Halloween is over, but the figure in this review recently arrived and I won’t save the review for next Halloween. Aizawa Nao is based on an illustration of the cover in volume 151 Comic Aun magazine, I guess she never appeared somewhere else. Orchid Seed put her into figure form.
She is scaled 1/7 and has a sitting height of 150 mm, she was released on 29th November 2011.
At first I wasn’t very interested in getting her, because of underwhelming promo pictures, lately I started to visit Orchid Seeds blog more often, because they sometimes show interesting pictures of the progress of their upcoming figures. There they had a post about Aizawa Nao, which changed my opinion about this figure from not being interested to I really want to get her ;).
In comparison with the illustration from her medium sized box, the figure appears more pretty with her more beautiful face while the pose resembles the illustration more or less closely.
This figure comes with a big blue cape, a pumpkin where she sits on, a normal and an ecchi bra, a tail and a transparent, purple, round base with her name printed on.
Nao has nice looking hair with these single sharp strands around her forehead, behind her head she has a huge and voluminous ponytail hairstyle. Despite her meneater appearance, she has a lovely face expression, with the piercing yellow greenish eyes, the detailed eyelashes. Together with the friendly sculpted mouth and the well placed blush marks a nice expression is created.
The pose of the figure turned out less risky as on the illustration. Well, she is also sitting bend over on her pumpkin with squeezed boobs and spread legs as well, but her boobs appear a bit less voluminous and the arms of the figure cover her crotch area from lecherous eyes.
In her risky outfit she looks like some kind of female Supervillain, her upper clothes have a shiny latex like texture with dark outlines and a gradient effect that creates a slightly transparent look.
The figure comes with an optional cape, it is blue on the outside and orange on the inside with a pumpkin brooch at the collar, since I prefer her with bare shoulders I’ve put it back into the box.
A pretty and fancy part of her outfit are the stockings and the fingerless gloves, which have a nice dark blue to light purple gradient with white stars on them. The little devil tail can be placed in a hole at the backside of her purple g-string. As shoes she is wearing the well known high school model, we know from many animes, there are small pumpkin buttons as little diversification.
The pose is interesting and very well articulated, even though I could have imagined different poses for this figure, I prefer arched backs and strongly squeezed aren’t really my preference.
Nevertheless Aizawa Nao is a very attractive figure, she is showing a lot of skin and I especially
like her bare shoulders and the colorbones. she has smaller boobs as in the illustration, but they are still big and have some puffy nipples. You can cover this are with one of the two bra parts, well the ecchi one doesn’t cover much, to exchange the parts you can pull off her right forearm.
(thx to alamarco for the hint)
I was always searching for an easy way to create fog in my pictures, dry ice sounded quite convenient at first, but it was only sold in big blocks here and appeared quite dangerous to handle. A fog machine would have been too overdimensioned, well there are small ones with less output for around 400€, I also heard they were smelly and leave sticky arrears. Luckily I found what I was looking for at a shop for pet supplies, it was the Super Fog Nano from Lucky reptile.
The figure isn’t connected to the pumkin via a peg, the pumkin has intentions for the butt and the hands of this figure, she is very well balanced, considering that her feet are slightly in the air.
Qualitywise this figure is very well made, her skin is smooth without rough areas aside from a small seamline above her g-string. Also the paintjob appears very clean, it nearly shows no overpainting, but on a close distance they slacked at the small orange buttons on her shoes.
Final Words
Im happy about the purchase of Aizawa Nao, she has a very pretty face and also a nice body. The fancy designed outfit with the purple colorsheme looks very cool and Im glad that the sculptor did some changes to the figure in comparison with the not so nice original illustration.
She looks a lot more adorable in figure form
After the Super Soniko – bondage version figure and the lovely Dwarf, Aizawa Nao was the second figure that I received from Orchid Seed and Im quite satisfied with them and I will probably order more from them in the future. In case you like your figures a bit more sexy Orchid Seed is a alternative to tamer companies like ALTER and GSC, in terms of quality they are also on a quite good level.
The figure of Aizawa Nao isn’t very popular, I only saw two japanese reviews of her, which is probably due the non existent origin and because of the first promo pictures which didn’t do her justice at all, but because of that she’s still availabe at most shops for around 7000 Yen.
Very nice! I’ve been curious to see how she turned out since, as you’ve said, there haven’t been many reviews. I thought about picking up Nao myself but it was the spread out legs that put me off in the end. Plus I had a Christmas themed figure on pre-order at the time, I didn’t want a Halloween one too xD. Although the more I look at your photos the more I want to get her.
I like the different colour gradients of her clothing, the blue and purple make her look like a witch character. Too bad there isn’t a witches hat to go with her, that would have been awesome. It’s a shame you don’t like her cape – I think it looks great.
Her face in figure form looks much nicer than her source illustration – her eyes in particular really look great. Maybe it’s just me but her skin looks a little red or is it slightly toned?
I dunno how you can read Orchid Seeds blog. Seeing the progress/snap shots of certain figures being worked on and then knowing you have to wait to eventually get your hands on them would drive me mad. It’s bad enough seeing them at Hobby events :lol:. Saying that I wonder how their Yui Kotegawa is coming along.
The pose might not be everybodys taste, but it looks less offensive as you might imagine.
Haha damn holiday themed figures XD Feel free to get her availbility isn’t the problem at the moment.
I like this playful fetish themed dress, I like how it fits to her friendly slightly sexy body expression.
I saw her on Orchid Seeds blog without cape and I fell in love with her outfit like that, I don’t need the cape.
Yeah Im at fault there and also my stupid flash who sometimes give the picture a red tone.
Haha that’s funny. Well, at least you can see that they work on finishing the product
Hmm I recognize those blocks.
I looked up the mini fog machine and it’s freaking awesome! I want one just to play around haha.
She’s pretty nice. I was under the impression that you could cast off more than just her top. But I think it’s enough, they’re lovely ;).
Orchid Seed seems like an interesting company. I’ll keep an eye out for them.
Great pictures btw!
really, I used them for the first time ;D
I first saw it on youtube, its a nice, non-hazardous way to create a load of fog.
More things than just her bra? Thats a nice idea, but she is hiding her private parts with her arms anyway.
I like their stuff a lot and they deliver what I expect from sexy figures.
thx a lot
Pumpkin figures are always nice, I’ve considered getting a few, but they’re always sold out.
I like the gradients on Nao, the paint job looks fantastic and very detailed. The cape looks nice, so I prefer her with it on, it also draws your attention to the front since the back and sides are covered.
She’s my second pumpkin relatrd figure Im no big Halloween fan, but these figures are great
Oh, thats quite a shame, well Nao seems to be still available on AmiAmi and Hobbysearch.
Its very well made, a gradient effect of that size seems to be hard to accomplish but they did a good job.
Ah I see, she looks a little bit more evil with that cape, but I like her more without it.
Her face is gorgeous! I particularly like her rosy cheeks. Her hair sculpt is really pretty too. She almost looks too sweet to be like a super villian, hehe.
I’m like you and think she looks nicer without her cape on.. it covers her up too much and she’s got nice shoulders. Her stockings are really cool as is the back of her top. The devil tail looks pretty thin and fragile though.. I’d be so scared of snapping it off by mistake.
Your photos are lovely, my favourites are the close up of her face and the ones with the smoke.
I agree the face is beautiful, I especially like her eyes.
Hehe she looks a bit too friendly to be avillain, but at least the outfit gave me this feeling.
Yes, bare shoulders are the best ^-^. Someone on MFC damaged the tail, so I was a bit scared of breaking it.
In the end it isn’t that fragile as it might appear.
thank you Zai and thx for stopping by again.
Nao reminds me of a circus member (in a good way) for some reason, the star-patterned outfit makes her stand out on her own. Like you I wasn’t too impressed with the promo shots either, I’m not sure if they changed her squatting position but I remember thinking that it looked out of place. The version you’re displaying now is much more refined, though I would like Orchid Seed to take more risks with expressions instead of slapping on these standardized facial ones. Looking at the illustration she appears far more wicked and uh, forward, I wouldn’t mind seeing that transition into the figure as well.
I’m a fan of keeping nudity low-key and while you may feel more comfortable working with brighter scenery I find many of the toned down shots very appealing. It’s also cool that you gave smoke a shot, it’s certainly an addition that’s very tricky to get just right and something I’d like to experiment with myself in the future.
Ah now that youre saying it, it nearly looks like that
Somehow she looked like she would have a pancake face, luckily it isn’t like that in the final figure.
I don’t think their faces are that lame or often standard, I have three figures of them and everyone is showing a different expression, if at all other companies should work on the faces of their figures.
In the illustration her face expression is a bit more evil, I guess I would have liked her like that as well. Aside from that I like the figure more than the in my opinion not so nice illustration.
Hehe yeah in general I want to see light everywhere, but playing with shadows is also nice, especialyy with sexy or spooky themed figures it works very well. Im glad that you like it.
I have to practice a bit more with the fog/smoke to feel more confident with it’s usage.
Can I make her into a Mahou Shoujo?! Can I?!
I guess thats possible or is she a necromancer, who knows XD
By the way, living with my parents really makes me impossible to buy such a figure. Too embarassing, but as soon as I start living alone….:P
Lol, well my parents don’t mind, they won’t kick me out because of sexy little plastic figures ^^
I love figurines with pumpkins… she is very adorable though. Her face is so cute and I love her blushed cheeks. She is a little more developed then we generally like haha, but that’s not something that bothers me as much as my husband.
I do really like her clothes though. Purple is one of my favorite colors but she looks so good in them.
I like all your pictures as well! I would love to know what you did to take a few of your shots!
Her face is the thing I like the most about her, so pretty
I have mixed tastes in this regard, I like small and big ones ^^
Haha are you the flat chest collectors?
I love purple as well, it works also very well on the outfits of figures
Oh thx for the compliment. I have a lot of cloth and small accesiores like stones and stuff.
In the technical department Im using a Sony alpha 550, with a Sigma EX 90mm Macro lens
I also have an old flash and a oversized Soft Box for the lighting, and several lamps I randomly use.
Her face looks really nice, and I’m surprised at the quality of her hair as well. The outfit on the front is a bit hidden but on her back it looks awesome.
Mini fog machine like whoah! That looks like a lot of fun. Makes me want to get a snake or something so I can justify getting one myself, haha.
It was her main selling point for me, the faces of figures are very important.
Its a bit unfortunate that the front is a bit hidden, but on the other hand the pose is quite unique ^^
Haha well it doesn’t take much space and it is a cool gadget for photography
Nice review! I think I’m going to regret not picking up Nao. It looks like the final figure turned out really nicely! Her face came out rather well and her coloring really pops in some of the photos. Although she’s obviously NSFW in full cast-off mode, I think she’s actually fairly modest with her bra and cape on, which is a plus in my book.
I really like the pic of Nao sitting on the rubble. Out of curiosity, are those bricks something you made by hand or did you find those somewhere? I might want to get something like those for my own work.
Neat trick with the mini fog machine. The look it creates is quite unique and opens up some interesting creative options. I haven’t yet had occasion to use fog in my photos, but when I do I’ll keep this trick in mind.
Thank you very much.
Sometimes I also find the true beauty of a figure after seeing a review, but I won’t get her if my preorders are nearly full.
It is good that they inckuded options to display her the way you want, from rather modest to sexy.
The stones are accessoires for christmas cribs, they offer the right size for 1/7 or 1/8 scaled figures.
Fog is something very fitting for figurine photography, I will definetely use it more often in the future.
She’s a great looking figure. I think maybe her star-spangled socks and gloves are a bit more showy than I like but her face is so lovely. I love her smile and the blush on her cheeks. The boob squeeze is pretty cool too, though it looks pretty uncomfortable.
I’d almost forgotten about Orchid Seed recently, since it seems like they’ve mainly beein putting out recolored versions of older figures. They had all that cool artwork at Wonder Festival showing what figures they planned to do but it seems like they haven’t made many new figures in the last few months. I wonder if they’re having some problems?
They are quite fancy I would say ^^
Im not sure about that, maybe they are just a smaller company, who must work at a slower pace.
In spring next year they should announce Kurono Kurumu which they had planned since 2 years.
Releasing color variations of existing figures is less complex, I guess.
kyaaaa, lovely photos and a very detailed review!!!!
Definitely a lovely figure but something I would not dare to get and display at home^^” maybe when I move out><
I'm really a fan of orchid seed figures but always end up getting either GSC , Alter or Kotobukiya. Orchid seed figures are really amazing and a company that really has potential to be one of the competitors. I guess it's cause they release figures mostly from unknown origins that people tend not to get them.
Once again, lovely job on the review~ enjoyed it greatly
thx a lot Matty, it was good to be able to write a figure related review again
This kind of figures seems to be a problem for many collectors, since my parents aren’t against my slightly ecchi figure, Im lucky ^^
Haha somehow you make it sound like Im the only one who buys their figures, but yeah they aren’t as mainstream orientated as other figure manufacturers.
Orchid Seed also has a lot of daring stuff made from ecchy origins. Well it’s good that ALTER also chooses less popular characters from time to time.
Her pose is so erotic, but somehow, her expression and her vibe keep it a little classier. Anyway, gorgeous pictures, as always. Love the night, dark background.
p.s. Her socks are soooo cute!!!
It’s a nice combination of sexy and pretty
thank you very much ^^
Visual Fanfare
It hought this package was interesting cuz of the pumpkin. ^_^ The figure itsself though didn’t really catch my eye, but I like the overall idea. I like your B&W pic at the top, and the rest are really well done as well.
And yeah, she’s got really perky nipples. LOL
I actually like the girl on it a bit more, even though the pumpkin is a cool item
Thanks a lot, shooting her was a lot of fun.
I would have liked them to have a little bit more detailed tip , to be honest
Perfect figure for Halloween!
That picture above simply blew my brain into proportion..lol meaning that its a beautiful one as it looks so realistic!
thank you for the praise
Another ecchi figure? Not stopping with those are you?
Anyways, never heard of this figure before, didn’t see a review of any kind or even see it listed for sale.
Which it is a shame since it looks like a nice ecchi figure, the details look good on the parts that matter and the pose is alluring enough.
I never gotten anything from Orchid Seed, I did consider getting their Mariya but I never did. It’s good too see their quality is consistent.
Haha yeah and another one, slightly more risky is on it’s way.
I don’t do anything indecent with them, I just like them a lot.
So far I only bought the slightly ecchi ones, the ones with exposed beaver for example are still too much for me XD
I guess I will never get them because Im somehow feeling uncomfortable with too explicit figures.
I ordered Native’s bathtime Soniko, but she appeared rather tame with other figures from them.
With the many announced and released figures all the time, figures without real origin are easily overshadowed.
I nearly hadn’t bought Nao, but she turned out very nice ^-^
I guess their quality became more consistent in the last two years, I don’t like everything from them,
but somehow they met my taste with their figures a lot.
while mine is still to arrive, seeing the pictures of the figure Aizawa Nao makes me more excited to have mine to arrive.
@Cossack_25A-1, thx, I promise you that you won’t be disapppinted with her, she’s a beautiful figure
Fantastische Bilder, die einfach noch einen Kommentar verdienen : )
Besonders die Bilder mit dem “Rauch” finde ich klasse! Freue mich schon sehr, noch mehr Bilder rauchige Bilder in Zukunft zu sehen :3
Aizawa Nao ist wirklich ein sehr schicke Figur. Ich mag die Figuren von Orchid wirklich sehr gerne, besonders, wenn sie so sexy sind : D
Wunderschöne, wunderschöne Bilder! *_*
Dankeschön, freut mich wenn es dir gefallen hat ^_^
Ja das war mal was anderes, werd ich noch öfter einsetzen, aber nicht bei jeder Figur.
Von Orchid Seed bekomm ich momentan auch nicht genug, deren Figuren sind immer so hübsch und sexy
vielen Dank, das freut mich sehr