Hi everybody, honestly because of personal reasons I actually feel too depressed to write a new post today, but I better do something than sitting lonely and sad in a corner.
Anyway I ordered enough stuff again to make a decent New Preorder post, not really outstanding or sexy figures this time, but things I really want as well as some goodies.
Lets start with a last minute preorder of mine Kotobuki Tsumugi 1/7 Waitress Version made by Max Factory, I just noticed how pretty this figure was one week before her release date, I really gave it a lot of thought if I should order or pass on this figure, to make things short as the in stock counter was down to 4 items I pushed the order button. I always wanted a figure dressed in a waitress outfit (waitress>maid), maybe I had prefered a sexier one ;p Nevertheless Mugi-chan looks like a very nice and well made figure and she’s also a bit sexy with her stockings.
I actually planned to buy GSC’s Suruga Kanbaru as bargain bin figure, but I’ve waited too long and she is sold out by now, even though I checked her in stock status 3 times a week.
To experience not another sold out desaster like that, I’ve finally ordered this cute Nymph from Sora no Otoshimono, she is scaled 1/6 and made by Kotobukiya. I liked Nymph in the second Season of Sora no Otoshimono and as this figure of her was announced I was hooked up, but just ordered her yesterday. Nymph is big, cute and comes with a cushion base, the shoulder armor and cape can be removed, I hope the choker comes off somehow as well.
Im really looking forward to get my first 1/6 scaled figure ^-^
In August I will get the Hachikuji Mayoi figma made by Max Factory I really like the character of Mayoi and this figma of her looks just adorable in the preview pictures her faces are just too cute. It’s also nice that they scaled her considering her age in the Bakemonogatari anime, so she’ll just measure cute 120mm ^-^. She comes with some nice accessoires like the backpack, an umbrella and a shift body in other words an additional body part for the kneeing pose.
My only preorder for October so far is the Hirasawa Yui “Windmill” PM figure made by Sega, two years ago I never considered to buy a single figure from Sega, but this year I noticed that they improved and are now capable of making nice figures in a quite good quality for a good price, of course I’ts not the same quality Alter or GSC has. Anyway, what I like about this Yui figure is her outfit with the HTT t-shirt the cute face expression and the very dynamic “Rock n Roll” pose. Unfortunately this figure was only available at Toyslogic, so far. Haha I’ve just noticed that I have two K-on! figures on preorder. I guess I prefer them in different outfits than in their uniforms.
This time I also ordered other otaku culture related stuff, since it was cheap :P. So the small things at first, A little Dakimakura strap with Saten and Uiharu illustrated on it. it is 37mm wide and 100mm long. I mainly bought this out of curiosity and cause I like cute illustration, there were also Dakimakura straps with Misaka or Kuroko on it available, but they were a bit too bold ^^.
The Daiichi Uchu Sokudo CD with the BLUE STAR song, unfortunately the CD with the Superorbital song of Super Soniko which I really like, was sold out, too bad :(.
Well at least the cover of the CD I’ve ordered is nicer.

To complete my Super Soniko admiration I also ordered the limited edition of the Super Sonico Game “Sonicomi” produced by Nitro+. I don’t know why they call it limited edition, maybe
there are some nice extra goodies included. After I’ve watched some ads about it as research for my latest figure review, I was very tempted to buy this Game. It sounds like fun and from the things I’ve read about the game should be more on the romance side than “H” side.
Im confident about being able to play and understand most of the game with the help of Agth text extractor and an online translater like I did before with another japanese game, my motivation is very high. if it somehow won’t work the box of the game would still look good on a shelf I guess. I hope they won’t choose a too daring box cover for it, or Im screwed if someone finds out XD
Here’s my latest figure order roadmap, with all the orders that will arrive in the next few months.
related post
New Preorders part 6
New Preorders part 5
New Preorders part 4
New Preorders part 3
New Preorders part 2
New Preorders part 1
That roadmap thing is pretty nifty looking. :p
Haha you and your Sonico obsession…
Thx ;D it looks so business style
Haha Don’t laugh she’s great
That Mugi figure looks great, I can’t wait to see what you with it. Will look forward to that post. I think I’m in love with that Mayoi figma, I blame that really nice looking animation someone made with her.
I never really put any attention to Sega figures so I’m curious to see how Yui turns out once you get her.
Still with your Sonico craze I see, I wonder when it was the last time I got into something like that.
Yeah this Mugi is a really nice looking waitress, the Mayoi gif was funny hehe, I was in love with figure as I saw her at the last wonfes.
Im also curious about Sega’s quality.
Haha i’ve fallen for Soniko I guess, good that there is so many stuff of her to buy at the moment, but I won’t buy much more merchandise I guess.
in general I don’t like hypes, but it can’t be helped this time.
I hope there will be a casual dressed and cute figure of Soniko in the future ^o^
i want to know how to get the k-on YUI~? 0 0~
Hi Dick, heres the link
Wow, I’m looking at that Waitress Mugi and thats a lot of sweets, hopefully they aren’t as annoying to balance on her hands as Sonico’s macaroons. Are you thinking of getting GSC’s Mayoi as well? And glad to see Lat Miku still on your list, I’m excited about that one too!
From what I’ve seen so far most of the stuff is glued to the plates. Haha falling macaroons ;p Im looking forward to your review and can’t wait to receive my second Soniko.
I’m not sure about Mayoi , it’s no question that she looks great, but in some way its not really the way I want to see Mayoi, the funny and cute part of her isn’t there at all, in this figure she’s more the alluring loli type, dont know if I would like that.
Somehow little Miku looks too nice to be dropped at the moment ^^
hahah I forced you to get that Mugi and I am glad I did XD
Wow the hachikuji figma looks great, although I’m no big fan of her.
That Yui figure looks so awesome, I would definitely get her but I don’t have any more space and I already got the Alter Yui.
You sure are a big Sonico fan XD!
As always, you have such a big pre order list=p
You convinced me a lot, but I guess I will like her a lot ^^
It can’t be helped haha.
Yep that was my first impression as well, Yui looks so cool I hope she’ll turn out great.
Yes Soniko is my kryptonite XD
haha you will! I prefer her over the school uniform Alter one ><
hhaah I'm sure she will. Prototypes always seem to look worst.
I think you make a good point about K-ON figures. There’s too many school uniform versions floating around that it’s refreshing to see something a bit different.
I want to get a Sora no Otoshimono figure, preferably of Ikaros, but so far the manufacturers just aren’t capturing my interest. Should be interesting to see how Nymph turns out though.
Ah you’re buying the Sonicom game. I’ve seen trailers and the likes for it. Hopefully you don’t have any issues getting it to run ^^. For me if the installer doesn’t work after a few attempts I give up xD.
Also hope you feel better soon ^^.
Their uniforms are quite boring after all, good that Max Factory produces a few figures in other dresses like with Yui, Mugi and the upcoming Azusa.
I also like Ikaros, she always looks so sad that I just want to comfort her ^^ But I guess Nymph became my favorite, looking forward to get the big figure of her.
I hope the Game runs, but since it is bought in a legal manner, Im confident about that.
Thank you, I feel better now, some days ago I was really down, but I think things will woork out somehow =)
The Nymph figure is pretty cute. I got the Plum version recently and I don’t think it looks quite as nice, mainly because her head is absolutely humongous. The Grands version is the one I’m waiting for, though.
Hope things are looking up for you!
Haha I love cute figures quite a lot :D, too bad there are no pictures so far which are showing this Nymph with removed cape and shoulder armor, I really want to see her like that. Ah yeah I know the one from Plum, from some angles the head looked a bit strange, but the rest looked good to me, her butt for example ;p
thank you, I guess Im in good moods again ^_^
wow Fabienne I always amazed with your well-planned pre-order
that Sonico is nice with cute dog ^^
Haha thank you, I better have things planned than being surprised by a figure I’ve forget about XD
I love the lovely Soniko ^-^
I’m on the lookout for a cute figure in a sitting pose for my desk and that Nymph is really cute but I don’t think I like her quite enough to buy her. Knowing my luck, she’ll turn out really awesome and I’d have missed out on her. xD
The Mayoi Figma makes me actually wanna go outside in the rain and take photos! Lots of rain here lately so it wouldn’t be hard, lol
Is the Yui a Sega prize figure? I was very surprised by the quality when I first saw some Sega prize figures in person and she seems even better than those so I’ll be looking forward to seeing how she turns out! ^^
I wanna play Sonicomi too but I don’t think I have the patience to translate it like you do!
Maybe I’ll put her on the desk or on the dvd player, Im really curious about the 1/6 scale of Nymph. haha no problem, I won’t force you to get her.
If it keeps raining until August your chances for rain are quite high
, the umbrella is a great item for her.
Yui is a prize figure, but I guess its a special one.Hope she will turn out as I expected.
I can make some Sonicomi related post if the game will work on my pc. Im looking forward to it.^-^
I’m trying stay away from preorders atm hahaha. I want that Nymph sooo badddd though.
You should take a pic of your room so we can have an idea of where you’ll put these awesome figures =P
Ah I see good decision, but maybe Nymph will be sold out soon, dont wait too long ^_^
Ah someday I will do that for sure
Sorry to hear that you’re feeling down. Hope you’re feeling better now.
Waitress Mugi looks lovely! Probably my favorite in this batch of preorders.
Anyways, cheers, Fabienne. ^ ^
Ah thank you for caring, I feel much better now.
Even though a good friend of mine will move away next month
Waitresses are lovely aren’t they
I was tempted to get that Mugi figure too, but I knew that if I got her, I’d want to get the other K-ON girls too. Me and my obsession with completing a set
I’m looking forward to your Taiga review. I haven’t seen any figures by ques Q before so I didn’t want to risk buying a figure from them and being disappointed.
haha really, well Mugi looks very nice, but I don’t have the urge to get more K-on figures aside from the Yui I’ve listed in this post here. I never felt the urge to get whole sets of figures, even when I liked a certain anime a lot, like Bakemonogatari for example
Im looking forward to receive the Taiga figure, oh maybe it is a bit risky, but there were a lot of good preview pictures so I gave ques Q and the sculptor some credits in advance ^^