Hooray today I can present you a new figure review, this time its about the Morishima Haruka – School Swimsuit Version figure which is produced by Max Factory, she was released at the end of April. Her scale is 1/7 with a height of 195mm. The origin of Haruka is the popular dating sim, Amagami SS which recently had an anime adaption that aired from July till December 2010.
To describe it shortly Amagami SS is a 25 episode long romantic comedy anime, where each girl from the picture above gets a 4 episode long romantic short story with the main character Junichi. It was a very well made show, all the girls had likeable and interesting personalities.
In my opinion it is one of the better game adaptions out there and I enjoyed it a lot.
As this figure was announced, and I saw the cute face and of course her appealing pose ^^, my first reaction was Woah! Sweet! where can I order her!? and I preordered as soon as possible, unpatiently waiting for her arrival. Maybe this is the time tell something about her character.
Haruka Morishima (surname: Lovely) is a third year student and the idol of her school, she likes to have fun and likes to do exciting and crazy things. She can be quite eccentric I would also say she’s a slightly crazy weirdo ^^. She isn’t really conscious about her attractiveness and so Haruka is fooling around with the guys. but it is not out of bad intentions, she doesn’t know it any better. Her best friend is Hibiki who sometimes has to upbraid her from doing inappropriate things haha she is quite strict with her. Here are a few impression from the anime.
The pose didn’t exactly happened like this, it’s more a combination of the second and third episode. In episode two she borrowed this normal school swimsuit because she felt like swimming, but Hibiki kicked her out of the swimming hall before she could enter the pool XD.
In episode three the male main character Junichi had promised to take her to an unusual spot during the lunch break, as reward he was allowed to kiss her, if he would choose a very unusual spot for the kiss, he decided to kiss her at the back of her her knee. So the flushed Haruka bend over and with her hand, she pressed her skirt tightly onto her body, somehow that sounds like stolen from a cheap erotic novel, but lets put that aside, the scene was hilarious and also a bit sensual. So the sculptor took the outfit and the pose from these two episodes and created this alluring Haruka Morishima figure in this tight swimsuit.
Main Part
So after the long Intro part, lets see how this figure actually turned out, her hair would be a good point to start. In Amagami SS no crazy hair colors appear, everything has more natural look, so the lovely Haruka has dark brown hair, for the most part her hair is downright, only at the ends it is curled. Her pretty face is framed by her bangs and strands. Her face shows an expression of insecureness and a little bit emberrasment, but nevertheless she also wants to show you her best possible side in this situation. By changing her position, her face expression changes a bit, when you rotate her a bit more to the right she even shows a quite saucy face expression.
The part around her eyes and the eyes themself are nicely painted. Maybe they were a little more blue in the anime, but just by a small degree. For the shading of her blush marks a light orange colortone has been used, it is the same color like for the shading effects on her body.
The Amagami SS anime has slightly ecchi moments, but never crossed the line, it’s nearly the same with this figure, her swimsuit sits very tightly and follows her curves very accurately, but it is still on the more tame side because there aren’t implied nipples or details at her *meow* area.
( I shouldn’t forget to clean my mouth with soap afterwards^^).
Apparantly the sculptor put a lot of love into sculpting her lovely shaped butt, in comparison with other figures her buttocks stick out a bit more and look great in this black swimsuit. The main selling point of Haruka is her alluring pose, where she puts her butt on display. There are also other angles where she looks good, the side for example.
The position of her arms and hands fits very well to her
pose, Haruka’s gently impresses the area where her left leg begins with her left hand, with the small finger of her right hand she slightly lifts up her swimsuit to adjust it. As the beautiful girl Haruka is, of course her legs are pretty as well, they are longer than her upper body and the head together.
Haruka wears the default school swimsuit, not the more cooler looking ones from the swim club team, so here she stands with her charcoal colored swimsuit, it is a rather plain swimsuit, but it has some realistic looking seamlines on it. The tight sit accentuates her body proportions very well and compensates for it’s rather unspectacular design, even though I really like this swimsuit.
The base is a clear round disk with the Amagami SS logo on it. With the two pegs under one foot and one peg under the other foot, a safe stand is warranted. Oh nice she also has painted nails.
In terms of quality this figure turned very good, there are no visible seamlines from the mass production process and also the sculpting looks very clean and well made. Also the paintjob looks nearly flawless, even though there isn’t much place for messing up regarding the number of colors that had been used. When there is one thing I don’t really like about this figure, it would be the color of the blush marks, I had preferred a more pink colortone instead of an orange one.
Side Notes
The small inflatable swimming pool which you can see in the pictures was a nice buy, I had a hard time with thinking about a way to create a pool scenery, taking Haruka to a real pool was no option, bringing a camera to a public pool is a really really bad idea, I think.
“Catch the pervert over there! he has a camera!”
XD really no option. So I chose my own garden for the shooting, there I can’t get arrested.
Just a small size comparison, Seena (she looks very cute here btw^^) is also a 1/7 scaled figure because she is standing straight (235 mm) she appears bigger then the bendover Haruka (195 mm), I guess Haruka can be still considered as a 1/7 scaled figure.
Final Words
Overall Im very satisfied with this Haruka, she looks like in the preview pics which were shown on Mikatan before. Haruka comes in a quite unique pose with her butt in the center of attention, but she looks also good from many other angles. Another charm point is Haruka’s beautiful face together with her half curly hairstyle. When taking a look at her face it appears like this figure is more sculpted after the Haruka from the game instead of the one from the anime. The swimsuit of her might not appear as flashy like a colorful bikini, but honestly I’ve seen enough bikini figures recently and so this black swimsuit is a nice change, I really like it. Do you like swimsuits, too?
ah lovely pictures!!! one of my favourite reviews you have done!
When I saw the promo pics over at hobbysearch, it didn’t look that appealing^^” So I thought, no, I ‘ll skip this figure. But then when I saw your pictures, I thought, she is definitely well worth the money!
Seena looks lovely besides Haruka
The figure does look plain but then again, I guess her alluring pose makes up for it XD
Oh thx a lot its easier to write when I know the origin of the figure very well ^_^
The Mikatan preview shots were a lot better.
The swimsuit really lets her appear a bit plain. and theres no castoff option^^, but I like her a lot.
AWESOME PHOTOS Fabienne! My favorites are the ones of her side as shes standing over the pool (4, 5, 6, 11). Besides the sun shining on her back, the light reflecting off the water/pool bottom really shows off the beautiful sculpting on her breasts and belly well. 5 I like especially because you can get a good look at that lovely face and a hint of that backside too.
Anyways, damn you Fab, you’re making me kinda want this fig now. Well, at the very least put the anime on my watch list.
thank you very much luth, Im glad that you like them, good that I bought the pool
Yep her body proportions are really pretty.
sorry for making your mouth watery ^^, haha the anime is really cool maybe you’ll like it as well
You so shoulda gone the public pool route! :p
Still think they could have picked a better pose and outfit, but still not as bad as I thought she looked originally. :p
Haha you can try this at first, Ash ;D
Ah I see well,I like her, but the outfit is really a bit plain. Im glad that I made her appear a bit better ;P
A challenge it is then good sir!
I don’t really want to shot any of my current figures there as opposed to the beach like I’ve been planning, but…hmmm…Ok I’ll shoot the IS prize figure girls at the pool when I get them!
haha don’t forget to ask for a copy of the jail photo XD at the beach should be easier to do
Im looking forward to it…
I would say… her “back” is really, really nice for a figure.
Nice wet shots, bro! xD
Yup indeed it is ^^
thx, man
This figure is nice, I love that she looks good from multiple angles. I’m also surprised you went and got a pool for the shots. This figure looks nice, I’m glad the sculptor did a good job with the main focus of the figure.
I should watch Amagami since oddly enough every girl “wins”.
Yep Haruka is happy that you also like her
Haha well I love buying props for my figures.
Amagami SS is really good when you have a sense for some romance, even the comedy is cool ^_^
She looks very enticing and has nice proportions, but she’s not the type of figure that I usually enjoy. See seems rather plain to me, I’d rather have a figure with some detailed clothes or accessories. That’s not to say that the figure itself is bad, the quality looks very good, especially when you take a look at the toes.
Ah I understand your point, ok she might appear a bit plain, but she isn’t that plain in person and has many nice angles where she looks good from.^^
Wow, there are some really fantastic shots, Wieselhead! The bright outdoorsy colours compliment Haruka amazingly well. Also, I REALLY like how the light is reflected onto her chest in some of these shots, because they show off the figure’s amazing navel and chest. It’s soooo nice.
Max Factory has really outdone itself with the painting on her swimsuit. Haruka is not my favourite character, and the swimsuit isn’t exciting or colourful by design, but boy is she tempting!
Oh thank for the praise chag, it was a lot of fun ^^
Yeah she has a very nice body.
I used some small white plastik pieced on the ground to cause the reflections.
Oh who is your favorite,then?
haha she’s quite hot XD
I am partial to Sae, Tsukasa and Ai. It’s hard for me to pick an absolute favourite, but I think I’d go for Ai because I dig short-haired girls.
Ah ok. Well, I liked more or less all of them, hehe I guess I like Sae the most^^ Ai was also very nice and had a cool personality, Tsukasa was cool and tough but somehow a bit too evil for my taste XD
Haruka Lovely :D, the wet pictures are Amazing,
but her expression(mouth) a bit off for me
next to Sae she is my favorite Amagami girl, slightly crazy like me hahaha ;p oh thank you,Aya
Oh too bad, I like her mouth ^^
I also Like Sae and Ai more
,as for that expression maybe because I don’t like “smiling Girl” LOL
Sae is lovely and Ai is cool
Ah ok no problem you can say what you don’t like ^^
Her facial expression is so cute! Her hair is nicely done too, the way it curls at the ends makes it look like she’s just gotten out of the pool.
Buuuut, my favourite part of her is her feet! Thank you for taking that gorgeous shot of her base and feet, they are all kinds of adorable. ^^
Your whole set up from the lighting to your pool prop is awesome.. really, really top job with this review! It’s made Luth want her (he wasn’t interested previously) so she just may be part of our collection soon, lol.
Ah nice that you like her. Well, she has also curls when they are not wet
Ah no problem, interesting that you like her feet
not a detail I’m looking for in general, but I will keep that in mind for my next bare foot figure ^_^
Thank you very much, oh nice that he likes her and noticed her charm points ;D
I think its a nice figure, should be still around for 5100 YEN
Haruka is really cute, and she’s got the big bonus of looking very distinctive amongst a million other swimsuit figures out there. I still got her in her box but I’m looking forward to taking her picture. Just as soon as I think up an idea for doing that.
I’m not too familiar with Amagami – okay, I’m not familiar with it at all – but I kinda like Rihoko; I like her messy hair. I’m told that her arc in the TV show wasn’t that great though, and I’ve heard that she’s supposed to be the fat girl or something, which seems kinda messed up to me, but I like her anyway.
Yes she is one of the more interesting swimsuit figures. Oh you have her as well, nice;) I heard that a few people received her with a paintflaw at the right side of her butt, mine seems to be okay.
Well, you could put oil on her, for a glossy effect, or place her in the shower
Rihoko was also a nice character a little bit scatterbrained ^^, her story had an open end, but aside from that it was a very funny and entertaining.
The funny thing is that she is portrayed as the girl with weightproblems, but aside from her bigger boobs she looked nearly normal, not chubby.
This is a ecchi figure.. haha
its like shes seducing you with the way shes smiling and that position of hers… oh god i went to far haha.
Shes my mhmm 3rd fav of amagami, but really that smelling scene was weird XD
i actually like her lying down, it looks great, and the water effect is nice as well
haha well a bit sexy ^^, but at least she isn’t naked. She looks like she wants some attention from you. Oh don’t worry ;p
Ah I see, it was was quite creative I guess and Junichi liked it quite a lot ^^
Thx a lot Fabrice
Well done buddy! I’ve go no idea of this Morishima Haruka but your introduction did a great job on that. I must agree with you on the beauty of this figure. She looks very nice! Also, I like the way your descriptions go … details at her *meow* area… LOL! Very interestingly written. So how big is the swimming pool? Is it a mini one?
Oh your too kind dude, I really appreciate your praise
Haha really? Well I felt very uncomfortable with writing other terms for it so I used meow XD
The pool is 78x38x15 , it is supposed for the feet
Haruka wasn’t one of my favourite characters from Amagami SS and I wasn’t too keen on this figure when I first laid eyes on her. I’d have been up for a figure of Ai Nanasaki instead – she was probably the most interesting character, although I also enjoyed Miya.
Saying that you’ve done a marvelous job of making me want her from your photos. Her back is probably my favourite aspect of her figure. I guess getting water on her wasn’t a problem?
I like swimsuits, although I must say I prefer bikinis. There’s going to be a surge of swimsuit figures in the upcoming months, so I’m going to have to hope I still like swimsuit figures by the end. Seena looks really cute too beside Haruka.
Haha ok then Iam happy about that ^^
I hope thy will make a figure of Ai and Sae.
No the water pearls just off, it doesn’t harm the paint in any way. That was my last real swimsuit figure for ones, I guess. Seena is just great after the shooting I gave her a better place for displaying
Never thought I’d say how lovely a one-piece suit looks like on a girl LOL
Love how GSC made our curly haired senpai look a bit embarassed and yet daring at the same time here. The figure totally captures the character i think =D
For the last pic, i suggest buying a spray (or an atomizer if you have the money) then quickly take pictures before the water droplets fall and combine to form bigger droplets. It’d make the drops proportional to the body of Morishima-senpai =D
Yeah its a hot swimsuit for hot and lovely girls
Max Factory did it ^^ but anyway they did a very good job with my lovely Haruka.
These drops looks a bit too big I agree. should invest in such a atomizer ;D
Oh my gosh. She is such a sexy figure!! I can’t even pinpoint exactly what makes her so sexy. The pose, the face, the swimsuit… She’s sooo lovely.
Also, nice touch with the wetness. ^ ^
Oh Im glad that you like her ^-^ Well I love the simple and tight swimsuit design, it suits her well