Sallya – Fire Emblem: Kakusei – Max Factory

posted in: Figure Reviews | 21

Sallya header

After some lazy days, I actually was more busy lately, I am back with a fresh figure review, our model is Sallya, some might know her as Tharja for me she is the cute daughter of Ming.

Sallya was a highly anticipated figure for me, she was actually planned to be released in December 2013, but figure manufacturing is no easy thing so lets not talk about spilled milk.

Sallya is one character of Fire Emblem: Kakusei, a tactical role-playing game available for some Nintendo device, I haven’t played it and probably won’t find the time to do it later.


I could not comprehend the potential of this figure until a painted prototype was shown.

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _001

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _011
Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _023

Max Factory hired Shining Wizard to turn a chunk of PVC into the glamorous Sallya we see today, GSC also was somehow involved in the production, maybe they were in charge of giving the figure some minor flaws haha. The figure is 205 mm in height, it is in an accurate 1/7 category, she comes with cape, additional collar, a pile of books and a red skull, not to forget the round base with it’s velvet like flooring. She was released in mid march 2014.

The first thing I noticed when I unpacked her, was that the figure and her table had no pegs at all, everything sits loosely on the base, what looks like great freedom for the figure, is terrible when moving her around, one wrong move and everything falls over like the proverbial card house. Although everything is perfectly stable when Sallya is at her final display destination, at the end of the day  it’s a daring decision to give her and the tableno supporting pegs at all.

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _028

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _033

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _008

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _002

Hair & Face

Sallya has beautiful hair in a dark aubergine color with many detailed strands and a deep hanging straight fringe, you would call this hime cut Her hair has some golden decorations.

Her face is closer to realism than anime style, Sallya’s face posesses a “real” nose, slanted eyes and detailed lips with some shiny effect applied, the figure has an exceptional beautiful and expressive face, I love her eyes, since they show so much personality.

Sallya sama is such a tease with her inviting no I actually should call it challenging pose and body language, that would make men hard race. I like this self conscious sex appeal of her.

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _014

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _005

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _016

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _022

Outfit & Body

Sallya has the look of a character from a typical fantasy setting, she’s like an suspicious magician, but her design also shows elements that remind me of some oriental influences. Her dark colors and the self confident appearance make her look like a villain of some sort.

There is a lot of gold everywhere on her outfit, this underlines the elegance of this figure.
This lady wraps herself in a supertight dark brown bodysuit with one finger gloves, the way the paint has been applied gives the illusion of a slight transparency, which is really nice.
The figure is wearing a long cape over her shoulders on default, the outside is navy blue and the inside is covered in bordeaux red, the long cape convinces with it’s detailed folds.

Over her super thin suit Sally wears surprisingly thick golden panties with a fashionable loincloth attached to it, the thickness appears to be a bit odd, is it a kind of chastity belt?

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _010

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _013

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _018

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _004

Without cape the figure looks a lot more energetic and playful and I actually prefer it this way. Sallya has some feline characteristics in her appearance, she is a very slender woman, but she is super attractive in her sporty shape, also the body sculpting is top notch and pleasing to the eye.

Sallya is fully a clothed figure, but that doesn’t make her any less seductive, she is leaning bend over on her pile of literature and sticks out her butt and beautifully shaped legs, her arched back has a nearly unhealthy bow, but a flexible body has more advantages than disadvantages, be it in daily life or other situations *cough*.

Even when her pose is pert and has a lot of sex appeal, please don’t think of Sallya as man eating vamp. I think you can clearly see that she took her alluring pose only for one person, it’s the feeling of close intimacy that Sallya has in her pose and that gives her a certain appeal.


I received a very clean copy of Max Factory’s Sallya overall, there is not much to complain about in terms of quality, but one thing that definitely deserved improvement, are her finger(s) the back part of her thumbs is too fat, not really sexy in my opinion. The second thing is that the ring which should wrap around her middle finger just sits on top of it. I really have a soft hard spot for these kind of gloves, it’s disappointing to see it turned out less appealing.

You would actually expect that such things are solved within the delay period, but it seemed that other things were more urgent to fix before the figure was shipped out of factory.

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _003

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _007

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _019

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _029

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _012

Final Words

The term hot is often achieved with figures that are revealing lots of skin, of course that’s not a bad thing in particular, I just want to point out that Sallya has a different kind of sex appeal. She has a super seductive pose and even when not much of her skin is revealed she is utmost attractive. Sallya looks fantastic with her self conscious attitude and expressive eyes of a predator. All the nicely sculpted elements of her body, except the chubby thumbs make her a super pretty figure. She also gets extra points for her as good as perfect with these many realistic characteristics and the sharp expression thats gives the figure a unique personality.

Prior to this shooting I acquired a number of items, but bringing all of them together in the end was a more challenging task than expected, good that I had a plan B, maybe this is a candidate for “a look back…”, Sallya is definitely a model with stunning photogenic qualities.

More about her can be seen and read at Otagamers and also on Reflective Boundary

More pictures Bang Bang Bang XD

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _006

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _009

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _015

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _020

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _021

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _024

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _025

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _026

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _027

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _030

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _031

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _032

Sallya - Fire Enblem - Max Factory _034

21 Responses

  1. Cerberus

    LOL I love your little bookshelf and mirror. Look like something that could fit many scaled figures. Now I realized that I have completely ignored her belly which is quite nicely done and those ribs look so scary but real. My attention has been drawn to her butt and legs when I did the shots.

    • wieselhead

      Ahaha thanks, the mirror is a great item, actually it’s meant for Dollfies and the likes, but it is a great big mirror for scale figures.
      Well, the figure flipped over quite often, so of course I noticed her nice belly ^^
      The heavy pants make her butt appear smaller than it actually is.

  2. Bakayaro

    Mir gefällt leider ihr Gesicht nicht sonst hätte ich mir sie wohl auch vorbestellt. Aber der Rest ist wirklich super. Der schön eng verpackte Körper gefällt mir besonders gut. Die Details die da zum Vorschein kommen lassen einen schwach werden, soviel ist sicher. Besonders ihr Bauch ist sehr schön anzusehen. Offensichtlicher zu sehen sind aber ihre schönen Beine und der runde Po. Sie wirkt insgesamt wirklich sehr einladend.

    Tolles Review und viele schöne Fotos! Ich mag das mit dem Spiegelbild von ihrem Po sehr gerne. :3

    • wieselhead

      Ah verstehe, es ist mal was anderes mit realistischeren Gesichtszügen, aber das gefällt nicht jedem.
      Ja Sallya ist schon ziehmlich verführerisch, mir gefällt ihre Körpersprache sehr gut ^^

      Dankeschön, ja bei den Bildern konnte ich mich schlecht entscheiden, it nicht so einfach Bilder rauszuwerfen.
      Ja, ein lustiger Effekt, im nachhinein frage ich mich warum ich das nicht auch bei ihrem Gesicht gemacht habe?

  3. Aya

    Her ass and legs really attractive and this figure really shown her body curve, personally I like her with cape on 😀

    • wieselhead

      She’s super hot, isn’t she ^^ I think her body and also the face expression make her really naughty.
      Oh I see, haha well I have her on display with cape.

  4. Pinkcheeks

    OMG WHAT A BOMBSHELL!!! I’ve been playing Fire Emblem since my GBA days and I’ve never imagined a Dark Mage could be as sexy as this! One thing that distracted me was her ribs LOL! Anyway, I love your shots! 😀 Oh wait another thing, I thought her name was, uh, spelled Tharja? o.O

    • wieselhead

      Haha, indeed she is a quite hot lady with attitude.
      Sallya might look a little thin, but the feline appearance is part of her character.
      Thank you so much for the positive feedback, I wasn’t that convinced by the first batch of pictures.

      Yeah, I mentioned this at the beginning of the review, in the japanese version she is named Sallya in the western version she is Tharja.
      Actually strange to rename her ;D

  5. Miette-chan

    Fufu, if only you knew what Tharja is like in the game, while I can see why she is appealing and Exilehero chose her as his wife in the game she is a bit more… dark.

    Tharja is nice, she does have a lot of sexy points, really seemed an oddball choice for a figure. While Fire Emblem Awakening resulted more popular than Nintendo expected making a figure of a side character rather than any of the protagonists is an odd choice. Sometimes I wish we could see the inner workings behind these decisions.

    One last thing to say, I love the picture with the butt and the mirror, pretty sleazy there.

    • wieselhead

      Well, I’ve heard that she’s far from normal, but she’s so hot *lol*
      I have also heard that she won a popularity vote and because of that she was chosen.
      Kinda unexpected to see a sexy figures from a Nintendo based game
      Sometimes I’d like to be in charge of deciding what should be made next haha.

      Yes, a funny coincidence, kinda silly, I did not took a pic like that from the front.

  6. kixkillradio

    Finally, I was able to comment on your last post 😀

    Beautiful figure in a perfect set up and lighting. I love her legs and thighs. (人´∀`*) Her look is inviting and she has a very sexy pose.

    It’s hard to pick my fave photos, but i love figure photo #3, 24-26. (´ ▽`).。o♡

    • wieselhead

      Normally I get haunted by the spirit of broken comments ;D

      Yeah she looks really inviting, great that Max Factory made her as impressive and detailed as this.
      Thank You very much, also for taking the time to fight with the comments till it went through ^^

    • wieselhead

      Hahaha what!? Well, I thought so, but she’s by far no old hag XD
      I don’t know how old she is, but she could be 19 from her looks.

  7. Halbred

    Some background on Fire Emblem: It’s actually been one of Nintendo’s more popular series in Japan. Believe it or not, the original game was on the Famicom (the first Nintendo console)! Nintendo didn’t see fit to bring the game to the West until 2003, with Fire Emblem: The Sword of Flame (renamed “Fire Emblem”) on GBA. Another GBA game followed (“The Sacred Stones”), and then Path of Radiance (GC), Shadow Dragon (DS)) and Radiant Dawn (Wii) were released in the West as well. Now it appears to be one of Nintendo’s core worldwide franchises.

    Sallya’s figure coincides, as others have noted, with the release of Fire Emblem: Awakening on 3DS (and the Ambassador release of Sacred Stones). These are strategy RPGs, with turn-based movement and attacks, and a rock-paper-scissors weapon system. The most infamous aspect of the series is permadeath: when one of your characters dies–they’re gone forever. Because a lot of gamers don’t really like this style of play, Nintendo introduced permadeath as an option (on or off) in Awakening.

    Fire Emblem characters have also been in Smash Bros. games (Marth and Roy). I’m sure somebody from the series will show up in the newest Wii U/3DS Smash Bros. I’m not really a fan of strategy RPGs, but I have friends who swear up and down that Awakening in particular is an incredible game. I’m pretty “meh” about it, which might be why I’m not really enthusiastic about Sallya, here. Oh well, they can’t all be winners. 😉

    • wieselhead

      Oh thanks for taking your time to explain that in detail to, I didn’t expected that it had so many Fire Enblem titles.
      Ah Famicon, that reminds me of a certain Gintama episode.
      Permadeath for the realistic players, must be pretty demotivating on first try X<
      No, problem, is there a character from it, you would have liked more?

  8. Halbred

    No, just because I don’t really like Fire Emblem, so I’m not familiar with its characters.

    Nintendo doesn’t have a sizable stable of female characters who would make good girlie figures. I can’t imagine Peach, Daisy, or Paulina being sculpted! There have been a few attempts at Samus Aran, both in and out of her Power Suit (most recently by Good Smile/Max Factory). I would have bought that recent one, but it was a $100 figure and just 1/8th scale, so it was really hard to justify.

  9. Tier

    She looks great; I’m glad that Max Factory made a figure of her, and I’m glad that they did a nice job of it, other than the peculiarly chubby thumb, which would be hilarious if I didn’t buy this figure, too. I really wonder how that happened, particularly since the positioning of her hands close to her face is going to call attention to her fingers. Regardless, I’m happy that Max Factory did a figure of a relatively less well-known video game character, versus say, another Vocaloid figure or something. I thought the thickness of her golden bottom garment was kinda weird, too; I haven’t paid much attention to the game but I’m guessing that’s how it is. I wonder why it’s so thick, though … it looks like a big golden sumo mawashi or something, and that’s not really a flattering comparison for a girl like this.

    • wieselhead

      I like her strong presence and her offensive way of calling for attention, in this suit she looks a bit like a super heroine or well, villain.
      Oh it would be hilarious, if only I had the chubby thumb figure? XD I’m not asking for perfect figures, but such a thing is unnecessary, making a proportional thumb is no witchcraft, lol always these little flaws when you don’t expect them. The expression is nevertheless great.

      Maybe Sallya once was a “bigger” girl, I don’t know it might be a weapon.