Tamaki Kousaka – To Heart 2 – Max Factory


Hello, Im still on vacation, but I’ve prepared most of this posts content before my departure.
With no real new figure around, Max Factories Tamaki Kousaka which I received recently would be good review material. It’s a figure from 2010, but sometimes you’ll learn to appreciate a figure just a few years after it’s initial release, for me it happened with this certain Tamaki Kousaka.

As I saw Tamaki in reviews a few years ago, I liked her, but had the impression that her boobs were several cup sizes too big XD Well, the taste of a figure collector can change over the years and I now I actually have a liking to figures with a fairly sized bosom like Menace or Sonico.

A few weeks ago I saw pictures of her again and felt the urge to get this figure no matter what.
In fact it turned out quite difficult to find this rare figure, thx to my buddy ManstraCustom @ MFC I was able to get her on Mandarake. It wasn’t cheap and the shipping procedure was kind of nerve wrecking, but the figure was more than worth all the trouble, I can tell you this in advance.

This Tamaki Kousaka figure was made by Max Factory and released in May 2012. She is scaled 1/6 and the kneeing height of her measures around 180 mm. She comes with a round brown base with soft white floor on top. Sculptor ELLIOT was in charge of a number of Tamaki Kousaka figure adaptions, but this certain one is a little different, but we’ll keep this for later.

Her origin is the popular To Heart 2 dating game /anime, I don’t know why it’s that popular, so far everything I’ve seen from this anime was kind of boring, maybe the games are better ^^.

Tamaki is a redhead, she has nice long hair, actually Tamaki is my first figure with red hair and I really like it ^-^. The hair is very well sculpted and shows many detailed strands with a few brighter shading effects. The shape of her face is soft and round which gives her a much more kind and innocent aura than the predator look Tamaki has in the anime.

Her mouth slightly resmbles the one from anime cats, the gentle smile on her face is awesome.
On her cheeks Tamaki also features adorable blush marks what I really appreciate, another great part of her face are detailed eyes with the glossy finish. The way this figure is looking torwards the viewer is quite enchanting, it seems like she’s in love with the person in front of her.

Tamaki has a overall nicely sculpted body, like her face, the shape of her body appears very soft and rounded as well. This slightly chubbiness in combination with her pure and innocent aura suits her very good. The skintone is is also very well done and looks great in natural light, it’s the right amount of pale and tanned. The subtle shading adds the final touch to her skin.

Tamaki is showing a lot of skin, but she still has this innocent flair around her, she is wearing white stockings, pink underwear and the shirt of her school uniform. With her hands she tries to cover her boobs, but what can she do with just the petite hands of hers, they are spilling over XD

The level of detail at her hands is remarkable, they appear somewhat realistic in shape and the finger look just great with the accentuated finger joints and painted nails.

She has nice shoulders, collarbones, thighs and a cute belly. The decision to equip Tamaki with something around a J-Cup was a rather brave one, I know a number of people that are no too fond of boobs that large. PersonallyI like big boobs on my figures, but this is still a bit much, well the overall figure is so lovely that I can show a little more tolerance, than I would usually do.


Final Words

This Tamaki figure is an really adorable piece of figure craftsmanship, her attractive body and the innocent facial expression are enchanting, she is showing a good combination of sexy and cute. There are many nice details I like about this figure, the size of her boobs could be a little smaller in my opinion, but Im glad that I purchased her and overall Im more than satisfied with this figure.

It seems every serious figure collector has to own at least a single Tamaki Kousaka figure and with this purchase I did my part XD Her character isn’t one of my favorite anime characters I don’t even know much about her to be honest, but I really like Max Factories adaption of her character.

Tamaki (>◡<)♡

This figure has been around since May 2010, so my review of her isn’t the first one of course, other reviews can be found at

Tentacle Armada

Happy Soda




23 Responses

    • wieselhead

      Yeah very cute ^^
      thx I bought it on ebay recently, actually I thought it was lost in shipping, but after two month of waiting it arrived.

  1. Zai

    Max Factory’s Tamaki is just about the only Tamaki figure that I’ve seen and actually liked. Her face is very, very pretty and I love how they have done her hands.. her fingers look so cute, lol. I think the only thing I don’t like is the way the tops of her boobs look, it looks a little bit like bad breast implants or something, haha. But having said that, if I saw this figure for a decent price I’d be very tempted to get her.

    That skirt fits her really well, did you make it or buy it?

    • wieselhead

      I don’t like many Tamaki figures which are close to the anime look, but this quite different adaption of her is just lovely, I really like the design.
      Yes she has definetely nicely sculpted fingers. It looks kinda strange how they look above her hands, but it’s not that disturbing, actually.

      No, I’ve bought it on ebay, its actually from the PureNeemo dolls, but somethings it suits figures as well.

  2. hoshiko

    Gorgeous figure! And gorgeous photos!

    After all the troubles you went through to get this figure, I bet she’s a little bit extra special eh?

    • wieselhead

      Thank you very much ^^
      Thats right, I probably won’t sell this figure in the future after going through all the trouble with her and she’s very nice.

  3. Kai

    I think the game adaption should be better, in fact, most visual novel adaptions are better anyway 😀

    And sexy figure! The way you take your photos are breathtaking too. I might think about buying this even if I ever had a chance to..

    • wieselhead

      There aren’t that many game adaptions that actually feel satisfiying 😀
      She is sexy but also very cute in her overall appearance 🙂
      Ah thx a lot I’ve put in some extra effort for Tamaki.

      You won’t regret it, only your wallet *lol*

  4. Nopy

    I think the nicest part of this Tamaki figure is her face, it looks so cute and innocent. I agree with you that her boobs could be a bit smaller, it just doesn’t look right with them spilling out like that.

    The skirt you put on her in image 30 looks nice, maybe you could get a shirt too 🙂

    • wieselhead

      Max Factory did a really great job with her face.
      I don’t know why they decided to give her such a cup size, I know that big boobs are popular around japanese and also other men, but there has to be a limit.
      Ah unfortunately it might be very difficult or even impossible to give this figure a shirt, maybe a cape haha

  5. Miette-chan

    I really like this figure except for the breasts of all things. I like her plumpness a lot, specially the bits near her thighs. Her face is pretty neat too.

    Good thing I am not a Tamaki fan otherwise it would have been hard to pass on her.

    • wieselhead

      Ah I see, I understand your point, she has really big melons. I don’t know who had the idea to give her such knockers XD
      But you know her overall look is nice nevertheless, she has a cute expression and her soft body is quite enchanting.

      lucky you, I can’t just pass on figures only because Im no fan or don’t know the character ^^

  6. Tier

    This Tamaki is absolutely gorgeous, one of my two favoritest Tamaki figures (the other one being the big Gift one, and I keep going back and forth as to which one I like better). I wish GSC and Max Factory would make more risque figures like this one.

    I liked the picture you uploaded to Tsuki-board and I’m not sure why it got flagged NSFW. Okay, yeah, maybe I can guess why, but it’s odd that your picture gets flagged but photographs of completely nude Horo figures do not.

    • wieselhead

      Yes I also like her a lot, her face is quite enchanting (>◡<)♡
      GSC does next to zero risque figures, I think that's the main reason I only have a small number of their figures haha.
      Max Factory is a little more risque with their figures in general, this Asama for example

      Ah thx a lot, I was a little angry that they forcefully tagged it as “NSFW”, but on the other hand I was amused about winning the POTD with an ecchi pic XD The reason behind the “NSFW” is still a bit odd to me since her boobs are covered at the critical parts, it isn’t Tamaki’s fault that they are so big ‘lol*

  7. feal87

    I don’t really know the character (To Heart is still in my to-play-list), but the figure is simply gorgeous. One of the best I watched recently… *__*

  8. Otakumouse

    At long last! congrats!!! I own her myself and I very much agree that this figure is a must buy for any serious figure collectors 😀

    • wieselhead

      Thank you very much, Im really happy that I could buy her somewhere 😀
      Well, the ones who prefer smaller boobs will probably pass on her.

  9. softz

    Very nice photos! This is indeed a beautiful figure from Max Factory. For me, I prefer Sasara to Tamaki. But, I haven’t seen much of her at all. And this…

    “it seems like she’s in love with the person in front of her” –> The person in front of her is you, Fabienne 😀 <3 <3 <3

    • wieselhead

      Thank you ^^ She’s very cute isn’t she 😀
      From the characters I like Maaryan the most.

      Lol damn right ♡(>◡<)♡

  10. G.K. Sil Kamina

    This is a very lovely Tamaki. I like that they played up her innocent side. They easily could’ve turned this into a Super Sultry Tamaki. Just look at that pose!

    The softer features, glass-like eyes, blush, even the way her fingers are intertwined…they exude such a nice innocence. It’s a shame that they jacked up her already silly booby size to a ridiculous level. Can you imagine how much those things must weigh?! Aside from that, this is a great Tamaki.

    Wouldn’t mind getting her myself…though that bust size would bother me endlessly.

    • wieselhead

      I prettxy much prefer the cute and innocent side of her, Max Factory made a lovely girl out of her ^-^

      Iike I said in the text it was a brave decision to equip Tamaki with boobs of that size, not many like them this big.
      Personally I alo think thats too much, a D-cup wold have been fair enough.
      Well, I got used to it quite fast since the overall apearance of Tamaki is enchanting.