no Bahamut has some lovely female character designs. I hope they don’t stop here with the figures.

    • wieselhead

      Oh, crunchy, crunchy ^^ Yeah you can look forward to Cerberus, I know you have already two Bahamut figures, but Cerberus might be the best one made. I also noticed her different eyes AFTER I placed my preorder. I was scared that she would look to aggressive like this, but it’s actually not the case, the figure changes her expression depending on the perspective you are looking from.
      I also hope Max Factory won’t stop there.

  8. Kai

    That’s one sexy Cerberus.

    I honestly had never heard of this game until this post, lol. Is there an English version already? Maybe, I might just check it out, maybe, since my phone’s memory’s about to explode, lol. I would also love to see an alternative pair of human hands, lol. But even without those, she is still a great, stunning figure. I love the lingerie/armor designs :p

    • wieselhead

      Of course, she’s my sexy desk mascot at the moment ^^
      Oh, just search for Rage of Bahamut, but you have to register to play it.
      Human hands would have been a fantastic extra option for her, but well…
      Her dress is quite the eyecatcher, inn addition to her pretty body.

  9. Miette-chan

    A Cerberus, three heads and there is something wrong with all of them. I kinda wish I still played the game actively so I could experience all these events where you get to see what some of these characters are like.

    Max Factory outdid themselves, some of the Rage of Bahamut illustrations are very detailed and they translated that well to figure. It’s the kind of stuff that would make figures pop but also the kind stuff that makes some figures less than stellar when done wrong. Pretty good job for the sculptor’s first professional job.

    What did you do for the photos? They look so nice and soft, I would like to reproduce it.

    • wieselhead

      You say my girl is insane, you are brave XD Actually there isn’t much in the game that shows the personality of the Cards, as far as I played at least.
      Yeah indeed, I’ve rarely seen such detailed armor on figures, I hope to see more from the sculptor.
      Eh, lets see, I’ve put the softbox very close to her from the left and turned it away from the background.
      Also to amplify the effect, when you have photoshop, make a copy of your main layer goto filter > diffuse glow and apply it to the layer copy.
      Afterwards set set the opacity of the layer to something between 12 and 24, it’s not always necessary though. I also made the experience that wine red panne velvet also creates some softness in pictures.