Noel Vermillion – BlazBlue = Hobby Japan / Amakuni

Hi there my figure friends, today I will talk about my recently received figure of Noel Vermillion.

This figure was sold as exclusive item, it was a collaboration between Hobby Japan Magazine and AMAKUNI. Noel Vermillions origin are the Beat Em Up BlazBlue and Queen’s Gate Spiral Chaos.

Noel Vermillion is scaled 1/8 figure and has a overall height of 190 mm, Noel was released in April 2012. On first sight I was interested in this figure, even without knowing her origin or character. What counts for me is the overall look not the knowledge of the character in the first place.
As I was finally convinced to buy her, the preorder period was already over, but thanks to I was able to get her a few weeks after the order deadline.

On a funny note I know nothing about her origin Blaz Blue, a game I’ve never played, Im such a lame Gamer. The story behind it is quite complex and I would just embarrass myself while trying to explain more about it. So for now just a little bit of backstory about the character herself.

Noel is an artificially created human, who was born on December 25, 2194. Later she was adopted by the Vermillion Family. She was accepted at the Military Academy and before her graduation she had the rank of an lieutenant in the 4th division of the Praetorian Guard. Noel is the shy and clumsy kind of girl, who likes everything cute, writing poems and online shopping.

This figure of Noel is nicely crafted adaption, I will talk about her head first.The hair of Noel has a pale yellow color with a somewhat metallic gloss. The single strand appear quite detailed. Short hair can be very nice, but don’t be fooled, Noel actually has long hair, but hidden by her blue cap.

A very nice part of this figure is her face, I like the beautiful and big green eyes which are pointed to the right. She also has a pretty and soft looking face, especially the area of her mouth looks very appealing and the slightly opened mouth gives the figure a very convincing expression.
In general I actually would complain about a lack of blushmarks, but not in case of this figure.

Noel has an attractive and petite body, with slender arms and legs. The legs are very sexy and the slightly meaty thighs add some feminine charm. As you might have noticed Noel has small but perky boobs which look very well in combination with her petite body, her back also looks very nice thanks to the nicely sculpted scapulas. A lot of attention to detail was also put to her armpits, they look quite soft and nice, even though that is not really one of my fetishes ;D

This figure is presented in Noel’s battle outfit, a jolting sapphire NOL uniform, that actually looks more like a short summer dress. but with the white collar and a short red tie, a uniform look was created. The color scheme is a combination of black, white and deep blue with silver and red details. She has seperated sleeves with big silver rings at her forearms. At her legs she is wearing matte black stockings, further below she has nice and elaborately sculpted boots.

As a character based on a fighting game Noel naturally carries weapons, she has two long pistols with a long barrel called Arcus Diabolus: Bolverk. They can be used for shooting and hitting.

The figure doesn’t need many assembly steps, there is the figure, the base and two long red straps. These straps are somewhat flexible, but you shouldn’t try to bend them too much while pushing them into the slits at the rings of her sleeves. They give the outfit an extra cool look.

The outfit captivates with it’s details sculpting, there are detailed folds and wrinkles where they belong. Next to her lovely armpits, Noel also offers a bit of mainstream fanservice in shape of a very short and flowing dress that barely covers her butt. I like how her butt flashes from some angles. Before the release there was a little discussion if the figure would have no underwear. Because in the Game her undergarmentswhere never shown directly in Calamity Trigger.

Final Words

It’s time for a conclusion Noel Vermillion is a nicely sculpted figure with an appealing face and interesting outfit. She has an attractive petite body and shows a good amount of skin without revealing too much.  Im quite happy about her purchase and despite the high price I’ve paid, it’s actually the first exclusive figure (Native’s Bath Time Sonico aside) where I don’t feel a bit like being robbed by the company. This figure is very nice in terms of appearance and quality.

another review was written by Tier from Tentaclearmada



29 Responses

  1. izlom

    OOOO…. I’m turning into Parsee Mizuhashi. Very jealous> __ <
    Thanks for the review, very nice pictures.

    I would be happy if released Taokaku.

    OFF:Also decided not to buy Tenshi?

    • wieselhead

      I’m glad that I didn’t pass on this figure.
      You’re welcome and thank you very much.

      Ah me too, I don’t like her enough to pay that much for this figure.
      And this month will be expensive enough with three preorders 🙁

    • wieselhead

      Im not the one to talk in that regard XD I only know Dizzy and Noel from BlazBlue not their connection.
      Thank you very much, yeah she has a great pose.

  2. Jenn

    She’s so lovely and sexy! I love the float of her skirt around her thighs. And her face is adorable too! There’s really nothing to dislike about this figure. I decided not to get her because of her exclusive status and high price, but I’m regretting it now. >_< She looks especially dynamic from the back.

    All your pictures are brilliant, as usual. Love the smokey effect in some of them. Picture 4 and 1 = <3

    • wieselhead

      Indeed she is ^^
      Yeah thats a nice side effect of her short dress. For me her face is one of the best parts, so soft looking and cute.
      Thats understandable, I debated a bit with myself, if I should order her or not, but Im glad that I did it.

      Thank you very much ^^

  3. hoshiko

    I think this is the figure that is based on the art drew by RadiantDreamer or something. That guy is very talented in drawing.

    I like her pose the most. And your pictures with the smoky effect thingy are gorgeous!

    • wieselhead

      Maybe, but Im not sure about that 🙂

      Yes she is a nice looking figure, the little fog machine was a good investment, thank you.

  4. Kai

    When I saw this figure, I actually think the face is weird and not sculptured accurately to the original illustrations. However, I didn’t know about Queen’s Gate and I cheked it out, and found out that this figure actually followed the illustrations of Queen’s Gate more closely then BlazBlue, as I don’t play the former, I guess that explains why the face looks so awkward to me, lol.

    • wieselhead

      Weird!? haha ah I see, that might happened.
      Well, as mentioned I don’t know much about BlazBlue, so I don’t really mind.
      She’s nice nevertheless, I think 😉

  5. Miette-chan

    Well I’m jealous, I would have loved to own this figure. It would have been a perfect excuse for me to rant about how BlazBlue is so nice with the surprisingly involved story line and superior gameplay mechanics when compared to Street Fighter.

    Alas, in retrospect the asking price of about 10K was not too bad, a little pricy but still acceptable for a BlazBlue fan like myself. I blame bad promo pics, Noel didn’t look that great in those pictures particularly her face. After looking at your pictures among others I can say she turned out just fine. The problems that I had were dispelled, even more so once I realized the style was more in line with Noel’s Queen’s Gate appearance than the official BlazBlue art.

    I know it probably wont happen but I would like more BlazBlue figures of the girls. The ones from FREEing were not that appealing for me. I would love Alter to do a Nu-12 in the same vein they did Dizzy.

    • wieselhead

      You have a reason to be, she’s nice and Im glad I was brave enough to give her an order.
      Ahaha yeah, I know nothing about it so the review turned out rather dry.

      I paid 16K in the end, could have gotten her 12K, but at that time only the german seller still had her.
      The promo pics weren’t that convincing unlike Tier’s review, which made me push the order button.

  6. duqs

    Hahaha have you seen the latest installment of Blazblue? (Chronophantasma) Noel sports a more uhmmm revealing costume there 😛

    Love every part of this figure but the base XD (they couldve included an extra part like her hair down :P)

    • wieselhead

      No unfortunately not, more reveiling is always good XD

      The base is boring but neutral, cause the figures captures most of the attention.
      Ah yeah that would have been cool, thx for your comment

  7. Tier

    It is no surprise that I really like this figure; I’m really impressed with how well it turned out given that a lot of Hobby Japan’s other stuff has kinda been hit-or-miss. I’m kinda having some second thoughts regarding that figure of Miyuu Ousawa, now. That’s probably a good thing because I could use that money to buy something else, like a pillowcase or something.

    • wieselhead

      Your review of her was quite convincing, sometimes I don’t understand why manufacturers can’t achieve good promo pictures.
      Ah yeah not everything where they are involved is when I’m thinking of the castoff option of my Hyper Nurse Kotone.
      Haha thats a good way to see it. Nevertheless I’m still sad that her face is so much different from the anime, I like Miu, but without her clumsy puppy look, I don’t want her.

  8. Xine

    I really like the dynamic pose, it’s almost like there’s movement with the flow of her dress and those red ribbon-like straps attached to her arms made it more interesting. Her face is quite cute too.

    Nice job on the photos. I like that you accentuated your shots with those things in the background and base of the fig ^^

    • wieselhead

      They really captured an appealing action pose, she can look cool and cute at the same time =)
      Thank you very much, I like to accentuate my figures that way, so the shooting is a lot more fun.

  9. Vermillion

    Darrrn it. I shouldn’t have taken a look at your review. I knew she is beautiful and have certain details relevant to my interest…(*hint certain fetish that you mentioned XD) After seeing your review, I’m going to be regretful for the rest of my life if I don’t have her in my possession. This is clearly your fault! (and to think that the price is probably already skyrocket)

    • wieselhead

      Yeah you should have, at least the one on tentaclearmada. She looks really nice and is definitely worth the money.
      Oh Im sorry, but you probably won’t regret a purchase, hopefully you can still find her for a fair price. good luck 😉

  10. Persocom

    First off, I’ve never touched upon the Blaz Blue franchise but I know her from the Queen’s Gate game. She looks like a decent figure and your pictures were great. You were playing with smoke or steam in a couple of them? I’ve tried both but they’re difficult to capture. I especially like the guest appearance of Alice since I’m more familiar with her than any Blaz Blue characters.

    • wieselhead

      Hehe same here, I never played the beat em up and unfortunately not the Queens Gate one. Yes she is and thx a lot ^^
      It’s a supersonic fogger that you normally use for reptiles or frogs, it’s a nice gadget. Alice is a so cute and I thought it would be best combination.

  11. BioToxic

    I was considering getting Noel myself. In the end it was the cost and hassle of being a Hobby Japan exclusive that turned me away. After seeing you and Tiers review though I’ll admit I’m still tempted to get her.

    I’ve never played BlazBlue myself, fighting games don’t really interest me all that much. But I have used her in Queen’s Gate Spiral Chaos. She appears later on in the game and is quite fun to use.

    I love her pose, there’s a sense of drama about it. The little red ribbons do a good job to fill out any empty space and contrast with the blue of her outfit. Her face is also really nice – looking more like her Queen’s Gate version. Her exposed back is also dead sexy.

    I’m torn on her dual guns. On one hand they look bad-ass but on the other hand they look like lumps of wood to me. I think it’s because the barrel is ridiculously long, too square looking and has very little texture variation.

    • wieselhead

      The only hassle is the price, ordering is easy XD
      Yeah Noel is a great figure and worth some more considering the quality you get.
      There should be a second color version of this figure soon, at least it was announced.

      I haven’t played any game with her, but I liked the design a lot, yeah a nice is always great to have.
      These guns don’t look that good, but not bad either ^^