Menace – Queen’s Blade – AmiAmi zero

Hi there, today I’ll show you a real ero figure so this review is not really safe for work. It is about Menace from the popular Queen’s Blade franchise. This figure of Menace was produced by AmiAmi Zero she is scaled 1/7. Im slowly starting to prefer this bigger scale over my all time favorite scale 1/8, these slightly bigger figures have a somehow different feel to it. In the sitting pose Menace has a height of 16 cm and she was sculped by the talented Osiris who also was responsible for the sculpting of my beautiful Dwarf figure from Orchid Seed.

The products from AmiAmi Zero always looked ok to me, but I never felt much interest in them, that changed some weeks ago when I checked out the very nice Menace review of Ashlotte from HobbyHovel, his pictures of this attractive figure were very convincing. In the preview pictures she looked a lot different and never as nice like in the review.

The figure was released in May 2010 so I was a bit late with my urge to get her, first I thought I’m lucky when I found Menace for 90€ at a german shop, but they had no copy of her anymore they just forgot to update their in-stock number  (I hate this) . So what should Wieselhead do; give up? – no way. In the end I got her from ebay for around 145,00€ including 21€ customs fee. On top of that I had to pick her up personally from the customs office and the employee from the office opened the package to have a look whats inside X<.

Well I can tell you in advance that this Menace figure was worth the trouble in end

First some Informations about her and the backstory she has in the world of Queen’s Blade, infos are taken from the book Queen’s Blade Bitoshi Gaiden – Tome of the Ancient Princess.

1000 of years ago, Mencae was the princess of the Amara kingdom she was raised by her father the king of Amara and lived an happy even though naive life. She was a quite lonely princess, but she found a very good friend in Setra, an magical, talkactive scepter. Unfortunately the king was betrayed and killed by Anarista the once thrustworthy mentor of Menace. Menace was resurrected by the Swamp Witch to have her as a servant like Airi and Melona, whom she often is teamed up with. The Swamp Witch also equipped her with magical power. As princess she hasn’t the right attitude to be a loyal servant. After being resurrected Menace cares more about restoring her kingdom than following the witches commands. 

The characterdesign of Menace was done by F.S. an illustrator who made several Queens Blade books. F.S. was also involved in the sculpting process this figure looks true to her origin.

Like every Queens Blade character Menace has a quite revealing and sexy outfit with a certain theme. So here we have Menace with her egypt pharaoh dressup, she has a breastplate which doesn’t cover her boobs a lot, a fancy crown and a white scarf which is seperated into 5 parts.

Her outfit is sculpted and painted in a very detailed way, a color mix of mainly gold, silver, blue and white have been used and the glossy finish on the metal colored parts looks really great.
The breastplate, the crown and the scarf parts are actually castoffable, which is good when you are no real fan of *bling* *bling* pharao style. Underneath the breastplate is a navy blue blue top which exposes Menace boobs, most of the nice top can be seen at her backside.

This figure has interesting looking panties they resemble a shimapan (striped pantsu), but the closures at the sides give them a more fancy design. Other fixed parts are the ring armbands at her wrist, the brown bindings at her shanks and her high heeled chick shoes.

I prefer this figure without crown because I simple love the black hair of Menace, this figure is my first one with black haircolor and it suits her very well. I always had a weakness for black hair not only in the figure world ^^. I think black hair is cool, beautiful and attractive in general. The short haircut gives her the appearance of a self-confident, sexy women.

Another accessory of this figure is Menace faithfully companion Setra a speaking staff, he has a quite perverted attitude and likes to molester the opponents of her. The end of the staff is positioned under her butt, you could also flip the staff over If you like to XD. In case you dislike Setra or want to give her something different in hand you can pull the staff out of her hand.

The NSFW part starts now

that were all of my tame pictures, in the next pictures we will have a closer view at her rack. Please kick your grandma and your little siblings out of the room before proceeding haha.

After taking off the golden chestplate, the navy blue part of her dress remains which adds a bit more sexyness to her and accentuates her nicely shaped boobs and the well-defined puffy nipples. I like that her boobs are not as big as the ones from the figure from Megahouse. A bigger boob size than that from this Menace might have turned me off, maybe.

Despite the lazy princess attitude of Menace, she has a very well trained body with strong abdominal muscles, she has no six pack, but the two lines in the middle of her stomach, I don’t know the name of this muscle yet, but they are quite distinctive. Also her legs look very well trained. In comparison her arms and the beautiful round shoulders appear rather petite.

So this figure has a top notch sculpting and also a good production quality, I also like her skintone, the shading effects and the smooth looking texture of the paintjob in general.
The pose of Menace looks really great, I like the arched back and the slightly to the side leaning  upper body with the position and shapes of her boobs. The weight of her body is mainly put on her left buttock and the left hand with the spread fingers. For a sitting figure, the pose of this Menace appears rather complex and shows the skills of the sculptor, I think you’ll either need a good sense of imagination or a real model to know how the pose and body should look.

I didn’t just bought the figure for the pretty body and boobs, the part which really made me spend my money was her beautiful face, framed by her short black hairstyle. I like her soft and detailed facial features like the cute chubby cheeks and the full lips of her mouth. Also the blue eyes are really pretty, they give this Menace figure a happy and attentive expression. The head of this figure is tilted downwards, to enjoy her face Menace has to be placed on a higher place.

 The white scarf pieces are no fun to handle since no instruction manual is included, but it is possible to put the 4(5) pieces of the scarf around Menace under the acoustic emission of creaking pvc. Once fixed in position they won’t fall off so easily, only the transparent blue part which should be placed on her leg always falls off. I’ve put it in a box since I don’t want to lose it.

Some more fun pics from the shooting, these hats weren’t included with this Menace figure, the witch hat is from Pinky Streets Yuki Nagato figure and the pink one is a hat for dolls from Azone.

Final Words

So time to onclude my quite bare boobed review of this Menace figure. Without the review from Ashlotte from Hobbyhovel I would have overlooked this very nice figure, thx again for your review. I was surpirsed that AmiAmi zero could produce such a nice high quality figure.

Im really happy about the purchase of this figure, even though it was a high price I’ve paid, but it was worth it. Menace has a lovely face, also the sculpting and painting of her body looks great and very detailed, maybe too detailed at a certain area ;D. The rather complex pose of her is playful and sexy. There are a few optional parts you can put on the figure, but for me the figure looks best without crown and breastplate, on the other hand I really like to have the white scarf.

I like this figure a lot, but I admit that this figure is quite daring, even for my taste. In case such sexy figures are right up your alley, this would have been a good figure in your collection 😉

Next time I will have a little more tamer figure on review Ques Q’s Taiga from the popular Anime Toradora in her Tiger outfit and I can tell you in advance that she looks very good.

In case you want more pictures and want to see how the scarf should be placed on her even the cursed transparent blue part please visit:





35 Responses

  1. Ashlotte

    Still sad that you can actually remove setra on yours…BAH!

    Haha anyway glad you liked her I would have felt bad if you didn’t paying that kind of money!

    Was sad to see no sand though. T_T I was originally going to shoot Menace in some sand, but I turned out using her as a experiment subject for trying out my new camera (I shot her like 5 different times haha…)

    • wieselhead

      Hmm, who glued yours? have you bought your figure second hand?

      It’s good when a figure turns out like imagined and Menace is a great looking figure, even though I had no clue about her shiny area XD

      Haha unfortunately I couldn’t get the sand I’ve wanted last week because it was sold out 🙁

      I shot her three times already, she’s so damn hot. next time hopefully with some sand ^^

      • Ashlotte

        Haha no straight from AmiAmi themselves. Ah well one of life’s oddities I suppose…

        Mmm honestly i barely notice the shiny, but I guess I should have mentioned it somewhere.

  2. tanoshimini

    ah the expensive figure you were talking about.

    Idk but this figure just doesn’t make me go “wow” ^^” guess our tastes are different! but she’s definitely a great quality figure.

    haha I’ve realised you have been doing a lot of NSFW figure reviews lately =p

    I like the witch hat on her, looks awesome! she definitely looks better without the crown in my opinion too^^”

    • wieselhead

      Yep that one ^^
      np, good that your honest, I already expected that this figure wouldn’t be liked by everyone, but at least her quality is out of question.

      Haha I did, the cast off feature is fun for me and I like sexy figures :D.
      In the next month I will receive another nsfw figure, but aside from that I’ve only ordered more tame figures.

      Hehe thank you, it suits her surprisingly well.

  3. Zai

    Man, that must have been somewhat embarrassing to go pick up this figure after having the dude from customs look at it. Customs in most European countries seem so strict and money grubbing. >.<

    Her scarf sounds a bit scary to put on, lol.. I hate that creaking sound that PVC makes when you need to bend it to get it to fit.

    I think I said it when I commented on Ash's review but I really need to keep an eye out on AmiAmi releases from now. The quality of this Menace blew me away! Too bad their Naoe doesn't do much for me, hehe.

    Great photos and a great review, as always! ^^
    I really like the photos where you used the various hat.. especially Yuki's hat. Cuuuute

    • wieselhead

      Yeah they are pure evil, I hate the charges always 10-15€ 🙁

      the scarf is very flexible so it wasn’t that horrible, but to be put right into place a bit pressure is needed ^^

      Yes she has a surprising good quality ^-^
      Im not sure about Naoe, but on the other hand I think she looks so cute and funny with her huge glasses and the open mouth. Im trying to resist at the moment 😀

      Thx a lot Zai I appreciate this =)
      Yeah I love hats, I would like to have basecap and a straw hat for my figures as well.

  4. Aya

    I love her face sculpt probably the best menace figurines i ever seen but yeah quite embarrassing to be displayed +_+’

    • wieselhead

      Hi ah nice you seem to like the face as much as I do ^-^.
      I got used to her bold look now, at the moment I have her on display bare boobed XD

  5. Nopy

    It’s interesting they made her inner thigh that shiny, I wonder if it actually serves a purpose or if it was a mistake. I’m not really a big fan of big-boobed figures, I prefer them to be more regular size.

    • wieselhead

      I guess it is made on purpose, the Menace from Megahouse also has a shiny crotch. I don’t need such a pervy detail, it lets the figure and character appear really slutty. Its good that this detail is only noticeable from close view 😉
      Yeah thats understandable, I like many different sizes. but more than Menace would be even too much for me ;D

  6. Sevie

    Ohoh *_*
    I fell in love with this figure some time ago I saw her on a picture at Gelbooru ^^”
    But i couldn’t find her ._.
    I hope, I can get one soon :3
    Your picture gonna make me hungry for her 😮 yummy!
    Really beautiful and hot figure. And really awesome pictures! : D

    • wieselhead

      I fell in love qwith jer as well as I saw Ashlottes revew, sshe’s so pretty.
      At ebay they were a few more as I’ve bought mine, but the prices are a bit high. In my opinion she’s worth a bit more money ^_^
      Im wishing you good luck to get her, Selvie.
      thx for your praise Im glad that you like them Dankeschön =)

  7. Miette-chan

    I’m quite surprised you braved ebay to acquire this figure. Then again thanks to its exclusivity I suppose you don’t have much say in the matter.

    Much like several of the Queen’s Blade girls I can’t help but find the whole design Menace has on the more ridiculous side of things. A scantly clad, curvaceous, cute girl and wearing shimapan? That’s Queen’s Blade for you alright.

    • wieselhead

      I actually braved ebay a few times with buying figures, as I started collecting figures I didn’t knew of shops ike AmiAmi ebay was a good help at first 🙂
      Haha yeah zheir designs are quite creative I think 😀

  8. exilehero

    I feel kinda bad for you having to pay so much, but it’s fine as long as you like the figure.

    I was always curios about Menace whenever I saw pictures of Queen’s Blade. I always found her particularly sexy but i never got around to watching it. I like black haired gals as well 😉

    I found the different hat pictures really neat.

    I like her shimanpan and sexy navel. Also, that pose is really damn suggestive, not that I have any problems with it.

    • wieselhead

      Hi exilehero thx for your visit

      don’t feel bad, Ash is at fault this time with his review ^^

      Actually the first Season of QB wasn’t that good because they concentrated too much on bold echiness, in Season 2 the story improved a lot and the 6 Ova’s were quite good as well.

      Ah friends of black hair *highfive*
      thank you ^^

      Yeah she’s so hot ^^
      Good that I haven’t ruined your first impression of my blog in general I have more tame figures on review XD

  9. Chag

    LOL, I like how neither you nor Ash bothered to include a shot of the clear loincloth. You say it’s because if falls off all the time, but i think we all know why you’ve omitted shooting them COUGHshimpanCOUGH. =P

    Anyhow, I really like the indoor shots. The directional lighting gives the images more depth, and in Menace’s case it makes her look more alluring — as if her big bare breasts aren’t alluring enough. Great job =)

    • wieselhead

      hi Chag
      haha I just couldn’t put this stupid thing in place X<. Yeah striped pantsu for the win. But I think she had chosen the wrong size XD Ah thanks a lot, I like her skintone in these shots. thx again 🙂

  10. BioToxic

    Cool, you decided to pick up Menace after seeing Ashs’ review. I’ve done that a few times – seen a review and decided to pick a figure up. She doesn’t sound cheap though, and the customs office opening your package ><. I've never had to go to a customs office, usually here it's a delivery company where you pay their charge + tax. Picking SAL usually avoids this charge, although you're not usually given the choice with eBay.

    This Menace has a beautifully seductive pose. The only part I'm not so keen on is her facial expression, in particular the eyes. I love the more feral look of MegaHouse Menace, but not the pose so much. If I could combine the two she'd make an awesome figure I think.

    I like the hats you've given her. Yuki Witch Hat looks the best I think. Although I also like her crown, it adds more volume to her hair I think making her more interesting to look at.

    It's a shame I'm not a big fan of Menace. She's near the bottom of my Queen's Blade 'like' list.

    • wieselhead

      Yeah it happens from time to time that I buy figures after I’ve seen reviews of the figures. I will keep Menace for sure 😀

      Seems like Im the only onw who pays custom fees all the time, maybe in my area they don’t get many other package from overseas and do only inspect my orders X< I prefer cute figures over feral girls, that is why I love her face expression and her eyes. Ah I see, I have some more QB characters I like, Melona and Airi for example 🙂

  11. luth

    Nice photos and review! The shiny part is hilarious, I’d guess its a manufacturing defect. I like big boobs but a lot of times in anime and figures, they look like torpedoes or balloons. Menace’s is done just right though.

    Love the hats, I need to find some doll hats to try on my figures. Especially the pink one, in pic C-08, it makes her look really classy and sexy at the same time with that scarf.

    • wieselhead

      Thank you luth ^_^
      No it seems to be no defect, they did that on purpose *grrrr* in the picture links at the bottom of the review,
      the wet finish at her crotch is also visible, a slightly raunchy detail X<

      Yeah sometimes figure boobs do look a bit strange, but hers do look quite awesome 😀
      It's such a nice hat from Azone I've put it on many on my figures and on most of them it looks good ^-^