Welcome to Wieselhead‘s personal coverage from the Wonder Festival 2013 summer version, which was held on July 28th. It’s the biggest, most popular event for figure collectors around the world. There are two Wonder Festival each year, once in winter and once in summer.
Also in this year many manufacturers of figures and other anime related goods featured and announced interesting and most of all beautiful figures, most will hopefully (or hopefully not ^^) be available in the upcoming months. Due to the amount of interesting figures the Wonder Festival 2013 summer coverage will be divided in two posts full of bishoujo figures.
In these posts I will talk about the figures, that I considered to be worth mentioning…
I was most impressed by the things from Max Factory, seems like they finally realized their talents next to manufacturing action figures. It’s a remarkable number of nice figures.
Shingeki no Bahamut – Cerberus
This was the first figure of this years Wonderfestival that caught my interest, maybe a top favorite. Fans of demon girls have a nice time recently, first the Seven Deadly Sins and now other demonic beauties. Cerberus has slightly less anime-ish characteristics than other figures, but she still has a beautiful youthful appearance with a cute face, a sexy body and furry hands… furry? ok ;D. I really like how Max Factory adapted this figure from the to me unknown source.
sculptor: no data – release date: no data – scale: no data
Sword Art Online – Asuna
This a surprisingly nice portray of a damsel in distress, Asuna/Titania has a very seductive appearance, it looks totally like Max Factory qualiy, I mean her face is so beautiful and this expression is so detailed. The chained up arms it gives a slightly sadistic touch to the figure.
sculptor: no data – release date: no data – scale: 1/7
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai – Kashiwazaki Sena / Mikazuki Yozora
More Haganai figures, this time Sena and Yozora in cat ear leotards, I think they would look nice next to the previously released Kobato and Maria. Well, as much as I wished for something like this after the lovely Maria and Kobato in cat costumes, Im not that hyped for it. These two or better said Sena in particular is a little off. Her face appears a bit strangely captured
sculptor: YOSHI – release date: 2014 – scale: 1/7
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai – Yagami Tsurugi
The anime was a bit super strange, but also very funny and with likeable characters. I actually mistook Tsurugi for her younger sister Tama, but ok I don’t favor any of these characters.
The figure is sculpted in a very cute pose and the side ponytail is another nice charm point.
Im already enchanted by the figure and will most likely purchase her when the time comes.
sculptor: no data – release date: no data – scale: 1/7
Strike Witches 2 – Francesca Lucchini
The good stuff comes at last, I always wanted a NICE figure of Lucchini, the mischievous and cheerful loli character of the witches. The prototype looks already very cute and portrays the character of Lucchini very well. It will probably be turned into a promising Strike Witch, ahh her machine gun is so huge. Too bad that I sold her bosom buddy Charlotte to someone in Hawaii.
sculptor: no data – release date: 2014 – scale: 1/8
Papa no Iu Koto o Kikinasai! – Takanashi Miu
Miu ≧(´▽`)≦, Miu is a fine young lady with a sophisticated sense of fashion, I really liked her personality from the anime. The saucy lunatic smile is a bit unique for a young character, it’s like she says “I don’t mind but you’ll get arrested for sure” A bit of improvement here would help her face I think, even though it would be funny to have a loli figure with such an expression.
sculptor: Aketagawa Noboru – release date: 2014 – scale: 1/8
Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena – Labrys
Im honest, I don’t know whats this about, but it’s cool, the mecha girl characterdesign is totally cool, I like Labrys. The commanding pose and the huge battle axe make this figure even better, I hope the paintjob will bring out my positive image of this figure in the final state, as well.
sculptor: Saitou Fumiki – release date: 2014 no data – scale: 1/8
Nitro Super Sonic – Sonico – 1/7 – Santa, Swimsuit version
A Sonico figure from ALTER, who would have ever expected this any time!? This is a nice figure for sure, half nude, but with a non teased facial expression this is quite a nice change of pace compared to other figures of her, even though her best figures show her in a teased of embarrased state. There are also Sonico figures I don’t like, because of too exaggerated proportions or questionable poses, but let me say this, these hipster Sonico fans who say thing like “that would be the first Sonico I’d ever buy cause the others look cheap”, “if Sonico would have smaller boobs I’d like her” totally annoy me. Accept how Sonico in general is or get lost.
sculptor: Hide, Makio Munetoshi – release date: 2014 – scale: 1/7
Summon Night 3 – Aty
This Game seems to have a really nice characerdesign, even though I never played it. I like how Aty looks her as redhead magician with a fluffy hat and glasses, glasses are the best. The bright blue eyes, her face reminds me of Hattori Hanzo, I wouldn’t have mind if Aty had a slightly more young appearance than this. Anyway the outfit is pretty cool, I love the tight fit dress with the striation design, the belts around her waiste are a nice touch as well as the high boots.
Actually no one would wear these boots in daily life, those are mainly used in red light districts, it’s too bad. All Hail anime fashion, your characters can wear such clothes with attitude.
sculptor: Yagyuu Toshiyuki – release date: 2014 – scale: 1/8
Nisemonogatari – Oshino Shinobu
Wasn’t it a pleasant surprise as the formerly silent Shinobu turned into a naughty, talkactive Vampire wearing an bishoujo summer dress in Nisemonogatari? I love it and now here is a figure of her also wearing a ladylike hat. In gray she already looks nice, I can’t wait until she’s painted.
sculptor: no data – release date: no data – scale: no data
Nisemonogatari – Senjougahara Hitagi
This appears also like a nice figure from Nisemonogatari. Senjougahara sama is portrayed with her caring yandere side, to keep her boyfriend from doing dangerous exorcistic activities. I like the whole presentation of this figure, sitting on a chair with a piercing look in her eyes.
sculptor: no data – release date: no data – scale: 1/8
Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon II – Asama Tomo
Kotobukiya’s second Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon figure, Tomo is posed in a powerful shooting stance, while her very female curves are accentuated nicely. It’s a nice looking prototype, but still It’s still not my kind of dream figure from the Horizon anime, I want something standing in a more casual fashion. Sometimes I’m just too picky with figures where I know the origin.
sculptor: no data – release date: 2013 – scale: no data
The Idolmaster (TV Animation) – Ganaha Hibiki
I enjoyed Idolm@ster the anime a lot and Hibiki was among my favorite characters next to Haruka. Here the unique style of the show is captures very well, yeah the mouths are big, either you like it or not so much. The clothes of Hibiki are cool, Im a big fan of her heavy duty boots and the hotpants. The energetic pose is another thing I like about this figure of Hibiki.
sculptor: Mazaki Yuusuke – release date: December 2013 – scale: 1/8
Fate/Stay Night – Saber – Pajama version
GK adaption ! Yay! I have a weak spot for Saber in alternative outfits, Saber in pajamas is something unexpectedly cute. She was made several years younger, her vulnerable and shy pose awakens protective instincts ^^. The floating pose can be interpret as dreaming, but I think she needs a bed.
sculptor: Hashimoto Ryou – release date: November 2013 – scale: 1/7
Nitro Super Sonic – Sonico – Mouse version
Sonico with mouse ears, I like it ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノ.I approve of all the changes that were made compared to the source material, the hair is more three dimensional, a better face expression, toned down breast size and an altered pose. The arched back accentuates her well defined butt nicely.
sculptor: no data – release date: no data – scale: no data
Nitro Super Sonic – Sonico – Child version
Making figures of characters as child is a new or maybe very unique idea, child Sonico is based on an illustration from the booklet which was included in the Sonicomi game. Ahh why huge headphones again, you should listen to what your parents say about a healthy diet. Sonico must have old headphones or she’s a cyborg, whatever joking aside it will depend on the pose if I’ll like this or not, her face actually looks adorable, somehow I prefer her grown up though.
sculptor: no data – release date: no data – scale: no data
That’s it for part one of the Wonfes 2013 Summer, I hope there was something in for you, tell me what you liked. If not there will be a part two with more figures.
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Wow, Yagami Tsurugi was really an unexpected figure and it’s turning out to be really pretty. I am considering buying it as well even if she wasn’t my favorite character of the series…*_*
I first thought who is this? But yes she looks overwhelmingly pretty and cute.
Oh, who is it?
Of the stuff I’ve seen, I liked Kotobukiya’s Sumika Kagami and Tomo, particularly the way she seems to be balancing her torpedo on her rack. I also liked Azone’s 50-centimeter Charlotte Dunois doll, though I wonder why they chose to put her in a swimsuit; a lot of people seem to not like exposed doll joints so a swimsuit doesn’t seem like the best way to sell a doll. Lechery had this cute figure of a girl on the can, which is hilarious. Someone showed a figure of Velvet Kiss’s Kano, which looked pretty cute, though it was kinda hard to tell how good it looks, since I think one of the smaller makers like Q-Six or BEAT is the manufacturer. I was kinda surprised not to see more Tamakis, and I don’t think I saw any Kanu Unchous, which feels a little bit weird.
Can’t I have Tomo’s boobs without bow or other distractions like complex poses ;p
Haven’t seen any dolls so far, even though I now have one.
I think that I miissed even more, I lost all my japanese figure related bookmarks a few days before Wonfes,
so I mainly relied on mfc.
Well, there was one Yukata Tamaki from Freeing and another, it’s still amazing, since To heart is damn damn old.
Without any new animated stuff from Ikki Tousen you can’t expect that there will be new versions forever.
I’m definitely liking those Shingeki no Bahamut girls. Kotobukiya’s Dark Angel Olivia was my favorite reveal of the show and Max Factory’s Cerberus isn’t far behind. They’re keeping the fine tradition of skimpy fantasy outfits alive and well.
As with the winter WonFes, I felt like Alter’s showing was a bit underwhelming. Labrys and Sonico both look like they have potential, but I’m not sure either is a must-have for me. Aty, on the other hand, is and I’m glad to see her colored prototype deliver on expectations.
I was disappointed by the lack of Fire Emblem figures. After the great Tharja from Max Factory, I’d really like to see some other characters, and, no, a figma Marth doesn’t count.
I don’t really like figures with too serious faces in general, so for once I only like the look of Cerberus.
Hehe but yeah I also like skimpy fantasy outfits.
Alter at least improved from last time where it felt like 40% re-releases ^^ I liked it, haha the Sonico is so nice.
Not sure if I will order Aty in the end, her outfit is great, not sure about the facial expression so far.
Ah I see, Max Factory should make another one of this game, Im not really on topic about them TT
The Sena figure with Yozora doesn’t look like Sena to me. The first time I saw it, I actually thought it was Maria. >.<
Don't really think there were great figures this time around for WonFes. Nothing that absolutely wow-ed me. T.T
It’s a shame, that they weren’t able to make her like Sena, she looks like a different person, maybe it will be fixed by Max Factory.
Oh too bad, I always find something on these events. Is there something in particular you want a figure from?
The thing I always look for is the pose of the figure. Whether or not the figure has dynamic pose or carries a certain fluidity like GSC’s Kurisu. I’m moving away from figures like Nendoroids and Figmas already since I think scale figures are usually the ones that carries the wow factor. >.<
The pose is very important for me as well, dynamic or calm is not that important, as long as it is convincing.
I also prefer scales figures over figma stuff, they are more detailed and the limited poseability is not something bad.
Never feel comfortable with the poses of mpveable figures that I create.