No, I won’t commit suicide *zomg* what a weird thing to say in an introduction XD
I just wanted too make a little summary about the things which moved me in this year.
From the new figures I received this year my favorites were the Soniko – Bondage Version, which started my Soniko craze as well as my liking for figures with a well endowed chest *Q*.
The cute Dwarf with her beautiful dress, like Soniko she was also manufactured by Orchid Seed.
Another pretty figure I bought in this year 2011 was the Mugi waitress version from Max Factory, where Matty from Tanoshimini and Zai from Plastic Parfait convinced me to get her.
Other personal figure highlights of 2011, I shouldn’t forget to mention are the Miku lat type version, which turned out very well and Aizawa Nao is another pretty figure that I’ve bought.
This year I was also able to purchase two older figures, which I wanted for a long time, the lovely Melissa Seraphy which was produced by GSC in 2006, a very well made figure that doesn’t have to hide behind figures that are made nowadays. I was also able to get the Exclusive Nao Nendoroid which was produced by GSC in the year 2009. A newer figure from 2010 just caught my interest as I saw a review of her at HobbyHovel, it was Menace from AmiAmi zero. At first it appeared like I couldn’t get her anymore, but in the end I could acquire her for a lot of money.
There were some more figures I liked in this year where I somehow regret that I’ve passed on them in the first place, like Rin from GSC, Black Hanekawa from Alter, Captain Liliana from Megahouse or Sasara Kusugawa from Volks.
This year I had a few problems with finding space for displaying and storing my figure stuff, so I sold a number of figure related items that I had in my posession. For a few figures I felt a bit sorry, but I didn’t really care for most the ones I’ve sold, now I have space for more new figures.
My favorite animes of 2011 were Hanasaku Iroha, the spooky comedy Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?, Idolmaster, Tamayura: Hitotose, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko and Usagi Drop.
I also liked Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica and the creative Mawaru Penguindrum, but they had not the kind of end I usually can enjoy, so calling them my favorites would be too much.
From older shows that I marathoned this year my favorites were Zegapain, the very cool anime Air Gear, Nagasarete Airantou and the 70 episode long anime Cardcaptor Sakura, it took me ages to finish this show, but it was a great experience, the music, the characters it was such a lovely anime from 1998. Im planning to do a review of it at the moment it is still a Draft.
My blog stats increased in the later half of this year, in August the site reached 5744 views, it stayed more or less in this area with a few minor fluctuations. I started measuring stats after some months of blogging, I received roundabout 43000 views. Thx for that everybody!
Thank you for the many comments and the kind encouragement that you gave me in 2011.
I could also exchange links with nice and interesting people, greetings everybody ^^.
For the next step I will give a new look somewhere next year or later.
Ah I don’t really like to talk about myself, anyway I will probably complete my degree in multimedia design, even though my blogdesign doesn’t look like I studied that for the last few years X(.
Im also glad that I wasn’t ill once this year, Im also happy that the severe illnes of my turtle could be cured, at first I thought that she wouldn’t make it anymore atm she is hibernating peacefully.
A quite shocking thing that happened this year was when the tsunami hit Japans coast in march. Aside from the disaster, it was sad that people lost their family members and homes. In the end I donated some money, maybe it was helpful for someone, I felt that it was the right thing to do.
The year is nearly over and so Im wishing everyone of you a happy new year, may at least a few of your plans, wishes and dreams will come true in the new year 2012.
I hope I can read many interesting posts from you in the next year as well.
Happy New years Fabian! This year was your year of slowly becoming a sonico fan boy XD
Hanasaku Iroha, Idolmaster, kore wa zombie desu ka? , denpa were also my favourites too!
Congratulations on receiving those blog views! I’m sure you will get more as you really do deserve more
Haha I like that multimedia design comment XD Ah glad your turtle is fine, didn’t know you had a turtle. It reminds me of the one in k-on^^”
Good on you for donating the money, I’m sure it has definitely helped.
Looking forward to your future figure reviews and keep up the good work. Happy New Year Fabian, it was nice being able to meet you!
@tanohsimini, Yeah it happened quite quick to be honest and now I can play a Game with her, thats awesome ^^,
Haha, cool. so in the end our anime taste isn’t that different, it were the shows I had the most fun with.
Thx, its stil a lot more than I expected
maybe I should do a pet post about hamster,dog and turtle sometime.
I really hope so, I felt so sorry for them.
Even though I have a cold heart .
Thx I will post new reviews soon, I hope Asuka arrives next week, The Princess Bitch review will come after that. The mushroom will be shocking for many readerrs I guess.
Ah be careful with those words ^^, nearly made my eyes wet. It was also my pleasure to meet you, you rock!
Happy new year Fabian! (Can I call you this way as well? :P)
It’s nice to see you’re progressing with your blog. I love your posts and I definitely want more of them.
Happy New Year, Feal.
Sure you can call me by my real name, as well ^^
It’s nice to get a slowly raising popularity, as I started blogging I thought in smaller scales
I like your posts as well, keep it up
Happy New year
Congratulation and glad see you passion and achievement
see you next year
thx Aya , the same for you
Yeah, sees ya ^-^
Happy new year Fab! I will continue to rely on you for curvy girl figure shoots and anime recommendations ;). We seem to have similar taste haha.
Ah! you have way more view than we do! Tell me your secrets!! hahha.
Happy New year!
You can expect some more curvy girls this year, the next review of my Princess Bitch figure for example.
She is quite borderline with her ecchi appearance XD
Ah thats nice to hear.
Really I have more than you? Well your design looks better ^^
Yeah, keep on blogging!!! Happy New Year.
I agree very much that Air Gear is really cool anime. I love the style, the beat. Made me wanna own a pair of Air Treks. >.<
hehe, thx and the same to you =)
It was such a cool show that I’ve picked this year, good that Ikki was no wimp like most male characters in anime these days.
Too bad it was only one Season they made out of Air Gear. I considered to start reading the manga, there are a lot of chapters
who took place after the anime.
I hope you have a fantastic new year, Fab!
You and your blog have made me want figures I’d never even considered before and I expect that will continue to happen in 2012! xD
Glad you ended up enjoying the Mugi figure, I would have felt pretty damn guilty otherwise, lol.
Ahhh, you like Tamayura too.. it’s so cute! I need to watch more of it. Not sure what my favourite would be this year.. maybe Fate/Zero or Steins;Gate.
It’s good to see your blog is getting lotsa traffic. My blog slowed down a lot since I stopped updating but we’re getting back on track now.. ^^;
I studied Multimedia too but Luth does the design stuff on the blog. I just boss him around and tell him off when he does something I don’t like, haha. I’m glad your turtle is alright.
Keep up the great work!
Happy New Year Zai! Im wishing you a lot of health this year.
Oh thx *blush* Lets hope so ^^
This Mugi has everything I like, a fancy waitress outfit, stockings and a dynamic pose.
Unfortunately her plate holder finger broke off recently
Tamayura is so cute and heartwarming. Seto Island seems to be a great place in japan, have you also watchedctheOVA’s of it?
Too bad Fzero played with us in the second half, there were some action missing and than this cruel cliffhanger, ahhhhhhhhh!
It’s nice to notice that my project gets more popular over time, even though I just do what I like to do.
Yeah that also made me a bit sad to see no new stuff from you two for such a long time, hope you’ll get better sooon
Ah cool hehe^^
thx a lot
Happy day after New Year! I was a little surprised that the Super Sonico figure was quite popular, since Orchid Seed doesn’t have quite the following that Alter and GSC have, and also because she’s labeled “Bondage Version” and sometimes people don’t dig that sort of thing. Though personally, I would’ve loved the figure even more if it really were a bondage figure, with chains and blindfolds stuff.
It’s great to see your website doing well, but it’s even better that you do your own thing. I’ve seen a bunch of suggestions for improving website traffic totals but personally, I think the best way to do it is to be yourself while generating a lot of good content.
It’s good to hear about your turtle, doubly so since I didn’t know you have a turtle.
Hey, the same for you!
Yeah she is, she’s the most popular review on this blog, I don’t really know why Soniko is so popular as character, but I also fell in love with her
I hope there will be a few more figure from her, I could choose from.
I guess if I would review just GSC figures I had more hits, but I rather buy the figures I like. I mainly use my blog as playground.
But Im glad to see that a few people like it.
Maybe I should talk a little more about myself in the future
I remember your Mugi waitress post, it’s actually what convinced me to buy one too
I haven’t seen a lot of people mention Kore wa Zomdie Desu ka, but it was a good anime, lots of humour and randomness.
Good luck with your blog, and Happy New Year!
@Nopy, Hi ah hehe I see, hopefully you are satisfied with her ^^ I still think she’s beautiful.
In my opinion it was quite underated.
I liked this mix of slice of life, comedy and spooky.
thank you even though I will never reach 1000000 views
Looks like you had a great year, man what did you do starting with May to make such an increase in views?
This year was good in anime, I too liked Zombie, Madoka, Denpan Oonna, Hanasaku Iroha. Really good year for me.
This year I remember your Mugi figure the most. Also your Sonico craze. XD
Good luck with finishing your studies, look forward to another year with you.
I don’t really know to be honest ^^ Well I did 5 post in May, the Soniko Bondage review was and very popular. Also the Misaka beach figure review and te Haruka Morishima review were popular. I also had a birthday post in this month.
Yeah there were many cool anime in 2011.
You like waitresses, eh? ^-^
Haha Soniko is my 2d darling I like her so much
thx a lot Miette
Happy New Year! 2011 looks like it was an awesome year for figures for you and 2012 is starting to look pretty good too especially with all those Sonikos for you xD.
Congrats on the popularity boost, and well deserved. You take some really lovely photos and with more hits, it’s probably more people that you are convincing to get this or that figure. I almost got that Morishima Haruka figure myself after you reviewed her but missed out
It’s good to hear about your turtle making it out alive. You certainly have a lot of pets! I had a turtle myself once but she passed away 2 years ago
Happy New Year and thx for stopping by again
One the one hand it was a nice year full of figures, but on the other hand I bought many figures that I sold again after a few month.
Haha yeah Soniko overkill this year XD, I have the recolored version from the Bondage Soniko, the three chibis and Native’s big one on order.
Maybe there willl be more figures of her in 2012.
Thx a lot! I always try my best to show my readers interesting figures, well even though I just buy what I like.
I sometimes have to pass on figures I began to appreciate after a review because preorders are already full
Thx ^^ I have 3 pets atm.
Oh Im sorry to hear that, even though they are very silent animals, you also get fond of them.
Happy Belated New year and hope your blog stays strong
Mawaru was your fav? Was unique and interesting. I enjoyed the ride and liked the music as well lol.
thank you very much, the same for you =)
It was one of my favs this past year, even though it wasn’t an end I could really enjoy.
Why Shouma, Why!? Yeah the music was great XD