Wonder Festival 2014 – summer event #1

posted in: Event, Figure Collecting Hobby | 24

On the 27th of July 2014, the summer event of the Wonder Festival 2014 opened it’s doors. It’s the most popular figure fair were the big and small figure manufacturers and also Garage Kit makers assemble to present their latest … Continued

Yumi Sayaka – AmiAmi Zero

Sayaka Yumi was manufactured by AmiAmi Zero, they are quite popular for very appealing bodysculpting. She was sculpted by Melting Neuron and released by the end of June this year. Her scale is 1/7 (28 cm in length), and comes with a base and an alternate face expression.

Ignis – Endless Winter – Orchid Seed

A review about Ignis Endless Winterfrom Orchid Seed. The figure is scaled 1/7 and has a height of 24,5 cm,
she was sculpted by Ishiyama Satoshi who sculpted a number of figures for Orchid Seed

The origin of this figure is the visual novel Jingai Makyo, which was made by Nitro+ in which she is one of the main characters. Ignis is a skilled demon hunter and actually a kind person.