Katsuragi – Senran Kagura – Phat Company

posted in: Figure Reviews | 9

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Another Senran Kagura figure is ready for review, my pace is horrible, listen to my advice, never order more than two figures a month. Katsuragi is the second one, after I was already positively surprised by Hibari, I also wanted to get the next one. Phat Company continues
with the adaption of Senran Kagura figures from the Ringo Renmei garage kit circle.

Katsuragi was released in the end of September 2013. The figure is scaled 1/8 and has a height of 20 cm, the person in charge of sculpting was Amasu who also created Hibari for Phat Company.

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

The anime was based on the Game/Manga and already aired, I reviewed it some time ago here. While not perfect, but very entertaining it created a boost in terms of  announced Senran Kagura figures and other merchandise. A distinctive feature of Senran Kagura is the buxom characterdesign with a healthy amount of cuddly curves on most of the characters bodies.

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi is a third year student of the National Hanzo Academy, together with her friends Asuka, Hibari, Yagyuu and Ikagura, she  takes part in the secret Ninja classes. Katsu nee is a rather perverted member of the girls, she loves to harass Asuka and sometimes Ikagura by fondling their breast for her own pleasure, contrarily she doesn’t feel comfortable when being touched by others. She doesn’t mean any harm by this and is quite attached to her friends.

Katsu illu

She is a tough fighter and always searches new challenges and stronger opponents. Although she easily to provoke and a rather hot headed character, which sometimes backfires at her. Katsu nee is specialized in kicks therefore her armored boots are actually her weapons.

Katsuragi is supposed to be 17, she is 165 cm in height and her three sizes are 95 – 57 – 90.

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Hair & Face

Even when Katsuragi is a little wild and bold girl, her hairstyle is rather feminine with long blonde hair and huge blue ribbons. The hair looks quite elaborate with all these strands coming out, they are shaped very smooth with rounded edges, so far I’ve noticed no rough areas. The whole backpart appears to be made of one solid piece, the often unpreventable middle seam is hidden by the blue ribbon. The color shows a nice gradient from pastel blonde to caramel brown.

It’s hard to believe that someone with such an adorable sweet face has a pervy part in her personality. Anyway Katsuragi is very cute with her face that is radiating a very happy atmosphere. She has detailed green eyes with lovely blushmarks underneath, her open mouth features an upper front teeth line, something I find very appealing on figures.

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Body & Outfit

Posed in a very cheerful and energetic way and pushing out her impressive bust give Katsuragi an interesting and playful appearance. The open shirt reveals most of her upper body from the chest to her belly button, but don’t expect it to be castoffable. What also meets the eye nicely shaped legs with smooth thighs. The skintone is nice and there is some shading here and there.

Katsuragi is not so bold to wear her school uniform like this everyday, it is her official “Shinobu Transformation” outtfit. Well, it’s not much different from her summer uniform. She is wearing her unbuttoned shirt in a bra less fashion, she also has a lovely blue minirock with an interesting square pattern printed on. She has striped panties, which are purposely hidden by her flowing skirt. As footwear she has loose socks and heavy boots resembling samurai armor.

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Final Words

Katsuragi is a nice figure, she’s the image of a bright and energetic figure and a cute blonde girl. Im no real fan of her personality, but I love her character design, the clothes, the colors and the overall style. The figures quality is good with appealing sculpting and nice details, she also has a solid feel to her.

Katsuragi was made by the same sculptor  and so she looks very good next to Hibari, it’s nice that they are a matching in height and style. Overall the Senran Kagura figures from Phat Company are really nice. A version of Katsuragi which is more focused on the curves and and a bit bigger, is the upcoming one from AmiAmi zero. Im not disinclined to get this one as well.

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company


Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

Katsuragi - Senran Kagura - Phat Company

9 Responses

  1. Aya

    Nice One, I like her cheerful happy face 😀 but I think this one will make people stare either on her chest or the big shoes 😀

  2. feal87

    Wow, I really like cheerful girls and this figure is really great. I still haven’t completed watching Senran Kagura, but you just reminded me that I have to catch up with it…:D

    • wieselhead

      The happy face is really enchanting, I like what the sculptor created.
      Oh you should and don’t forget the ecchi specials ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

  3. Bakayaro

    Sie ist ja schon ganz süß. War mir bei ihr nicht sicher und habe sie nicht vorbestellt. Hibari habe ich auch erst im Nachhinein gekauft weil ich sie bei dir gesehen habe. Nun halte ich mal nach Katsuragi Ausschau und hoffe, dass ich sie günstig finde.

    Tolles Review und hübsche Fotos übrigens. Die mit Hibari zusammen gefallen mir am besten… auch weil der Hintergrund einfach weiter ist :3

    • wieselhead

      Ja manchmal wartet man mit Bestellungen, auch wenn sie einem eigentlich zusagt. Mit Yuki von Orchid Seed hab ich auch ewig gewartet.
      Kauf sie ruhig, sie ist toll nur der Bauch könnte ein wenig Details vertragen, wie findest du denn die AmiAmi zero Variante?

      Dankeschön ^^ Es ist schön das beide größenmäßig so gut harmonisieren, dafür das ich wenig an “sets” interressiert bin, gefällt mir das sehr.
      Yagyuu hab ich auch bestellt, wenn auch von einem anderen Hersteller, jetzt fehlt noch ne süße Asuka und eine Ikagura die mich überzeugt.
      Ja mit den Abständen hab ich es manchmal schwer ;p

  4. Miette-chan

    I like this Katsuragi figure quite a bit, there is just something about it that seems very Katsu-nee like to me.

    May be it’s because she looks so happy, so care free just about ready to sneak up on an unsuspecting Hibari and molest her for a bit.

    • wieselhead

      Me too hehe, she’s quite attractive and charming with all her blonde boldness.
      I like all the Senran Kagura girls, totally love their characters and buxom designs, so I will try to get a figure of everyone, Yagyuu will be next,
      just need a good Asuka and Ikagura.

      Hibari is strangely not the victim of Katsuragi, she only aims for the really big ones, it seems.