Ikki Tousen GG – Chouhi Ekitoku – Orchid Seed

posted in: Figure Reviews | 15


Today I will review a figure called Chouhi Ekitoku from Orchid Seed, this review is partially NSFW.

I started pretty late with adding Ikki Toussen figures to my collection of plastic figures, which is nearly hilarious because the first anime is already 10 years old. The first season was rather bad, but 4 years later with studio Arms in charge, Ikkitousen: Dragon Destiny turned out better.

The first figure I received was Kan´u Unchou from Daiki in 2012 and the second one was Chouhi Ekitoku ” Magical Chouhi” from Orchid Seed. There was a longer delay for the figure, but Chouhi finally was released in the end of July 2013. She is scaled 1/7 and has a height of 18 cm. This figure is based on one of the intermission pictures in the Ikki Tousen GG anime.

Chouhi bendover illu

I like Seito Academy the most, with Kan’u, Chouhi, Koumei and Chou’un and Ryuubi , they are a lovely group of close friends, but also because it’s one of the schools without scheming male jerks. Well in the early 2000 era of anime, such badass boss characters were still popular I guess nowadays an anime like Ikki Tousen would have no characters like this within the main cast.

Chouhi is brave and does her best in supporting her friends, but as B Rank fighter she doesn’t have the power to fight against any of the top fighters, at the beginning she even just had a C Rank. in the anime she will be seen mainly fighting against weaker groups of henchmen.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

She can be easily overseen in the cast, since she has no weapon or special moves, her role is mainly a supportive one. Chouhi is tomboyish, loud and has a short temper, but on second view she is a good girl with a big heart. Her delinquent accent is rather funny, she often acts strict towards Ruby to make a better leader out of her, the weakling bookworm.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Putting a tomboyish, 17 year old girl in an magical girl – maid uniform appears rather weird.
Still, I wanted this figure since I noticed it as grey prototype on Wonfes, because it has a certain attraction to it, sure it appears more than out of character, but it does that in a very cute way.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Hair & Face

The short hairstyle is cute, Chouhi has brown even hair which transforms into wildly arranged thorn like ends at the back of her hair. Stronger strands are also framing her eyes, in the middle Chouhi has straight fringe on top she is wearing a pink and frilly maid cap.

She has the eyes of a vicious animal and the look of the character is nicely recreated. With the short hair and the big eyes, Chouhi could also be a mischievous runt, but Chouhi is at least 17.
Her face also shows a deep engraved mouth with strong shading, a tongue and a sweet fang.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Outfit & Body

Chouhi Ekitoku has an odd outfit, I can’t deny that it looks like a magical girl collided with a maid.

The outfit appears like an unhealthy strawberry cake with lots of cream and sugar, it has very girly and cute pastel colors. Especially in the upper regions the outfit is a bit more bulky, take the puffy sleeves for example, the magical maid attire is also decorated with several pink ribbons of different sizes. There is a nice amount of details, like all of these frills on her outfit, the sculpting and overall execution of her clothes is quite clean, without seams or overpainting.

I think it’s a very good figure, but there are a few things about her outfit that I’m not too fond of. The pearl shine stocking and gloves somehow disrupt the harmony of pastel colors a little, they could have used normal colors for these parts. Another thing that bothers me a bit, is that the gloves let her hands appear a little too big for the figures proportions.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

The illusion of thin fabric on her panties is really nice, the thin wrinkles and slightly transparent effect gives a nice and nearly realistic touch to it.

I like big butts and I can not lie! ( Sir Mix – a – Lot – “Baby got Back” ) *lol* what a song. Anyway Chouhi is a marginal chubby girl and in her deep bend over pose (not as deep as the illustration implies) her meaty butt comes into focus, when she sticks it out in an ecchi and playful way.


Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Instead of the usual way of Cast Off, Orchid Seed provided a second torso without clothes, who can be simply exchanged with the other one. It’s easier for the company to make it this way, because less thoughts about designing the clothes have to be made. This method also prevents too bulky clothes, gaps, paint transfer and other involved design compromises.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Chouhi hides a nice body underneath her “magical maid” outfit with happy, nicely shaped boobies, a nice upper back and a nice lower back of course. The figure seems to be more relieved after being freed from her special outfit, I also think that she’s very attractive this way. Somehow her facial expression changed to be much more whimsical and upbeat than before.

The second body is also really smooth you have to look really hard to find the common seam lines on such figures, like on the sides of her body or arms., everything on this figure very clean.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

On another note I had a little problem with the castoff, in this case my problem was the excess plastic inside the nude torso and on the connector peg, which prevented the proper connection between.upper and lower body. I had to use some tools to get rid of the unneeded material.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Orchid Seed’s Chouhi is a standing figure, but she is also able to sit on different things like a camera lens, this can be used for a different perspective and interesting posing opportunities.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

 Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Final Words

The end is nearly reached, let me say a few things to conclude this review of Chouhi Ekitoku from Orchid Seed. The figure turned out quite nice and it was worth the wait, she is wearing a without doubt very flashy outfit and actually not everyone’s taste, but I knew what I ordered so it’s definitely no flaw. I like the lovely facial expression of Chouhi that shows a lot of personality.

The new implemented cast off method saves time and you don’t have to be scared of breaking or scratching anything. Quality wise Chouhi Ekitoku also knows to convince, sculpting and paint are nearly flawless without any prominent seam lines. The only thing that bothers me is the size of her gloves.

It was really fun to review a castoffable figure after a while. Yeah, I think that I actually wrote too much text and included too many pics, but it just shows that I like the Chouhi figure quite a bit.

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

Ikki Tousen GG  - Orchid Seed

15 Responses

  1. Cerberus

    Well, I bought myself that Ignis endless winter figure after reading your post. and looks like I’m gonna get this one too. Sweet shots! those candies(?) and ribbons make great background for her.

    • wieselhead

      Hey, I’m glad to hear that my post convinced you enough, Ignis is really pretty.
      Thank you, Chouhi also is a sweet figure and really cute ^^
      Yes, it are striped marshmellows, I don’t eat them, but they are good for such decoration.

  2. Kai

    Isn’t Ikki Tousen that “borderline hentai/rape” anime that rip clothes like nothing? xD Don’t remember there was a magical girl there.

    Indeed, she looks weird with the color combination at first glance. The stockings and gloves ruined the color theme with the outfit, but if you “ripped” them off, then it actually looks better. And of cause, her panties is white ( ̄ω ̄)

    • wieselhead

      Ah well the first season gave Ikki Tousen a really bad reputation, the seasons afterwards were a bit better. No one gets raped aside from the viewers brain XD
      No there are no magical girls, the figure is just based on a illustration.

      Yeah it’s weird, but in a cute way I would say. The pastel colors should have been applied to gloves and stockings as well.
      Chouhi has a lot of nude appeal 😀 Of course, Chouhi is a clean girl haha

  3. Miette-chan

    Oh boy, when I first I saw this figure I thought it seem a little ridiculous. A girl with a body like makes a magical girl outfit a bit too… lewd…

    Interesting bit about the torso, usually I never been a fan of full cast off figures. The extra bulk always seems unsightly, even more so since I can’t really go around displaying them half naked in my current home. Seeing different approaches like the two torsos is a nice idea.

    • wieselhead

      Haha she looks a bit like a pervert in a silly way, but I like it, even more after I got used to it .
      There are a number of good cast off figures in a classical sense, but this new solution has many advantages,
      I will review another figure with such a castoff feature next.

  4. feal87

    *laughs* I remember watching that illustration ages ago! Anyway the figure is quite good even if far too ero for my shelves…:D

    • wieselhead

      haha, ages ago seems to be true, I guess it was many years ago.
      but I finally have my Chouhi figure. haha but she’s completely dressed, well the skirt is too short.

  5. Tier

    That opening makes me feel so old; Ikkitousen (Battle Vixens) was one of the titles I read back when I started getting back into anime, and I hadn’t realized that it’s already been over a decade since it came out. I remember when I saw this figure, I thought it was really strange since Orchid Seed doesn’t do Ikkitousen figures and Chouhi isn’t nearly as popular as her Seito classmate. I’ll be honest, she wasn’t one of my favorite characters since she doesn’t have the kind of glamourous appeal of Kanu, but she looks really cute in a magical girl outfit. Particularly with a pose like that. You know, I’ve been thinking myself that I haven’t photographed a porno figure in a really, really long time.

    • wieselhead

      Don’t feel bad about it, being old just means more experience. The difference between old and new anime is rather big, shows like Ikki Tousen had more fans back then, Im sad that nothing new is planned after XX, sure this last season was not really good, but still. The characters were cool, I want to see my Hakufu, Riomu and the others back in action.

      She’s a niche character, but I like her a lot for being supportive and a comedy relief,
      so Im happy to see a figure of her, the design is a little odd, but it really looks like her.
      Yes, bad Tier! Do have something like a new unreviewed ero figure at your disposal, atm?

      • Tier

        I do! I have, uhh, a ton of them. Assuming “ero” means nudity rather than something sexually raunchy like a Native figure … though I do actually have an unreviewed Native figure here (Elfriede … I haven’t thought about that figure in a while, I don’t even remember where I put her box). I guess I’ll start with the Freezing girls and those 7 Deadly Sins figures; everyone’s already seen Leviathan but I haven’t seen too much love for Asmodeus or Lucifer.

        • wieselhead

          Ah cool hopefully you’ll find the time soon, I liked your photography tips a lot, but a new review would be nice =)
          I was surprised that Asmodeus didn’t turn out as “fat” as first pictures implied, she’s actually quite pretty.

          Well, atm Im also behind my review backglog, Yumi Sayaka from AmiAmi zero should be next and I hope to get some summerly shots of fate, autumm is close.

  6. Hoshiko

    Hmmm…my mental image of anything ikki tousen is always the ones of tough girls, carrying spears and wearing a serious face. This girl actually smiling, carrying a magical wand and wearing a fluffy outfit – that’s something new!

    “I had to use some tools to get rid of the unneeded material.” <- I don't dare to fix my figures maybe because I was worried I'll ruin them? I'm not good with my hands =(.

    • wieselhead

      Yes, in general this is no dress appropiate for Ikki Tousen, it’s kinda hilarious to see Chouhi as frilly magical maid.
      As long as it is not on the outside, Im not scared of such things, still it’s quite annoying to push such tasks on the customer