Hi today I will review Sansei Muramasa, the lovely Elf maid from Max Factory. This figure of Sansei is scaled 1/7 and has a height of 250mm, her release date was on 26th of March 2012. I nearly passed on her, but Nightmare and Exilehero wrote convincing reviews of this figure. The origin of the figure is the dark themed visual novel, Full Metal Daemon Muramasa (Soukou Akki Muramasa). It has never been translanted so I couldn’t gather much info about her role in the game, but somehow I managed to find some Informations about her character
Sansei ended up in the household of the main character Kageaki. In this world there are warriors who wear special armors called Tsurugi, which have special powers. For what reason ever Sansei can transform into a Tsurugi in the shape of a spider, she supports Kageaki in his fight against a powerful silver Tsurugi who brings chaos to the land.was born on Faerun, another dimension, she is the daughter of an elf female and a drow(dark elf) male, as half elf she wasn’t allowed to use magic so she was stripped of her magical powers after she was born.
The first time the figure grabbed my attention was as she was shown as white prototype at the Summer Wonder Festival 2011. She appeared like a promising figure and I was curious how the brown skintone would turn out. Actually I was worried that Max Factory would mess up the skintone somehow. So I decided for myself not to order until I’ve seen at least one review of her.
Since I’ve seen Tiffania from Zero no Tsukaima, I love elf girls with pointy ears unfortunately there never was a good figure of Tiffania, but with Muramasa I finally found an elf girl figure that was right up my alley. I have many figures I would consider as cute, in case of Sansei I would say she’s a grown beauty, maybe it’s because of her age, she looks like a girl in her twenties. I like this physical grown up appearance. And I also like the look of maid outfits.
Hair & Face
Sansei Muramasa has beautiful long light grey hair, the pearl gloss gives it a silky shine, she has to take good care of her hair with good hair care products, apparently. Her bangs frame the face in wild and spiky manner and at the front there are two insect antenna like strands.
One of the strong points of this figure is the face, which is very well done and I really like the way she is looking back over her shoulder. She has beautiful deep golden and red eyes and a nicely sculpted mouth. Despite the brown skintone the blushmarks she is showing are noticeable.
There is a variety of different moods she is showing; depending on the angle you are looking at her, words like pouting, embarrasment, uneasyness or determined come to mind.
Body & Outfit
Sansei has the body of pretty grown up young lady, with super long legs, an attractive butt, nice hips and a fairly sized bosom matching her proportions, unlike Tamaki. This figure comes in a classic black and creme white maid outfit, it’s a rather modest outfit only the skirt is a little short. Muramasa is of course no combat maid, Max Factory adapted this figure from one of the CG artworks inside the game, maybe one of the lighthearted moments there.
The shirt she is wearing has short sleeves with white frills at the ends, revealing half of her nice brown arms. The skirt is sculpted with a dynamic flow and the underskirt also has detailed frills. She is also wearing creme white stockings that accentuate the upper area of her thighs very well.
The pose from her illustration is very well captured and creates a convincing atmosphere, the position of her legs and the way she carries the tablet, show that she is concentrated and wants to do a good job as maid to receive some praise from her master afterwards or she just thinks “Master, go home! before I cut you into pieces” XD
A cast off option was also included, which allows you to take off her skirt and display her in a breezy manner, unfortunately the apron she is wearing around the waist still covers her front Anyway, a nice little detail is the fancy, adult underwear of Muramasa, the detailed front has a pretty pattern and her cameltoe is nicely accentuated, its just a minor detail, but I like that ^^
Accessories & Base
The base is a nice looking round brown disk with a big diameter and red felt as floor. The figure comes with some nice accessories, there is a lovely table which looks like it comes from directly from an classy cafe house. There are also some nicely scaled dishes consisting of a coffeepot, a sugar bowl and a single cup with saucer, they can be placed on the table or onto the tablet Sansei is carrying. unfortunately Max Factory put no magnets into them so they are really loose items which might get lost one day. I decided to use modelling clay to keep them in place.
Final Words
Im very pleased with this Sansei Muramasa, sculptor Shining Wizard @ Sawachika and Max Factory created a very nice and pretty Maid figure. Sansei Muramasa shows a strong facial expression and her body language is convincing as well. I was worried about how the skintone would turn out, but I was worried for no reason, it looks great and has some nice shading.
As a fan of pretty girls, maid outfits and elfs this figure purchase was the right choice for me.
The fancy base, the accessories like the table and the small dishes turn this figure into a great package.
The cast off option is a nice feature to make this maid a little sexier if you like to, since the black fancy underwear and the lower body are very appealing.
Thanks to Figuya.de I was able to order her last minute, in the japanese shops this figures was already sold out at that time. It would be nice to see more figures from Soukou Akki Muramasa since all the female characters there look nearly as beautiful and enchanting like Sansei.
elf with dark skin that’s unusual, she looks nice thought but somehow I don’t get with the face expression other than that she is absolutely great
Ahh too bad, a happy face expression would probably suit her as well.
The face of her is a little different than on most figures,
but it makes her something unique and I found it somewhat appealing in combination with the outfit.
Soweit ich weiß gibt es nicht nur selten Elfen mit dunkler Haut, sondern generell diese Art von Figuren.
Die Figur stand eine Zeit lang auch auf meiner Wunschliste, wurde aber nach näherem Blick auf das Gesicht gestrichen. Leider mag ich ihren Blick überhaupt nicht. Das ist wohl Geschmackssache aber der Mund sagt mir absolut nicht zu und zieht damit die ganze Figur runter. =/ Obwohl alles andere für mich stimmt.
Deine Fotos sind mal wieder sehr schön geworden. Der Hintergrund mit den Vorhängen, den du unter anderem bei Bild 18 verwendet hast, gefällt mir am besten.
ach schade das du das Gesicht nicht so magst. Das Gesicht ist sicherlich was ungewöhnliches, aber ich mag es sehr.
Gut wann man eine Figur kauft sollte schon das Gesamtpaket stimmen und de Käufer zusagen.
Sie ist eine sehr schöne Maid, so eine hätte ich auch gern ^^
Dankeschön, Bakayaro das hör ich doch gern.
The more I see her the more I like her, but I think I’d prefer her in the pose/clothes in the red up above. For some reason I find dark skin, light hair and pointy ears attractive though, and she looks great in the maid outfit.
Same here ;D She is the maid of my dreams haha. Sandaime in an different outfit would have been nice as well, but I like her a lot in this maid outfit.
It would be nice to see more figures with darker skin.
Ah you finally reviewed her! She’s great isn’t she? She’s of my favorites!
You’re right her face looks very different from different angles I love it.
I would like to see anything else form FullMetal Deamon Muramasa, looks really interesting but everything’s in Japanese! Guess I have no choice but to learn haha.
Yeah, just one week after I received, it always takes some more time for local dealers.
I wouldn’t lie when I’d say that she is the girl of my dreams ^^ She’s so pretty and attractive.
All my Max Factory figures are favorites of mine, but Sandaime is something special =)
I want more quality figures from that game FullMetal Deamon Muramasa.
The mean Japanese want to keep all of their great entertainment for themselves XD
If it wouldn’t be so difficult with these typo signs
I ultimately passed on Muramasa and I’ll probably regret it later, if I don’t already. Her skin tone came out great. I was more worried about the tone of her hair, which is kind of low contrast, and even after seeing photos, I’m still not sure whether I like the look of it or not.
Normally, I’m not overly fond of cast-off features, but in this case I think I would actually prefer to display Muramasa sans skirt. Her dark skin combined with those low-cut, black panties is visual treat.
Oh no, she really is an excellent figure, she, her out and the base are such a great combination.
You can trust me, the hair looks good and it actually doesn’t look flat.
Ah I see, she looks good both ways, but the attractive underwear is definitely an highlight, better than these white schoolgirl pantsu
I don’t see that many brown skin figures so this is a nice treat. The best thing about sandaime muramasa is her expression. I don’t know the correct word for that expression. It’s a kind of look that makes people want to take extra good care of her. >.<
It is definitely a nice change to see figures with a different skincolor, the texture of Sandaime looks very nice
Yes, I take good care of her =)
It was quite hard for me to write about her face, but it is an interesting expression and that makes the figure so nice.
Extra good care, eh?
G.K. Sil Kamina
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh I regret not getting this one. I held off since:
1) I’m not a fan of maid outfits
2) Her white hair came out more grayish/silver. I was hoping for a creamy white similar to the color featured on her dress
However her facial expression and delicious skin tone are super appealing. I don’t have the money to get her and probably never will, so unless the heavens decide this is a figure I MUST have she’ll just be one of those fishes that got away…
Ah I see, but it probably was the right decision not order her when certain mayor aspects aren’t your taste.
Personally I think it was a good decision to make it not the same color as the clothes, so the contrast is better.
Overall she’s very well done and is an interesting and attractive figure.
Passing on figures is hard ^^ At least you have space for something you find more appealing.
No wait, that story you wrote isn’t the one from Full Metal Daemon Muramasa. At least from what I remember, her story was COMPLETELY different…especially her origins and the reason for being able to transform into a tsurugi…:P
The figure is awesome, but I had to pass on her (too many figures on preorder already) can I take her home anyway?! ç__ç
Maybe your japanese is corrupted :p
*psst don’t tell everybody* I was happy to find at least something informative about her
As long as no one has published something that disconfirms the info text here, I believe it.
Yeah she’s great ^^
This figure tops on my list of figures I regret not buying. This is one of those figures that have lots of things going for me, tanned skin, long hair, curvy but modest body, and a possibly embarrassed maid.
Yeah is the best maid figure for me so far,
another maid figure will arrive by the end of this month.
But I guess Muramasa stays on top ^^ Its mean when you see that a certain figure you decided not to buy turned out very well.
I like hat she’s is sexy and elegant at the same time, she’s just beautiful in my eyes.
I remember seeing Exilehero’s review of this figure. While I’m not a big fan of brown elves, she does look nice and the sculpt is amazing. Her facial expression is definitely one of the more impressive aspects about her; it’s a lot more expressive than most figures.
Yeah I liked his review of her, at that time I already ordered the figure. I love brown elves
It’s nice to have a pretty figure with a strong expression on the shelf, she’s kind of unique.
I really do like her dark skin, light-colored hair, and her pose. I’m less fond of her maid costume, since Nitroplus’s character designs are interesting, distinctive, and memorable and maid uniforms are usually anything but. She’s got a great backside though, and with her skirt removed, I really like how her clothing alternates from white to black from head to toe.
The skin texture looks so nice with the brown tone. Well,I like most otaku related anime styles like twin tails,cat ears, megane and also maid uniforms
But I would have liked a figure of Muramasa in a different outfit, I guess she would look great in everything. Ahaha with the fancy underwear her backside really radiates a lot of sexappeal.
Muramasa has a harmonious color concept, one of the many appeal points of this figure.
Mmmm. Maid, elf, blushing, dark skin. All features I adore combined in a single figure ^^.
Seeing how lovely she is here, I kind of regret skipping my purchase of her.
She has an interesting facial expression. As if she detects your ecchi look from behind
Well, I couldn’t resist this killer combo this figure of Max Factory offered ^_^
Oh no don’t tell me you passed on her…shame on you XD, she is a true gem in my collection.
Ah thats a good explanation for her expression.
Ohh, I had been wondering just where is she from. So she is from Muramasa, the game had been in my top-priority-to-play-list as soon as it is translated xD
I love her blushing expression xD It looks especially good with the tanned skin.
Ah I see, unfortunately that might never happen in the near future ;p
Yeah the combination of skintone and blush works very well, she is a super attractive brown elf maid.
Sandaime looks really nice. She’s one of the few darker skin toned figures out there and an excellent choice if you’re after one.
I really like the plain white hair. It works well with the darker skin tone. Her little antenna are also kinda cute ^^.
The only reason I’m not that keen on picking her up myself is the maid outfit. As others have said perhaps the red outfit would have been a more interesting choice. Saying that the frills of her outfit are really well done. I like all the creases in the fabric too, it makes the outfit look a little more interesting and natural.
I’d love to see someone else take a shot at making characters from Full Metal Daemon Muramasa. There’s some really interesting looking characters in there that could translate well to figures.
Yes I love her ;D The dark skin looks really good and works very well with the pretty appearance of her.
It’s pretty rare to see dark skinned anime girls, but dark skinned figures are even more rare.
The hair also does it’s job in giving Sandaime this pretty woman look ^^
Well, the maid outft is not everyones appeal, but I like this outfit of her as well, with the short sleeves and skirt it’s a bit more attractive.
Thes girls there ar realy prety, hopefully Sandaime wasn’t the last one.
Oh! I had forgotten this figure since the moment of the pre-orders >o<…
…but now, by reading and lookin' at the pictures of your review I can say that this Maido is a beautiful figure and even more, she's absolutely sexy.
You said almost everything about those many details she has and I plenty agree with your words. I can only say Congratulations to you, wonderful figure.
And, of course, one of the key aspects… Dat Ass!!! xD (cannot leave without saying it hehehe)
Haha I see, I was glad to be able to get one of the last copys, figures a sold out so fast these days.
She’s the best combination of beautiful and sexy ^^ Thx I think she’s a gem within my collection.
Its a great ass!! and great underwear XD
I like maid outfit. But, I prefer fairer skin.
I agree with Aya about her facial expression. On the whole, she is sensual. The props are nice too!
so you prefer white girls :p ? Yeah I think she is very nice overall.
Thank you.