New Preorders part 14

Time for new preorders, this time I just ordered 2 new figures, but a few bigger changes occured with the already placed preorders and I will also talk about the problems of a figure collector.

I looked over my latest list of preorders for this year and I felt that something wasn’t right. It was just too much, it actually were around four figures each month. It would be quite expensive and I can’t write my reviews that fast. So after the Wonfes in July, I decided to get rid of my bad feeling and canceled three figures for the sake of precious shelf space, money and freetime. Sometimes canceling is also part of the figure collecting hobby. We order our figures many months in advance and while waiting for their release other pretty and interesting figures appear.

Of course you should know which figures you want to have, but the no cancellation policy many Japanese figure shops have is very inconvenient (even though when they make exceptions). One more cancellation this year and AmiAmi might ban me. Well, I actually just canceled 6 orders there in the last two years, but I understand that is annoying for them to have indecisive and erratic customers . Have you ever canceled a few more figure orders?

I canceled the following figures

Blanc Neige from Orchid Seed; I don’t know if I should have done this since outfit pose and base looked very pretty, but I guess I wouldn’t liked the figure without rosy cheeks on her face.

Takamachi Nonoha from Ques q; I still think that this Nanoha is very cute, but after I’ve heard not many good things of the figure which have been released recently by Ques q I better pass.

Hinako from AmiAmi zero; I was seriously sick of all these delays that occured with this figure and the pictures I’ve seen of her lately weren’t convincing to me anymore either. I might regret this decision, but for the time being I feel very relieved.

In case I’ll really regret some of my decisions there is always the aftermarket and AmiAmi’s new pre-owned items section.

This month I was hit by two unexpected delays, first the 1/6 scaled Kan’u Unchou and then the Hatsune Miku Cheerful Japan! Support version was also delayed. I already expected Anarchy Stocking and Yagju Jubei, but now I can expect to receive 4 figures in September, how funny 🙁

*haha* There was stil no info about Nagisa’s release date 😛

In November and December I still have no preorders out of two reasons, first so far there will be nothing I would really like to have in these months. Second Im more interested in the figures from the Summer Wonfes which will come out in 2013.  Now to the few preorders I’ve placed.


Louise … de la Vallière – Uniform version -1/8 – Alter

I already complaint a few times about the lack of Louise figures that match my image of the cute tsundere magician. She’s one of my 2D girl favorites, but I never got any figures of her 🙁 However this one from ALTER must have slipped under my radar, maybe because she is already from 2009. Anyway thx to the very nice pictures of Rubee I noticed the figure which comes quite close to my image of Louise. I was able to get her for a fair price. The seller promised to mark her package as gift, but the customs snatched the package nevertheless. Time to pick her up ^^.


Takamachi Nanoha – Swimsuit version – 1/6 – Alpha Max

Haha I canceled loli swimsuit Nanoha to get the adult swimsuit Nanoha what is wrong with me ;D Well, Alpha Max left a good impression with their Gravure Swimsuit figure from Sonico, that I received a few weeks ago. I already had her prototype on my list, so I didn’t hesitate to place my order for this figure in a few seconds as soon as I noticed that she was availabe for preordering.
I think this 1/6! scaled figure does justice to the appearance of adult Nanoha character, I really like her gentle smile and the huge sidetail. She will be released in February of the next year.

what Im looking forward to …

This figure is called Leviathan, she is an exclusive figure from Hobby Japan in collaboration with AMAKUNI. Leviathan is scaled 1/8 and will have a height of 22cm, the base will add 8,5cm to the height.  Leviathan is sculpted by Hiroshi and this time AMAKUNI is in charge of Leviathan, the next figure from The Seven Deadly Sins lineup. On August 25th this figure can be preordered.

Since I saw the illustration of her I know that I want the figure. Leviathan has the appearance of a cute, yet rebellious punk rock girl. Im a big fan of her outfit and the overall presentation of this character. Orchid Seed won’t work on her unlike on Asmodeus,  but nevertheless AMAKUNI also equipped their figure with a cast off option. I can’t wait until tomorrow (>◡<)

Maybe Baby List

Touwa Erio  – scale: 1/8 – manufacturer: CM – release date: August

Im quite curious about the outcome of this , even though I expect no wonders of CM. Anyway this a cute sculpt and her face seems to be nice as well. Maybe this Erio will hit the bargain bin.

Ignis – scale: 1/7 – manufacturer: Orchid Seed – release date: October

She also was in the last maybe baby list, maybe I should get her soon. Its a really nicely sculpted figure with a good looking outfit and also the color combination is quite appealing.

Suzuhara Misae – scale: 1/7 – manufacturer: Native – release date: October

Yeah, Yeah I know the preorder Deadline is already over and I probably won’t get her anymore, but nevertheless she would have been a great figure here in my room. It is a nicely sculpted angel with a beautiful face and convincing female attributes ^^

Amami Haruka  – scale: 1/7 – manufacturer: Kotobukiya – release date: October

I liked Haruka a lot in the Idolmaster anime, this figure adaption from Kotobukiya’s Angelic Island lineup captures her cheerful and positive personality very well, but I’d rather have a figure of her in a more casual outfit. But her happy open mouth is so adorable 😀

Chouhi Ekitoku – scale: 1/7 – manufacturer: Orchid Seed – release date: December

I don’t know  anymore how long I’ve waited until the figure was ready for preordering. I had high expectations, but felt rather dissapointed by the outcome of magical Chouhi. Somehow her eyes look rather odd, maybe a bit too pale. Argh it feels so stupid, I was really looking forward to it, but now I have only unmatched expectations. Well her butt is still nice, but I won’t order a figure just for a nice butt. Maybe Im just too picky, hopefully further pictures will convince me until December.

Tenshi – scale: 1/8 – manufacturer: GSC – release date: January 2013

I don’t even like Angel Beats! but I like pure girls in cute summer dresses 😀 This new figure of Tenshi is convincing on her own. Barefoot and wings Im looking forward to this figure. At Wonfes GSC confidently announced her early release date, but I doubt that there will be no small delay.

Akasa Akari – scale: 1/8 – manufacturer: Alter – release date:  in 2013

Ok these two figures here have no fix release date so I anticipate quite a bit.  Akarin! … , since I started to watch Yuru Yuri a month ago I fell in love with Akasa Akari , she is such a cute and good girl, no matter how cruel the world is around her, she never looses her cheerfulness. She wears a plain school uniform, but with such a sweet face everything would look good on her =)

Melty de Granite  – scale: 1/8 – manufacturer: Alter – release date:  in 2013

Yes a Shinning Hearts figure from Alter,  it was a shallow anime overall, but at least the characters were cute. This figure seems to turn out quite pretty and elaborate. All these details on this Melty and her dress just look stunning and the base turns the whole figure into something enchanting.


Now the post is finished, thx for your attention. Next time I will hava a review of Noel Vermillion.

23 Responses

  1. feal87

    What is wrong with you? Loli Nanoha > Adult Nanoha! 😀

    Seriously talking, I’m planning to get Tenshi. She looks gorgeous…:|

  2. Pedropinilla

    Well, I can’t blame you for cancelling some of your pre-orders, in fact, I do the same once in a while but that’s only because my pre-orders are not so many like yours ^^.

    And talking about yours, of those three you named the only one that you could regret is the Blanc Neige, mainly for the quality because she doesn’t have that OrchidSeed cast-off factor that I need in a figure.

    And about the figures that you’re still buying, I absolutely agree with the Nanoha from Wave and the Leviathan that looks awesome, sadly I’m not buying these two though for money reasons.

    And from your maybe list, the touwa erio is such a cutie that you won’t regret gettin her, the Ignis is awesome and a must for collectors like us but in the end I went for the black version Nimbus that cost me a lot more money because she’s exclusive by December this year, Suzuhara Misae is gorgeous but there’s no money left for this one, I feel bad but I have to be realistic if I want to eat normally ^^ and the last one, Chouhi is a must for me, don’t even think in cancelling her because I like her a lot hehehe ^^.

    All in all, quite set of nice figures that you’re aiming for, hope you’ll live to tell the story (obviously, talkin’ about your wallet hehehe).

    We’re in contact. Greetings! ^__^)v

    • wieselhead

      But it feels strange to do it, i feel silly that I ordered these in the first place 🙁 I’ll try to restrict myself ^^

      Yeah I agree, Nanoha and Hinako might probably turn out inferior than the prototype. Well I mainly liked the outfit and the base of Blanc only some blush on the final figure might convince me again. My next figure from Orchid Seed will either be Chouhi or Ignis, or both 😀
      Oh wait this Nanoha will be made by Alpha Max 😉 Leviathan will be so pretty I can hardly wait till I can preorder her today or next week.

      Erio is so nice, isn’t she? ^_^ But I don’t trust CM, I wouldn’t mind to get her with a nice discount, though.
      Always these exclusive figures, but Im fine with it when I’ll receive a little extra of quality. I also that I already spent enough money on figures otherwise I would have ordered the busty angel.
      It’s not that I hate Chouhi, but I expected something different, somehow. Well, here she’s super cute again 😀

      thx for your comment 😉

  3. Tier

    I own one Ques Q figure – Neptune from the PS3 RPG of the same name – but I haven’t yet taken it out of its box. From what I can tell, it’s not a super high-quality figure, but the funniest thing is that the plastic clamshell packaging was placed backwards in the box. I’d never seen that before; I guess the factory employee who packaged it up wasn’t paying a lot of attention.

    Leviathan looks really nice. I was regretting ordering Asmodeus, since she looks a bit chunkier than I usually like, but now I’m tempted to get Leviathan too and if I do, I won’t feel so bad about getting Asmodeus, since they’ll be part of a partial set (I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting all seven).

    The Alphamax Nanoha looks really good too. I do not know if I am going to order it, since I’ve got the Alter figure, but I really like the way they sculpted Nanoha. And by that, I mean the way they sculpted her breasts. It’s kinda funny how Alphamax has gone from a company that made super-expensive cold cast statues of characters you’d never heard of to making tons of inexpensive PVC figures of popular anime characters in swimwear.

    • wieselhead

      In this review the author wrote that she’s terrible 🙁
      Lol, really that shouldn’t happen actually.

      Indeed especially in the new pictures, she’s fantastic. Haha yeah Asmodeus is a little fatty 🙁
      Im no fan of all these demon girls, but Im interested into two more from this Lineup; the Belzebub loli and the more chubby Mammon.

      Haha thats true, but unlike Wave they do these swimsuit girls in an appealing 1/6 scale.

  4. Aya

    ah cancellation think about that too but I paid in advance of most my order ^^,
    The swimsuit nanoha looks good, Suzuhara Misae also interesting since native announced to make the rest from the series, Tenshi looks so pretty

    • wieselhead

      Ahaha oh no. What have you ordered, some exclusive stuff?
      I like the angel that looked like a younger Misae, is there a origin for this figure, I didn’t know that
      It turned out that Tenshi will be an exclusive figure, I was angry as I got this news

  5. Nightmare

    Never canceled a figure but there’s been some regret following one or two purchases. Surprised to see you letting go of Hinako despite all the delays, it’s a figure befitting your style I think.

    Orchid Seed are doing very well with their deadly sins, Leviathan looks really good though the placement of her blue friend was possibly better on the illustration. Chouhi on the other hand seems a bit sloppy and I agree on the facial features, an overall letdown.

    The rest of the list looks solid and I’ll probably pick up one or two of these as well with November and December looking very similar to yours.

    • wieselhead

      Ah I see
      Yeah I really liked the cute and chubby Hinako, but the pics I’ve seen of her on Wonfes weren’t close to the prototype, maybe it was the fault of the pictures, but to me she and the paintjob looked rather undetailed.
      So she became one of the scapegoats for the cancellations. It would be funny if she turned out great though. I would try to get her afterwards in this case.

      I already ordered the punk rock demon girl, she’s lovely ^^ Its a bit strange with the pet sticking to her butt.
      At first I was pretty upset to see what happened to the Chouhi figure. On the latest pics from the AmiAmi blog she looked a little more pleasing.
      Now Im thinking about getting her, I wouldn’t count on her hitting the bargain bin, so Im close to place my order.

      Ah I see, somehow these month are empty

  6. Kai

    So combined with the current cancellation, you had already cancelled 9 of them? Lol, is it even okay to cancel so much? Everytime I want to cancel, I’m in constant fear that the site might ban me from ordering altogether. In their faq section, they *did* clear stated that they don’t allow order cancellation.

    That being said, I’m not completely innocent either, so far my account had 2 cancellations (one for me and one for my sis, we shared the same account). Ohh, on that note, I might as well ask you something. I heard from my friend that if you ordered multiple items on the same month, the shipping fee will decrease right? Me and my sis shared the same account with that belief, and we also help order stuffs from our friends too.

    Btw, I’m definitely getting that Tenshi figure <3

    • wieselhead

      No, thats a little misunderstanding 😉 Last year I canceled 3 orders at AmiAmi, this year I canceled 3 orders as well. I think it’s still in the area considerung the number of figures I ordered with them.
      If you are no regular customer the risk of being banned is a little higher, yes all the big japanese shops have this ploicy, but at least AmiAmi makes exceptions.

      Considering your homeland and customs regulations, it can save some money to ship all at once ^_^
      Here in germany it wouldn’t be a good idea since the customa charges everything above 25€ with 19% as fee.

      Too bad she turned out to be an exclusive figure recently, but I still want her.

      • Kai

        @wieselhead, Well that’s still quite a lot 😀 I think I count as a regular customer.. or do I? xD Most of my figures are from amiami indeed, except for quite a few.

        Ooh I see, going to look around.

        WHUT!? Damn D:

        • wieselhead

          @Kai, Haha maybeXD
          I’ve bought 90% of my orders with them. I don’t want to brag about it, but it were 25+ figures last year and around 20 this year. In numbers it weren’t much cancellations actually.

          Yeah these bastards from Dengeki ^w^

  7. G.K. Sil Kamina

    I’ve actually cancelled quite a few orders with Amiami, though I’ve usually had a very good reason for doing so. (getting hours cut at work leading to financial hardship, dad getting in car accident, etc)

    Cancelling is always a gamble. There’s no telling when Amiami’s patience will run out and I’ll get hit with the ban of death. Just to be on the safe side I won’t be cancelling anything else, but I also won’t be ordering as much. Not being able to cancel really helps reduce unnecessary purchases!

    Out of your list I only have Native’s Misae on order. She was just too smoking hot to pass up. And I do like spears, so that was an added bonus!

    • wieselhead

      Ah I see that are good reason of course in comparison to my lame “Oh I’ve ordered too much” reason, I didn’t write that to them, of course 😀

      Yeah it is and I felt totally bad to cancel 3 orders at once on the other hand I was glad, Ami Ami accepted the cancellation, I shouldn’t overuse their kindness.
      Well overall these 3 figures are nearly nothing to the 20 figures I’ve ordered at their store this year. I guess I’ve learned a lesson, hopefully.

      It doesn’t always help, in my case at least 😀

      Ah thats cool, I somehow regret jot getting her, too bad

  8. Persocom

    That Melty figure looks like the most interesting to me, with the ice cream base and all. I’ve cancelled figures before too, used to use Hobby Search because they weren’t strict about cancelling, but now it seems everyone is strict with it. These days, I don’t order figures anywhere near as often mostly because of this. The last thing I want is for the places I shop to ban me, so I think my pre-orders over extremely carefully now, even if it does mean sometimes I miss out on things because they sell out quick.

    • wieselhead

      Melty looks so elaborate, even though she’s only in her grey prototype, that will be a very sweet figure I asume.
      Hobby Search seems to be the most strtict shop now ^^ I will try not to cancel more this year and next year I will pay attention that I wont get more than 3 figures in a month as maximum.

      I don’t like to pass on figures I really like, cause it’s a hard decision to choose the “right” one ^^

  9. Xine

    You cancelled your Blanc Neige order? But, but she’s so pretty!

    I like Louise too. I should have bought the gothic version when I saw one in SG.

    Tenshi is super cute and her wings look amazing. Quite surprising to see GSC make a castoff fig though.

    • wieselhead

      She was one of the cancellation victims unfortunately, I might really regret this later on.
      Yeah Louise is lovely, the gothic version was very nice, only the mouth bothered me a bit, but there was an re-release recently.

      That’s quite unusual to implement a castoff feature for such an innocent character like Tenshi, it is quite annoying that she’s an exclusive figure.
      I actually planned to buy her, but after being confronted with the price, I’m not that interested anymore.

  10. Miette-chan

    Oh man the good ol’ days. I used to cancel stuff all the time. It was the only thing keeping me buying stuff from Hobby Search even is AmiAmi was cheaper. I thought of the price difference as a convenience fee. Once Hobby Search changed policies I jumped ships to AmiAmi.

    Ah! I didn’t notice you wanted Louise, I would just have sold you mine. Really nice figure even if she is screwed into the base which I never seen again.

    I’m hesitant about ordering Alpha Max’s Nanoha, do I really want another swimsuit Nanoha figure? I already got Alter’s version and will get Gift’s loli Nanoha so both camps are covered. I think I wanna see more pictures of her to make up my mind.

    I’m still waiting for the definitive Erio figure, CM’s version caught my eye but they haven’t really been all that good in my eyes. I think I will place my hopes on ques Q’s rendition.

    The Koto Idolm@ster girls look nice, I’m looking forward to Miki Miki my favorite of the girls.

    Tenshi! She looks so nice, probably the figure that caught my interest the more at Wonfes, hopefully the proxy prices are not too bad. I suppose I just need to wait for Tokyo Hunter and etc. to list her up.

    • wieselhead

      Ahaha you mean customer, canceled like there was no tomorrow.

      I noticed her nice look very late to be honest. This one really looks like Louise.
      Ah thx, we should have talked about that, but you don’t have to sell her.
      Kotobukiya uses screws more often, it is a quite violent way to keep figures into place 😀

      Yeah that’s an understandable reason, have you already received the Loli Nanoha from Gift ?

      Its funny how every manufacturer who tried never came close to her anime counterpart, maybe Max Factory would come up with a decent one.
      I would also like to see a figure of Ryuuko ,but the time of being popular seems to be over for Denpa Onna, unfortunately.
      I might consider to buy CM’s Erio after I’ve seen a review of her, so far I don’t trust their quality. Oh you still put some trust into Quesq? I don’t like the look of the pvc material that they are using, kinda cheap

      Ah Miki, the slutty idol who does anything to get popular ;P

      Cogratulations for preordering her, I think I have to pass. the exclusive tag wasn’t really expected from my side.